View Full Version : 9th Massachusetts Infantry, Company A

Standish's Sword
01-04-2016, 09:14 PM
9th Massachusetts Infantry
Company A
The 9th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment dates its lineage to a prewar militia company, the Columbian Artillery. The company was disbanded following a 1855 law passed that ordered all non-native militias be disbanded. The predominantly Irish company disbanded and formed the Columbian Association, a social club of sorts. When the war broke out, the Association began forming a new Irish Volunteer Regiment, the 9th Massachusetts. They managed to raise 6 companies. Company A carried on the legacy of the prewar Columbian Artillery by becoming known as the Columbian Guards.

Upon being formed and mustered out, the 9th was sent to Washington, D.C., a fitting post for men who called themselves Columbian. The 9th remained garrisoned in Arlington, Virginia while the First Battle of Bull Run raged. They would not sit idle for the remainder of the war as they took place in every campaign of the Army of the Potomac and fought with distinction in many of its most brutal battles. Following the Battle of Cold Harbor, the Regiment's men had almost entirely completed their 3 years of volunteer service. The regiment was returned to Boston and was mustered out June 24th, 1864. The men who had not yet completed their terms of service were sent to the 32nd Massachusetts Infantry.

List of Engagements and Losses
Siege of Yorktown - No Losses
Hanover Court House - 1 Killed, 11 Wounded
Mechanicsville - 1 Killed, 2 Wounded
Gaines' Mill - 82 Killed, 167 Wounded
Savage Station - No Losses
Malvern Hill - 166 Killed and Wounded
Harrison's Landing - No Losses
Antietam - No Losses
Fredericksburg - 1 Killed, 33 Wounded
Chancellorsville - 14 Wounded
Gettysburg - 1 Killed, 14 Wounded
Mine Run - No Losses
Rappahannock Station - No Losses
Wilderness - 150 Killed and Wounded
Laurel Hill, Po River, Spottsylvania - 101 Killed and Wounded
North Anna River, Shady Oak Grove, Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor - 31 Killed and Wounded


2010Captain: Myles Standish
20131st Lieutenant: Michael Kelly
20122nd Lieutenant:

2011Sergeant Major:
2014Quarter Master Sergeant:
20081st Sergeant:
2015Corporal: John McNamee

Signal Corps Private:

Captain Myles Standish
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1st Lieutenant Michael Kelly
http://steamsignature.com/status/english/NDogGaming.png (http://steamcommunity.com/id/NDogGaming) http://steamsignature.com/AddFriend.png (http/steam/friends/add/NDogGaming)

01-06-2016, 01:43 PM
I sent a friend request on steam

01-06-2016, 03:11 PM

Lyman Trumbull
06-18-2016, 02:47 PM
Good luck from the 66th!

08-20-2016, 01:03 AM
Any minimum age?

Pvt Christopher Cowles
07-30-2017, 02:10 AM
Is this page still active?