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08-30-2017, 04:43 PM
Hummm definatly Cavalry This up against General Morgan, i defiantly love knowledge, I looked up your group only 4 troopers, thats okay,. and While the other Cav units are traditional Mobile Infantry or Shock Cavalry we are the eyes and silent knife of the Division. We use stealth and speed to scout out the enemy, report on their movements and destroy their Command Structure. thats how i do in real life, i sent Cooley a friend request on steam ...7134

Colonel Cooley is the man, you will absolutely love this guy. The cavalry is rather small at this time but has great potential. I first started off with 1st VA CAV, made my way to 1st LT. and grew it into a powerhouse. Since then I was promoted to captain and got to start my own company and things went a little sour for the 1st VA but, the history of the 1st is bar none and I believe it will grow again into the best cavalry unit in the game. In fact joining a smaller but organized unit early on is advantageous to you due to the fact that you can rise through the ranks quickly and perhaps someday take a real leadership role in the company. Also when joining take into consideration you are part of Ewell's Division which consists of multiple companies that all train and fight together and keep in contact. Its a friendly group of guys who all have great personalities. (Sunday 4pm EST Ewell's Division Drill & promotions, 5pm EU event, 8pm NA event lead by yours truly :cool: Also on Monday at 5pm EST you can always join my 6th Louisiana Tigers, 1st GA (B), 42nd VA Drill and skirmish, Cooley is generally always with us at this time as well. Great group of very active guys and a ton of fun!

08-30-2017, 04:44 PM
Hummm definatly Cavalry This up against General Morgan, i defiantly love knowledge, I looked up your group only 4 troopers, thats okay,. and While the other Cav units are traditional Mobile Infantry or Shock Cavalry we are the eyes and silent knife of the Division. We use stealth and speed to scout out the enemy, report on their movements and destroy their Command Structure. thats how i do in real life, i sent Cooley a friend request on steam ...7134

It is Cooley's group(troop). And as a friend seeing he isnt online I felt the need to promote his unit! So good you sent him a request my mission is completed here.

John Cooley
08-30-2017, 08:09 PM
Good Day,
Added you on Steam and sent you a Telegram with the Info and Links needed to see if we have a Cav Unit that fits your style.

John Jones
08-30-2017, 08:37 PM
Hummm definatly Cavalry This up against General Morgan, i defiantly love knowledge, I looked up your group only 4 troopers, thats okay,. and While the other Cav units are traditional Mobile Infantry or Shock Cavalry we are the eyes and silent knife of the Division. We use stealth and speed to scout out the enemy, report on their movements and destroy their Command Structure. thats how i do in real life, i sent Cooley a friend request on steam ...7134

Hi Trooper Davis,
As a new, UK based recruit to the Grey Ghosts, I can recommend the unit. As has been said, were small at present but Col Cooley is utterly dedicated to the quality and success of the Company - If you have not already, take a look at the Grey Ghosts forum, I'm sure the good Colonel will have provided a link. There are some fantastic links for information on the game and historical sources for cavalry and much more. If you want to chat about it, feel free to pm me. Whichever way you go, welcome aboard and hope to see you in game.

All the best,

John Jones

08-31-2017, 07:15 AM

The 15th Alabama Company A is looking for members.
Hard fighting Privates! And NCO's willing to lead and guide the men during the battle!
Do you have a keen tactical view? Can you keep your calm during battle? Can you give clear commands? Then I need you as my Officer!

"Captain Feagin was very popular with the men, not only of his own company, but of the entire regiment. He was known by them all as a brave, efficient officer, who shirked no duties and was always at his post.Colonel Feagin was of a genial, cheerful disposition, approachable at all times by any man in his regiment, calm and cool in the face of danger, never allowing himself to be carried away by excitement. "

09-02-2017, 04:18 AM

The 2nd Georgia Company G is actively Recruiting new members to bolster its ranks.

We are looking for members who are willing to have fun and roleplay

We will be Recruiting In Game randomly throughout the weekdays and every Saturday from 6 pm central until the Beginning of the George's Corner Events.

09-03-2017, 09:39 AM
EUROPEANS & GERMANS The 15th Alabama Company A Is in need of members! Also Americans who have a different day and night
rhythm like myself

We will be working with the 15th Alabama Companies G & H & I
They are apart of Ewell's Division.

09-04-2017, 04:40 PM
Brave Men Gather Round!


Up to Arms for the South!

The 47th Virginia calls for Volunteers! Glory and Victory awaits; make Virginia proud!

Company Thread: Click here (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?4183-47th-Virginia-Infantry-Company-E)
Website: Click here (https://47thva.yolasite.com/)
Company Tool: Click here (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=1368#companyToolHeader)

Johann Günderson
09-04-2017, 10:04 PM

09-05-2017, 12:55 PM
Only the ones with the best eyesight may join your ranks? :-)

Johann Günderson
09-05-2017, 04:04 PM
if you cant make a 1000yard shot youre of no use. lol

09-05-2017, 06:53 PM
Welp.......are you sure the requirement is high enough? I mean 1000 yard shot....is kind too close range. ;)

Maximus Decimus Meridius
09-05-2017, 07:10 PM



The 52nd New York Infantry Regiment, Company A, is looking for recruits to push the rebels back where they came from! Enlist today here! (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?781-52nd-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-quot-German-Rangers-quot-or-quot-Sigel-Rifles-quot-Company-A)

The 52nd, historically, was a regiment composed completely of German immigrants. We aim to capture realism, for example by following the drills and tactics of the time, but also with consideration of the regiment’s nationality, done by following orders not in English, but in German. Anyone of any nationality and language, however, may join. We strive for a fun and friendly community, but still ensuring to play seriously and realistically as is expected.


Intro miniseries about our soldiers:


09-05-2017, 07:50 PM

We are a small group who are trying to make a fun, and yet disciplined company. Our rank structure isn’t strict, and it is not meant to be recreate a military all the time. However, in combat, we follow the chain of command, and work as a unit. We are looking for more people with like minds. If you are worried that you don’t have any experience to join a company, don’t worry. We have some basic training and commands to help you out, and to eventually make you, at least somewhat, a competent recruit. We have about two training days each week, and do one event with Ewell's Division on the weekends. We are specifically looking for more Americans in our second platoon, but we are open to pretty anybody who has a good mindset.

To join, or to receive more details, add 21st.NC(A)]Cpt.Vaesen (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198037722245/) on steam.
See you on the battlefield!

Lance Rawlings
09-07-2017, 04:27 PM

We are a small group who are trying to make a fun, and yet disciplined company. Our rank structure isn’t strict, and it is not meant to be recreate a military all the time. However, in combat, we follow the chain of command, and work as a unit. We are looking for more people with like minds. If you are worried that you don’t have any experience to join a company, don’t worry. We have some basic training and commands to help you out, and to eventually make you, at least somewhat, a competent recruit. We have about two training days each week, and do one event with Ewell's Division on the weekends. We are specifically looking for more Americans in our second platoon, but we are open to pretty anybody who has a good mindset.

To join, or to receive more details, add 21st.NC(A)]Cpt.Vaesen (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198037722245/) on steam.
See you on the battlefield!

Love that picture. Burgwyn was a Colonel of the 26th NC and was fatally shot at Gettysburg carrying the colors.

09-07-2017, 05:08 PM
Yeah, Magner found that picture then edited it. It looks so cool, it had to be used for the 21st North Carolina Co. A

FIGHT Black phoenix
09-08-2017, 12:05 AM
http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/623554pourpapa.png (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=623554pourpapa.png)

Join us now it was a mixed regiment between French and English language (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/18thlibcoa/)

09-08-2017, 05:28 AM
You can edit posts. :p

09-09-2017, 07:08 PM

The 2nd Georgia Company G are looking for more active players to increase our in game numbers. We are extremely active and attend every event. We roleplay and have fun and aren't too strict. You will also rise through the ranks much quicker here. No starting off as recruit. We reward players that are active and dedicated! Plus we have our own custom uniforms coming out very soon. Something very few companies have. What are you waiting for? Enlist with the Columbus Guards today!


09-10-2017, 04:18 AM
Good luck to ya gator!

Captain G. Moody
09-10-2017, 11:29 AM
Madison Light Artillery "Moody's Battery"
Also known as the Madison "Tips" (Tipperarys), this was a unit mostly made up of Irishmen.


At the Battle of Sharpsburg, the battery reportedly had two 3-inch rifles and two 24-pounder howitzers. The men helped to repulse numerous enemy attacks during the battle.
When the Federal General Mansfield's XII Corps troops began their counterattack through the East Woods and into farmer Miller's Cornfield, the men where on the field behind Ripley's Brigade.
In the late afternoon of 17 September Units of Sykes' US Regular Division are in position to break through the center of the Confederate line on the outskirts of Sharpsburg. The battery was located at the front line(!) during this attack and had to fall back to a safe location to continue the fighting.


09-12-2017, 02:30 PM

The battery moved with Jackson across the Potomac and spent three days in Frederick where according to their biographer their wants and needs were met by the local citizens. The battery then recrossed the Potomac with Jackson and entered Martinsburg on September 12th. On the 15th Jackson placed the battery among the guns on Loudoun Heights, from where it participated in the reduction of Harper's Ferry. Immediately after the surrender of the garriosn, the battery force marched back across the Potomac and north to Sharpsburg. They arrived along the Antietam on the evening of the 16th and were aligned along several hills on Lee's left flank to protect both his flank and the fords to the army's rear.

On the morning of the 17th the artillery on Lee's left engaged Federal batteries for nearly two hours. Federal infantry threatened the position near mid-morning but was met by Jackson's infantry. The infantry battle soon shifted further south toward the Dunkard Church and again the artillery found itself with little suppport. Federal infantry massed infront of the artillery and soon advance. Brockenborough, temporarily in command of his battery and five others, 24 guns in all, orders his men "Do not pull a lanyard until you get the command." He waited until the Federal line was nearly on top of his guns, then all 24 opened with double canister. Three times the Federals charged, and three times they were repulsed. W.W. Goldsborough writes "The ground was literally covered - nay; piled - with the slain and amimed of the enemy."

Looking for volunteers!

09-12-2017, 06:24 PM
Join the Richmond Howitzers today!
An elite unit, the Howitzers served with distinction from 1st Manassas to Appomattox


09-15-2017, 04:29 PM

We are a small group who are trying to make a fun, and yet disciplined company. Our rank structure isn’t strict, and it is not meant to be recreate a military all the time. However, in combat, we follow the chain of command, and work as a unit. We are looking for more people with like minds. If you are worried that you don’t have any experience to join a company, don’t worry. We have some basic training and commands to help you out, and to eventually make you, at least somewhat, a competent recruit. We have about two training days each week, and do one event with Ewell's Division on the weekends. We are specifically looking for more Americans in our second platoon, but we are open to pretty anybody who has a good mindset.

To join, or to receive more details, add 21st.NC(A)]Cpt.Vaesen (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198037722245/) on steam.
See you on the battlefield!

Sir Doctor Professor
09-30-2017, 05:35 AM
http://i.imgur.com/O8EXFVp.png (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?4373-2nd-Mississippi-Company-F-quot-Magnolia-Rifles-quot)

Click the poster for details.

10-07-2017, 09:32 PM
Hello, I'm looking for a realism-oriented union company, I'm from Sweden so I'd like to join one with at least a few other European members. I have some experience from a realism unit in the WW2 game Day of Infamy where I served as a corporal, sergeant and later as the company clerk. I developed some leadership skills, but mostly I did a lot of clerical work like forum templates, personell records and back-end administration for our website. I left the unit, after about a year of service, in August with an honourable discharge when they switched to another game.
I've also played some M&B Napoleonic Wars but not in a unit.

Reply or send a PM if you want to recruit me.

10-07-2017, 09:48 PM
Hello, I'm looking for a realism-oriented union company, I'm from Sweden so I'd like to join one with at least a few other European members. I have some experience from a realism unit in the WW2 game Day of Infamy where I served as a corporal, sergeant and later as the company clerk. I did a lot of clerical work like forum templates, personell records and back-end administration for our website. I've also played some M&B Napoleonic Wars but not in a unit.

Reply or send a PM if you want to recruit me.
Hello I am Captain Ross of the 95thNew York we are a mixed American and European Company Here is my steam if you are intrested from there I will inform you of our operations.

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198075535739/

10-07-2017, 10:01 PM
Hello, I'm looking for a realism-oriented union company, I'm from Sweden so I'd like to join one with at least a few other European members. I have some experience from a realism unit in the WW2 game Day of Infamy where I served as a corporal, sergeant and later as the company clerk. I developed some leadership skills, but mostly I did a lot of clerical work like forum templates, personell records and back-end administration for our website. I left the unit, after about a year of service, in August with an honourable discharge when they switched to another game.
I've also played some M&B Napoleonic Wars but not in a unit.

Reply or send a PM if you want to recruit me.

42nd Pennsylvania's Company F is all EU members. If you're inserted please do add me: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198012919815/

10-07-2017, 11:47 PM
Enlist In The 2nd Maryland Volunteer Infantry Today!


Join the 2nd Maryland Volunteer Infantry. Fight with Marylanders in the Maryland Campaign in order to defend or free Maryland. The 2nd Maryland Volunteer Infantry is a NEUTRAL company accepting both Confederate and Union players. We are 27 active men and growing with 15 already owning the alpha and hope to gain more men to fill in squad platoon and sectional roles such as command or just the back bone of the company. We wish to be semi-realistic but still wish to have fun while doing so. So join today either sign and application on the forum http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?2808-2nd-Maryland-Volunteer-Infantry-Co-A-amp-Co-B or join on the company tool and within 1-3 days you will be accepted.

10-08-2017, 02:03 PM
Great choices

Hello I am Captain Ross of the 95thNew York (and I am hard to understand) we are a mixed American and European Company Here is my steam if you are intrested from there I will inform you of our operations.

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198075535739/

42nd Pennsylvania's Company F is all EU members and all we do is drill and sing songs. . If you're inserted please do add me: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198012919815/

10-08-2017, 07:50 PM
20th New York Volunteers Co. A
"Presented by the Ladies of Poughkeepsie!"

We're a German and English speaking Regiment which loves historical accuracy.
if you're interested in joining or look for some more information just click HERE (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?3799-20th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Turner-Rifles-quot&highlight=20th+York)
We're participating in regularly Drills and Events with the TGV (The German Volunteers (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?3786-&%239830;-The-German-Volunteers-EU-NA-&%239830;&highlight=German+Volunteers))

Captain von Platen
http://steamsignature.com/status/default/76561198020241584.png (https://steamsignature.com)http://steamsignature.com/AddFriend.png (steam://friends/add/'.76561198020241584.')

The recruitment add is German and says:
Recruits will be officially sworn in and feed immediately
Bounty: $552 for Veterans
$175 for Recruits
according to the General-Orbre (don't know what that is) 191 of the War-Department from the 15. June 1863.
Headquater: Nr. 104 Bowery
Office hours from 10 to 4 o'Clock
Georg Wagner, Adjutant
20. Regt. N. Y. Vol.


10-08-2017, 07:57 PM
Accidentaly posted it two times...

10-10-2017, 10:26 PM
After long anticipation will now be mustering the


1st South Carolina Rifles
Company A "Keowee Riflemen"

Under the auspice leadership of Captain John Dewitt, the Company will be accepting volunteers as off today. Brave Carolinians do wait for the Draft but volunteer at once! Both our Sister State and the Virginians need our help to battle the traitorous Yankees.

Look no further than here: ➱ The Keowee Rifles (http://tiny.cc/keoweerifles).

Currently seeking to muster a new force, including positions for enlisted men, commissioned and non-commissioned officers.

I guarantee,

➱ Voice led leadership.
➱ Years of FPS experience leading actual platoon sized groups in combat.
➱ Accurate tactical doctrine.


Captain of the Army of the Confederate States of America,

John Dewitt

10-13-2017, 12:31 AM


If you want a fun, competitive, roleplay based company that plays to WIN, volunteer for the Columbus Guards today!

Our battle TS: columbusguards.ts.nfoservers.com


10-13-2017, 03:40 PM
Recruits are wanted for the 1st Texas Infantry Regiment!
Any player looking for a group with teamwork and aggressive style of gameplay look no further!

Company List:
Company A (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?1581-1st-Texas-Infantry-Co-A-quot-Marion-Rifles-quot)
Company B (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?3580-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-B)
Company E (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?2831-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-E-quot-Marshall-Guards-quot-(European))
Company F (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?777-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-F-quot-Woodville-Rifles-quot)
Company H (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?1618-1st-Texas-Volunteer-Infantry-Company-H-quot-Texas-Guard-quot)


Videos of 1st Texas In action!




10-13-2017, 10:13 PM

The 14th Brooklyn Company B (84th New York Company B) is looking for players interested in a semi-realistic company. We will focus on tactics of the time (no lone wolves), but maintain a relaxed environment because it is a game after all. Look us up on the forum or the company tool!


Captain DrumThumpinMonkey

10-15-2017, 10:11 AM
A group of people who meet in-game or on the forum with a love for the Artillery. Bundled our forces and this way promoting our batteries. A fun experience and at a later stage we shall see how and who we will support on the field.

**Richmond Howitzers (VA) Artillery 1st Company (A)(formed)
Commanding Officer: Capt. E. S. McCarthy
2 10-pdr. Parrott
2 6-pdr. Gun

**2nd Maryland Light Artillery (Baltimore)(formed)
Commanding Officer: Capt. J. B. Brockenbrough
1 3-in. Ordnance Rifle
1 Blakely
1 10-pdr. Parrott
1 12-pdr. Howitzer

**Madison Light Artillery (LA) "Moody's Battery"(formed)
Commanding Officer: Capt. George V. Moody
2 3-in. Ordnance Rifle
2 24-pdr. Howitzer

FIGHT Black phoenix
10-17-2017, 07:55 PM
http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/623554pourpapa.png (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=623554pourpapa.png)

Join us now it was a mixed regiment between French and English language (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/18thlibcoa/)

10-18-2017, 05:47 PM
I'm New....Don't know what to do! I just picked up this game yesterday and was pretty disappointed no one was in the servers. After looking at the forums I understand. Pretty excited to get to playing this with some good guys who don't take it to seriously (calling people sir) and like to have a good time. I'm a team player and can follow simple directions lol. In my late 30's with a family, so this will be another escape route alongside other games. I also am very active in the Squad community, participating in competitive play as well as a server and community admin. Pc specs are top of the line. Thank you for reading.

10-18-2017, 06:24 PM
I'm New....Don't know what to do! I just picked up this game yesterday and was pretty disappointed no one was in the servers. After looking at the forums I understand. Pretty excited to get to playing this with some good guys who don't take it to seriously (calling people sir) and like to have a good time. I'm a team player and can follow simple directions lol. In my late 30's with a family, so this will be another escape route alongside other games. I also am very active in the Squad community, participating in competitive play as well as a server and community admin. Pc specs are top of the line. Thank you for reading.

You could join our newly formed mature company: 3rd Alabama Company A
We just officially formed today. And we aim to have a mature friendly company. It is about the people not the numbers.
Myself i am in the same situation you are in! Late 30's 2 kids fulltime job.

10-18-2017, 07:46 PM
You could join our newly formed mature company: 3rd Alabama Company A
We just officially formed today. And we aim to have a mature friendly company. It is about the people not the numbers.
Myself i am in the same situation you are in! Late 30's 2 kids fulltime job.

Thanks for replying brent, I look forward to talking to you more in the near future. Let me know a good time for ya.

FIGHT Black phoenix
10-18-2017, 07:51 PM
I'm New....Don't know what to do! I just picked up this game yesterday and was pretty disappointed no one was in the servers. After looking at the forums I understand. Pretty excited to get to playing this with some good guys who don't take it to seriously (calling people sir) and like to have a good time. I'm a team player and can follow simple directions lol. In my late 30's with a family, so this will be another escape route alongside other games. I also am very active in the Squad community, participating in competitive play as well as a server and community admin. Pc specs are top of the line. Thank you for reading.

Hi ,

If you are interesting to follow us in adventure of 18th LA, we've got a Mature communauty not childs one, i am too, a father of family like you contac me by steam chat , my ID Steam : II-[18th LA]Cpt.P.Cleburne and i show you the registration forms for join us ok ?

COS of 18thLA

10-18-2017, 09:27 PM
Thanks for replying brent, I look forward to talking to you more in the near future. Let me know a good time for ya.

I have sent a pm message. Easiest to exchange steam names there. Usually online on steam either on my mobile or when I'm behind a pc.
Talk to you soon

10-27-2017, 04:56 PM
Looking for a new company. I was with the 47th for the last few months (Sgt.), but they are in a hiatus. (also made all the art for them on the company thread, if that accounts for anything)
Been in various NW regiments over the last few years.
Company needs to be active, commit to drills, etc.
CSA only, obviously. :p
Ain't joining some group with 5 guys of which 2 got the game.
Mandatory attendance is a neck breaker.

