View Full Version : Number of Registered Companies for Union And Confederacy

04-20-2016, 05:51 PM
This was made for anyone wondering how many registered companies there are.
This was made using Jamez company list.

The Union Army:
75 Currently Registered Companies

The Confederate Army"
71 Currently Registered companies

Last Checked:

04-20-2016, 07:28 PM
Some brave who count the menbers

04-20-2016, 07:32 PM
Some brave who count the menbers

Actually a lot easier then you think considering like 60% of these are 1 - 4 man companies

Lyman Trumbull
04-20-2016, 07:34 PM
Actually a lot easier then you think considering like 60% of these are 1 - 4 man companies

Are you volunteering Bravescot? :D

04-20-2016, 08:15 PM
But Bravescot, my company has one menber but counts for two, i press keys very fast
By the way, quick response about that 10'6%, happy for your decision

Yankee Blue
04-21-2016, 01:21 AM
Actually a lot easier then you think considering like 60% of these are 1 - 4 man companies

I have to admit, there are more peopleless companies than companied people.

04-22-2016, 06:00 AM
I have to admit, there are more peopleless companies than companied people.

I have noticed the same. ;)

04-22-2016, 07:28 PM
I have to admit, there are more peopleless companies than companied people.

Yeah a lot of people are waiting for the game to come out before they join a company me thinks. Makes sense too, half of the things I have written down on my thread say. "Subject to change as more information about the game comes out." Why would anyone join a company when all of the companies don't even know what their joining.

04-22-2016, 08:52 PM
A lot of people without any previous experience will ruin this community, 146 companies and only around 20% of them have over 5 people which is ridiculous. Every 14 year old and their loyal 12 year old followers don't like being ordered around so they make their own dodgy companies. I'm just sharing my M&B experience so far. No salt just expressing myself. :cool:

Lyman Trumbull
04-22-2016, 09:35 PM
A lot of people without any previous experience will ruin this community, 146 companies and only around 20% of them have over 5 people which is ridiculous. Every 14 year old and their loyal 12 year old followers don't like being ordered around so they make their own dodgy companies. I'm just sharing my M&B experience so far. No salt just expressing myself. :cool:

I can vouch that even though we have two people in our company, we are both experianed in m&b and real life, myself a corporal in the air cadets and the captain a CO :)

04-22-2016, 09:41 PM
I can vouch that even though we have two people in our company, we are both experianed in m&b and real life, myself a corporal in the air cadets and the captain a CO :)

Here's the thing, having experience in driving a Honda Civic isn't doesn't really equate to being able to drive an F1 Car in Monaco now does it? What I'm saying is that even though you may have experience in Air Cadets or even the military it doesn't mean you are capable of keeping up a War of Rights company or an NW regiment. I've had a few reenactors in my N&S regiment and they didn't know a thing about leading a regiment or how to schedule an event.

04-22-2016, 09:49 PM
I can vouch that even though we have two people in our company, we are both experianed in m&b and real life, myself a corporal in the air cadets and the captain a CO :)

Ew you bloody air cadet. Colour Sergeant RM Cadets here buddy ;) also the first ever RM cadet to attend and pass ACLC, bow to your lord and master! Muwahahahahahaha

Edit: Gunnery Sergeant for you Americans

Lyman Trumbull
04-22-2016, 10:01 PM
Here's the thing, having experience in driving a Honda Civic isn't doesn't really equate to being able to drive an F1 Car in Monaco now does it? What I'm saying is that even though you may have experience in Air Cadets or even the military it doesn't mean you are capable of keeping up a War of Rights company or an NW regiment. I've had a few reenactors in my N&S regiment and they didn't know a thing about leading a regiment or how to schedule an event.

Well I did say we had experience in m&b plus thats the process of learning mate :)

Lyman Trumbull
04-22-2016, 10:13 PM
Ew you bloody air cadet. Colour Sergeant RM Cadets here buddy ;) also the first ever RM cadet to attend and pass ACLC, bow to your lord and master! Muwahahahahahaha

Edit: Gunnery Sergeant for you Americans

Well I bet you cant beat me here, played the cymbals in the band ;)

04-22-2016, 10:18 PM
Well I bet you cant beat me here, played the cymbals in the band ;)

You're an air cadet AND in the band......that's even worse xD. It's little wander the Government are axing so many air cadet units, they do nothing!

Lyman Trumbull
04-22-2016, 10:22 PM
You're an air cadet AND in the band......that's even worse xD. It's little wander the Government are axing so many air cadet units, they do nothing!

You don't even need to see us mate, we're up in the air ;)

04-22-2016, 10:33 PM
You don't even need to see us mate, we're up in the air ;)

That's about 1 of you from the whole section a year. I'm going to stick to the RMs where we actually get stuff done xD.

Anyway we're going off-topic.

A lot of people without any previous experience will ruin this community, 146 companies and only around 20% of them have over 5 people which is ridiculous.
^ Diversey did you calculate that yourself?

04-22-2016, 10:46 PM
Ew you bloody air cadet. Colour Sergeant RM Cadets here buddy ;) also the first ever RM cadet to attend and pass ACLC, bow to your lord and master! Muwahahahahahaha

Edit: Gunnery Sergeant for you Americans

Pah flight Sgt here with glider wings :-P

Just messing gratz on your achievements, are you in the actual royal marines now like or still cadets?

