View Full Version : Water and Stamina

01-25-2016, 03:28 AM
May I suggest that you be able to drink out of your canteen to regain a little bit of stamina. Not an absurd amount just 20%-30% for a full canteen

01-25-2016, 03:47 AM
I suggested this once too, I guess great minds think alike. Drinkable canteens would be nice to have in the game as a way to restore a bit of stamina(refills or not, I don't know). It would also serve as a cool emote like saluting.

01-25-2016, 03:59 AM
I think this could work if implemented right.

01-25-2016, 07:39 AM
I'd rather have a tot of rum... would I get more 'stamina' from that??

01-25-2016, 09:35 AM
This one sounds like a plan. Think about yourself behind a rock and you are being fired at and you are all alone... everyone around you is dead. Then you just take a sip out of your canteen and start running the hell out of there :cool:

01-25-2016, 09:44 AM
This one sounds like a plan. Think about yourself behind a rock and you are being fired at and you are all alone... everyone around you is dead. Then you just take a sip out of your canteen and start running the hell out of there :cool:

I'm liking the sound of this!

01-25-2016, 10:47 AM
Will the game have Stamina ?? If so i think this is a good Idea.

01-25-2016, 11:06 AM
I'd rather have a tot of rum... would I get more 'stamina' from that??

well no, but a plus on morale...IF such a feature will be implemented it should not fill up stamina, nut more or less prevent a loss of health. Dehydration is a soldiers worst enemy

01-25-2016, 11:32 AM
I'm behind this idea 100% I do like the run idea and even whisky but to stop it's over use it makes you drunk.

01-25-2016, 12:26 PM
Will the game have Stamina ?? If so i think this is a good Idea.

Yes, soldiers will have Stamina.

And well, I like the idea very much! ;)

01-25-2016, 12:38 PM
Thank you for the info Hinkel. I am very happy to hear there will be stamina in game.

01-25-2016, 12:44 PM
Yes, soldiers will have Stamina.

And well, I like the idea very much! ;)


01-26-2016, 09:13 AM
Yes, soldiers will have Stamin.

And well, I like the idea very much! ;)

Nice to hear that. So no forrest gump running ;)

01-26-2016, 04:00 PM
I am wondering how this might be implemented.

You could

1: Have it be an unlimited amount but only restores a limited amount of stamina and has a large cool down (1-2 or more minutes)

2: Have it be one time use but restores a good amount of stamina

3: Same as 2 but it is refillable and maybe has less stamina regain than 2 but more than 1

4: Have a predetermined amount of uses, say 3 for example but it can't be refilled and refills less than option 2 but perhaps more than or around option 3.

5: Same as 4 but refilible and restores less stamina than 1 per swig (balanced in that however many swigs before refill would be either the same or a bit more than a swig from 1 or more)

Those are the most immediate ways I can see of implementing this

Maximus Decimus Meridius
01-26-2016, 05:10 PM
I think there is a other way because I see alot guys running around and drink water to run more.

there should be a standard variable which is the maximum. this variable say how fast your stamina refill.

when you run large distances the variable decrease and also by shooting due to the black powder (which I think should be the bigger decrease)

so now you have two options:

1. wait until the variable increase again (which should be need min. 10minutes )

2. drink one portion of water. this will increase the variable faster when you don't move. that should need about 1 or 2 minutes because you need a small break. but the portion of water should be limited. 3 or like that.

really cool would it be to refill it in a river or something like that.

01-27-2016, 01:04 AM
I don't know how much I like this idea, it sounds kind of Gimmicky and Survival Game esque.

Maximus Decimus Meridius
01-27-2016, 06:07 AM
it would add one more component which the leader of your company have to look at.

he has to watch out where his guys can refill their water and it would force the troops to make a brake. no one can fight without a small break.

01-27-2016, 08:13 AM
It would be survival esque if you needed water to survive, the canteen is just wanted to be used to give a slight regain of the stamina faster than simply waiting.

01-30-2016, 12:37 AM
water= +30% stamina
alcohol= + morale -500% aim stability

01-30-2016, 03:33 AM
This could work, Limit the canteen to 2-3 sips so people won't abuse the stamina boost, or a canteen cool down effect so the canteen can't be spammed.

01-30-2016, 05:25 AM
This could work, Limit the canteen to 2-3 sips so people won't abuse the stamina boost, or a canteen cool down effect so the canteen can't be spammed.

Ya, the idea seems great, but definitely does need some sort of limit to it. The 2-3 sips per life seems like the best one.

01-30-2016, 04:46 PM
Not sure I want to see boosts as I've said it is a good idea but a set amount that every swig gives a certain percentage of stamina refill. If you have been running or fighting then you would need 5 Swigs to refill what would take 2 had you just been marching. Maybe even more as the salty gun powder played hell with dehydration.

On a side note with regards to fouled Rifles then you could use some of your issue to rinse out the rifle given the usual way of doing it might be construed as too realistic and vulgar haha

02-01-2016, 12:52 PM
There were also plenty of accounts of soldiers going to take a drink from their canteen only to find it empty as a ball had passed through it during battle. I would hope this would also be taken into account :P

02-04-2016, 05:09 AM
I'd prefer a canteen to help with stamina regeneration rate rather than giving it a +30 or so to the bar.

Otherwise, cool idea.

02-14-2016, 09:08 AM
You know what would be better, if you could choose to fill your canteen with coffee, water or, alcohol before battle, but you only get to choose one and they all have different effects. Water can restore stamina. Coffee could make you run faster or something, and alcohol can increase your melee skills but decrease your shooting skills.

02-14-2016, 12:22 PM
You know what would be better, if you could choose to fill your canteen with coffee, water or, alcohol before battle, but you only get to choose one and they all have different effects. Water can restore stamina. Coffee could make you run faster or something, and alcohol can increase your melee skills but decrease your shooting skills.

