View Full Version : Company Help

05-16-2016, 09:58 PM
I've seen the many people of this community, about 90 percent play some type of mount and blade, or something like it. My question is about companies... what is the use of a company? will it affect in game? Do you have to have experience in these games to be a high up rank in companies? Im just a little confused, since I have no experience of Mount and Blade.

Lyman Trumbull
05-16-2016, 10:10 PM
Ok, I am going to give you some tips when joining a company or regiment as you seem to have no clue at the moment and just asking gor NCO roles and walking away if you do not get one:
1: Do not expect an instant promotion when joining a company, you will need experience within that regiment/recommendations from a previous regiment or previous experience in general.
2: Do not ask for a promotion as it considered rude and you are more likely to be denoted than promoted.
3: Do not make up any experience as the members within that company might have know the company you claim you were in.

Regarding your other questions, a company is important within this game as it is how teams were represented in the civil war within regiments. It will effect in game due to it being the way how people fought and yes, in order to be promoted, you do need experience within vthese companies, just don't expect or ask for it as it might not come.

05-16-2016, 11:02 PM
Hmm while what Trumbull said is a good system to go by. I'd say try to have fun with your company, while I'm sure most of the ones being created are going to try to be historical, they should offer some fun for you.

As a guideline I'd refrain from any discrimination as it makes you look bad but I'm sure as the people get to know you it won't shock anyone anymore kinda like this dude named Philip in the 1stMN he is all sorts of cancer, but that kid can put a smile on my face and its from some of the dumbest things imaginable

05-16-2016, 11:32 PM
what is the use of a company?

There are two kinds of companies. There are player-made companies and in-game companies. Play-made companies are essentially clans that play together on a regular basis. They usually have ranks and play in events with other companies. The other kind of company is an in-game company. These are just in game units that any player can select to play as.

The use of player-made companies is to allow players to organize themselves in immersive units that often play in a historical manner.

will it affect in game

Player-made companies will just be larger groups of people cooperating. That is the only way it will affect the game.

Do you have to have experience in these games to be a high up rank in companies?

Anyone can create their own company and begin to recruit other people to it if he or she is up to the task and responsibility. :p