10-27-2017, 07:13 PM
Looking for a new company...

I wish you best of luck on your search for glory, do be on the lookout for cannonballs ... considering they've cost you a previous life as a French Marchall.
The unit from my colleague II-[18th LA]Cpt.P.Cleburne or the 3rd Alabama Company A are worth looking into.
Join the events ! Lots of choices to be made :)

FIGHT Black phoenix
10-27-2017, 09:35 PM
Looking for a new company. I was with the 47th for the last few months (Sgt.), but they are in a hiatus. (also made all the art for them on the company thread, if that accounts for anything)
Been in various NW regiments over the last few years.
Company needs to be active, commit to drills, etc.
CSA only, obviously. :p
Ain't joining some group with 5 guys of which 2 got the game.
Mandatory attendance is a neck breaker.

Hi mate contac me if you want i looking for a lieutnant to build my english platoon please contac me by steam if you are interesting : II-[18th LA]Cpt.P.Cleburne

I wish you best of luck on your search for glory, do be on the lookout for cannonballs ... considering they've cost you a previous life as a French Marchall.
The unit from my colleague II-[18th LA]Cpt.P.Cleburne or the 3rd Alabama Company A are worth looking into.
Join the events ! Lots of choices to be made :)

Thanks brother

10-27-2017, 10:22 PM
the 3rd Alabama Company A are worth looking into.
Join the events ! Lots of choices to be made :)
I would agree :-)

10-28-2017, 09:41 AM
I would agree :-)

I would like to doubt that you would want me after my glorious display yesterday! :D

10-28-2017, 11:59 AM
I would like to doubt that you would want me after my glorious display yesterday! :D

Was loads of fun and great to have teamplay going

FIGHT Black phoenix
10-28-2017, 10:19 PM
Hi all ,

The 18th LA looking for a person who speaks english and french as well , the experiences in game doesnt matter i will give some training , it will be promoted as Lieutnant and lead the english platoon
Cpt Cleburne
COS of 18th LA

10-29-2017, 01:41 AM
Hi all ,

The 18th LA looking for a person who speaks english and french as well , the experiences in game doesnt matter i will give some training , it will be promoted as Lieutnant and lead the english platoon
Cpt Cleburne
COS of 18th LA

Cpt.Cleburne, if you are ingame/ts with the 6th LA or 1st GA and I'm on and things aren't clear ... just ask : I'm from the Dutch part of Belgium but think I can handle most French :)

FIGHT Black phoenix
10-29-2017, 07:58 AM
Cpt.Cleburne, if you are ingame/ts with the 6th LA or 1st GA and I'm on and things aren't clear ... just ask : I'm from the Dutch part of Belgium but think I can handle most French :)

Brother , i looking for a deputy who speak english and french, i dont want only french but you are kind if you found one for me :o

FIGHT Black phoenix
11-01-2017, 11:37 PM
http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/623554pourpapa.png (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=623554pourpapa.png)

Join us now it was a mixed regiment between French and English language (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/18thlibcoa/)

Hi all ,

The 18th LA looking for a person who speaks english and french as well , the experiences in game doesnt matter i will give some training , it will be promoted as Lieutnant and lead the english platoon

Cpt. P . Cleburne
COS of 18th LA
1st Brigade
Stonewall Jackson's Second Corps

11-02-2017, 01:35 PM
The 1st La Battery A "Donaldsonville Artillery" is currently looking for gun crew as well as NCOs we drill on the regular and participate in weekly events extremely active officers and we even have a chaplain. If interested please check out our forum thread or volunteer on the company tool.

11-02-2017, 05:58 PM

I'm looking for 50 men or more to form the South Carolina Rifles Company A. If you're up for the idea, join the following discord: https://discord.me/scr-coa or look for J. Dewitt on Steam. It will be the one with the many company tags as alternative names. We will distribute ranks to those willing and able and on the same page about what direction the company should go. I'm hoping for a fun, mature and authentic Company with a proper structure and responsibilities with real chances to step up and lead whether our presence is big or small on the battlefield. We will always try to form up into multiple units. Or as the Company ledger puts it:

In the SCR Co. A your rank hold meaning; you will be expected to carry out the leadership duties which come with your rank, as opposed to one person (e.g. the highest officer present) commanding the Company as it were a single entity.

The Captain will have different duties than a Sergeant who will have different duties than a Private. The Captain might be completely unsuited to do what a Sergeant does and vice versa. Like this the Company hopes to be a place for everyone to have fun and excel on the battlefield.

Don't be like 'em cattle, join the South Carolina instead 'n help sculpt a Company from the ground up. Come on over and have a chat first.

http://i66.tinypic.com/9884f4.gif http://i67.tinypic.com/1zh3atx.jpg

FIGHT Black phoenix
11-18-2017, 10:18 PM
http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/623554pourpapa.png (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=623554pourpapa.png)

Join us now it was a mixed regiment between French and English language (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/18thlibcoa/)

11-18-2017, 10:25 PM
Recruits are wanted for the 1st Texas Infantry Regiment!
Any player looking for a group with teamwork and aggressive style of gameplay look no further!

Company List:
Company A (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?1581-1st-Texas-Infantry-Co-A-quot-Marion-Rifles-quot)
Company B (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?3580-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-B)
Company E (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?2831-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-E-quot-Marshall-Guards-quot-(European))
Company F (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?777-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-F-quot-Woodville-Rifles-quot)
Company H (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?1618-1st-Texas-Volunteer-Infantry-Company-H-quot-Texas-Guard-quot)


Videos of 1st Texas In action!




FIGHT Black phoenix
11-28-2017, 05:47 AM
http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/623554pourpapa.png (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=623554pourpapa.png)

Join us now it was a mixed regiment between French and English language (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/18thlibcoa/)

Joffre Xavier
11-30-2017, 05:53 PM
houra!!!! 18th of louisiana:cool:

11-30-2017, 09:15 PM

joined the game just today, so yeah, I am noob. Watched a couple of videos though and yes, I do want to join a company.

Preferably EU and English speaking.

Willing to obey whatever order is given as well willing to stay in character. Have Headset etc, of course.


Lyman Trumbull
11-30-2017, 09:46 PM

joined the game just today, so yeah, I am noob. Watched a couple of videos though and yes, I do want to join a company.

Preferably EU and English speaking.

Willing to obey whatever order is given as well willing to stay in character. Have Headset etc, of course.


Hello WeeFilly, welcome to the forum, the 66th would be glad to have you on board, we are indeed an EU company, myself living in the UK.

If you would like to join, the link is available below:
If you decide to join another company however, I do wish you the best of luck and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Otherwise, feel free to add me on Steam:

11-30-2017, 09:54 PM

joined the game just today, so yeah, I am noob. Watched a couple of videos though and yes, I do want to join a company.

Preferably EU and English speaking.

Willing to obey whatever order is given as well willing to stay in character. Have Headset etc, of course.

Hey Wello,

The 42nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment is always looking for new and hard working players to join the ranks. We're split into two companies with Company F "Irish Infantry" being the dedicated EU company. I myself am from the UK and am the overall Battalion Commander.

If you'd like to find out more feel free to have a browser of our forum thread: http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?721-42nd-Pennsylvania-Infantry-quot-Bucktails-quot-2nd-Battalion-Co-E-amp-F-EU-NA if from there you'd like to join feel free fill out the application located on said thread.

If you're looking for a possible EU Confederate regiment I can recommend no finer unit the the 6th Alabama Company H: http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?4532-6th-Alabama-Volunteers-quot-Red-Right-Hand-quot-2nd-Battalion-Co-H-amp-K-quot

FIGHT Black phoenix
12-01-2017, 03:03 AM

joined the game just today, so yeah, I am noob. Watched a couple of videos though and yes, I do want to join a company.

Preferably EU and English speaking.

Willing to obey whatever order is given as well willing to stay in character. Have Headset etc, of course.


Hey Boy,

To depend which side would you like fighting for ? South or North ?

If you are interesting we recruit some people like you we speak a both language english and french and we are base all in EU exept me the founder of this regiment (i live in South Pacific area) so if you are interesting to fight for the south join us here : http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?1519-18th-Louisiana-Infantry-Batallion-Company-A-French or contac me by steam ID steam: II-[18th LA]Cpt.P.Cleburne.The 18th LA joined the Stonewall Jackson's Second Corps.

Hopefully you will join us on this adventure ?

See you around !

Cpt. Cleburne
COS of 18th LA
1st Brigade
Stonewall Jackson's Second Corps

12-04-2017, 12:36 AM
Enlist In The 2nd Maryland Volunteer Infantry Today!


Join the 2nd Maryland Volunteer Infantry. Fight with Marylanders in the Maryland Campaign in order to defend or free Maryland. The 2nd Maryland Volunteer Infantry is a NEUTRAL company accepting both Confederate and Union players. We are 36 active men and growing with 16 already owning the alpha and hope to gain more men to fill in squad platoon and sectional roles such as command or just the back bone of the company. We wish to be semi-realistic but still wish to have fun while doing so. So join today either sign and application on the forum 2nd Maryland Volunteer Infantry Co. A & Co. B (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?2808-2nd-Maryland-Volunteer-Infantry-Co-A-amp-Co-B) or join on the company tool 2nd Maryland Company B (https://www.warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=52#companyToolHeader) and within 1-3 days you will be accepted.

FIGHT Black phoenix
12-11-2017, 01:10 AM
http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/623554pourpapa.png (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=623554pourpapa.png)

Join us now it was a mixed regiment between French and English language (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/18thlibcoa/)

Hi all ,

The 18th LA looking for a person who speaks english and french as well , the experiences in game doesnt matter i will give some training , it will be promoted as Lieutnant and lead the english platoon

Cpt. P . Cleburne
COS of 18th LA
1st Brigade
Stonewall Jackson's Second Corps

Captain M.L.L.Adkins
12-15-2017, 03:18 AM
Join the 8th Florida H company
We are a recently mustered company, looking for new recruits. Being so young a company any recruits would be in line for quick promotions as we grow.

Forum page: http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?4833-8th-Florida-Company-H

Group steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/8thFlCoH/

FIGHT Black phoenix
12-18-2017, 10:27 AM
http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/623554pourpapa.png (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=623554pourpapa.png)

Join us now it was a mixed regiment between French and English language (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/18thlibcoa/)

Hi all ,

The 18th LA looking for a person who speaks english and french as well , the experiences in game doesnt matter i will give some training , it will be promoted as Lieutnant and lead the english platoon

Cpt. P . Cleburne
COS of 18th LA
1st Brigade
Stonewall Jackson's Second Corps

12-20-2017, 03:15 PM
From Seven Pines to Sharpsburg and Chancellorsville to Spotsylvania, the Third Alabama Regiment played a key role in the Civil War. One of the first infantry units from the Deep South to make the journey to Virginia in 1861, the Third Alabama Co. A was the first to cross the Potomac into Maryland and to enter the streets of Gettysburg in 1863.

We are a mixed unit EU /NA / ASIA (China)
Mixing fun with a role play aspect most important factor for us is teamwork. This is not a one-man show we will make use of the roles and ranks the time era held.

Friendly causual gamers are welcome. We are also looking for the American Civil War geeks who are motivated to help out and build this company with us.
We have still a lot of positions for NCO and Officer roles and ranks for those who are in love with the game and have the motivation and quality to take on these ranks.

Our 1st Lt is German and our NCO(Cpl.) 1st platoon is French. We do not care how messed up your English is or what kind of accent you have :-) As long as you want to be part of a tight group. We are active but we do not pressure anybody. Private life always comes first and we can understand some weekends you just want to dive into another game.

If this interests you then I hope to hear from you or see you volunteer with us.

La Compagnie A du 3e Alabama recrute ! Se voulant multi-culturelle et composée de volontaires venant des quatre coins du monde nous recherchons des joueurs actifs et motivés ne parlant pas forcément la langue anglaise même si cela est conseillé, des entrainements visant à apprendre aux joueurs les ordres et directives en anglais seront mis en place afin d’aider les joueurs à s’adapter rapidement même si ceux-ci ne connaissent pas la langue. Compagnie Semi-Rp nous cherchons avant tout à jouer et à nous amuser ensemble tout en respectant la hiérarchie et le rp militaire dans la limite du fun bien entendu. Alors si vous souhaitez vous investir et nous rejoindre n’hésitez pas à nous contacter directement !

Corporal Charles Lebailec, Chef de section et responsable francophone

Regards ,
HQ 3rd Alabam

01-08-2018, 03:57 PM
Just backed today, haven't even played a game yet but looking for a regiment. Migrating over from M&B, and the clusterf*** that is becoming Holdfast.

EST Time zone, typical playtime is between 10PM to 1-2AM. I do have two little kids, so looking for a little more relaxed structure when it comes to attendance and having to step AFK for a minute or two. South or North, no preference really.

01-08-2018, 04:25 PM
sent you a PM
Welcome to the game!

01-08-2018, 05:52 PM
Just backed the game. Looking to make a European company
Mix between a French / German and other EU guys.

Coppens (First Louisiana Zouaves) Battalion Co. F

01-12-2018, 03:47 PM
!!!Enlist today!!!

Join the 20th New York Volunteers to fight the Traitors!!!
The 20th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment or 'Turner Rifles'
is a English and German speaking historical accurate Regiment.
Click here to view our Thread. (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?3799-20th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Turner-Rifles-quot&highlight=20th)
or directly add

Captain von Platen
http://steamsignature.com/status/default/76561198020241584.png (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198020241584/)http://steamsignature.com/AddFriend.png (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198020241584/)

Sergeant Fritz Born
http://steamsignature.com/status/default/76561198162410169.png (http://steamcommunity.com/id/cockydasschwanzbaerchen/)http://steamsignature.com/AddFriend.png (http://steamcommunity.com/id/cockydasschwanzbaerchen/)
on Steam.

See you on the Battlefield gents!!!

FIGHT Black phoenix
01-14-2018, 03:27 AM
http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/623554pourpapa.png (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=623554pourpapa.png)

Join us now (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/18thlibcoa/)

01-14-2018, 12:44 PM
The 5th Louisiana Infantry - Company A, the Crescent city Guards are looking for new recruits to fill their ranks!
If you think you've got what it takes, our recruitment headquarters are located at: http://steamcommunity.com/id/diversey/

Captain, Henry Forno

A. P. Hill
01-21-2018, 02:17 PM
http://i.imgur.com/JGXNZFy.png (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/aphillslightdivision/discussions)

click it!

FIGHT Black phoenix
01-22-2018, 10:37 AM
http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/623554pourpapa.png (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=623554pourpapa.png)

Join us now (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/18thlibcoa/)

01-29-2018, 03:14 PM
https://i.imgur.com/OQ0clHo.jpg (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?721-42nd-Pennsylvania-Infantry-quot-Bucktails-quot-3rd-Battalion-Co-E-amp-F-EU-NA)

About the 42nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment

The 42nd Pennsylvania, 2nd Battalion, Co. E and Co. F, are a battalion of infantry that aim to be a well trained and disciplined, realism unit for the up and coming game War of Rights. We aim to have 1 or 2 events a week on the weekends as well as 1 training session, resulting in a maximum commitment of 3 events a week. The company plans on playing as both line and sharpshooter due to the regiment being armed with the Sharps Rifles and also due to them repeatedly throwing the rule book out the window. The Officers of the battalion hold a pool of knowledge and skills whilst the NCOs walk down their own path of specialization to create a team able to train men in all forms of combat. Men are recruited from all across the community with a wide range of different abilities; all are welcome in the 42nd Pennsylvania as long as you keep to the rules. The 42nd Pennsylvania aims to become a well-respected Battalion and hopes to join in the community with a blast.

Enlisting with the 42nd

If you are interested in enlisting with the 42nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment then click the poster above to fill out our application document.

01-29-2018, 03:28 PM
Recruits are wanted for the 1st Texas Infantry Regiment!
Any player looking for a group with teamwork and aggressive style of gameplay look no further!

Company List:
Company A (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?1581-1st-Texas-Infantry-Co-A-quot-Marion-Rifles-quot)
Company B (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?3580-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-B)
Company E (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?2831-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-E-quot-Marshall-Guards-quot-(European))
Company F (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?777-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-F-quot-Woodville-Rifles-quot)
Company H (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?1618-1st-Texas-Volunteer-Infantry-Company-H-quot-Texas-Guard-quot)


Videos of 1st Texas In action!




FIGHT Black phoenix
01-30-2018, 08:20 AM
http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/623554pourpapa.png (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=623554pourpapa.png)

Join us now (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/18thlibcoa/)

02-04-2018, 06:09 PM
Evening chaps and chapettes,

I'm brand new to WoR and I'm looking to join a GMT friendly Company, preferably USA but I'm willing to be a bit of a mercenary and consider the CSA if my interest is peaked.

I consider myself a bit of an armchair general and really appreciate historical authenticity (after all that's what brought me to the game in the first place). I'd like to think I'm quite knowledgeable about the American Civil War but I'm sure I have a lot to learn (after all, I am English).

Any EU friendly recruiters looking to bolster their ranks please feel free to drop me a message, or better yet add me on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/IDOTS/


02-05-2018, 01:16 PM

C. Moser
02-06-2018, 02:09 AM
8th Virginia, Company F

We request any able volunteers to heed the call of Virginia! More importantly the call of the South! If you are interested you may contact me here on the forums or add me on steam and send me a message!


C. Moser
02-07-2018, 10:22 PM

Contact me on steam if interested

(Sorry for posting again so soon, I just got our new poster, so I was eager to use it)

02-10-2018, 05:20 AM
From Seven Pines to Sharpsburg and Chancellorsville to Spotsylvania, the Third Alabama Regiment played a key role in the Civil War. One of the first infantry units from the Deep South to make the journey to Virginia in 1861, the Third Alabama was the first to cross the Potomac into Maryland and to enter the streets of Gettysburg in 1863.


"For the young men of the Mobile Cadets, the heady excitement of the first months of 1861 must then have seemed like a dream come true. Here at last was the opportunity to make the fantasies of military glory a reality. The company had been formed in 1845, and then as now contained some of the finest youth from the wealthiest families of Mobile. Alabama. Since the early days, the cadets, while excelling at military drill and target practice, had been little more than a social club. Now, with the Federal evacuation of Fort Sumter, the possibility of war seemed very real. So real, in fact, that the captain of the cadets was waiting in the telegraph office following the news of the evacuation when the call for volunteers was received. A return message was immediately sent to the Alabama governor offering the services of the Mobile Cadets to the Confederacy. Within days, the cadets moved to Montgomery, where they were designated Company A, 3rd Regiment Alabama Infantry. The 3rd was the first Alabama command to leave the state for Virginia, where on May 4, 1861, at Lynchburg, they were mustered into Confederate service.

While at Lynchburg, the cadets received M1841 Mississippi rifles with saber bayonets, which were shipped to that point from Alabama's Mount Vernon Arsenal. From Lynchburg. the 3rd Alabama was ordered to Norfolk, Virginia, where it remained until the city was evacuated on May 5. 1862. The Mobile Cadets found the action they had looked for in the Seven Days' battles before Richmond. At Sewn Pines and Malvern Hill, the 3rd Alabama lost a total of 367 men killed and wounded. At Malvern Hill, the dead of the 3rd Alabama included two Mobile Cadets, both killed bearing the regimental colors."

In the Antietam Campaign:
In his report of the battles of Boonsboro and Sharpsburg, General Rodes wrote: "The men and officers behaved well, but Colonel Gordon's Sixth Alabama, Major Hobson's Fifth Alabama, and Colonel Battle's Third Alabama deserve special mention for admirable conduct during the whole fight.'' The Regiment was among those few defending Turner's Gap on South Mountain on September 14th, and in the fierce fighting in the Sunken Road during the midday of the 17th.

FIGHT Black phoenix
02-14-2018, 07:50 PM
http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/623554pourpapa.png (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=623554pourpapa.png)

Join us now (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/18thlibcoa/)

02-15-2018, 02:37 PM
From Seven Pines to Sharpsburg and Chancellorsville to Spotsylvania, the Third Alabama Regiment played a key role in the Civil War. One of the first infantry units from the Deep South to make the journey to Virginia in 1861, the Third Alabama was the first to cross the Potomac into Maryland and to enter the streets of Gettysburg in 1863.


