View Full Version : Ethnic Battle Cries

03-15-2016, 06:05 AM
This thread will contain battle cries from cultures all around the world and there definitions. For use by devs or players. Expect lots of updates as I find more.


Faugh A Ballagh: An Anglicisation of an Irish battle cry meaning "clear the way"

Erin Go Bragh: An Anglicisation of an Irish battle cry meaning "Ireland forever"


Hacka Pa (Swedish) or Hakkaa Paalle (Finnish): Originally a Finnish phrase roughly meaning "cut them down" or "strike upon them"


There's a lot of them.

Anderson Stand Sure
Armstrong Invictus maneo / I remain unvanquished
Baillie Quid clarius astris / What is brighter than the stars
Baird The lord made
Barclay Aut agere aut mori / Either action or death
Brodie Unite
Bruce Fuimus / We have been
Buchan Not having followed mean pursuits
Buchanan Clarior hinc honos / Brighter, hence the honour
Cameron Unite
Campbell Ne Obliviscaris / Forget not
Chisholm Feros ferio / I am fierce with the fierce
Cockburn Accendit cantu / He rouses us with song
Colquhoun Si je puis / If I can
Craig Vive Deo et Vives / Live for God and you shall have life
Crawford Tutum te robore reddam / I will make thee safe by my strength
Cumming Courage
Cunningham Over fork over
Davidson Sapienter si sincere / Wisely if sincerely
Douglas Jamais arrière / Never behind
Elliot With strength and right
Erskine Je pense plus / I think more
Farquharson By fidelity and fortitude
Ferguson Dulcius ex asperis / Sweeter after difficulties
Forbes Grace me guide
Forsyth Instaurator Ruinae / Restorer of ruins
Fraser All my hope is in God
Fraser of Lovat Je suis prest / I am ready
Galbraith From adversity the greater satisfaction
Gordon Bydand / Remaining
Graham Ne oublié / Do not forget
Grant Stand fast
Gunn Aut Pax Aut Bellum / Either peace or war
Hamilton Through
Hay Keep the yolk
Henderson Sola virtus nobilitat / Virtue alone enobles
Hunter Cursum perficio / I accomplish the hunt
Innes Be faithful
Irvine Sub sole sub umbra virens / Flourishing in both sunshine and shade
Johnstone Nunquam non paratus / Never unprepared
Keith Veritas Vincit / Truth conquers
Kennedy Avise la fin / Consider the end
Kerr Sero sed serio / Late but in earnest
Lamont Ne parcas nec spernas / Neither spare nor dispose
Leslie Grip fast
Lindsay Endure fort / Endure with strength
Livingston If I can
Logan Hoc Marjorum Virtus / This is the valour of my ancestors
MacArthur Fide et opera / By fidelity and labour
MacAulay Danger is sweet
MacBean Touch not a catt bot a targe / Touch not the cat without the shield
MacDonald Per Mare Per Terras / By sea and by land
MacDougall Buaidh no bas / To conquer or die
MacDuff Deus juvat / God assists
MacEwan I grow green
MacFarlane This I’ll defend
MacGregor S rioghal mo dhream / Royal is my race
MacInnes Through the grace of God and the King
MacIntyre Per ardua / Through difficulties
MacKay Manu forti / With a strong hand
MacKenzie Luceo non uro / I Shine Not Burn
MacKinnon Audentes fortuna juvat / Fortune assists the daring
MacKintosh Touch not the cat without a glove
MacLachlan Fortis et fidus / Brave and faithful
MacLean Virtue mine honour
MacLeod Hold fast
MacMillan Miseris sucurrere disco / I learn to succour the distressed
MacNab Timor omnis abesto / Let fear be far from all
MacNaughton I hope in God
MacNeil To Conquer Or Die
MacPherson Touch not the cat without a glove
Matheson Do and hope
Maxwell I flourish again
Menzies Will God I shall
Napier Without stain
Ogilvie To the end
Ramsay Pray and work
Robertson Glory is the reward of valour
Russell Virtue without stain
Scott I love
Shaw By fidelity and fortitude
Sinclair Commit thy work to God
Stewart Courage grows strong at the wound
Sutherland Without Fear
Urquhart Mean speak and do well
Veitch We exceed our reputation by our deeds
Wallace For liberty