View Full Version : How to Improve Recruiting For Your Company(s)

04-03-2016, 04:08 PM
A big thanks to Furrnox for making this thread over on FSE.

Hello everyone, this thread is my attempt at trying to give a simple aid into improving ones company for the purposes of recruitment. I will try to go from the more simple and easy to implement ways to more complex and longer reaching solutions. If you have a suggestion feel free to check in and if it's a good one I'll be happy to add it to the list.

At its heart company recruitment is a mix of factors. Nominally the composition of the company command, the composition of the company itself, and public presentation that is made. The first two factors are what I would consider 'bedrock' factors, they are the foundation of what the company is built on, and also the most difficult to change once it is established. Because of this I will focus on the third factor, public presentation, although I may approach some of the other two later on. This is something that is vary malleable;easy to change and fix if necessary. It is presentation that can separate the smaller companies from the larger powerhouse companies.

So, on to the list.

1. Recruiting on Steam. This is the easiest way to reach the largest number of new players possible. Keep in mind though that impressions are very important, and most often this will be the first one in terms of new players, if not other companies. Do not spam recruit! It looks sloppy and desperate. Try and message people on your friend's list that you know may be interested in WoR.

2. The company thread. Essentially, it needs to be good. Our community is lucky to be very centralized when it comes to the companies. Almost every company's can be found to have a presence on this forum. Your own company thread will be a meeting place for company leaders, company members, and more importantly, players looking for a company. This will be the place you should be sending interesting parties to get them to enlist. It should look professional, like some serious effort was put into it, because people will look at that thread and make direct connotations to how the is. The thread is sloppy? The company is probably sloppy as well.

3. Videos and other creative outlets. It also is called Propaganda, as it is fully intended to spin your company in a positive light. If you have someone with some video editing skills and a youtube account, go nuts! There are few assets for recruitment that are better than someone who is good at editing and willing to take on a fun project for his CO. Making enjoyable videos has spawned interest in the game itself by the thousands. There are several companies who use videos in fantastic ways to encourage people who otherwise may never have heard of the game join up and enlist.

4.Recruitment Incentives. This method is better for a company that has manged to get a few solid members. Give awards for bringing in set increments of friends, 5 20 and 20 perhaps. A popular method used by some companies is to award medals on their website.I recommend against using recruitment as a way to advance in rank beyond enlisted. Giving an important position to someone should always be a matter of capability.

5. Creating and maintaining a company website. Although small regiments can get away with using only the WoR thread and Brigade / Division / Army Teamspeaks, if you want to expand you absolutely need to improve your ability for communications and logistics. Keeping track of a medium to large company is work, and you need a place to focus that attention and communication. Company Websites offer a place to keep attendance, organize recruitment, prepare for events, issue medals, the list goes on. There are hosting organizations that offer free services for groups like companies, by far the most popular of which is enjin.com.

04-03-2016, 05:20 PM

04-04-2016, 09:35 AM
just keep spamming everything relentlessly, everyone will love you and you'll get loads of new members :) . But seriously, having friends from before seems to be good way of getting 'new' members from the looks of most of the companies here. Also, when there's an actual publically playable game released everyone will get mucho grande new recruits

04-04-2016, 12:07 PM
Offer virtual cheesy corn puffs doesn't work

04-04-2016, 10:46 PM
Offer virtual cheesy corn puffs doesn't work
