View Full Version : 5th Virginia Co K

Patty The Butler
04-07-2016, 11:38 AM

Early Regiment History

The Continental Morgan Guard, or company A 31st Virginia Militia, began organizing on June 22, 1855 in Winchester, Frederick county, VA. However, they adopted the more appropriate July 4, 1855 as their birthday. The unit was named to perpetuate the honor of General Daniel Morgan of Revolutionary War fame. The first captain of the company was Hugh Holmes lee who resigned in 1856.


The Uniform
The unit adopted uniforms resembling the pattern of the Continental Army. The coats were made a blue wool with buff cassimire trim .

They wore white Doe skin breehes, black top boots, buff cassimire waist coats, and black tri-corner hat.s The hats were trimmed with the brass numbers 1776 on them, a powder horn device made of brass on a leather cockade, and a flowing white swan plume. They also, wore white ruffled shirts and white gloves to complete the outfit. Each member was to have this uniform with in 60 days of his election into the company. This was an expensive uniform and on April 3, 1857 the ladies of Winchester held a fair to benefit the company and enough proceeds were raised to purchase 15 new uniforms.



On June 28, 1858 Matthew Burwell Bassett (B.B.) Washington was elected Captain of the Morgan Guard.


Civil War History On April 17, 1861 Virginia seceded from the Union and Governor Letcher called out the militia to defend the state. On the 18th the C.M.G. enrolled at Winchester for one year of service. They would become Company K of the 5th Regiment, and had 133 officers and men. John Avis of Jefferson County was it's first Captain. They were enlisted in to Confederate service on June 20, 1861. These men would see many battles with Stonewall Jackson and the Army of Northern VA.


Daniel Morgan
Daniel Morgan (July 6, 1736 – July 6, 1802) was an American pioneer, soldier, and United States Representative from Virginia. One of the most gifted battlefield tacticians of the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), he later commanded troops during the suppression of the Whiskey Rebellion (1791–1794).

Here is genral Jackson speach from gods and generals you can see the 5th Virginia Co K for a small moment



Thanks for stopping by please leave a comment below

A. P. Hill
04-07-2016, 11:59 AM
Congrats! Welcome to the CSA!

04-07-2016, 12:54 PM
Welcome to the CSA, that uniform looks sweet, I hope they have it in-game

Patty The Butler
04-07-2016, 02:20 PM
Updated with a video :)

Duke Of Longtree
04-07-2016, 07:34 PM
Good luck

Andrew Jackson Fidel Plex
04-08-2016, 12:45 AM
The 26th Alabama is glad to fight on the side of the 5th Virginia. The 26th Alabama salutes you. See you on the front lines!

LTC Philip A. Work
04-08-2016, 01:38 AM
Great unit history!

Patty The Butler
04-08-2016, 02:05 AM
Thank you all for the wonderful comments

04-08-2016, 04:39 PM
Huzzah for the 5th Virginia

05-15-2016, 11:02 PM
Nice post! Are you familiar with the house of Lt. Col Lewis T. Moore in Winchester, VA? Here (http://www.winchesterhistory.org/stonewall_jackson.htm)is their website. If I'm not mistaken, they have one of these uniforms on display in a room up stairs. My wife and I visited here October of 2015. It's a nice visit and the ladies that provide the tour are authentic and very knowledgeable. It's definitely worth a visit especially if you're local or semi local and have never been. Oh, in fact, if you go to their website and click on the photo tour (http://www.winchesterhistory.org/stonewall_jackson_photos.htm), you will see a few pics of the uniform!

Patty The Butler
05-16-2016, 01:04 PM
Nice post! Are you familiar with the house of Lt. Col Lewis T. Moore in Winchester, VA? Here (http://www.winchesterhistory.org/stonewall_jackson.htm)is their website. If I'm not mistaken, they have one of these uniforms on display in a room up stairs. My wife and I visited here October of 2015. It's a nice visit and the ladies that provide the tour are authentic and very knowledgeable. It's definitely worth a visit especially if you're local or semi local and have never been. Oh, in fact, if you go to their website and click on the photo tour (http://www.winchesterhistory.org/stonewall_jackson_photos.htm), you will see a few pics of the uniform!

Thank you for this information it's nice to see one of the uniforms still here

05-16-2016, 10:57 PM
Like the uniform guys :-D