View Full Version : Good, Historically Accurate Movies.

01-03-2016, 12:06 AM
Hey guys I am looking for some good and historically accurate Civil and Revolutionary War movies, not documentaries. Thanks

thomas aagaard
01-03-2016, 12:52 AM
They all have their issues.

Gettysburg is based on a historical novel... and that pretty much takes everything Longstreet wrote in his memories as truth.
(some of the screens are pretty much based on what Longstreet wrote)
And it naturally have the very fat csa sergeant in the start.
And it got all the usual problems and advantages of using reenactors.

Gods and generals takes the lost cause mythology as the truth with loyal slaves wanting to serve their nice masters.
It also suffers from 9/11 - that is many reenactors was called up and some of the battles suffer from few reenactors and as a result they had to fall down on poor cgi.
Make sure to watch the directors cut version... much better and way better cut. It is longer, but feel shorter.

Glory - biggest issue is that you get the impression that the 54th was made up of run away slaves, when that was not the case. Most men where well educated.
Also whipping was no longer used as a punishment, the geography of attack on the fort is wrong. (the fort should be on the other end of the island... but that was not possible), Enfields back then had no serial numbers. And when ever you see background extras their gear is horrible and in the fighting it is very easy to recognize the stunt guys.

And the orders given by COL Shaw is full of errors.

That said I enjoy watching all of them..

Revolutionary War - I don't know that much about that war, so no comment on historical accuracy.
I do like "The Crossing" from 2000 - with Jeff Daniels af Washington.

Patrick Kurtz
01-03-2016, 01:22 AM
Gods & Generals and Glory are the ones I can think of, Field of lost shoes isn't too bad either, just terrible acting. Though all have their minor flaws, but the big picture it's pretty good. I would say Gettysburg, but the actor who played Lee in that movie just made me cringe.

01-03-2016, 03:50 AM
I haven't seen Gods and generals yet (was checked out from the library), but I already know Robert Duvall was a better Lee than Martin Sheen. Besides, he's the only Lee that "Loves the smell of napalm in the morning"

01-03-2016, 03:52 AM
Come on - best movie in that time period is Blazing Saddles. ;)

thomas aagaard
01-03-2016, 04:16 AM
I haven't seen Gods and generals yet (was checked out from the library), but I already know Robert Duvall was a better Lee than Martin Sheen. Besides, he's the only Lee that "Loves the smell of napalm in the morning"

I do think Sheen worked much better than Duvall - But Duvall did have very few screens to work with, and most of his lines are just Lee quotes.

01-03-2016, 11:26 AM
The patriot is pretty much a documentary so you might not be too interested.


01-03-2016, 12:22 PM
I've really enjoyed Gods & Generals, Ride with the Devil, and (not really accurate, but still a good watch) Outlaw Josey Wales. :P

01-03-2016, 01:00 PM
I've really enjoyed Gods & Generals, Ride with the Devil, and (not really accurate, but still a good watch) Outlaw Josey Wales. :P

Josey Wales has always been a favorite of mine. Nothing better than a Civil War flick with a western backdrop and a story of good old fashioned revenge. Not to mention Clint Eastwood! :D

A. P. Hill
01-03-2016, 02:31 PM
Actually there isn't such a thing as a historically accurate movie. Producers have always taken .... "creative license" in their productions.

As much as you are not going to like this, documentaries are the best way to go for historical accuracy.

01-03-2016, 05:03 PM
The good, the bad and the ugly also has the civil war in it! If you haven't seen it get out from under your rock!

Patrick Kurtz
01-03-2016, 05:17 PM
Actually there isn't such a thing as a historically accurate movie. Producers have always taken .... "creative license" in their productions.

As much as you are not going to like this, documentaries are the best way to go for historical accuracy.

Love documentaries, I find them more interesting than the movies most of the time.

01-03-2016, 08:31 PM
exactly my thought. documentaries are better. sometimes at least. I like ken burns the civil war.

01-04-2016, 04:57 AM
Eastwood is the man. I love just about every movie he touches. Even the "bad" ones.

01-04-2016, 11:29 AM
Actually there isn't such a thing as a historically accurate movie. Producers have always taken .... "creative license" in their productions.

As much as you are not going to like this, documentaries are the best way to go for historical accuracy.

Cromwell and Waterloo are obviously not about the ACW but they're quite accurate as far as films go

01-04-2016, 11:39 AM
Cromwell and Waterloo are obviously not about the ACW but they're quite accurate as far as films go

A movie about Oliver Cromwell? Where is this. I must find it!

01-05-2016, 04:13 PM
A movie about Oliver Cromwell? Where is this. I must find it!

it's called "Cromwell" he's really 'ard.

Corporal Stender
01-08-2016, 03:37 PM
Movies are never supposed to be 100% historically accurate. They are trying to tell a story, not a history lesson. That is why we have documentaries.

When you see that Gods & Generals place the battle of Antietam at september 19 1862, for instance, then you know that you are - not - watching a historically correct movie :D