"For the young men of the Mobile Cadets, the heady excitement of the first months of 1861 must then have seemed like a dream come true. Here at last was the opportunity to make the fantasies of military glory a reality. The company had been formed in 1845, and then as now contained some of the finest youth from the wealthiest families of Mobile. Alabama. Since the early days, the cadets, while excelling at military drill and target practice, had been little more than a social club. Now, with the Federal evacuation of Fort Sumter, the possibility of war seemed very real. So real, in fact, that the captain of the cadets was waiting in the telegraph office following the news of the evacuation when the call for volunteers was received. A return message was immediately sent to the Alabama governor offering the services of the Mobile Cadets to the Confederacy. Within days, the cadets moved to Montgomery, where they were designated Company A, 3rd Regiment Alabama Infantry. The 3rd was the first Alabama command to leave the state for Virginia, where on May 4, 1861, at Lynchburg, they were mustered into Confederate service.

While at Lynchburg, the cadets received M1841 Mississippi rifles with saber bayonets, which were shipped to that point from Alabama's Mount Vernon Arsenal. From Lynchburg. the 3rd Alabama was ordered to Norfolk, Virginia, where it remained until the city was evacuated on May 5. 1862. The Mobile Cadets found the action they had looked for in the Seven Days' battles before Richmond. At Sewn Pines and Malvern Hill, the 3rd Alabama lost a total of 367 men killed and wounded. At Malvern Hill, the dead of the 3rd Alabama included two Mobile Cadets, both killed bearing the regimental colors."

In the Antietam Campaign:
In his report of the battles of Boonsboro and Sharpsburg, General Rodes wrote: "The men and officers behaved well, but Colonel Gordon's Sixth Alabama, Major Hobson's Fifth Alabama, and Colonel Battle's Third Alabama deserve special mention for admirable conduct during the whole fight.'' The Regiment was among those few defending Turner's Gap on South Mountain on September 14th, and in the fierce fighting in the Sunken Road during the midday of the 17th.

General Longstreet
02-21-2018, 04:24 AM
Looking for a Good, active, chill Company thats not in to strict that uses Disocrd

here is my steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/General_Ben
here is my discord: General Ben#2824

02-21-2018, 04:25 PM
The 4th NJ Co A is in the forming stage however our leadership has experience with running a company (Former Captain of the 2nd Massachusetts Co A). If you're looking to be part of a mature group looking to use real tactics from the period the 4th Co A may be for you. Currently we are looking for NCOs, if your interested hop in our Discord (https://discord.gg/YwNcpZX) to talk anytime or enlist in the company tool (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=2334#companyToolHeader).

IRL I'm a re-enactor with the 4th NJ Co A, if your in New Jersey and interested in Reencating check out our website at http://4thnj.org/

02-21-2018, 04:33 PM
Recruits are wanted for the 1st Texas Infantry Regiment!
Any player looking for a group with teamwork and aggressive style of gameplay look no further!

Company List:
Company A (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?1581-1st-Texas-Infantry-Co-A-quot-Marion-Rifles-quot)
Company B (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?3580-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-B)
Company E (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?2831-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-E-quot-Marshall-Guards-quot-(European))
Company F (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?777-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-F-quot-Woodville-Rifles-quot)
Company H (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?1618-1st-Texas-Volunteer-Infantry-Company-H-quot-Texas-Guard-quot)


Videos of 1st Texas In action!




Sir Doctor Professor
02-23-2018, 05:49 PM
I'll make this as brief as possible. I'm Gaines, better known in the NW community as Sir Doctor Professor and I have extensive experience in the battlefield leadership and senior administration of units. I don't have the NaS/WoR community connections required to take on the management of a unit alone so I'm looking to see if any existing units are looking for officers. If you're interested I can offer greater detail on my past exploits and I'm obviously willing to be subject to a trial period in the position that I would hopefully fill. I'm NA but I have a flexible schedule so as far as times are concerned so I should be able to work with a unit from any region. I currently have an existing unit (2nd Mississippi, Company F) with a dozen or so members that has been in a state of suspension due to time constraints I was subject to until recently. If I secure a position in your unit I will disband the 2nd MS Co. F and integrate what members of it I can corral into yours. I can be contacted on Steam here (http://steamcommunity.com/id/sirdoctorprofessor). I look forward to hearing back!

02-25-2018, 10:41 AM

Credits to Pvt. IDOTS for making this wonderful poster

02-25-2018, 08:38 PM
https://i.imgur.com/xWXYFgV.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?1618-1st-Texas-Volunteer-Infantry-Company-H-quot-Texas-Guard-quot)


03-02-2018, 02:46 PM
Hello! I'm new to WoR Community and interested in finding a well organized Company to volunteer with! I'm 27 years old with a good pc and a mic and plenty of other forms of contact. I have a lot of experience in role play or realism units, as well as a lot in real life. So I'm looking for the same type of Company. Mostly serious but also knows how to have fun. I'm much interested in Cavalry however Infantry is also a passion as it is my bread and butter. I look forward to hearing from someone and I thank you for your time.

Steam, http://steamcommunity.com/id/oxy556


03-02-2018, 02:57 PM
Hello! I'm new to WoR Community and interested in finding a well organized Company to volunteer with! I'm 27 years old with a good pc and a mic and plenty of other forms of contact. I have a lot of experience in role play or realism units, as well as a lot in real life. So I'm looking for the same type of Company. Mostly serious but also knows how to have fun. I'm much interested in Cavalry however Infantry is also a passion as it is my bread and butter. I look forward to hearing from someone and I thank you for your time.

Steam, http://steamcommunity.com/id/oxy556


Maybe we have the combination you are looking for? Mature minded friendly people, that love to play the game organised but have fun also.


Credits to Pvt. IDOTS for making this wonderful poster

03-03-2018, 04:52 AM
Do you intend to have Cavalry?

03-03-2018, 01:22 PM
Do you intend to have Cavalry?

It will come, eventually.
There are better places to discuss this.

03-12-2018, 09:33 PM


Le 6e d'infanterie de Louisiane, sous la direction du Major-général Paioletti, est devenu l'un des plus grandes et le plus active dans le jeux War Of RIghts, et aussi l'une des plus respectés sur le champ de bataille. Des attaquants implacables, le sixième de Louisiane, défenseurs et tenaces de l'Infanterie de la Louisiane ont gagné le surnom, "les tigres."

Nous avons besoin maintenant, des soldats francophones pour combler notre deuxième section de compagnie B. C'est la seule unité française dans war of rights et cela est à 100 % vrai dans l’histoire de cette unité de Louisiane.

La plus grande et la plus cosmopolite du pays dans les états confédérés était la Nouvelle Orléans, en Louisiane. Compte tenu de son port animé, débordant avec des exportations de coton, "roi", et de la canne à sucre, du tabac et de la riche histoire de l'état français et de l'occupation espagnole, lorsque la Confédération a lancé un appel aux volontaires pour défendre le pays contre l'invasion du Nord, les personnes nées au Canada d’origine française, italiens, irlandais, Allemands, et créoles se sont ralliés à leur pays d'adoption. Le sixième d'infanterie de Louisiane, bientôt connu sous le nom de "Tigres", avait plus de deux cent cinquante nationalités sur son étandar.

Contactez les sergents. Cleburne et Redleader

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.pngSgt. Cleburne https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197984355403)

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.pngSgt. Redleader https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/id/redleader)

Attention! French-speaking soldiers needed!

The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Paioletti, has become one of the largest and most active units in the War of Rights community, and also one of the most respected on the field of battle. Unrelenting attackers, bitterly tenacious defenders, the Sixth Louisiana Infantry have earned the nickname, “Tigers.”

We are now calling for French-speaking soldiers to fill our SECOND PLATOON of Company B. This is the only French unit in the War of Rights community and it is 100% historically correct for the Louisiana Brigade.

The largest and most ethnically diverse city in the Confederate States was New Orleans, Louisiana. Given its bustling port, overflowing with exports of “King Cotton,” tobacco, and sugarcane, and the state’s rich history of both French and Spanish occupation, when the Confederacy called for volunteers to defend the country against Northern invasion, entire companies of native born French, Italians, Irish, Germans, and Creoles rallied to their adopted country’s flag. The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, soon known as the “Tigers”, had over twenty-four nationalities on its muster roll.

03-14-2018, 07:01 AM
https://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/United-Kingdom.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/United-States_flat.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/France_flat.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/Germany.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/Netherlands_flat.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/China_flat.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/Thailand.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/Italy.png https://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/Belgium_flat.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/Denmark_flat.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/Sweden_flat.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/Scotland.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/Ireland.png


We are striving to provide a very friendly environment in our company. So whatever your level of experience is with games you are welcome here. We have mostly guys that are 25+ in age and have a few guys that are 60+. Now we will accept everybody that is 16+ in age as long as your mature minded and can role-play and act respectful on the drill camp and battlefield. We have people from over the world in our company EU / NA.

We need recruits - Corporals - Sgt's - Officers.

Promotion is a combination of time you are with us - the passion you have for the game (activity in-game and our steamgroup/ webpage) - the qualities you have to play a curtain role/rank. Not everyone can be promoted the majority we need are hard fighting soldiers.

La Compagnie A du 3e Alabama recrute ! Se voulant multi-culturelle et composée de volontaires venant des quatre coins du monde nous recherchons des joueurs actifs et motivés ne parlant pas forcément la langue anglaise même si cela est conseillé, des entrainements visant à apprendre aux joueurs les ordres et directives en anglais seront mis en place afin d’aider les joueurs à s’adapter rapidement même si ceux-ci ne connaissent pas la langue. Compagnie Semi-Rp nous cherchons avant tout à jouer et à nous amuser ensemble tout en respectant la hiérarchie et le rp militaire dans la limite du fun bien entendu. Alors si vous souhaitez vous investir et nous rejoindre n’hésitez pas à nous contacter directement !

1st Lieutenant Charles Lebailec, Commandant en second et responsable francophone de la compagnie

Games we tend to play:
War of Rights
Arma III
(soon to be released) Hell Let Loose
Scourge of War Gettysburg

S. Johnson
03-17-2018, 03:15 AM
This is filled with some awesome banners!

03-17-2018, 03:50 PM
https://image.ibb.co/iEGecx/42nd_Poster2_0.png (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?721-42nd-Pennsylvania-Infantry-quot-Bucktails-quot-3rd-Battalion-Co-E-amp-F-EU-NA)

A. P. Hill
03-17-2018, 03:53 PM
http://i.imgur.com/JGXNZFy.png (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/aphillslightdivision/discussions)

click it!

03-18-2018, 02:32 AM

03-18-2018, 02:33 AM
well that didn't work out as it should've lol

03-18-2018, 06:15 AM
Are you of a Southern persuasion? Do you wanna piss off the Yankees? I mean do you REALLY WANNA PISS OFF THE YANKEES?!

Join 8th VA, Co.F!

Have you ever heard a Yankee whine? No, have you really ever heard a Yankee WHINE?!
Well if you love that sound (it warms my heart), join the 8th VA, Co.F. We guarantee, every time a Yankee sees your name you won't be disappointed!

03-18-2018, 12:12 PM
http://tw.greywool.com/i/tPweq.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?2997-8th-Virginia-Infantry-Regiment-Co-H-quot-The-Potomac-Greys-quot)

03-19-2018, 02:07 AM

14th Brooklyn (84th New York Company B) is looking for new members.


S. Johnson
03-19-2018, 03:44 PM


Click the link and visit our thread!!!

FIGHT Black phoenix
03-20-2018, 03:21 AM


Le 6e d'infanterie de Louisiane, sous la direction du Major-général Paioletti, est devenu l'un des plus grandes et le plus active dans le jeux War Of RIghts, et aussi l'une des plus respectés sur le champ de bataille. Des attaquants implacables, le sixième de Louisiane, défenseurs et tenaces de l'Infanterie de la Louisiane ont gagné le surnom, "les tigres."

Nous avons besoin maintenant, des soldats francophones pour combler notre deuxième section de compagnie B. C'est la seule unité française dans war of rights et cela est à 100 % vrai dans l’histoire de cette unité de Louisiane.

La plus grande et la plus cosmopolite du pays dans les états confédérés était la Nouvelle Orléans, en Louisiane. Compte tenu de son port animé, débordant avec des exportations de coton, "roi", et de la canne à sucre, du tabac et de la riche histoire de l'état français et de l'occupation espagnole, lorsque la Confédération a lancé un appel aux volontaires pour défendre le pays contre l'invasion du Nord, les personnes nées au Canada d’origine française, italiens, irlandais, Allemands, et créoles se sont ralliés à leur pays d'adoption. Le sixième d'infanterie de Louisiane, bientôt connu sous le nom de "Tigres", avait plus de deux cent cinquante nationalités sur son étandar.

Contactez les sergents. Cleburne et Redleader

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.pngSgt. Cleburne https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197984355403)

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.pngSgt. Redleader https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/id/redleader)

Attention! French-speaking soldiers needed!

The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Paioletti, has become one of the largest and most active units in the War of Rights community, and also one of the most respected on the field of battle. Unrelenting attackers, bitterly tenacious defenders, the Sixth Louisiana Infantry have earned the nickname, “Tigers.”

We are now calling for French-speaking soldiers to fill our SECOND PLATOON of Company B. This is the only French unit in the War of Rights community and it is 100% historically correct for the Louisiana Brigade.

The largest and most ethnically diverse city in the Confederate States was New Orleans, Louisiana. Given its bustling port, overflowing with exports of “King Cotton,” tobacco, and sugarcane, and the state’s rich history of both French and Spanish occupation, when the Confederacy called for volunteers to defend the country against Northern invasion, entire companies of native born French, Italians, Irish, Germans, and Creoles rallied to their adopted country’s flag. The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, soon known as the “Tigers”, had over twenty-four nationalities on its muster roll.

03-20-2018, 07:45 AM
https://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/United-Kingdom.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/United-States_flat.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/France_flat.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/Germany.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/Netherlands_flat.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/China_flat.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/Thailand.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/Italy.png https://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/Belgium_flat.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/Denmark_flat.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/Sweden_flat.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/Scotland.pnghttps://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/flags_gosquared/64/Ireland.png


We are striving to provide a very friendly environment in our company. So whatever your level of experience is with games you are welcome here. We have mostly guys that are 25+ in age and have a few guys that are 60+. Now we will accept everybody that is 16+ in age as long as your mature minded and can role-play and act respectful on the drill camp and battlefield. We have people from over the world in our company EU / NA.

We need recruits - Corporals - Sgt's - Officers.

Promotion is a combination of time you are with us - the passion you have for the game (activity in-game and our steamgroup/ webpage) - the qualities you have to play a curtain role/rank. Not everyone can be promoted the majority we need are hard fighting soldiers.

La Compagnie A du 3e Alabama recrute ! Se voulant multi-culturelle et composée de volontaires venant des quatre coins du monde nous recherchons des joueurs actifs et motivés ne parlant pas forcément la langue anglaise même si cela est conseillé, des entrainements visant à apprendre aux joueurs les ordres et directives en anglais seront mis en place afin d’aider les joueurs à s’adapter rapidement même si ceux-ci ne connaissent pas la langue. Compagnie Semi-Rp nous cherchons avant tout à jouer et à nous amuser ensemble tout en respectant la hiérarchie et le rp militaire dans la limite du fun bien entendu. Alors si vous souhaitez vous investir et nous rejoindre n’hésitez pas à nous contacter directement !

1st Lieutenant Charles Lebailec, Commandant en second et responsable francophone de la compagnie

Games we tend to play:
War of Rights
Arma III
(soon to be released) Hell Let Loose
Scourge of War Gettysburg

03-20-2018, 03:26 PM
The 1st NJ Co. A is looking to expand its ranks. (Message Sgt. Reyes in order for us to clear one of our inactive stocks make room)
Forum thread: http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?731-1st-New-Jersey-Volunteer-Infantry-Company-A

S. Johnson
03-20-2018, 03:43 PM
"From the beginning of the war until its close no body of troops achieved a fame so distinct and universal as that of the Pennsylvania Reserves. Other troops fought equally well, and wrought out glorious histories that will ever be remembered by a grateful posterity, but the Reserves fought battles and won victories of their own, and thus secured to themselves a wider fame in the history of the nation's struggle." Their patriotic dead sleep upon many a well-fought field." - LT Ell Torrance of the 38th Pennsylvania on the Pennsylvania Reserves

This is who you want to be a part of.

03-21-2018, 02:25 AM
The First Virginia "Irish" Battalion is looking to expand it's ranks beginning with Company B.

All Sons of Erin and Sons of Virginia are welcomed to volunteer in our beloved battalion commissioned by The Governor of Virginia.


If interested, add me on steam: [1VA(B)] Maj. Evan (http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheProvo/)

... or even discord: Evan#1864


S. Johnson
03-21-2018, 10:51 AM


We are looking for experienced leaders and line soldiers alike! We do not GIVE out ranks, we teach you how to wear the rank so that you can EARN it.

In order to enlist reply to this message and the forum post with the following:

Steam Name
In Game/Forum Name
Time Zone
Enlist via Company tool to COMPANY G

Here is a link to our forum post!

Childish Gambino
03-21-2018, 03:56 PM
Hey all,

I am looking for a serious 18+ company to join. I won't accept offers for those that accept anyone under 18 as I have seen time and time again that those 17 and under aren't able to handle themselves and do not show the level of maturity that I am looking for. Add me on steam here (http://steamcommunity.com/id/thechestypuller/) to contact me, as well as shoot me a private message.


03-21-2018, 04:03 PM
Pity that. I've set the age limit to 16 for the 42nd Penn. and honestly it's proven to be without issue due to our already high standards scaring off anyone between 16-18 who isn't us for it.

03-21-2018, 04:07 PM
Hey all,

I am looking for a serious 18+ company to join. I won't accept offers for those that accept anyone under 18 as I have seen time and time again that those 17 and under aren't able to handle themselves and do not show the level of maturity that I am looking for. Add me on steam here (http://steamcommunity.com/id/thechestypuller/) to contact me, as well as shoot me a private message.


Looks like you wont accept anybody's offer because almost all allow people under 18 to join our companies/regiments. Also you are implying that only age equals the mental capacity to act mature.

03-21-2018, 04:13 PM
Not all...

03-21-2018, 04:16 PM
almost all
thats what I said lmao

03-21-2018, 04:18 PM
Most companies accept all and kick those deemed too immature, you may be missing out on some awesome people due to stereotypes of maturity. Regardless, I wish you luck and hope you find a company that is the right fit for you.

03-21-2018, 04:21 PM
thats what I said lmao

If you want to be really pedantic (which is why I responded), there are two clauses in your response that directly contradict one another.

...you wont accept anybody's offer...

...almost all allow people under 18...

If he cannot accept anybody's offer, it would imply that there are no regiments out there who recruit only above the age of eighteen (or twenty-one). And well, since there are some out there who do operate on that basis, it cannot be true... :p

Well, we're digressing here in a large way and that is my fault. My own recommendation to Childish Gambino is to spend some time on the servers, meet some folk and see where it leads him. There are many fine groups out there, Union and Confederate, who would be a fine fit.

03-21-2018, 04:26 PM
If you want to be really pedantic (which is why I responded), there are two clauses in your response that directly contradict one another.

If he cannot accept anybody's offer, it would imply that there are no regiments out there who recruit only above the age of eighteen (or twenty-one). And well, since there are some out there who do operate on that basis, it cannot be true... :p

Well, we're digressing here in a large way and that is my fault. My own recommendation to Childish Gambino is to spend some time on the servers, meet some folk and see where it leads him. There are many fine groups out there, Union and Confederate, who would be a fine fit.

I never said that there was no one who recruits 18+, during my time in this game and on the forums, I've either seen no age requirement or a middle teens requirement.

Childish Gambino
03-21-2018, 04:36 PM
Looks like you wont accept anybody's offer because almost all allow people under 18 to join our companies/regiments. Also you are implying that only age equals the mental capacity to act mature.

I know that my set limitations may make it more difficult to find a company, but those are my limitations.

03-21-2018, 08:40 PM
Without having taken a hard census of ages, I can say with confidence that the Sixth Louisiana is within the parameters of historical accuracy for our regiment. You are more than welcome to fall-in with the "Tigers" to test the waters.

To be the devil's advocate, but I doubt that is true. I'm sure most units will have young lads in their units lying about their age. No 18+ only unit is 100% over the 18+ age either, lying about your age online is as easy as breathing.

03-21-2018, 09:42 PM
To be the devil's advocate, but I doubt that is true. I'm sure most units will have young lads in their units lying about their age. No 18+ only unit is 100% over the 18+ age either, lying about your age online is as easy as breathing.

Can confirm, I have done so in the past.

Childish Gambino
03-25-2018, 11:09 PM
Wanted to drop another post updating my 'Looking for Company' status.