That seems a bit.. tacky. I like the idea of dehydration effects from overexertion and a sip from a canteen could speed up recovery, as long as it's realistic, which might not be possible as water doesn't have instant 'effects'. I really hate the idea of canteens acting like a perk or potion, which essentially this^ idea is suggesting. Why would alcohol ever increase melee? How does having a coffee make me run faster? It doesn't. Water could make me run faster perhaps over time, due to being hydrated. Coffee would dehydrate, and alcohol would too. Neither would boost physical strength or agility.

02-14-2016, 01:15 PM
Well as someone whose a runner and mountain climber a good sip of water at the right time will give you some energy back fairly quickly. I still think regards regen a gulp of water will help tho of course that's offset by firing or running so in combat you would need more and you run the risk of going empty.

Staying realistic some soldiers would have had alcohol in the canteens going into battle be it for courage or just there drink of choice all you do is reduce the regen speed per gulp. Saying that drink to much and your drunk but that's a players choice.

02-14-2016, 05:07 PM
I really hate the idea of canteens acting like a perk or potion

This is exactly why I don't like this idea, it's starting to sound like something out of the Witcher where you drink a Potion or eat something Mid-Battle to recover stamina.

The only way I could see it working would be if it was really limited and was done for a reason (like a Stamina and Morale boost) like the Captain or Officer has to actually order his men to do it and then the option for them to do it becomes available (basically forcing people to do it as a group during a limited Window of time) this way it could give a Squad a boost during a Battle (like a lull in the fighting where everyone does this and gets a slight bonus to their aim/accuracy/movement due to Stamina and Morale recovery)

and even then it still sounds like a bit of a ropey idea to me.

02-14-2016, 05:19 PM
This is exactly why I don't like this idea, it's starting to sound like something out of the Witcher where you drink a Potion or eat something Mid-Battle to recover stamina.

The only way I could see it working would be if it was really limited and was done for a reason (like a Stamina and Morale boost) like the Captain or Officer has to actually order his men to do it and then the option for them to do it becomes available (basically forcing people to do it as a group during a limited Window of time) this way it could give a Squad a boost during a Battle (like a lull in the fighting where everyone does this and gets a slight bonus to their aim/accuracy/movement due to Stamina and Morale recovery)

and even then it still sounds like a bit of a ropey idea to me.

why dose it have to be a boost or a perk tho just wondering? A canteen holds a limited amount so it up to the person how much he swigs at a time too much it drains the canteen faster without any benefit too little and the stamina regen happens but slowly. When you start to go down the route of better accuracy etc perks it veers towards CoD rather than an actual historical shooter.

02-14-2016, 09:45 PM
Okay scratch the alcohol but water should give you a little bit of stamina, and coffee could slightly increase stamina regeneration, and it would take some time to go into effect. I want this to be realistic so I realize alcohol would only get you drunk and flogged a few times.

02-16-2016, 06:47 PM
Not a big fan of the Boost/perk idea. Do not whant a asterix en obelix potion:

02-17-2016, 12:49 PM
Not a big fan of the Boost/perk idea. Do not whant a asterix en obelix potion

I wouldn't want water to be a potion. Water should be used to basically fight off a soldiers worst enemy, dehydration, by restoring a bit of your stamina, and it's effects couldn't stack beyond the amount of stamina you began with, or even better it would fill up some water meter and if the meter got to low you'd start taking damage of some sort of debuff like that.

David Dire
02-17-2016, 12:56 PM
Losing health? Probably not. A dry throat isn't fun, but I'd hardly die after refusing to take a swig after a couple minutes of warfare. A minor debuff would be preferable, as in 1-4% less skill at something, such as reloading, walking/running, melee combat, the things that are relevant to dehydration. You could argue aiming accuracy could be a side effect of a dehydration-induced headache, but that would definitely only really start affecting you if you didn't drink for an hour or two.

02-17-2016, 01:02 PM
That's more along the lines of what I'm thinking about. maybe as the water meter lowered the effects of dehydration would get progressivly worse. Also of something else of note it should take a long time for the meter to go down, about a half hour of heavy activity at least for the first minor effects to start kicking in.

David Dire
02-17-2016, 07:31 PM
That's more along the lines of what I'm thinking about. maybe as the water meter lowered the effects of dehydration would get progressivly worse. Also of something else of note it should take a long time for the meter to go down, about a half hour of heavy activity at least for the first minor effects to start kicking in.

Ah, I see what you mean. One thing I would prefer, however, is if there was no UI component for hydration levels and instead they'd cough after running or reloading for a bit, and cough/speak in a raspier voice. I don't know about the second part though, concerning voice actors.

02-19-2016, 02:38 PM
I like the thought of this. Having a stamina system where if you take a drink from your canteen and helps your stamina regenerate quicker or gives a certain amount of stamina back to your bar, or whatever represents the stamina. It would add a whole new strategy for the commanders to have to think about if they want to push a certain area of the battlefield to get a water source secured.

Then you come into the problem of too much behind this system. Meaning then would you also want the idea if a person died in said water source, would it then be undrinkable. And how far would this undrinkable water go in this body of water. This same Idea can be had with the idea of coffee or whiskey in the canteen. Just to much effort from the devs to make a minor detail of the game realistic.

So like I said "I like the thought", but all the stuff in the game that the devs have to focus on with the limited resources with being a independent team and amount of people. Plus their trying to get the game out a soon as possible. This idea falls short for me. Keep it simple if you run out of stamina, your guy is slower at running, but can stop and rest and regain it back.

02-20-2016, 01:45 AM
I'm sure the devs will figure out a way to make this work, so it isn't too cheesy but not too brutal either(I'd prefer the latter if I had to choose, though)