Onto the topic at hand that's a pretty pretentious statement diversity lad. While myself and fellow commanders might not have the NW NaS experience leading a regiment we have all ran "clans" on other games not to mention ones an experienced reenactor and 2 ex army lads of decent rank and experience. Don't judge a book by its cover people can surprise you.

04-23-2016, 08:08 AM
I know how to thread the needle, may i play this game or i must learn to sew before?

04-23-2016, 03:55 PM
I know how to thread the needle, may i play this game or i must learn to sew before?

Why don't you learn to sew from someone with experience? And then try sewing yourself.

04-23-2016, 03:57 PM
Why don't you learn to sew from someone with experience? And then try sewing yourself.

......Could you maybe not be so pretentious......

04-23-2016, 04:08 PM
What will happen is the units will whittle down to maybae 10-15 with more members. people will stay witht he ones who offer something different. The game isnt even out yet, so its bound to be a rocky process. I ran one of the most sucessful Arm2 Clans in the UK, we started with a core of 3 or 4 people, and expanded to well over 30 so i thin saying that inexperienced people will ruin the community is ridiculous, people will just move on to another company it wont ruin anything. You will find that companies will begin to merge and such as the game is released.

I think the problem is an actual company of people is almost impossible to handle. I wont recruit above 30 when it does start picking up - technically no larger than a platoon.

04-23-2016, 06:00 PM
......Could you maybe not be so pretentious......

I'm not being pretentious, I'm just saying it how it is... we all know that we don't need 150 companies with people that don't know what they're doing. Call me all you want but it's true.

EDIT: I didn't say I'm the most experienced leader I'm just saying that I've been around long enough to know what's what.

04-23-2016, 06:17 PM
I'm just saying that I've been around long enough to know what's what.

As have a lot of us and yet you wish to judge us without actually knowing anything about our past in terms of leading communities like this. You are most definitely NOT saying it "as it is", you're just being incredibly rude towards other users when you know nothing about them. I strongly feel you owe arpbarker and Lyman Trumbull an apology if anything.

04-23-2016, 06:47 PM
What will happen is the units will whittle down to maybae 10-15 with more members. people will stay witht he ones who offer something different. The game isnt even out yet, so its bound to be a rocky process. I ran one of the most sucessful Arm2 Clans in the UK, we started with a core of 3 or 4 people, and expanded to well over 30 so i thin saying that inexperienced people will ruin the community is ridiculous, people will just move on to another company it wont ruin anything. You will find that companies will begin to merge and such as the game is released.

I think the problem is an actual company of people is almost impossible to handle. I wont recruit above 30 when it does start picking up - technically no larger than a platoon.

I agree with this.

Ps: If any of the companies want to merge, why not move to the 42nd Pennsylvania "Bucktails". We have lots of space and (Dark Side) cookies ;)

04-23-2016, 06:53 PM
As have a lot of us and yet you wish to judge us without actually knowing anything about our past in terms of leading communities like this. You are most definitely NOT saying it "as it is", you're just being incredibly rude towards other users when you know nothing about them. I strongly feel you owe arpbarker and Lyman Trumbull an apology if anything.

There was no rudeness aimed at anyone, I never stated that you, Lyman Trumbull or arpbarker have no experience, I was using whatever they said as an example, Lyman said that he had previous Mount&Blade experience I was just pointing out that his Air Cadet experience wouldn't help him if he didn't have any previous M&B experience, arpbarker said something about threading the needle before sewing, I was just using whatever they said as examples, and I feel like I don't owe an apology to anyone.

04-23-2016, 08:19 PM
I'm not being pretentious, I'm just saying it how it is... we all know that we don't need 150 companies with people that don't know what they're doing. Call me all you want but it's true.

EDIT: I didn't say I'm the most experienced leader I'm just saying that I've been around long enough to know what's what.

Well you are I'm afraid you seem to be putting people down without giving them a chance and also no mount and blade experience won't automatically make someone a poor leader or organiser. At the end of the day in my opinion people might struggle and end up merging however as a community those that are struggling should be given help before put downs or talk of mergers.

04-24-2016, 08:53 AM
My wife learn me today to sew, so now i can make my own mistakes, may be my clothes look very fancy, but are mine
Some tailors only design expensive suits, but don't know how to sell it

04-24-2016, 10:28 AM
It is very simple you have to be born a natural leader or taught how to be one. Any experience in Leading helps, be it in-game or in real life. Saying that ppl without M&B experience will fail/have a hard time in leading a WoR Co. is a low blow.

PS:A Good Co. ,Reg or Clan works on teamwork and not on the leader alone.

04-24-2016, 10:49 AM
It is very simple you have to be born a natural leader or taught how to be one. Any experience in Leading helps, be it in-game or in real life. Saying that ppl without M&B experience will fail/have a hard time in leading a WoR Co. is a low blow.

PS:A Good Co. ,Reg or Clan works on teamwork and not on the leader alone.

Exactly if you build up the right community spirit with everyone pulling in the right direction and a good group of supporting officers and ncos things will role very nicely and help you learn and develop.