I've changed my limitations from just 18+ to 16+, but I am looking for a serious North American based company as my times aren't as flexible these days. Add me on steam (Link to steam profile ->) here (http://steamcommunity.com/id/thechestypuller) (<- Link to steam profile) and let's talk.

Maximus Decimus Meridius
03-26-2018, 12:07 PM



Die 52. New York Infanterie, Kompanie A, sucht nach tüchtigen deutschen Brüdern im wehrfähigen Alter um unsere neue Heimat und die Republik zu verteidigen! Du bist bereit mit Sigel und uns für die Union zu kämpfen?
Dann melde dich hier! (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?781-52nd-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-quot-German-Rangers-quot-or-quot-Sigel-Rifles-quot-Company-A)

Historisch war die 52. New Yorker Infanterie eines der wenigen Regimenter, welche ausschließlich aus Deutschen bestand. Wir legen Wert auf Realismus und historische Authentizität, dabei darf das Roleplay nicht fehlen um das Feeling komplett zu machen. Selbstverständlich sprechen wir Deutsch, allerdings werden die Befehle auf Englisch gegeben, allein schon weil es sich "richtiger" anfühlt.
Jetzt aber nicht abgeschreckt sein, weil das Englische nicht so gut sitzt. Das snd einfachste Vokabeln, die auch ganz schnell in Fleisch und Tastatur übergehen. Wir haben einige tapfere Recken in unseren Reihen, die kein Wort Englisch sprechen, aber im Schlaf die Befehle umsetzen können!

Natürlich darf auch neben dem ganzen Realismus der Spaß nicht fehlen und ich darf Versprechen, dass der definitiv nicht fehlt, den eine gute und familiäre Atmosphäre ist uns wichtig.

Ich freue mich schon, dich in unseren Reihen begrüßen zu dürfen, Rekrut!

Captain der 52. New Yorker Infanterie, Kompanie A


04-05-2018, 09:53 AM

We are striving to provide a very friendly environment in our company. So whatever your level of experience is with games you are welcome here. We have mostly guys that are 25+ in age and have a few guys that are 60+. Now we will accept everybody that is 16+ in age as long as your mature minded and can role-play and act respectful on the drill camp and battlefield. We have people from over the world in our company EU / NA.

We need recruits - Corporals - Sgt's - Officers.

Promotion is a combination of time you are with us - the passion you have for the game (activity in-game and our steamgroup/ webpage) - the qualities you have to play a curtain role/rank. Not everyone can be promoted the majority we need are hard fighting soldiers.

Games we tend to play:
War of Rights
Arma III
(soon to be released) Hell Let Loose
Scourge of War Gettysburg

04-10-2018, 08:12 AM
I have just purchased myself the Captain package so I can get involved with the testing of this game and I would like to find a company to play with. I am based in the UK so a European based company will be best suited for me. I am a long time PC gamer, and only play games that require teamwork and good communication. I have read a few posts here that say its best to try a few companies out before joining one so I might be looking to try out a few groups before I commit to joining a certain one but I hope people can be accommodating of that. Looking forward to hearing from some of you soon.

04-10-2018, 08:35 AM
I have just purchased myself the Captain package so I can get involved with the testing of this game and I would like to find a company to play with. I am based in the UK so a European based company will be best suited for me. I am a long time PC gamer, and only play games that require teamwork and good communication. I have read a few posts here that say its best to try a few companies out before joining one so I might be looking to try out a few groups before I commit to joining a certain one but I hope people can be accommodating of that. Looking forward to hearing from some of you soon.

Welcome to the forum and the game. I have sent you a PM. Always welcome to try out the 3rd Alabama!

The German Volunteers
04-10-2018, 10:04 AM


About us:

The German Volunteers is a community of likeminded German companies for the game War of Rights fighting for both Factions,
which will strife to provide a fun gaming experience for anyone interested in the German participation in the US Civil War.
All participating companies are either historically mostly german companies, are german based communities
or have a general interest in building a community around the german side of the Civil War.

Our Goal is to build a gaming community around these common factors, and to build a Website and Teamspeak for common use.
We are a loose federation without a rigid rank structure and treat each participating company as equal among all others.
The community guidelines and rules to be determined and layed out are our overarching way of organising the community,
with each company being allowed complete freedom in treating internal affairs.

How to Join:

Any companies who wish to be part of this community and feel like our approach is for them,
please contact our Legion Commander or one of the company leaders specified below.

If you are a player and are interested in joining the community,
please head over to the threads of the individal member companies
or contact the Company Commanders linked below for information on how to join them!

We are also still searching for capable and reliable officers to join our Legion Staff!
If you want to take part in shaping our community and help in organization and administration,
please contact our Legion Commander Willhelm von Steinhausen.

Legion Commander: Colonel Willhelm von Steinhausen (IronWilliam)

http://steamsignature.com/profile/english/76561198012312526.png (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198012312526/)

Legion Staff Officer: Captain Hermann Richter (Johnny)

http://steamsignature.com/profile/german/76561198005827708.png (http://steamcommunity.com/id/Hermann_Richter/)

Participating Companies:

Company A - 52nd New York Volunteer Infantry "German Rangers" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?781-52nd-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-quot-German-Rangers-quot-or-quot-Sigel-Rifles-quot-Company-A)

Company Commander: Captain Paul Frank (Maximus Decimus Meridius)

http://steamsignature.com/profile/english/76561198034698947.png (http://steamcommunity.com/id/maximusfse/)

Company A - 18th North Carolina Infantry Regiment "The German Volunteers" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?2883-18th-North-Carolina-Infantry-Company-A-quot-The-German-Volunteers-quo)

Company Commander: Captain Leopold von Winkler (Winkler)

http://steamsignature.com/profile/english/76561198041539795.png (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041539795/)


Company A - 20th New York Infantry Regiment "Turner Rifles" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?3799-20th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Turner-Rifles-quot)

Company Commander: Captain Friedrich von Platen (von Platen)

http://steamsignature.com/profile/english/76561198020241584.png (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198020241584/)
Company A - 1st Louisiana Infantry "Wheat's Tigers" (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?3855-1st-Louisiana-Company-A-(German)&p=59887#post59887)

Company Commander: Captain Albert von Magdeburg (Albert)

http://steamsignature.com/profile/german/76561197985156941.png (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197985156941/)


Company G - 2nd Maine - "Bangor Tigers" (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?4899-2nd-Maine-Volunteer-Infantry-quot-Bangor-Regiment-quot-Company-G-quot-Bangor-Tigers-quot)
Company Commander: Captain Daniel Sargent (Doctor)

http://steamsignature.com/profile/default/76561198037413355.png (http://steamcommunity.com/id/milesdoctorprow)

Battery A - 1st New Jersey Light Artillery - "Hexamer's Battery" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?726-%26%239830%3B-Battery-A-1st-New-Jersey-Light-Artillery-quot-Hexamer-s-Battery-quot-%26%239830%3B&p=12699#post12699)

Battery Commander: Captain William Hexamer (zerosius)

http://steamsignature.com/profile/english/76561198032699517.png (https://steamcommunity.com/id/zerosius)
Company I - 1st New York Cavalry Regiment "Lincoln Cavalry" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?1782-1st-Regiment-Cavalry-NY-Volunteers-quot-Lincoln-quot-Company-I)

Company Commander: Captain Draine Henry J. (Kiwi)

http://steamsignature.com/profile/english/76561198014971264.png (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014971264/)


United States of America (USA) - 5 Members

Confederate States of America (CSA) - 2 Members

Infantry Companies
Company A - 52nd New York Volunteer Infantry "German Rangers"
Company A - 20th New York Infantry Regiment "Turner Rifles"
Company G - 2nd Maine Volunteers "Bangor Tigers"

Infantry Companies
Company A - 18th North Carolina Infantry Regiment "The German Volunteers"
Company A - 1st Louisiana Infantry "Wheat's Tigers"

Artillery Batteries
Battery A - 1st New Jersey Light Artillery - "Hexamer's Battery"

Cavalry Companies
Company I - 1st New York Cavalry Regiment "Lincoln Cavalry"





04-14-2018, 08:55 AM
42ndPA Forum page:

https://s9.postimg.cc/lieabvxcf/42nd_Poster2.0.png (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?721-42nd-Pennsylvania-Infantry-quot-Bucktails-quot-3rd-Battalion-Co-E-amp-F-EU-NA)

Steam Group:
https://s9.postimg.cc/kg43tcm8v/42nd_profpic_1.1.jpg (https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Bucktails)

Formed Companies Co.E and F:

https://s9.postimg.cc/lieabwkhr/42nd_Co.E.jpg (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=33#companyToolHeader) https://s9.postimg.cc/3sclqvemn/42nd_Co.F.jpg (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=35#companyToolHeader)

Co.D (Mustering atm):

https://s9.postimg.cc/8r045e2zz/42nd_Co.D.jpg (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=2578#companyToolHeader)


04-15-2018, 04:51 PM
I have just purchased myself the Captain package so I can get involved with the testing of this game and I would like to find a company to play with. I am based in the UK so a European based company will be best suited for me. I am a long time PC gamer, and only play games that require teamwork and good communication. I have read a few posts here that say its best to try a few companies out before joining one so I might be looking to try out a few groups before I commit to joining a certain one but I hope people can be accommodating of that. Looking forward to hearing from some of you soon.

Where in the UK m8? Im from Newcastle and have joined the 6th Louisiana Tigers which has a strong EU contingent. Whatever you choose welcome to the game and hope to see you on the field soon.

04-15-2018, 05:08 PM
Recruits are wanted for the 1st Texas Infantry Regiment!
Any player looking for a group with teamwork and aggressive style of gameplay look no further!

Company List:
1st Texas Company A "Marion Rifles" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?1581-1st-Texas-Infantry-Co-A-quot-Marion-Rifles-quot)
1st Texas Company B "Livingston Guards" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?3580-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-B)
1st Texas Company E "Marshall Guards" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?2831-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-E-quot-Marshall-Guards-quot-(European))
1st Texas Company F "Woodville Rifles" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?777-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-F-quot-Woodville-Rifles-quot)
1st Texas Company H "Texas Guard" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?1618-1st-Texas-Volunteer-Infantry-Company-H-quot-Texas-Guard-quot)


Videos of 1st Texas In action!




04-15-2018, 05:19 PM
42ndPA Forum page:

https://s9.postimg.cc/lieabvxcf/42nd_Poster2.0.png (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?721-42nd-Pennsylvania-Infantry-quot-Bucktails-quot-3rd-Battalion-Co-E-amp-F-EU-NA)

Steam Group:
https://s9.postimg.cc/kg43tcm8v/42nd_profpic_1.1.jpg (https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Bucktails)

Formed Companies Co.E and F:

https://s9.postimg.cc/lieabwkhr/42nd_Co.E.jpg (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=33#companyToolHeader) https://s9.postimg.cc/3sclqvemn/42nd_Co.F.jpg (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=35#companyToolHeader)

Co.D (Mustering atm):

https://s9.postimg.cc/8r045e2zz/42nd_Co.D.jpg (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=2578#companyToolHeader)


Maximus Decimus Meridius
04-15-2018, 08:57 PM



Die 52. New York Infanterie, Kompanie A, sucht nach tüchtigen deutschen Brüdern im wehrfähigen Alter um unsere neue Heimat und die Republik zu verteidigen! Du bist bereit mit Sigel und uns für die Union zu kämpfen?
Dann melde dich hier! (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?781-52nd-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-quot-German-Rangers-quot-or-quot-Sigel-Rifles-quot-Company-A)

Historisch war die 52. New Yorker Infanterie eines der wenigen Regimenter, welche ausschließlich aus Deutschen bestand. Wir legen Wert auf Realismus und historische Authentizität, dabei darf das Roleplay nicht fehlen um das Feeling komplett zu machen. Selbstverständlich sprechen wir Deutsch, allerdings werden die Befehle auf Englisch gegeben, allein schon weil es sich "richtiger" anfühlt.
Jetzt aber nicht abgeschreckt sein, weil das Englische nicht so gut sitzt. Das snd einfachste Vokabeln, die auch ganz schnell in Fleisch und Tastatur übergehen. Wir haben einige tapfere Recken in unseren Reihen, die kein Wort Englisch sprechen, aber im Schlaf die Befehle umsetzen können!

Natürlich darf auch neben dem ganzen Realismus der Spaß nicht fehlen und ich darf Versprechen, dass der definitiv nicht fehlt, den eine gute und familiäre Atmosphäre ist uns wichtig.

Ich freue mich schon, dich in unseren Reihen begrüßen zu dürfen, Rekrut!

Captain der 52. New Yorker Infanterie, Kompanie A


FIGHT Black phoenix
04-16-2018, 09:18 PM


Le 6e d'infanterie de Louisiane, sous la direction du Major-général Paioletti, est devenu l'un des plus grandes et le plus active dans le jeux War Of RIghts, et aussi l'une des plus respectés sur le champ de bataille. Des attaquants implacables, le sixième de Louisiane, défenseurs et tenaces de l'Infanterie de la Louisiane ont gagné le surnom, "les tigres."

Nous avons besoin maintenant, des soldats francophones pour combler notre deuxième section de compagnie B. C'est la seule unité française dans war of rights et cela est à 100 % vrai dans l’histoire de cette unité de Louisiane.

La plus grande et la plus cosmopolite du pays dans les états confédérés était la Nouvelle Orléans, en Louisiane. Compte tenu de son port animé, débordant avec des exportations de coton, "roi", et de la canne à sucre, du tabac et de la riche histoire de l'état français et de l'occupation espagnole, lorsque la Confédération a lancé un appel aux volontaires pour défendre le pays contre l'invasion du Nord, les personnes nées au Canada d’origine française, italiens, irlandais, Allemands, et créoles se sont ralliés à leur pays d'adoption. Le sixième d'infanterie de Louisiane, bientôt connu sous le nom de "Tigres", avait plus de deux cent cinquante nationalités sur son étandar.

Contactez les sergents. Cleburne et Redleader

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.pngSgt. Cleburne https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197984355403)

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.pngSgt. Redleader https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/id/redleader)

Attention! French-speaking soldiers needed!

The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Paioletti, has become one of the largest and most active units in the War of Rights community, and also one of the most respected on the field of battle. Unrelenting attackers, bitterly tenacious defenders, the Sixth Louisiana Infantry have earned the nickname, “Tigers.”

We are now calling for French-speaking soldiers to fill our SECOND PLATOON of Company B. This is the only French unit in the War of Rights community and it is 100% historically correct for the Louisiana Brigade.

The largest and most ethnically diverse city in the Confederate States was New Orleans, Louisiana. Given its bustling port, overflowing with exports of “King Cotton,” tobacco, and sugarcane, and the state’s rich history of both French and Spanish occupation, when the Confederacy called for volunteers to defend the country against Northern invasion, entire companies of native born French, Italians, Irish, Germans, and Creoles rallied to their adopted country’s flag. The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, soon known as the “Tigers”, had over two hundred and fifty nationalities on its muster roll.

04-17-2018, 10:53 AM
Wanted! Recruits and especially guys interested in the NCO role/rank!


We are striving to provide a very friendly environment in our company. So whatever your level of experience is with games you are welcome here. We have mostly guys that are 25+ in age and have a few guys that are 60+. Now we will accept everybody that is 16+ in age as long as your mature minded and can role-play and act respectful on the drill camp and battlefield. We have people from over the world in our company EU / NA.

Promotion is a combination of time you are with us - the passion you have for the game (activity in-game and our steamgroup/ webpage) - the qualities you have to play a curtain role/rank. Not everyone can be promoted the majority we need are hard fighting soldiers.

Games we tend to play:
War of Rights
Arma III
Hell Let Loose
Scourge of War Gettysburg

Ben H. Phillips
04-19-2018, 12:51 PM
hello looking for a fun Active Union Company (i would like Line or Cav)

here is my Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198236182598/

04-19-2018, 02:54 PM
Always accepting New and/or Experienced Recruits!

The 1st Minnesota Company F's Schedule is
Sunday - Nothing
Monday - Drill
Tuesday - Whatever
Wednesday - Event
Thursday - Skirmish
Friday - Event
Saturday - Drill/Event

Our Roster (27)
Company Command
Captain Larson
1st Lieutenant Wiedy

1st Platoon
2ndLT Harvesting Season
Sergeant Caboose
Corporal Twista
Private Mercanto
Private Cmdovel
Private Nathan
Private Nedji
Private Soucy
Recruit JackOmg
Recruit JeffyBoy
Recruit John D. Wilkinson
Recruit Ted Ryan
Recruit Ryan Hoffman

2nd Platoon
1st Lieutenant Aidan McConn
1st Sergeant Cameron
Sergeant Ryan
Corporal Dustin Briggs
Private First Class Joshbly
Private Strobe
Private Tom
Private Swanny
Private TheHistoryGuy (Chris Mowery)
Private Realtime Gaming
Private Miku
Recruit Britain

Our north and south side for mount and blade warband is 7th Georgia Infantry Regt. if you dont have the alpha thats ok! Join the 7th Georgia!

04-19-2018, 06:06 PM
This stuff actually works?

I mean if it does, Join us, we fuck shit up.
Just click my signature and apply!


04-19-2018, 06:22 PM
Recruits are wanted for the 1st Texas Infantry Regiment!
Any player looking for a group with teamwork and aggressive style of gameplay look no further!

Company List:
1st Texas Company A "Marion Rifles" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?1581-1st-Texas-Infantry-Co-A-quot-Marion-Rifles-quot)
1st Texas Company B "Livingston Guards" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?3580-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-B)
1st Texas Company C "Palmer Guards" (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=2526#companyToolHeader)
1st Texas Company E "Marshall Guards" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?2831-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-E-quot-Marshall-Guards-quot-(European))
1st Texas Company F "Woodville Rifles" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?777-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-F-quot-Woodville-Rifles-quot)
1st Texas Company G "Reagan Guards" (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=2541#companyToolHeader)
1st Texas Company H "Texas Guard" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?1618-1st-Texas-Volunteer-Infantry-Company-H-quot-Texas-Guard-quot)


Videos of 1st Texas In action!




04-20-2018, 07:26 PM

"Guards of the Daughters of Powhatan"


Tired of walking long distance with no shoes in the Infantry? Tired of duking it out exchanging rifle fire in mass formation waiting to get shot and losing appendages?

Join E Co 4th Virginia Cavalry. In the cavalry you will charge the enemy gloriously from horseback, closing with the enemy and cutting them down with saber and revolver. AND you will look good doing it, too. You will screen flanks, scout openings, plug gaps in the line and counter enemy cavalry attacks.(Pending Game Update).

We are a US based troop, playing primarily in EST. We will have events throughout the week, primarily the weekends and some weekdays. Attendance is not required, but strongly encouraged (you will be rewarded).

Volunteer at: https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=2618#companyToolHeader

We have our own discord server, volunteers will be processed within 24 hours!

SCO (Brevit) Polish
CPT Irish

04-24-2018, 01:22 PM
To Arms!

Your Country Has Seperated! Looking for volunteers to take on the CSA! 1st Minnesota Is Recruiting Proud American Patriots To Fight the rebels and accept Lincolns Call To Arms!

For The Union!

Add [1stMN(F)]Capt.Larson On steam to join!

Maximus Decimus Meridius
04-24-2018, 01:52 PM



Die 52. New York Infanterie, Kompanie A, sucht nach tüchtigen deutschen Brüdern im wehrfähigen Alter um unsere neue Heimat und die Republik zu verteidigen! Du bist bereit mit Sigel und uns für die Union zu kämpfen?
Dann melde dich hier! (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?781-52nd-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-quot-German-Rangers-quot-or-quot-Sigel-Rifles-quot-Company-A)

Historisch war die 52. New Yorker Infanterie eines der wenigen Regimenter, welche ausschließlich aus Deutschen bestand. Wir legen Wert auf Realismus und historische Authentizität, dabei darf das Roleplay nicht fehlen um das Feeling komplett zu machen. Selbstverständlich sprechen wir Deutsch, allerdings werden die Befehle auf Englisch gegeben, allein schon weil es sich "richtiger" anfühlt.
Jetzt aber nicht abgeschreckt sein, weil das Englische nicht so gut sitzt. Das snd einfachste Vokabeln, die auch ganz schnell in Fleisch und Tastatur übergehen. Wir haben einige tapfere Recken in unseren Reihen, die kein Wort Englisch sprechen, aber im Schlaf die Befehle umsetzen können!

Natürlich darf auch neben dem ganzen Realismus der Spaß nicht fehlen und ich darf Versprechen, dass der definitiv nicht fehlt, den eine gute und familiäre Atmosphäre ist uns wichtig.

Ich freue mich schon, dich in unseren Reihen begrüßen zu dürfen, Rekrut!

