View Full Version : Battle Flags

02-09-2016, 01:40 AM
I always see confederate battle flags with the battles that the regiment fought in on the flag but not all the battle names are on the flag so my question is how did they choose what battles went on the flag?
For instance 10th LA. only has a few battles listed on their flag even though they were in at least 20 battles, so how did they choose which ones went on the flag?

A. P. Hill
02-09-2016, 02:09 AM
Not every company of every regiment of the armies participated in every action of the armies. And if they were involved much of determining whether to claim a battle was based on their actual participation percentage.

02-09-2016, 02:50 AM
Ok cool. How will battle flags work in game? will they be by companies or regiments? and if they are per regiment, what company gets to hold the colors?

02-10-2016, 01:23 AM
Ok cool. How will battle flags work in game? will they be by companies or regiments? and if they are per regiment, what company gets to hold the colors?

It actually wasn't a specific company in a regiment that held the colors, but something called the "color guard," made up from members of several companies, and usually included a color sergeant, and several exemplary corporals. However, there was also some word of a color company, which at least in various books of either a battalion or regimental formation, is usually Co. C.

02-10-2016, 02:08 AM
I know but what I meant is who's gonna hold the colors in game? since groups are gonna be forming companies and may not want to group up with other groups to form the regiment

A. P. Hill
02-10-2016, 02:20 AM
It actually wasn't a specific company in a regiment that held the colors, but something called the "color guard," made up from members of several companies, and usually included a color sergeant, and several exemplary corporals. However, there was also some word of a color company, which at least in various books of either a battalion or regimental formation, is usually Co. C.

Sorry my bad. I was at work and trying to answer this using my phone. I didn't mean to make it sound like every company had a colors guard. I really meant to say, that not every regiment ... not company.

Some regiments may have been assigned specific duties in other locations, like guarding fords, or mountain passes or supply lines, and not involved in the specific action of the Army and therefore they would be remiss if they put the battle on their regimental flag, since obviously they weren't involved in the actual action.


I know but what I meant is who's gonna hold the colors in game? since groups are gonna be forming companies and may not want to group up with other groups to form the regiment

That will be entirely up to your company ... remember, carrying the flag was an honor, so you may have several members "fighting" for the right to carry the banners.

02-10-2016, 02:59 AM
That will be entirely up to your company ... remember, carrying the flag was an honor, so you may have several members "fighting" for the right to carry the banners.
They didnt have company flags did they? I'm just wondering what company will get to carry the colors, say theres three companies of the same regiment but none of the companies are actually in the same clan so which company would get to carry the colors since none of them are actually in the same clan and may not communicate with each other.
I know this is all gonna be sorted out once we start playing the game.
It would be cool if companies had there own flags that way we could be more distinguished but i guess uniforms would do the same thing since regiments didnt always share the same uniforms across all companies. like only one company in all of wheat's battalion wore the zouave uniform.

02-10-2016, 03:35 AM
Regiments sometimes had guide markers for their flanks, but no, individual companies did not have flags. Generally a regiment would have its best companies on the flanks to guard from the danger of being outflanked, and then fill-in from the center with picked men detailed as the color guard and flag bearers.

02-10-2016, 03:58 AM
To answer your question, it would be based on the situation. Companies that band together into a single regiment would probably need to choose their own color guard and have them form at the center of their group. When an individual company is fielded without other brethren, then they themselves will probably have their own flags. This is an initial estimate, and could probably be changed in the future.

02-10-2016, 07:40 AM
By the sounds of what A.P. Hill and GeorgeCrecy said, it may not be entirely historical for each company to carry their own flag but in the game, the company will be the go-to unit for most groups, not a regiment. The flags act as beacons to let commanders know where their troops are though, and as stated in one of the kickstarter updates; the flag bearers might play an important role in the spawn system as well. So even though it may not be entirely historically correct, it would make sense if each company gets to carry a flag of their own.

02-10-2016, 07:52 AM
I know, especially since clans have form companies that way one clan cant claim the whole regiment, unless they have alot of people of course. I wont mind either way but now that you mention the spawn system I wonder how thats gonna work

02-10-2016, 07:58 AM
Also, if you look at it from a more practical viewpoint: if the developers were to say "only regiments are allowed to carry a flag" and considering the sheer number of people you would need to actually reserve an entire regiment, there would be no flags in the game at all ;).