Captain der 52. New Yorker Infanterie, Kompanie A


Bobby Ransom
04-24-2018, 04:44 PM
To Arms!

Your Country Has Seperated! Looking for volunteers to take on the CSA! 1st Minnesota Is Recruiting Proud American Patriots To Fight the rebels and accept Lincolns Call To Arms!

For The Union!

Add [1stMN(F)]Capt.Larson On steam to join!

Was Glad To be in the 1st Minnesota Company F.

- Former Pvt Miku

04-24-2018, 11:08 PM

The Sixth Wisconsin needs YOU to take up arms against these rebels and send them back home to virginia! The Sixth Wisconsin Company B is looking For 90 Able Bodied men to serve in the war against these rebels and snuff the flame that is the confederacy! Add [6th WI](B)Capt. HiddenBush To join!

Bobby Ransom
04-25-2018, 09:02 PM
22nd VA Battalion Is Recruiting Men to take on the northern Tyranny! Click the link in my signature to join!

04-25-2018, 09:16 PM

"Guard of the Daughters of Powhatan"
4th Virginia Cavalry, E Company

Organization History
History of the 4th Virginia Cavalry

The 4th Virginia Cavalry Regiment was officially organized in September 1861, but its companies had been in existence for a while as local militia units. Prior the outbreak of war in April 1861, Virginians had exercised their constitutional right to form militia units which had been doing "military training" for months. Each little town or the county usually had some type of militia. In Powhatan County, Virginia, (a little west of Richmond) the Powhatan Guards were formed as a cavalry militia. This unit was the first "company" of cavalry to volunteer after Virginia's secession; they served as guards for General Beauregard at the Battle of First Manassas (Bull Run) in July.

Eventually, it was decided to organize the cavalry militias into a regiment, and the 4th Virginia Cavalry Regiment was formed. This unit would gain distinction as the "Black Horse Cavalry", serving the duration of the war under Generals Stuart and Early. The regiment fought or was present on the battlefield for almost every major battle fought by the Army of Northern Virginia and was briefly detached in 1864 to serve in the Shenandoah Valley Campaign. (Note: Cavalry had a unique and sometimes-hard-to-define role on Civil War battlefields; they tended to do scouting and guard duty, not always involved in what we think of as the "battlefield fight.") The 4th was involved in the conflicts at Fredericksburg, Kelly's Ford, Chancellorsville, Brandy Station, Upperville, Gettysburg, Bristoe, Mine Run, The Wilderness, Todd's Tavern, Spotsylvania, Wilson's Wharf, Haw's Shop, and Bethesda Church. The 4th also participated in the Battle of Williamsburg, the Seven Days' Battles, and the Second Bull Run and Maryland campaigns. The 4th went on to fight in the Shenandoah Valley with Early and around Appomattox. Two regiment members were present for the surrender at Appomattox.

The flag carried by Company E of the 4th Virginia Cavalry combined important elements of state history and the ideal of defending families from invaders into the visual image on their flag. Pocahontas (an original daughter of Virginia) symbolized both the state and defense ideals.

The Virginia 4th Cavalry completed its organization at Sangster's Cross Roads, Prince William County, Virginia, in September, 1861. The 4th Virginia Cavalry Regiment included the following companies:

Co. A - The Prince William Cavalry (Prince William County);
Co. B - The Chesterfield Light Dragoons (Chesterfield County);
Co. C - The Madison Invincibles (Madison County);
Co. D - The Little Fork Rangers (named for the Little Fork Church in Culpeper County);
Co. E - The Powhatan Troop (Powhatan County);
Co. F - The Goochland Light Dragoons (Goochland County);
Co. G - The Hanover Light Dragoons (Hanover County);
Co. H - The Black Horse Troop (Warrenton, Fauquier County
Co. I - The Governor's Mounted Guard (Richmond);
Co. J - Philip McKinney's Company (Buckingham County).

*Sourced from Wikipedia and Sarah K. Bierle at Gazette 665*


About Us
We are a recently founded company that has a ton of military experience that we draw upon to help the Confederacy win battles. The company was founded on 15 APR 2018, and in little over a week we have mustered with 12 current actively playing members. We take the game serious but also know that we are still playing a game. We urge all new recruits to learn from each other and those already in the company. In the week since the foundation of the company, we have created this page, a steam group, a discord server, and a Squadron regulation that outlines all rules, regulations, promotions, and Code of Conduct that our Troopers can utilize to have a better experience. To all of our fellow Rebs out there, we look forward to seeing you on the battlefield. To all the Yankees who may be present, beware our Spurs and Stetsons.

Mission Statement
It is the mission of E Company, 4th Virginia Cavalry to provide scouting, cavalry, sharpshooting and skirmishing capabilities for use by the Army of Northern Virginia. The 4th will provide eyes to commanders of the battlefield to relay timely information so that commanders can make timely decisions. The 4th will provide screening, flanking, and shock cavalry operations to create openings, routs, and general mayhem on the field. The 4th will be able to deploy on the battlefield in small teams specifically to target enemy officers and leadership and remain undetected while doing so. The 4th will provide a skirmish capability to draw enemy fire so that the main line infantry can maximum fire superiority while receiving little enemy fire.


Company Organization

Company Headquarters
Company Commander: CPT XxIRISHSCOUTxX
Executive Officer and SCO: CPT XxPolishPenetratorxX
Company Chaplain
First Sergeant
Guidon Bearer
Company Runner

First Platoon____________________Second Platoon
Platoon Leader___________________Platoon Leader
Assistant Platoon Leader___________________Assistant Platoon Leader
Platoon Sergeant___________________Platoon Sergeant
Platoon Runner___________________Platoon Runner
Section Leader___________________Section Leader
Assistant Section Leader___________________Assistant Section Leader
Section Leader___________________Section Leader
Assistant Section Leader___________________Assistant Section Leader
Section Leader___________________Section Leader
Assistant Section Leader___________________Assistant Section Leader
Section Leader___________________Section Leader
Assistant Section Leader___________________Assistant Section Leader

Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/4thVaCoE


04-25-2018, 09:22 PM
Recruits are wanted for the 1st Texas Infantry Regiment!
Any player looking for a group with teamwork and aggressive style of gameplay look no further!

Company List:
1st Texas Company A "Marion Rifles" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?1581-1st-Texas-Infantry-Co-A-quot-Marion-Rifles-quot)
1st Texas Company B "Livingston Guards" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?3580-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-B)
1st Texas Company C "Palmer Guards" (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=2526#companyToolHeader)
1st Texas Company E "Marshall Guards" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?2831-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-E-quot-Marshall-Guards-quot-(European))
1st Texas Company F "Woodville Rifles" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?777-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-F-quot-Woodville-Rifles-quot)
1st Texas Company G "Reagan Guards" (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=2541#companyToolHeader)
1st Texas Company H "Texas Guard" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?1618-1st-Texas-Volunteer-Infantry-Company-H-quot-Texas-Guard-quot)


Videos of 1st Texas In action!




Ezra Baldwin
04-27-2018, 10:25 PM

To Join, contact Company Captain McCann: https://steamcommunity.com/id/hiddenbush333

Or send me a message through the forum and we'll get in touch!

04-28-2018, 04:41 AM
Wanted! Recruits and especially guys interested in the NCO role/rank!


We are striving to provide a very friendly environment in our company. So whatever your level of experience is with games you are welcome here. We have mostly guys that are 25+ in age and have a few guys that are 60+. Now we will accept everybody that is 16+ in age as long as your mature minded and can role-play and act respectful on the drill camp and battlefield. We have people from over the world in our company EU / NA.

Promotion is a combination of time you are with us - the passion you have for the game (activity in-game and our steamgroup/ webpage) - the qualities you have to play a curtain role/rank. Not everyone can be promoted the majority we need are hard fighting soldiers.

Games we tend to play:
War of Rights
Arma III
Hell Let Loose
Scourge of War Gettysburg
Post Scriptum

05-02-2018, 04:11 PM
The I Corps Is Recruiting Soldiers to take the field

We are looking for volunteers that will fight for there freedom and home.

Also Looking For Companies to join each Brigade!

add I-[22ndVa]MajGen. Larson on steam for more info!

05-03-2018, 01:09 AM






Strength: Officers - 3 / NCOs - 0 / Enlisted - 74

Cpt. Nathan LaBelle [Acting Major, 1st Texas]

1st Lt. Arthur Fremantle
2nd Lt. John Longstreet
Pvt. William Obermann
Pvt. Robert Jackson
Pvt. Skyler
Pvt. Nevin Cruz

1st Sgt. William Hawke

Vol. Giovanni A. Prokopios
Vol. Al Head
Vol. Brian Lavin
Vol. Chris Daniels
Vol. Colt Jackson
Vol. J.W. Wagner
Vol. Danny Ross
Vol. Edward Brown
Vol. Eulogio De La Rivera
Vol. John E. Jackson
Vol. Joshua De La Fuente
Vol. Kirby
Vol. Mark Bradley
Vol. Matt
Vol. Orville Early

Vol. Pickle Barry Fin
Vol. Psychostive
Vol. Richard Bauer
Vol. Rohan Stewart
Vol. Ruben
Vol. Ryan Riley
Vol. Sam Johnsson
Vol. Samuel Wraithburn
Vol. Scott Wagner
Vol. Taorn Reynolds
Vol. Thomas R. Freeman
Vol. Tom A. Mayer
Vol. Trolluc McIngton
Vol. Troy Weston
Vol. Two Dogs
Vol. W.P. Inman
Vol. Wade
Vol. Wilhelm Gardner
Vol. William T.A. Hotyard
Vol. Indy Goodwood
Vol. Santos Benavides
Vol. Alexander Willson
Vol. Arex
Vol. Bart Cox
Vol. Bill Morten
Vol. Blake Mathews
Vol. Bryce Warner
Vol. Chris Oorbeek
Vol. Darik
Vol. Davy Hatfield
Vol. Ewan
Vol. Fartwell Cluggins
Vol. George Bennet
Vol. Jack Kelley
Vol. Jack Ramsey
Vol. Jack Whalley
Vol. James Bishop
Vol. James Brogan
Vol. Jean Rush
Vol. John Bennet
Vol. John Schmidt
Vol. Jose
Vol. Juan
Vol. Justin Rainwater
Vol. Karl Fillips
Vol. Kyle Fontenette
Vol. Le'Krithia
Vol. Lengly
Vol. Michael Lennox
Vol. Michael Shepherd
Vol. Orhan
Vol. Stefan Wolske
Vol. Triston Kreutzer
Vol. Gary J. Woodruff
Vol. Jonas Mouse

1st Texas Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/1stTxInfReg
1st Texas Company E Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/1TXE

05-03-2018, 02:47 AM
42ndPA Forum page:

https://s9.postimg.cc/lieabvxcf/42nd_Poster2.0.png (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?721-42nd-Pennsylvania-Infantry-quot-Bucktails-quot-3rd-Battalion-Co-E-amp-F-EU-NA)

Steam Group:
https://s9.postimg.cc/kg43tcm8v/42nd_profpic_1.1.jpg (https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Bucktails)

Formed Companies Co.E and F:

https://s9.postimg.cc/lieabwkhr/42nd_Co.E.jpg (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=33#companyToolHeader) https://s9.postimg.cc/3sclqvemn/42nd_Co.F.jpg (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=35#companyToolHeader)

Co.D (Mustering atm):

https://s9.postimg.cc/8r045e2zz/42nd_Co.D.jpg (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=2578#companyToolHeader)


05-03-2018, 07:44 PM
9th New York Forum Page
https://image.ibb.co/fxkQMx/nineth.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5213-9th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Hawkins-Zouaves-quot")

05-03-2018, 08:38 PM

Recruits are wanted for the 1st Texas Infantry Regiment Company F!
Any player looking for a group with teamwork and aggressive style of gameplay look no further!

1st Texas Company F "Woodville Rifles" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?777-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-F-quot-Woodville-Rifles-quot)


Videos of 1st Texas In action!




05-06-2018, 12:36 AM
4th Virginia Cavalry
Company H
"The Black Horse Troop"




Brand new company of Cavalrymen being formed for those who wish to carry on the legendary legacy of the Black Horse Troop. We will specialize in not only fighting on horseback, but fighting off horseback as skirmishers being able to strike at the Union's formations in lightning fast fashion with the ferocity of the Black Horses! We are looking for brave fellows to join us in our quest, sign up at the bottom of the page and rattle sabers with the Black Horses! EU AND NA WELCOME!

Historical Information:
The Black Horse was initially formed in Fauquier County in 1859 as an independent volunteer cavalry company. It was mustered into the service of the Commonwealth of Virginia in May of 1861 and subsequently became Company H of the 4th VA Cavalry. However, the name "Black Horse Troop" continued to be used. The Black Horse Cavalry was sometimes erroneously applied to Confederate cavalry as a whole, for example after First Manassas, a famous painting erroneously depects "The Black Horse" cavalry routing Zouave troops from New York when it actually was JEB Stuart's 1st Virginia Cavalry. The Black Horse won a reputation as fierce fighters and excellent riders that caused them to instill fear in the enemy throughout the War.

The roster of the Black Horse included a great many young men from the oldest and most established families of Fauquier County, in the heart of Virginia's horse country. Many had honed their skills for years before the War in foxhunting and at the jousting tournaments held in Fauquier Springs, and rapidly adapted those skills to the needs of cavalry in wartime.

The Black Horse troop served from First Manassas to Appomattox Court House, participating in every major battle and campaign which involved the Army of Northern Virginia and never surrendering their colors. The unit produced three brigadier generals and numerous post-war elected officials.

The 4th Virginia Cavalry was comprised of companies from Prince William, Chesterfield, Madison, Culpeper, Powhatan, Goochland, Hanover, Warren, and Buckingham counties, some of the finest sons of the “old Dominion”.

https://steamcommunity.com/groups/4thVirginiaCavCompanyH STeam Group

Company Tool Page. Enlist Today! (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=2728#companyToolHeader)

05-07-2018, 03:42 PM

"Guard of the Daughters of Powhatan"
4th Virginia Cavalry, E Company

Organization History
History of the 4th Virginia Cavalry

The 4th Virginia Cavalry Regiment was officially organized in September 1861, but its companies had been in existence for a while as local militia units. Prior the outbreak of war in April 1861, Virginians had exercised their constitutional right to form militia units which had been doing "military training" for months. Each little town or the county usually had some type of militia. In Powhatan County, Virginia, (a little west of Richmond) the Powhatan Guards were formed as a cavalry militia. This unit was the first "company" of cavalry to volunteer after Virginia's secession; they served as guards for General Beauregard at the Battle of First Manassas (Bull Run) in July.

Eventually, it was decided to organize the cavalry militias into a regiment, and the 4th Virginia Cavalry Regiment was formed. This unit would gain distinction as the "Black Horse Cavalry", serving the duration of the war under Generals Stuart and Early. The regiment fought or was present on the battlefield for almost every major battle fought by the Army of Northern Virginia and was briefly detached in 1864 to serve in the Shenandoah Valley Campaign. (Note: Cavalry had a unique and sometimes-hard-to-define role on Civil War battlefields; they tended to do scouting and guard duty, not always involved in what we think of as the "battlefield fight.") The 4th was involved in the conflicts at Fredericksburg, Kelly's Ford, Chancellorsville, Brandy Station, Upperville, Gettysburg, Bristoe, Mine Run, The Wilderness, Todd's Tavern, Spotsylvania, Wilson's Wharf, Haw's Shop, and Bethesda Church. The 4th also participated in the Battle of Williamsburg, the Seven Days' Battles, and the Second Bull Run and Maryland campaigns. The 4th went on to fight in the Shenandoah Valley with Early and around Appomattox. Two regiment members were present for the surrender at Appomattox.

The flag carried by Company E of the 4th Virginia Cavalry combined important elements of state history and the ideal of defending families from invaders into the visual image on their flag. Pocahontas (an original daughter of Virginia) symbolized both the state and defense ideals.

The Virginia 4th Cavalry completed its organization at Sangster's Cross Roads, Prince William County, Virginia, in September, 1861. The 4th Virginia Cavalry Regiment included the following companies:

Co. A - The Prince William Cavalry (Prince William County);
Co. B - The Chesterfield Light Dragoons (Chesterfield County);
Co. C - The Madison Invincibles (Madison County);
Co. D - The Little Fork Rangers (named for the Little Fork Church in Culpeper County);
Co. E - The Powhatan Troop (Powhatan County);
Co. F - The Goochland Light Dragoons (Goochland County);
Co. G - The Hanover Light Dragoons (Hanover County);
Co. H - The Black Horse Troop (Warrenton, Fauquier County
Co. I - The Governor's Mounted Guard (Richmond);
Co. J - Philip McKinney's Company (Buckingham County).

*Sourced from Wikipedia and Sarah K. Bierle at Gazette 665*


About Us
We are a recently founded company that has a ton of military experience that we draw upon to help the Confederacy win battles. The company was founded on 15 APR 2018, and in little over a week we have mustered with 12 current actively playing members. We take the game serious but also know that we are still playing a game. We urge all new recruits to learn from each other and those already in the company. In the week since the foundation of the company, we have created this page, a steam group, a discord server, and a Squadron regulation that outlines all rules, regulations, promotions, and Code of Conduct that our Troopers can utilize to have a better experience. To all of our fellow Rebs out there, we look forward to seeing you on the battlefield. To all the Yankees who may be present, beware our Spurs and Stetsons.

Mission Statement
It is the mission of E Company, 4th Virginia Cavalry to provide scouting, cavalry, sharpshooting and skirmishing capabilities for use by the Army of Northern Virginia. The 4th will provide eyes to commanders of the battlefield to relay timely information so that commanders can make timely decisions. The 4th will provide screening, flanking, and shock cavalry operations to create openings, routs, and general mayhem on the field. The 4th will be able to deploy on the battlefield in small teams specifically to target enemy officers and leadership and remain undetected while doing so. The 4th will provide a skirmish capability to draw enemy fire so that the main line infantry can maximum fire superiority while receiving little enemy fire.


Company Organization

Company Headquarters
Company Commander: CPT XxIRISHSCOUTxX
Executive Officer and SCO: CPT XxPolishPenetratorxX
Company Chaplain
First Sergeant
Guidon Bearer
Company Runner

First Platoon____________________Second Platoon
Platoon Leader___________________Platoon Leader
Assistant Platoon Leader___________________Assistant Platoon Leader
Platoon Sergeant___________________Platoon Sergeant
Platoon Runner___________________Platoon Runner
Section Leader___________________Section Leader
Assistant Section Leader___________________Assistant Section Leader
Section Leader___________________Section Leader
Assistant Section Leader___________________Assistant Section Leader
Section Leader___________________Section Leader
Assistant Section Leader___________________Assistant Section Leader
Section Leader___________________Section Leader
Assistant Section Leader___________________Assistant Section Leader

Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/4thVaCoE


Bobby Ransom
05-07-2018, 05:44 PM
We Welcome You to The 1st Corps!
Company Tool Link https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=2670#companyToolHeader
Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZmxZThb084

The 22nd saw action at Carnifex Ferry and later lost twenty-one percent of the 550 engaged at Droop Mountain. It was assigned to Echols' and Patton's Brigade, participated in the Shenandoah Valley operations, and disbanded during the spring of 1865.

In 1859 the Militia unit changed its name permanently to the Kanawha Riflemen. As the Civil War began in western Virginia the 22nd was known as the 1st Kanawha Riflemen upon entering into service of the Confederacy in June 1861. The 22nd Virginia was formed under Captain Patton. Captain Patton later commissioned to be Colonel of the 22nd Virginia in the Army of Kanawha under Generals Henry Wise, who was the Ex-Governor of Virginia, and John B. Floyd also ex-Governor, who later transferred to Tennessee and surrendered Fort Donaldson.

The first Baptism of Fire came on July 17, 1861 at the Battle of Scary Creek. Captain George Patton won a major victory for the Confederates, and he was wounded in the shoulder, he was left at Charleston, West Virginia. During his absence, the 22nd Virginia was placed under the command of General Henry Wise. The fighting between these two generals and the disorder of the Army of North Eastern Virginia caused General Robert E. Lee to personally take charge of the three armies. The Army of North Eastern Virginia was in total disorder after the battles of Lural Hill and Corrick's Ford. Once General Lee took the over the first army under the command of General Johnson, General Lee wanted to attack Cheat Summit Fort to regain the Parkersburg and Staunton Turnpike. The Parkersburg and Staunton Turnpike was a major roadway that allowed supplies to go into Richmond from the West.

The Cheat Summit Fort Campaign was General Lee's worst campaign and he left to take command of the Army of the Kanawha Valley District after their massive defeat at Carnifex Ferry on September 10, 1861. The main reason that General Lee took personal command of the unit occurred at the battle of Carnifex Ferry. General Floyd sent a dispatch to General Wise stating he needed support in order to keep his position. General Wise denied the arrival of part of his army until another dispatch came, this time begging for support. General Wise detached the 22nd Virginia to aid General Floyd. By the time the 22nd Virginia arrived on the scene it was to late and General Floyd was forced to retreat. General Lee went to settle the differences of these two generals. General Lee's objective was to push the Union Army in the Valley back into Ohio.

After his weak assault on Swell Mountain General Lee had General Wise removed from Western Virginia and transferred to North Carolina. General Lee then decided to have the 22nd transferred to General Floyd's Army of South Eastern Virginia. In the early part of 1862, after the Romney Campaign, General Floyd transferred to Tennessee and General Henry Heth took over as the commanding officer of the Army of New River. General Heth was very disliked by the members of the 22nd Virginia. Reasons behind this disliking started during the Battle of Lewisburg. General Heth misjudged the numbers of the Union Army under General Crook, which led to ultimate disaster. During the battle the Union Army managed to take possession of a Confederate cannon, which dated back to the Revolutionary War and was the cannon that the British has surrendered at Yorktown.

It finally boiled over when General Heth's army started to disobey orders. While the Chancellorsville Campaign was getting underway, General Heth was recalled to Lee's Army of Northern Virginia, and General John Echols reformed the New River Army to the Army of South Western Virginia in the spring of 1863. The 22nd Virginia spent the spring on a series of raids called the Jones and Imboden Raid. The raid went completely around West Virginia and entered Oakland, Maryland. The purpose of the raid was to destroy the over hangs where the B&O Railroad was vital. On April 24, the raid carried over to Beverly, West Virginia. Once settled in Beverly, the 22nd Virginia was engaged in a skirmish that captured several Union troops and supplies. During the month of August, the 22nd Virginia was stationed near Lewisburg. White Sulphur Springs was the place of a famous health spa and a scene of a huge battle between The 22nd Virginia and Federal forces under the command of General Averell. The federal objective was to seize the law books at the Virginia State Law Library at Lewisburg. These books contained information on the Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals for the convenience of lawyers and judges. Colonel Patton marched his army down Anthony's Creek Road and the Union army went by way of James River Pike. The two forces met at the intersection of where these two roads met. Colonel Patton deployed his men at once, blocking the road. The battle lasted all day and carried over to the following day. Both armies were running low on supplies, and the Federal army was forced to withdraw from the field. Colonel Patton had a decisive victory for the Confederates.

The Battle of Droop Mountain occurred on November 6, 1863. At dawn the Union Army under the command of General Averell, sent out skirmishers to test the Confederate line. The Confederates there, held the ground and this forced General Averell to send a detachment of troops to the west where they were ordered to attack the Confederate left. General John Echols was aware of the situation even though the center and the right were heavily engaged, General Echols ordered the left flank to be reinforced. Sending out the 23rd battalion to support the Confederate left. Seeing that the Confederate right and center falling back, General Echols sent three companies of the 22nd Virginia to support the left flank. Colonel Patton informed General Echols that the left flank was on the verge of collapse. As the order of retreat was called to the Confederates, Colonel Jackson held the center for another half hour until the artillery was removed from the field. The Confederates retreated into the woods and disappeared from sight. Even though the battle of Droop Mountain was a Confederate defeat, General Echols managed to survive from the main thrust of the Union Army and caused General Averell to incomplete their raid in Virginia and Tennessee.

After the battle of Droop Mountain, (West) Virginia in November 1863 the Army of South Western Virginia was almost destroyed. In 1864 the 22nd Virginia was transferred to General John Breckinridge to protect the Shenandoah Valley from the invading Federals. In May at New Market, Virginia the 22nd made a stand next to the V.M.I.'s, which was the 22nd's biggest victory. By late spring the 22nd Virginia was called to Richmond, Virginia to take part in protecting the Confederate Capital at Cold Harbor, as Grant's Army was invading the state once again, this time not retreating as previous generals have done in the past. Western Virginia would never be claimed by her mother state of Virginia again and General Lee needed men desperately. This led to the 22nd Virginia Infantry being pulled from West Virginia.

By the summer of 1864 the 22nd Virginia went with the Army of the Valley to rid the Yankees, under General Franz Sigel, from Lynchburg, Virginia. They also went into the Shenandoah Valley to relieve some of the pressure off of General Lee's lines and force Grant to send troops away from Petersburg. Therefore, the 22nd Virginia would soon be part of a raid that would attack Washington (DC). The 22nd Virginia left Petersburg during June 1864 to attack the Federals there and relieve pressure of Federal occupation of the town. The first task was completed with the liberation of Lynchburg. General Early then traveled up the Shenandoah Valley and entered Maryland at Shepherdstown, West Virginia.

Once there the raid carried over to Hagerstown with the demand of 20, 000 dollars from the town. The officer in charge misunderstood the order an accidentally forgot to add an extra zero to that number. On July 8 at Turners Gap, near Middletown MD, the 22nd Virginia engaged in a series of skirmishes that finally ended at Frederick, Maryland in the late evening. On July 9 the 22nd Virginia served as reserves during the battle of Monocacy. July 11, the 22nd Virginia was called out at Fort Stevens, three miles from the White House. The battle was called of the following day. General Early retreated to White's Ford and entered Leesburg, Virginia. Once General Early entered the Shenandoah Valley, the 22nd Virginia participated in the battles of Cool Springs, Kernstown, and Winchester. On September 16, during the retreat from Winchester, Colonel George Patton was wounded and taken prisoner. By September 25, Colonel Patton died refusing amputation to his leg.

At the battle of Cedar Creek, the 22nd Virginia had almost been wiped out, as they had about 140 soldiers left in the ranks. After Cedar Creek, General Early was removed from command along with General Breckinridge. General John Echols was given command of what was left of the Army of South Western Virginia and the Army of the Valley. Both armies made a last attempt to regain control of West Virginia and failed. By 1865 the armies did not have enough manpower and started for Lynchburg to rejoin General Lee. On April 15 a telegram was sent to the 22nd Virginia Infantry telling them that General Lee had surrendered at Appomattox, Virginia. By that time the 22nd Virginia had already started to disband. Other members of the 22nd Virginia, who still wanted to fight, were marching off for Tennessee. The last company to disband was Company H, when they received word that General Johnston had surrendered in North Carolina at the Bennett Place.

By 1864, the influence of peace party and pro-Union organizations, particularly the Red Strings, into the 22nd Virginia Infantry and the 54th Virginia Infantry was unknown. Secretary of War James Seddon investigated the allegations.

Scary Creek

Kessler's Cross Lanes

Carnifex Ferry

Sewell Mountain

Cotton Hill

Gilles Courthouse


Jones-Imboden Raid



White Sulfur Springs

Droop Mountain

Shenandoah Valley

New Market

Cool Spring

Second Kernstown

Third Winchester

Fisher's Hill

Cedar Mountain

Cedar Creek

Second Bull Run




Overland Campaign

Petersburg Siege

Application For the forum Post is

Steam ID
Do you have the alpha?
Time Zone:

Roster (10)

MajGen. Larson
2ndLt. Cody E Lee
Adj. Bobby Ransom
Priv. Gideon
Priv. Realtime Gaming YT
Priv. Ted Ryan
Priv. Caboose
Priv. Scarr
Priv. Thomas Moles
Priv. John D. Wilkinson

05-07-2018, 11:31 PM
9th New York Forum Page
https://image.ibb.co/fxkQMx/nineth.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5213-9th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Hawkins-Zouaves-quot")

R. Shughart
05-08-2018, 06:45 PM
https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers-sm/2018/19/2/1525790172-afficherecrut.jpg (https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers-sm/2018/19/2/1525790172-afficherecrut.jpg)

Thread: https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?4137-Coppens-(First-Louisiana-Zouaves)-Battalion-Company-D-(French-speaking)-EU
Officer's Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198276122232/
Company tool: https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=1302#companyToolHeader

05-10-2018, 08:37 AM
Forum page:
https://s9.postimg.cc/cog6d4zov/42nd_Poster2.0.png (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?721-42nd-Pennsylvania-Infantry-quot-Bucktails-quot-3rd-Battalion-Co-E-amp-F-EU-NA)

Steam Group:
https://s9.postimg.cc/kg43tcm8v/42nd_profpic_1.1.jpg (https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Bucktails)

https://s9.postimg.cc/ykvuyqktb/42nd_Sig_Co.D.png (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=2578#companyToolHeader)ht tps://s9.postimg.cc/5v8z23oj3/42nd_Sig_Co.E.png (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=33#companyToolHeader)
https://s9.postimg.cc/db88nwjy7/42ndsig_Co.F.png (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=35#companyToolHeader)


FIGHT Black phoenix
05-10-2018, 10:01 PM
https://zupimages.net/up/19/12/1sxs.png (http://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=19/12/1sxs.png)

Le 6e d'infanterie de Louisiane, sous la direction du Major-général Paioletti, est devenu l'un des plus grandes et le plus active dans le jeux War Of RIghts, et aussi l'une des plus respectés sur le champ de bataille. Des attaquants implacables, le sixième de Louisiane, défenseurs et tenaces de l'Infanterie de la Louisiane ont gagné le surnom, "les tigres."

Nous avons besoin maintenant, des soldats francophones pour combler notre deuxième section de compagnie B. C'est la seule unité française dans war of rights et cela est à 100 % vrai dans l’histoire de cette unité de Louisiane.

La plus grande et la plus cosmopolite du pays dans les états confédérés était la Nouvelle Orléans, en Louisiane. Compte tenu de son port animé, débordant avec des exportations de coton, "roi", et de la canne à sucre, du tabac et de la riche histoire de l'état français et de l'occupation espagnole, lorsque la Confédération a lancé un appel aux volontaires pour défendre le pays contre l'invasion du Nord, les personnes nées au Canada d’origine française, italiens, irlandais, Allemands, et créoles se sont ralliés à leur pays d'adoption. Le sixième d'infanterie de Louisiane, bientôt connu sous le nom de "Tigres", avait plus de deux cent cinquante nationalités sur son étandar.

Contactez le Capitaine. Cleburne

Cpt. Cleburne https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197984355403)

Attention! French-speaking soldiers needed!

The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Paioletti, has become one of the largest and most active units in the War of Rights community, and also one of the most respected on the field of battle. Unrelenting attackers, bitterly tenacious defenders, the Sixth Louisiana Infantry have earned the nickname, “Tigers.”

We are now calling for French-speaking soldiers to fill our SECOND PLATOON of Company B. This is the only French unit in the War of Rights community and it is 100% historically correct for the Louisiana Brigade.

The largest and most ethnically diverse city in the Confederate States was New Orleans, Louisiana. Given its bustling port, overflowing with exports of “King Cotton,” tobacco, and sugarcane, and the state’s rich history of both French and Spanish occupation, when the Confederacy called for volunteers to defend the country against Northern invasion, entire companies of native born French, Italians, Irish, Germans, and Creoles rallied to their adopted country’s flag. The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, soon known as the “Tigers”, had over two hundred and fifty nationalities on its muster roll.

05-12-2018, 05:03 PM

See our website for more details!

05-20-2018, 06:54 PM
Looking for english speaking company , EU , i prefer bigger companies , feel free to contact me throught private message cheers !

05-20-2018, 06:56 PM

Recruits are wanted for the 1st Texas Infantry Regiment Company F!
Any player looking for a group with teamwork and aggressive style of gameplay look no further!

1st Texas Company F "Woodville Rifles" (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?777-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-F-quot-Woodville-Rifles-quot)


Videos of 1st Texas In action!




05-20-2018, 06:59 PM
Enlist In The 2nd Maryland Volunteer Infantry Today!


Join the 2nd Maryland Volunteer Infantry. Fight with Marylanders in the Maryland Campaign in order to defend or free Maryland. The 2nd Maryland Volunteer Infantry is a NEUTRAL company accepting both Confederate and Union players. We are 35 man company and growing with 10 already owning the alpha and hope to gain more men to fill in squad platoon and sectional roles such as command or just the back bone of the company. We wish to be semi-realistic but still wish to have fun while doing so. So join today either sign and application on the forum http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?2808-2nd-Maryland-Volunteer-Infantry-Co-A-amp-Co-B or join on the company tool
2nd Maryland Company B (https://www.warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=52#companyToolHeader)and within 1-3 days you will be accepted.

05-22-2018, 09:29 PM



Die 52. New York Infanterie, Kompanie A, sucht nach tüchtigen deutschen Brüdern im wehrfähigen Alter, um unsere neue Heimat und die Republik zu verteidigen! Du bist bereit mit Sigel und uns für die Union zu kämpfen?
Dann melde dich hier (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?781-52nd-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-quot-German-Rangers-quot-or-quot-Sigel-Rifles-quot-Company-A) freiwillig!

Historisch war die 52. New Yorker Infanterie eines der wenigen Regimenter, welches ausschließlich aus Deutschen bestand. Wir legen Wert auf Realismus und historische Authentizität. Dabei darf das Roleplay nicht fehlen um das Feeling komplett zu machen. Selbstverständlich sprechen wir Deutsch, allerdings werden die Befehle auf Englisch gegeben, allein schon weil es sich "richtiger" anfühlt und wir so auch mit anderen Kompanien gemeinsam funktionieren können.
Jetzt aber nicht abgeschreckt sein, weil das Englische nicht so gut sitzt. Das sind einfachste Vokabeln, die auch ganz schnell in Fleisch und Tastatur übergehen. Wir haben einige tapfere Recken in unseren Reihen, die kein Wort Englisch sprechen, aber im Schlaf die Befehle umsetzen können!

Natürlich darf auch neben dem ganzen Realismus der Spaß nicht fehlen und ich darf versprechen, dass der definitiv nicht fehlt, denn eine gute und familiäre Atmosphäre ist uns wichtig.

Ich freue mich schon, dich in unseren Reihen begrüßen zu dürfen, Rekrut!

Adolph Fritz

Corporal des 52nd New York State Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company A


05-24-2018, 01:38 PM
Good Morning Sir or Mam,
I am currently looking for a company to join but would like to talk a little of my goals and wishes to make sure I am matched up with the right people.

I live in South Carolina, so players favorable to EST would be nice. I have a ton of clan leadership in military games ranging from Arma to PUBG. I also spent 8 years in the Marine Corp so am familiar with chain of command, ranks, tactics, etc.

I would like to apply for a quasi-hardcore company. One that drills 'x' amount of times a week, participates in events, operates with tactical efficiency, promotes those who perform and learn but does not punish if a drill or 2 is missed (afterall, I have a IRL wife and kid).

I am completely new to the game and have 4 total battles under my belt. Some weaknesses currently include but are not limited to; learning the controls, learning the maps, understanding game mechanics.
Some strengths include but are not limited to; ability to follow direction, excellent shot (only based on the 4 battles I played), solid understanding of tactics and situational awareness.

Thank you and Semper Fidelis,

05-25-2018, 05:21 PM
Forum page:
https://s9.postimg.cc/cog6d4zov/42nd_Poster2.0.png (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?721-42nd-Pennsylvania-Infantry-quot-Bucktails-quot-3rd-Battalion-Co-E-amp-F-EU-NA)

Steam Group:
https://s9.postimg.cc/kg43tcm8v/42nd_profpic_1.1.jpg (https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Bucktails)

https://s9.postimg.cc/ykvuyqktb/42nd_Sig_Co.D.png (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=2578#companyToolHeader)ht tps://s9.postimg.cc/5v8z23oj3/42nd_Sig_Co.E.png (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=33#companyToolHeader)
https://s9.postimg.cc/db88nwjy7/42ndsig_Co.F.png (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=35#companyToolHeader)


126th NY
05-29-2018, 07:16 PM
Join our page and telegram me on war of rights.com under Captain Thomas Wilson 2nd Wisconsin Company A
if you are interested in enlisting into the 2nd Wisconsin Company A part of the Iron Brigade the Black Hats

Col. Fremantle
06-15-2018, 05:53 PM
Evening Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm looking for a Company/Regiment/Brigade. I'm fine with either Union or Confederate however there are some things I should probably go into for any recruiters reading this.

Firstly, I'm based in Scotland so I'm on EU Time zones so if your group is NA then I might not always be able to make it to every event.

Secondly, I'm quite into role-play and enjoy creating characters with deep back stories.

Thirdly, I believe in doing things properly, As a result I'm hugely opposed to people demanding their troops to run everywhere causing the formation to scatter and people who hate skirmishers with a passion... I mean proper skirmishing with small, properly trained, Dedicated units. In my mind if done properly this can compliment Line Units well by protecting them from enemy skirmishers and Rambos.

Lastly, I'm a transgirl and don't have time for people's bullshit about it. Ideally I'm looking for a unit that is cool with this.

So if anyone thinks I might be a fit for your unit drop me a PM here.

In Closing i'll leave you all with "The Colors Advance Of The Scots Guards At The Alma" by Lady Butler.


FIGHT Black phoenix
06-16-2018, 06:57 AM


Le 6e d'infanterie de Louisiane, sous la direction du Major-général Paioletti, est devenu l'un des plus grandes et le plus active dans le jeux War Of RIghts, et aussi l'une des plus respectés sur le champ de bataille. Des attaquants implacables, le sixième de Louisiane, défenseurs et tenaces de l'Infanterie de la Louisiane ont gagné le surnom, "les tigres."

Nous avons besoin maintenant, des soldats francophones pour combler notre deuxième section de compagnie B. C'est la seule unité française dans war of rights et cela est à 100 % vrai dans l’histoire de cette unité de Louisiane.

La plus grande et la plus cosmopolite du pays dans les états confédérés était la Nouvelle Orléans, en Louisiane. Compte tenu de son port animé, débordant avec des exportations de coton, "roi", et de la canne à sucre, du tabac et de la riche histoire de l'état français et de l'occupation espagnole, lorsque la Confédération a lancé un appel aux volontaires pour défendre le pays contre l'invasion du Nord, les personnes nées au Canada d’origine française, italiens, irlandais, Allemands, et créoles se sont ralliés à leur pays d'adoption. Le sixième d'infanterie de Louisiane, bientôt connu sous le nom de "Tigres", avait plus de deux cent cinquante nationalités sur son étandar.

Contactez les sergents. Cleburne et Redleader

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.png2Lt. Cleburne https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197984355403)

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.png2Lt. Redleader https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/id/redleader)

Attention! French-speaking soldiers needed!

The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Paioletti, has become one of the largest and most active units in the War of Rights community, and also one of the most respected on the field of battle. Unrelenting attackers, bitterly tenacious defenders, the Sixth Louisiana Infantry have earned the nickname, “Tigers.”

We are now calling for French-speaking soldiers to fill our SECOND PLATOON of Company B. This is the only French unit in the War of Rights community and it is 100% historically correct for the Louisiana Brigade.

The largest and most ethnically diverse city in the Confederate States was New Orleans, Louisiana. Given its bustling port, overflowing with exports of “King Cotton,” tobacco, and sugarcane, and the state’s rich history of both French and Spanish occupation, when the Confederacy called for volunteers to defend the country against Northern invasion, entire companies of native born French, Italians, Irish, Germans, and Creoles rallied to their adopted country’s flag. The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, soon known as the “Tigers”, had over two hundred and fifty nationalities on its muster roll.

06-16-2018, 01:15 PM
https://i.imgur.com/Q7AiWsK.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5213-9th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Hawkins-Zouaves-quot)
Click the photo to see our forum page for more information!

06-18-2018, 04:05 AM
https://image.ibb.co/kUjpvJ/Recruitment_Poster.jpg (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5342-8th-Ohio-Volunteer-Infantry-Co-D-%93Fighting-Fools%94-of-the-Gibraltar-Brigade)

07-02-2018, 01:50 PM

Forum page:
https://i.imgur.com/So3RAJk.png (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?721-42nd-Pennsylvania-Infantry-quot-Bucktails-quot-3rd-Battalion-Co-E-amp-F-EU-NA)

Steam Group:
https://s9.postimg.cc/kg43tcm8v/42nd_profpic_1.1.jpg (https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Bucktails)

https://s9.postimg.cc/5v8z23oj3/42nd_Sig_Co.E.png (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=33#companyToolHeader) https://s9.postimg.cc/db88nwjy7/42ndsig_Co.F.png (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=35#companyToolHeader)


07-05-2018, 11:29 AM
https://i.imgur.com/Q7AiWsK.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5213-9th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Hawkins-Zouaves-quot)
Click the photo to see our forum page for more information!