02-10-2016, 08:00 AM
lol thats why i was wondering who was going to carry the colors and who gets them

Maximus Decimus Meridius
02-10-2016, 08:33 AM
I think you missing a point

let me explain it with an example:

if you are only company of your regiment you are fine and carry the flag.
if there are two or more you will have to communicate with the other companies. you create a color company and hold it in your center of your companies

more historical accuracy (only regiments had flags)
more communication / team play / role play
more soldiers/ rifles work together so you are stronger than single companies

after respawn you have to walk a longer distance to your company
you are not so flexible because you have to work together

in my mind I think there are more advantages then disadvantages so I would support it.

02-10-2016, 09:31 AM
Thats what im saying though, the companies might not want to stick together if they aren't in the same clan so thats the only thing im worried about

02-10-2016, 10:00 AM
You are thinking to complex:

During the skirmish phase, you are able to spawn as pre-defined regiments ingame, for example as the 69th New York.

Company A 2nd WI is up to play the game, joining the server, choosing the 69th NY class. One of them will play as a color bearer.
Company C 79th NY is up to play the game too, spawning in and choosing also the 69th NY class. Another one is spawning as the color bearer.

Both groups are playing on the same server, but maybe they don't want to play together. So they will act independent and choose their own color bearer spawn point.

02-10-2016, 10:36 AM
Oh ok cool. so companies dont really have an effect on the regiments in game? I thought that once you entered the match you would pick the regiment you want to play as then the company in that regiment thats what i thought the whole company system was for.

02-10-2016, 11:12 AM
Oh ok cool. so companies dont really have an effect on the regiments in game? I thought that once you entered the match you would pick the regiment you want to play as then the company in that regiment thats what i thought the whole company system was for.

A Company is nothing more then a clan of players :). There are no extras for them on the server, except their visible ranks/tags in a special game-mode.
During the development, those companies will get more options on live servers.

02-10-2016, 04:30 PM
Extras? I just thought that regiments would be divided up into companies in game. Like you join a match and select a regiment then a company. I also thought that there would be a max of 10 companies in a regiment so if the regiment is full you would have to select a different one. But from my understanding we just pick the regiment in the match and join it? Will there be a limit to how many people can join a certain regiment? Or will every player in the match be able to play as the same regiment?

Maximus Decimus Meridius
02-10-2016, 08:22 PM
and choose the captain for his company or is it possible that some guys play as the 68th NY and some as the 52nd NY?

02-10-2016, 08:51 PM
Extras? I just thought that regiments would be divided up into companies in game. Like you join a match and select a regiment then a company. I also thought that there would be a max of 10 companies in a regiment so if the regiment is full you would have to select a different one. But from my understanding we just pick the regiment in the match and join it? Will there be a limit to how many people can join a certain regiment? Or will every player in the match be able to play as the same regiment?

Some good questions Baldwin, and all the better as they are easy to answer! When it comes to Skirmish mode, regardless of what an individual player might be part of, when they join a Skirmishes game they will join one of several pre-selected regiments. The companies tool will come more into play once you get into the Historical Battle game mode, in which case you will spawn in as your regiment and particular company. As is historically true, the limit would probably be 100 per company, 1097 per regiment. However, I doubt that we will reach a full strength regiment any time soon considering the necessary requirements, but we are hopeful!

02-10-2016, 09:08 PM
However, I doubt that we will reach a full strength regiment any time soon considering the necessary requirements, but we are hopeful!

If you ask me, I see several Divisions fighting against eacht other soon rather than late! :cool:

02-10-2016, 09:16 PM
However, I doubt that we will reach a full strength regiment any time soon considering the necessary requirements, but we are hopeful!

:cool: Challenge accepted! (Jokes...no way in hell anyone is going to get close to 1097 guys any time soon!)

Maximus Decimus Meridius
02-10-2016, 10:14 PM
If you ask me, I see several Divisions fighting against eacht other soon rather than late! :cool:

hmm that could be possible but I hope the best.

:cool: Challenge accepted! (Jokes...no way in hell anyone is going to get close to 1097 guys any time soon!)

challenge accepted :p

02-10-2016, 10:21 PM
If you ask me, I see several Divisions fighting against eacht other soon rather than late! :cool:

And it is your exuberance and hope that keeps us devs going!

A. P. Hill
02-11-2016, 12:17 AM
If you ask me, I see several Divisions fighting against eacht other soon rather than late! :cool:

Keep spreading the word to all your friends, relatives, etc. Every bit of member advertising will get us with divisions on the map. :)