07-05-2018, 02:37 PM
https://i.imgur.com/wC5tHpD.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5375-1st-North-Carolina-Cavalry-Regiment-Co-C-quot-Mecklenburg-Rangers-quot)

FIGHT Black phoenix
07-06-2018, 05:35 AM


Le 6e d'infanterie de Louisiane, sous la direction du Major-général Paioletti, est devenu l'un des plus grandes et le plus active dans le jeux War Of RIghts, et aussi l'une des plus respectés sur le champ de bataille. Des attaquants implacables, le sixième de Louisiane, défenseurs et tenaces de l'Infanterie de la Louisiane ont gagné le surnom, "les tigres."

Nous avons besoin maintenant, des soldats francophones pour combler notre deuxième section de compagnie B. C'est la seule unité française dans war of rights et cela est à 100 % vrai dans l’histoire de cette unité de Louisiane.

La plus grande et la plus cosmopolite du pays dans les états confédérés était la Nouvelle Orléans, en Louisiane. Compte tenu de son port animé, débordant avec des exportations de coton, "roi", et de la canne à sucre, du tabac et de la riche histoire de l'état français et de l'occupation espagnole, lorsque la Confédération a lancé un appel aux volontaires pour défendre le pays contre l'invasion du Nord, les personnes nées au Canada d’origine française, italiens, irlandais, Allemands, et créoles se sont ralliés à leur pays d'adoption. Le sixième d'infanterie de Louisiane, bientôt connu sous le nom de "Tigres", avait plus de deux cent cinquante nationalités sur son étandar.

Contactez les sergents. Cleburne et Redleader

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.png2Lt. Cleburne https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197984355403)

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.png1Lt. Redleader https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/id/redleader)

Attention! French-speaking soldiers needed!

The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Paioletti, has become one of the largest and most active units in the War of Rights community, and also one of the most respected on the field of battle. Unrelenting attackers, bitterly tenacious defenders, the Sixth Louisiana Infantry have earned the nickname, “Tigers.”

We are now calling for French-speaking soldiers to fill our SECOND PLATOON of Company B. This is the only French unit in the War of Rights community and it is 100% historically correct for the Louisiana Brigade.

The largest and most ethnically diverse city in the Confederate States was New Orleans, Louisiana. Given its bustling port, overflowing with exports of “King Cotton,” tobacco, and sugarcane, and the state’s rich history of both French and Spanish occupation, when the Confederacy called for volunteers to defend the country against Northern invasion, entire companies of native born French, Italians, Irish, Germans, and Creoles rallied to their adopted country’s flag. The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, soon known as the “Tigers”, had over two hundred and fifty nationalities on its muster roll.

07-06-2018, 11:27 PM



Die 52. New York Infanterie, Kompanie A, sucht nach tüchtigen deutschen Brüdern im wehrfähigen Alter, um unsere neue Heimat und die Republik zu verteidigen! Du bist bereit mit Sigel und uns für die Union zu kämpfen?
Dann melde dich hier (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?781-52nd-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-quot-German-Rangers-quot-or-quot-Sigel-Rifles-quot-Company-A) freiwillig!

Historisch war die 52. New Yorker Infanterie eines der wenigen Regimenter, welches ausschließlich aus Deutschen bestand. Wir legen Wert auf Realismus und historische Authentizität. Dabei darf das Roleplay nicht fehlen um das Feeling komplett zu machen. Selbstverständlich sprechen wir Deutsch, allerdings werden die Befehle auf Englisch gegeben, allein schon weil es sich "richtiger" anfühlt und wir so auch mit anderen Kompanien gemeinsam funktionieren können.
Jetzt aber nicht abgeschreckt sein, weil das Englische nicht so gut sitzt. Das sind einfachste Vokabeln, die auch ganz schnell in Fleisch und Tastatur übergehen. Wir haben einige tapfere Recken in unseren Reihen, die kein Wort Englisch sprechen, aber im Schlaf die Befehle umsetzen können!

Natürlich darf auch neben dem ganzen Realismus der Spaß nicht fehlen und ich darf versprechen, dass der definitiv nicht fehlt, denn eine gute und familiäre Atmosphäre ist uns wichtig.

Ich freue mich schon, dich in unseren Reihen begrüßen zu dürfen, Rekrut!

Adolph Fritz

Corporal des 52nd New York State Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company A


07-10-2018, 05:46 PM

07-10-2018, 07:37 PM
https://i.imgur.com/Q7AiWsK.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5213-9th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Hawkins-Zouaves-quot)
Click the photo to see our forum page for more information!

A. P. Hill
07-15-2018, 11:01 PM

https://i.imgur.com/Ww5FH6a.png (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/aphillslightdivision/discussions)

47th Virginia Co. A (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5379-47th-Virginia-Infantry-Co-A), Enlist Here! (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=3144#companyToolHeader)
47th Virginia Co. E, (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?4183-47th-Virginia-Infantry-Company-E) Enlist Here! (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=1368#companyToolHeader)

Looking forward to your enlistment papers.
click it!

126th NY
07-16-2018, 01:35 AM
Is there going to be a huge multiplayer battle soon

07-19-2018, 04:30 AM

https://i.imgur.com/O86YAc6.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5213-9th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Hawkins-Zouaves-quot)

07-22-2018, 02:55 PM
Forum page:
https://s15.postimg.cc/vmtvuw6cr/42nd_Poster2.0.png (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?721-42nd-Pennsylvania-Infantry-quot-Bucktails-quot-3rd-Battalion-Co-E-amp-F-EU-NA)

Steam Group:
https://s9.postimg.cc/kg43tcm8v/42nd_profpic_1.1.jpg (https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Bucktails)

https://s9.postimg.cc/5v8z23oj3/42nd_Sig_Co.E.png (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=33#companyToolHeader) https://s9.postimg.cc/db88nwjy7/42ndsig_Co.F.png (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=35#companyToolHeader)


07-25-2018, 11:13 PM
https://i.imgur.com/Q7AiWsK.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5213-9th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Hawkins-Zouaves-quot)
Click the photo to see our forum page for more information!

07-26-2018, 07:42 PM



Die 52. New York Infanterie, Kompanie A, sucht nach tüchtigen deutschen Brüdern im wehrfähigen Alter, um unsere neue Heimat und die Republik zu verteidigen! Du bist bereit mit Sigel und uns für die Union zu kämpfen?
Dann melde dich hier (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?781-52nd-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-quot-German-Rangers-quot-or-quot-Sigel-Rifles-quot-Company-A) freiwillig!

Historisch war die 52. New Yorker Infanterie eines der wenigen Regimenter, welches ausschließlich aus Deutschen bestand. Wir legen Wert auf Realismus und historische Authentizität. Dabei darf das Roleplay nicht fehlen um das Feeling komplett zu machen. Selbstverständlich sprechen wir Deutsch, allerdings werden die Befehle auf Englisch gegeben, allein schon weil es sich "richtiger" anfühlt und wir so auch mit anderen Kompanien gemeinsam funktionieren können.
Jetzt aber nicht abgeschreckt sein, weil das Englische nicht so gut sitzt. Das sind einfachste Vokabeln, die auch ganz schnell in Fleisch und Tastatur übergehen. Wir haben einige tapfere Recken in unseren Reihen, die kein Wort Englisch sprechen, aber im Schlaf die Befehle umsetzen können!

Natürlich darf auch neben dem ganzen Realismus der Spaß nicht fehlen und ich darf versprechen, dass der definitiv nicht fehlt, denn eine gute und familiäre Atmosphäre ist uns wichtig.

Ich freue mich schon, dich in unseren Reihen begrüßen zu dürfen, Rekrut!

Adolph Fritz

Corporal des 52nd New York State Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company A


A. P. Hill
07-28-2018, 09:16 PM

https://i.imgur.com/Ww5FH6a.png (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/aphillslightdivision/discussions)

47th Virginia Co. A (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5379-47th-Virginia-Infantry-Co-A), Enlist Here! (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=3144#companyToolHeader)
47th Virginia Co. E, (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?4183-47th-Virginia-Infantry-Company-E) Enlist Here! (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=1368#companyToolHeader)

Looking forward to your enlistment papers.
click it!

07-29-2018, 04:36 AM
Click the Poster below to see our Forum Page for more information on the unit!

https://i.imgur.com/Xw8sUMH.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5301-72nd-Pennsylvania-Company-A-Baxter-s-quot-Fire-Zouaves-quot)

126th NY
07-31-2018, 02:32 AM
I would like to enlist into your company

08-05-2018, 02:10 PM

https://i.imgur.com/O86YAc6.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5213-9th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Hawkins-Zouaves-quot)

FIGHT Black phoenix
08-13-2018, 08:16 AM


Le 6e d'infanterie de Louisiane, sous la direction du Major-général Paioletti, est devenu l'un des plus grandes et le plus active dans le jeux War Of RIghts, et aussi l'une des plus respectés sur le champ de bataille. Des attaquants implacables, le sixième de Louisiane, défenseurs et tenaces de l'Infanterie de la Louisiane ont gagné le surnom, "les tigres."

Nous avons besoin maintenant, des soldats francophones pour combler notre deuxième section de compagnie B. C'est la seule unité française dans war of rights et cela est à 100 % vrai dans l’histoire de cette unité de Louisiane.

La plus grande et la plus cosmopolite du pays dans les états confédérés était la Nouvelle Orléans, en Louisiane. Compte tenu de son port animé, débordant avec des exportations de coton, "roi", et de la canne à sucre, du tabac et de la riche histoire de l'état français et de l'occupation espagnole, lorsque la Confédération a lancé un appel aux volontaires pour défendre le pays contre l'invasion du Nord, les personnes nées au Canada d’origine française, italiens, irlandais, Allemands, et créoles se sont ralliés à leur pays d'adoption. Le sixième d'infanterie de Louisiane, bientôt connu sous le nom de "Tigres", avait plus de deux cent cinquante nationalités sur son étandar.

Contactez les sergents. Cleburne et Redleader

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.png2Lt. Cleburne https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197984355403)

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.png2Lt. Redleader https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/id/redleader)

Attention! French-speaking soldiers needed!

The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Paioletti, has become one of the largest and most active units in the War of Rights community, and also one of the most respected on the field of battle. Unrelenting attackers, bitterly tenacious defenders, the Sixth Louisiana Infantry have earned the nickname, “Tigers.”

We are now calling for French-speaking soldiers to fill our SECOND PLATOON of Company B. This is the only French unit in the War of Rights community and it is 100% historically correct for the Louisiana Brigade.

The largest and most ethnically diverse city in the Confederate States was New Orleans, Louisiana. Given its bustling port, overflowing with exports of “King Cotton,” tobacco, and sugarcane, and the state’s rich history of both French and Spanish occupation, when the Confederacy called for volunteers to defend the country against Northern invasion, entire companies of native born French, Italians, Irish, Germans, and Creoles rallied to their adopted country’s flag. The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, soon known as the “Tigers”, had over two hundred and fifty nationalities on its muster roll.

08-13-2018, 12:10 PM
https://i.imgur.com/Q7AiWsK.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5213-9th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Hawkins-Zouaves-quot)
Click the photo to see our forum page for more information!

08-21-2018, 02:15 AM
Click the Poster below to see our Forum Page for more information on the unit!

https://i.imgur.com/Xw8sUMH.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5301-72nd-Pennsylvania-Company-A-Baxter-s-quot-Fire-Zouaves-quot)

Josef Tišer
08-23-2018, 09:55 PM


08-24-2018, 10:21 AM

https://i.imgur.com/O86YAc6.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5213-9th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Hawkins-Zouaves-quot)

08-24-2018, 06:16 PM



Die 52. New York Infanterie, Kompanie A, sucht nach tüchtigen deutschen Brüdern im wehrfähigen Alter, um unsere neue Heimat und die Republik zu verteidigen! Du bist bereit mit Sigel und uns für die Union zu kämpfen?
Dann melde dich hier (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?781-52nd-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-quot-German-Rangers-quot-or-quot-Sigel-Rifles-quot-Company-A) freiwillig!

Historisch war die 52. New Yorker Infanterie eines der wenigen Regimenter, welches ausschließlich aus Deutschen bestand. Wir legen Wert auf Realismus und historische Authentizität. Dabei darf das Roleplay nicht fehlen um das Feeling komplett zu machen. Selbstverständlich sprechen wir Deutsch, allerdings werden die Befehle auf Englisch gegeben, allein schon weil es sich "richtiger" anfühlt und wir so auch mit anderen Kompanien gemeinsam funktionieren können.
Jetzt aber nicht abgeschreckt sein, weil das Englische nicht so gut sitzt. Das sind einfachste Vokabeln, die auch ganz schnell in Fleisch und Tastatur übergehen. Wir haben einige tapfere Recken in unseren Reihen, die kein Wort Englisch sprechen, aber im Schlaf die Befehle umsetzen können!

Natürlich darf auch neben dem ganzen Realismus der Spaß nicht fehlen und ich darf versprechen, dass der definitiv nicht fehlt, denn eine gute und familiäre Atmosphäre ist uns wichtig.

Ich freue mich schon, dich in unseren Reihen begrüßen zu dürfen, Rekrut!

Adolph Fritz

Corporal des 52nd New York State Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company A


08-24-2018, 06:26 PM
https://s33.postimg.cc/xshiwpyf3/42ndposterbb.jpg (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?721-42nd-Pennsylvania-Infantry-quot-Bucktails-quot-3rd-Battalion-Co-E-amp-F-EU-NA)

08-26-2018, 06:50 PM
https://imgur.com/L4CMDPM.jpg (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5482-69th-Pennsylvania-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-Company-D)

08-29-2018, 05:56 PM

Forum page:
https://i.imgur.com/regM31h.png (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?721-42nd-Pennsylvania-Infantry-quot-Bucktails-quot-3rd-Battalion-Co-E-amp-F-EU-NA)

Steam Group:
https://s9.postimg.cc/kg43tcm8v/42nd_profpic_1.1.jpg (https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Bucktails)

https://s9.postimg.cc/5v8z23oj3/42nd_Sig_Co.E.png (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=33#companyToolHeader) https://s9.postimg.cc/db88nwjy7/42ndsig_Co.F.png (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=35#companyToolHeader)


08-29-2018, 09:18 PM
https://i.imgur.com/Q7AiWsK.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5213-9th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Hawkins-Zouaves-quot)
Click the photo to see our forum page for more information!

08-30-2018, 09:37 PM
https://imgur.com/L4CMDPM.jpg (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5482-69th-Pennsylvania-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-Company-D)

08-31-2018, 03:49 AM
Click the Poster below to see our Forum Page for more information on the unit!

https://i.imgur.com/Xw8sUMH.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5301-72nd-Pennsylvania-Company-A-Baxter-s-quot-Fire-Zouaves-quot)

08-31-2018, 04:32 AM

08-31-2018, 05:43 AM

https://i.imgur.com/O86YAc6.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5213-9th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Hawkins-Zouaves-quot)

08-31-2018, 09:18 AM
https://imgur.com/L4CMDPM.jpg (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5482-69th-Pennsylvania-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-Company-D)

08-31-2018, 01:08 PM
Lovely looking posters, gents. :)

- Trusty

C. Moser
08-31-2018, 02:32 PM
(Click the Poster for Company Tool)

If you are interested in joining or have any questions/ concerns please refer to our contact information as needed.
New volunteers will be inducted and invited to our TeamSpeak.

1st Lieutenant Moser, Executive Officer

6th Louisiana, Company D Steam Group

Regimental Thread, the main organization our Company falls under

08-31-2018, 07:03 PM
https://i.imgur.com/5q8AadJ.jpg (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?777-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-F-quot-Woodville-Rifles-quot)
Recruits are wanted for the 1st Texas Infantry Regiment!
Any player looking for a group with teamwork and aggressive style of gameplay look no further!
Click the Portrait to Join


Videos of 1st Texas In action!




A. P. Hill
09-01-2018, 01:09 AM

https://i.imgur.com/Ww5FH6a.png (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/aphillslightdivision/discussions)

47th Virginia Co. A (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5379-47th-Virginia-Infantry-Co-A), Enlist Here! (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=3144#companyToolHeader)
47th Virginia Co. E, (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?4183-47th-Virginia-Infantry-Company-E) Enlist Here! (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=1368#companyToolHeader)

Looking forward to your enlistment papers.
click it!

09-04-2018, 10:40 PM



Die 52. New York Infanterie, Kompanie A, sucht nach tüchtigen deutschen Brüdern im wehrfähigen Alter, um unsere neue Heimat und die Republik zu verteidigen! Du bist bereit mit Sigel und uns für die Union zu kämpfen?
Dann melde dich hier (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?781-52nd-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-quot-German-Rangers-quot-or-quot-Sigel-Rifles-quot-Company-A) freiwillig!

Historisch war die 52. New Yorker Infanterie eines der wenigen Regimenter, welches ausschließlich aus Deutschen bestand. Wir legen Wert auf Realismus und historische Authentizität. Dabei darf das Roleplay nicht fehlen um das Feeling komplett zu machen. Selbstverständlich sprechen wir Deutsch, allerdings werden die Befehle auf Englisch gegeben, allein schon weil es sich "richtiger" anfühlt und wir so auch mit anderen Kompanien gemeinsam funktionieren können.
Jetzt aber nicht abgeschreckt sein, weil das Englische nicht so gut sitzt. Das sind einfachste Vokabeln, die auch ganz schnell in Fleisch und Tastatur übergehen. Wir haben einige tapfere Recken in unseren Reihen, die kein Wort Englisch sprechen, aber im Schlaf die Befehle umsetzen können!

Natürlich darf auch neben dem ganzen Realismus der Spaß nicht fehlen und ich darf versprechen, dass der definitiv nicht fehlt, denn eine gute und familiäre Atmosphäre ist uns wichtig.

Ich freue mich schon, dich in unseren Reihen begrüßen zu dürfen, Rekrut!

Adolph Fritz

Sergeant des 52nd New York State Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company A


FIGHT Black phoenix
09-05-2018, 01:10 AM


Le 6e d'infanterie de Louisiane, sous la direction du Major-général Paioletti, est devenu l'un des plus grandes et le plus active dans le jeux War Of RIghts, et aussi l'une des plus respectés sur le champ de bataille. Des attaquants implacables, le sixième de Louisiane, défenseurs et tenaces de l'Infanterie de la Louisiane ont gagné le surnom, "les tigres."

Nous avons besoin maintenant, des soldats francophones pour combler notre deuxième section de compagnie B. C'est la seule unité française dans war of rights et cela est à 100 % vrai dans l’histoire de cette unité de Louisiane.

La plus grande et la plus cosmopolite du pays dans les états confédérés était la Nouvelle Orléans, en Louisiane. Compte tenu de son port animé, débordant avec des exportations de coton, "roi", et de la canne à sucre, du tabac et de la riche histoire de l'état français et de l'occupation espagnole, lorsque la Confédération a lancé un appel aux volontaires pour défendre le pays contre l'invasion du Nord, les personnes nées au Canada d’origine française, italiens, irlandais, Allemands, et créoles se sont ralliés à leur pays d'adoption. Le sixième d'infanterie de Louisiane, bientôt connu sous le nom de "Tigres", avait plus de deux cent cinquante nationalités sur son étandar.

Contactez les sergents. Cleburne et Redleader

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.png2Lt. Cleburne https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197984355403)

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.png2Lt. Redleader https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/id/redleader)

Attention! French-speaking soldiers needed!

The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Paioletti, has become one of the largest and most active units in the War of Rights community, and also one of the most respected on the field of battle. Unrelenting attackers, bitterly tenacious defenders, the Sixth Louisiana Infantry have earned the nickname, “Tigers.”

We are now calling for French-speaking soldiers to fill our SECOND PLATOON of Company B. This is the only French unit in the War of Rights community and it is 100% historically correct for the Louisiana Brigade.

The largest and most ethnically diverse city in the Confederate States was New Orleans, Louisiana. Given its bustling port, overflowing with exports of “King Cotton,” tobacco, and sugarcane, and the state’s rich history of both French and Spanish occupation, when the Confederacy called for volunteers to defend the country against Northern invasion, entire companies of native born French, Italians, Irish, Germans, and Creoles rallied to their adopted country’s flag. The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, soon known as the “Tigers”, had over two hundred and fifty nationalities on its muster roll.

09-06-2018, 09:01 AM

https://i.imgur.com/O86YAc6.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5213-9th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Hawkins-Zouaves-quot)

09-06-2018, 12:55 PM
https://image.ibb.co/fdVKCz/2nd_USSS_Recrutiment_Poster.jpg (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5509-2nd-U-S-Sharpshooters-quot-Berdan-s-Sharpshooters-quot-Co-H)

09-06-2018, 06:57 PM
https://i.imgur.com/5q8AadJ.jpg (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?777-1st-Texas-Infantry-Company-F-quot-Woodville-Rifles-quot)
Recruits are wanted for the 1st Texas Infantry Regiment Company F!
Any player looking for a group with teamwork and aggressive style of gameplay look no further!
Click the Portrait to Join


Videos of 1st Texas In action!




09-06-2018, 10:15 PM

Come Earn Your Black Hat Today!!!!

09-08-2018, 02:16 PM

https://i.imgur.com/O86YAc6.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5213-9th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Hawkins-Zouaves-quot)

09-09-2018, 06:05 AM
https://imgur.com/L4CMDPM.jpg (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5482-69th-Pennsylvania-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-Company-D)

09-09-2018, 06:28 PM
Click the Poster below to see our Forum Page for more information on the unit!

https://i.imgur.com/Xw8sUMH.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5301-72nd-Pennsylvania-Company-A-Baxter-s-quot-Fire-Zouaves-quot)

09-10-2018, 01:16 AM
https://image.ibb.co/fdVKCz/2nd_USSS_Recrutiment_Poster.jpg (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5509-2nd-U-S-Sharpshooters-quot-Berdan-s-Sharpshooters-quot-Co-H)

09-10-2018, 07:15 PM



Die 52. New York Infanterie, Kompanie A, sucht nach tüchtigen deutschen Brüdern im wehrfähigen Alter, um unsere neue Heimat und die Republik zu verteidigen! Du bist bereit mit Sigel und uns für die Union zu kämpfen?
Dann melde dich hier (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?781-52nd-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-quot-German-Rangers-quot-or-quot-Sigel-Rifles-quot-Company-A) freiwillig!

Historisch war die 52. New Yorker Infanterie eines der wenigen Regimenter, welches ausschließlich aus Deutschen bestand. Wir legen Wert auf Realismus und historische Authentizität. Dabei darf das Roleplay nicht fehlen um das Feeling komplett zu machen. Selbstverständlich sprechen wir Deutsch, allerdings werden die Befehle auf Englisch gegeben, allein schon weil es sich "richtiger" anfühlt und wir so auch mit anderen Kompanien gemeinsam funktionieren können.
Jetzt aber nicht abgeschreckt sein, weil das Englische nicht so gut sitzt. Das sind einfachste Vokabeln, die auch ganz schnell in Fleisch und Tastatur übergehen. Wir haben einige tapfere Recken in unseren Reihen, die kein Wort Englisch sprechen, aber im Schlaf die Befehle umsetzen können!

Natürlich darf auch neben dem ganzen Realismus der Spaß nicht fehlen und ich darf versprechen, dass der definitiv nicht fehlt, denn eine gute und familiäre Atmosphäre ist uns wichtig.

Ich freue mich schon, dich in unseren Reihen begrüßen zu dürfen, Rekrut!

Adolph Fritz

Sergeant des 52nd New York State Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company A


09-10-2018, 10:25 PM
Forum page:
https://s33.postimg.cc/k8mmujcj3/42nd_Poster2.0_NL.png (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?721-42nd-Pennsylvania-Infantry-quot-Bucktails-quot-3rd-Battalion-Co-E-amp-F-EU-NA)

Steam Group:
https://s9.postimg.cc/kg43tcm8v/42nd_profpic_1.1.jpg (https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Bucktails)

https://s9.postimg.cc/5v8z23oj3/42nd_Sig_Co.E.png (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=2907#companyToolHeader) https://s9.postimg.cc/db88nwjy7/42ndsig_Co.F.png (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=35#companyToolHeader)

09-14-2018, 12:56 AM
https://image.ibb.co/kctRUp/2nd_USSS_Recrutiment_Poster_1.jpg (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5509-2nd-U-S-Sharpshooters-quot-Berdan-s-Sharpshooters-quot-Co-H)

09-14-2018, 08:54 AM
https://i.imgur.com/Q7AiWsK.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5213-9th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Hawkins-Zouaves-quot)
Click the photo to see our forum page for more information!

09-15-2018, 02:40 AM
Click the Poster below to see our Forum Page for more information on the unit!

https://i.imgur.com/Xw8sUMH.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5301-72nd-Pennsylvania-Company-A-Baxter-s-quot-Fire-Zouaves-quot)

FIGHT Black phoenix
09-15-2018, 04:13 AM


Le 6e d'infanterie de Louisiane, sous la direction du Major-général Paioletti, est devenu l'un des plus grandes et le plus active dans le jeux War Of RIghts, et aussi l'une des plus respectés sur le champ de bataille. Des attaquants implacables, le sixième de Louisiane, défenseurs et tenaces de l'Infanterie de la Louisiane ont gagné le surnom, "les tigres."

Nous avons besoin maintenant, des soldats francophones pour combler notre deuxième section de compagnie B. C'est la seule unité française dans war of rights et cela est à 100 % vrai dans l’histoire de cette unité de Louisiane.

La plus grande et la plus cosmopolite du pays dans les états confédérés était la Nouvelle Orléans, en Louisiane. Compte tenu de son port animé, débordant avec des exportations de coton, "roi", et de la canne à sucre, du tabac et de la riche histoire de l'état français et de l'occupation espagnole, lorsque la Confédération a lancé un appel aux volontaires pour défendre le pays contre l'invasion du Nord, les personnes nées au Canada d’origine française, italiens, irlandais, Allemands, et créoles se sont ralliés à leur pays d'adoption. Le sixième d'infanterie de Louisiane, bientôt connu sous le nom de "Tigres", avait plus de deux cent cinquante nationalités sur son étandar.

Contactez les sergents. Cleburne et Redleader

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.png2Lt. Cleburne https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197984355403)

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.png2Lt. Redleader https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/id/redleader)

Attention! French-speaking soldiers needed!

The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Paioletti, has become one of the largest and most active units in the War of Rights community, and also one of the most respected on the field of battle. Unrelenting attackers, bitterly tenacious defenders, the Sixth Louisiana Infantry have earned the nickname, “Tigers.”

We are now calling for French-speaking soldiers to fill our SECOND PLATOON of Company B. This is the only French unit in the War of Rights community and it is 100% historically correct for the Louisiana Brigade.

The largest and most ethnically diverse city in the Confederate States was New Orleans, Louisiana. Given its bustling port, overflowing with exports of “King Cotton,” tobacco, and sugarcane, and the state’s rich history of both French and Spanish occupation, when the Confederacy called for volunteers to defend the country against Northern invasion, entire companies of native born French, Italians, Irish, Germans, and Creoles rallied to their adopted country’s flag. The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, soon known as the “Tigers”, had over two hundred and fifty nationalities on its muster roll.

09-16-2018, 05:29 AM
https://imgur.com/4QUCy39.jpg (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5482-69th-Pennsylvania-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-Company-D)

09-17-2018, 07:57 PM



Die 52. New York Infanterie, Kompanie A, sucht nach tüchtigen deutschen Brüdern im wehrfähigen Alter, um unsere neue Heimat und die Republik zu verteidigen! Du bist bereit mit Sigel und uns für die Union zu kämpfen?
Dann melde dich hier (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?781-52nd-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-quot-German-Rangers-quot-or-quot-Sigel-Rifles-quot-Company-A) freiwillig!

Historisch war die 52. New Yorker Infanterie eines der wenigen Regimenter, welches ausschließlich aus Deutschen bestand. Wir legen Wert auf Realismus und historische Authentizität. Dabei darf das Roleplay nicht fehlen um das Feeling komplett zu machen. Selbstverständlich sprechen wir Deutsch, allerdings werden die Befehle auf Englisch gegeben, allein schon weil es sich "richtiger" anfühlt und wir so auch mit anderen Kompanien gemeinsam funktionieren können.
Jetzt aber nicht abgeschreckt sein, weil das Englische nicht so gut sitzt. Das sind einfachste Vokabeln, die auch ganz schnell in Fleisch und Tastatur übergehen. Wir haben einige tapfere Recken in unseren Reihen, die kein Wort Englisch sprechen, aber im Schlaf die Befehle umsetzen können!

Natürlich darf auch neben dem ganzen Realismus der Spaß nicht fehlen und ich darf versprechen, dass der definitiv nicht fehlt, denn eine gute und familiäre Atmosphäre ist uns wichtig.

Ich freue mich schon, dich in unseren Reihen begrüßen zu dürfen, Rekrut!

Adolph Fritz

Sergeant des 52nd New York State Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company A


09-18-2018, 04:20 PM
https://imgur.com/4QUCy39.jpg (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5482-69th-Pennsylvania-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-Company-D)

09-18-2018, 06:12 PM
https://image.ibb.co/fdVKCz/2nd_USSS_Recrutiment_Poster.jpg (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5509-2nd-U-S-Sharpshooters-quot-Berdan-s-Sharpshooters-quot-Co-H)

FIGHT Black phoenix
09-23-2018, 02:30 AM


Le 6e d'infanterie de Louisiane, sous la direction du Major-général Paioletti, est devenu l'un des plus grandes et le plus active dans le jeux War Of RIghts, et aussi l'une des plus respectés sur le champ de bataille. Des attaquants implacables, le sixième de Louisiane, défenseurs et tenaces de l'Infanterie de la Louisiane ont gagné le surnom, "les tigres."

Nous avons besoin maintenant, des soldats francophones pour combler notre deuxième section de compagnie B. C'est la seule unité française dans war of rights et cela est à 100 % vrai dans l’histoire de cette unité de Louisiane.

La plus grande et la plus cosmopolite du pays dans les états confédérés était la Nouvelle Orléans, en Louisiane. Compte tenu de son port animé, débordant avec des exportations de coton, "roi", et de la canne à sucre, du tabac et de la riche histoire de l'état français et de l'occupation espagnole, lorsque la Confédération a lancé un appel aux volontaires pour défendre le pays contre l'invasion du Nord, les personnes nées au Canada d’origine française, italiens, irlandais, Allemands, et créoles se sont ralliés à leur pays d'adoption. Le sixième d'infanterie de Louisiane, bientôt connu sous le nom de "Tigres", avait plus de deux cent cinquante nationalités sur son étandar.

Contactez les sergents. Cleburne et Redleader

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.png2Lt. Cleburne https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197984355403)

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.png2Lt. Redleader https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/id/redleader)

Attention! French-speaking soldiers needed!

The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Paioletti, has become one of the largest and most active units in the War of Rights community, and also one of the most respected on the field of battle. Unrelenting attackers, bitterly tenacious defenders, the Sixth Louisiana Infantry have earned the nickname, “Tigers.”

We are now calling for French-speaking soldiers to fill our SECOND PLATOON of Company B. This is the only French unit in the War of Rights community and it is 100% historically correct for the Louisiana Brigade.

The largest and most ethnically diverse city in the Confederate States was New Orleans, Louisiana. Given its bustling port, overflowing with exports of “King Cotton,” tobacco, and sugarcane, and the state’s rich history of both French and Spanish occupation, when the Confederacy called for volunteers to defend the country against Northern invasion, entire companies of native born French, Italians, Irish, Germans, and Creoles rallied to their adopted country’s flag. The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, soon known as the “Tigers”, had over two hundred and fifty nationalities on its muster roll.

09-25-2018, 05:22 PM
https://image.ibb.co/kctRUp/2nd_USSS_Recrutiment_Poster_1.jpg (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5509-2nd-U-S-Sharpshooters-quot-Berdan-s-Sharpshooters-quot-Co-H)

FIGHT Black phoenix
09-27-2018, 04:11 AM


Le 6e d'infanterie de Louisiane, sous la direction du Major-général Paioletti, est devenu l'un des plus grandes et le plus active dans le jeux War Of RIghts, et aussi l'une des plus respectés sur le champ de bataille. Des attaquants implacables, le sixième de Louisiane, défenseurs et tenaces de l'Infanterie de la Louisiane ont gagné le surnom, "les tigres."

Nous avons besoin maintenant, des soldats francophones pour combler notre deuxième section de compagnie B. C'est la seule unité française dans war of rights et cela est à 100 % vrai dans l’histoire de cette unité de Louisiane.

La plus grande et la plus cosmopolite du pays dans les états confédérés était la Nouvelle Orléans, en Louisiane. Compte tenu de son port animé, débordant avec des exportations de coton, "roi", et de la canne à sucre, du tabac et de la riche histoire de l'état français et de l'occupation espagnole, lorsque la Confédération a lancé un appel aux volontaires pour défendre le pays contre l'invasion du Nord, les personnes nées au Canada d’origine française, italiens, irlandais, Allemands, et créoles se sont ralliés à leur pays d'adoption. Le sixième d'infanterie de Louisiane, bientôt connu sous le nom de "Tigres", avait plus de deux cent cinquante nationalités sur son étandar.

Contactez les sergents. Cleburne et Redleader

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.png2Lt. Cleburne https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197984355403)

http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.png2Lt. Redleader https://mlpforums.com/public/style_extra/cprofile_icons/profile_steam.png (http://steamcommunity.com/id/redleader)

Attention! French-speaking soldiers needed!

The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Paioletti, has become one of the largest and most active units in the War of Rights community, and also one of the most respected on the field of battle. Unrelenting attackers, bitterly tenacious defenders, the Sixth Louisiana Infantry have earned the nickname, “Tigers.”

We are now calling for French-speaking soldiers to fill our SECOND PLATOON of Company B. This is the only French unit in the War of Rights community and it is 100% historically correct for the Louisiana Brigade.

The largest and most ethnically diverse city in the Confederate States was New Orleans, Louisiana. Given its bustling port, overflowing with exports of “King Cotton,” tobacco, and sugarcane, and the state’s rich history of both French and Spanish occupation, when the Confederacy called for volunteers to defend the country against Northern invasion, entire companies of native born French, Italians, Irish, Germans, and Creoles rallied to their adopted country’s flag. The Sixth Louisiana Infantry, soon known as the “Tigers”, had over two hundred and fifty nationalities on its muster roll.

09-28-2018, 04:58 PM

https://i.imgur.com/O86YAc6.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5213-9th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-quot-Hawkins-Zouaves-quot)

09-29-2018, 08:33 PM
Forum page:
https://s15.postimg.cc/vmtvuw6cr/42nd_Poster2.0.png (http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?721-42nd-Pennsylvania-Infantry-quot-Bucktails-quot-3rd-Battalion-Co-E-amp-F-EU-NA)

Steam Group:
https://s9.postimg.cc/kg43tcm8v/42nd_profpic_1.1.jpg (https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Bucktails)

https://s9.postimg.cc/5v8z23oj3/42nd_Sig_Co.E.png (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=33#companyToolHeader) https://s9.postimg.cc/db88nwjy7/42ndsig_Co.F.png (https://warofrights.com/CT_ViewCompany?companyID=35#companyToolHeader)


09-29-2018, 10:12 PM
Click the Poster below to see our Forum Page for more information on the unit!

https://i.imgur.com/Xw8sUMH.png (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5301-72nd-Pennsylvania-Company-A-Baxter-s-quot-Fire-Zouaves-quot)

09-29-2018, 10:15 PM
Pfft, real companies don't need no fancy graphic to simply say "Join us!"

Join 5th Florida, CO. B if you're a misfit, or weird, or a furry. We're awesome, and are looking into doing early-access give-aways, and other fun things, as rewards to continued service to the Company.

Add me on discord (Marflebark#0001) or look for us in the company tool, CSA>Florida>5th Infantry>Company B. Help us go from mustering, to active, so we can unite and show all the normies that jsut because we have unusually large left-arm muscles, we can still play the game just as well as the people who have wives and spouses!

Together, we can let out a REEEEEEEbel yell to frighten off the blue devils!

Company Command
5th Florida, Bravo Company.
'Sunshine Rifles'

09-30-2018, 03:04 AM
I am new to the game and I have not bought the game yet. I am waiting for the Steam Early Access release which is supposed to happen this year (2018).

I am a 21 year old law student and a history buff from Finland. I have read a lot of primary source books from US and European army manuals from 1800's and I practice blackpowder shooting in real life.
I speak fluent English and I am looking to join an English speaking company from either CSA or US side. What I look from a company is teamwork, historical accuracy that isn't over the top and competitive gameplay against other companies. Please message me about your company on Discord and recommend me any companies.

What I mean by the historical accuracy that I wish to take part in is that the company uses real life tactics to fire upon the enemy during online matches (Volley fire, fire by file etc.)

https://steamcommunity.com/id/stealmyurl/ or here forum PM me here to chat.

09-30-2018, 11:20 PM
https://i.gyazo.com/0674d83326cf1e1a695452ed293b60a7.jpg (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?4386-1st-Georgia-Company-B)

10-02-2018, 02:43 AM
https://image.ibb.co/fdVKCz/2nd_USSS_Recrutiment_Poster.jpg (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5509-2nd-U-S-Sharpshooters-quot-Berdan-s-Sharpshooters-quot-Co-H)

Johnny Clement
10-03-2018, 02:51 AM
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/494344385933344786/495037750559375362/coollogo_com-62401055.png https://www.civilwarwomenblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/general-john-reynolds2-640-x-400.jpg
About us
We are a Fun, Stern Company focused on Tactics of Tactical Advance, retreat, Volley Fire, Marching and so on. we are going to drill once a week and go to events twice a week, so if you miss an evenet you can make the next one up for the previous attendance. We will also accept all time zones and you are required to fill an application out to join the 19th. God bless the men of Indiana!
==Sunday== Event 8 pm EST
==Monday== Off
==Tuesday== Drill 8 pm EST
==Wednesday== Off
==Thursday== Recruitment on Drill Camp
==Friday== Off/Event 8 est
==Saturday== Event 8 pm EST
Captain Davis http://i.imgur.com/pucx4wQ.png
Corporal Clem http://i.imgur.com/fZBciqf.png
Recruit 12thManArmy http://i.imgur.com/36peTKl.png
Recruit Dredd http://i.imgur.com/36peTKl.png
Recruit Ted Ryan http://i.imgur.com/36peTKl.png
Recruit Zerafifth http://i.imgur.com/36peTKl.png
Recruit BabyHuey http://i.imgur.com/36peTKl.png
Recruit Gecko http://i.imgur.com/36peTKl.png
Recruit Doggo http://i.imgur.com/36peTKl.png

Company Officer's: 1
Company NCO's: 1
Company Enlisted: 7
Total Numbers: 9


- Recruitment Post made by Captain Davis (19th Indiana Company C)

10-03-2018, 08:19 PM

10-06-2018, 05:28 AM
https://imgur.com/4QUCy39.jpg (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5482-69th-Pennsylvania-Volunteer-Infantry-Regiment-Company-D)

C. Moser
10-06-2018, 10:01 AM
(Click the Poster for Company Tool)

If you are interested in joining or have any questions/ concerns please refer to our contact information as needed.
New volunteers will be inducted and invited to our TeamSpeak.

1st Lieutenant Moser, Executive Officer

6th Louisiana, Company D Steam Group

Regimental Thread, the main organization our Company falls under

10-06-2018, 05:02 PM
Alright due to the fact people like to post things in here. Right after people post their recruitment thread. Everyone will now have to wait 24 hours after someone posts a recruitment thread in order to give them a fair chance. Any failure to do this will result in your post being deleted from this thread.

- Thanks Kyle

10-06-2018, 09:42 PM
Thats an interesting concept. I will edit the forum at some point and do just that

Jack "Smiling" Drake
10-07-2018, 01:44 AM
I'm actually more or less a casual gamer, trying to discover this game further and hopefully play alongside with nice persons.
So I'm looking for a company.

Union preferred, french speaking too... but well not needed if there is none... just hope you guy don't mind my awful English and some time my horrible french swearing.

10-07-2018, 02:25 AM
I'm actually more or less a casual gamer, trying to discover this game further and hopefully play alongside with nice persons.
So I'm looking for a company.

Union preferred, french speaking too... but well not needed if there is none... just hope you guy don't mind my awful English and some time my horrible french swearing.

Bonsoir/good evening :)

Voici le lien pour les regiments que sont active pour le moment / here is the link for the currently active regiments. (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5473-*List-of-Active-regiments-companies-in-War-of-Rights*&highlight=active+regiments)

Le 6ième du Louisiane a une Legion Française mais nous sommes CSA, quand vous preferez l'Union parfois le 9th New York est une option (car il y a des Zouaves) ou 1ier Cavalry quand vous aimes des chevals :) ?
The 6th Louisiana has a French Legion but were are CSA, maybe for the Union the 9th New York is on option (since they are Zouaves) or 1st Cav if you like horses :) ?

Mon conseil: prends votre temps et va vers les events (Samedi/dimance at 21hr & 02hr le matin)
My advice : take your time and try and do some events (sat/sun at 21hr & 02hr in the morning)

Jack "Smiling" Drake
10-07-2018, 02:31 AM
Thank you, I'v found a company from the Union side. Not that I don't want to play alongside CSA, but... but yanks already got my heart.
That's the 9th New York, some way of thinking and the presence of french speaking persons are a good option.