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08-11-2018, 06:24 PM
That's the point where I'm really sorry that I can't present you a better idea. At least it's not one you can implement that easily - but you can give it a thought or two.

1st: Allow players to pre-select a side in the company tool
So far, the company tool exists to support company / regimental gameplay, but does not get properly supported ingame currently. Also it mostly supports companies but doesn't so for unalligned players (like me).
I know you're planning to implement some features supported by the company tool later ... so maybe my idea can be implemented as well.

In the company tool, any player can pre-select his (or her) favorite faction: CSA or USA. The player is given 5 points he can award to one or both factions more or less equally, which do influence the likeness of being picked to join that faction.

2nd: Remove the faction selection screen ingame.
You'll be assigned to a side based on what you've pre-selected in the company tool. Also, company membership is taken in account, so if you're member of a CSA company, you'll be a CSA soldier more frequently. If your company is already on the server and most players are assigned to CSA, unless there's a significant difference in strength between both factions, you'll be assigned to your company's favored faction.

3rd: Allowed faction population deviation
I think allowed server population should be somewhere between 5 ... 10% of half of the server population for each faction.
Math is easy:
5% allowed: 150 players on the server => 75 players per faction for an even game => Deviation of +-5% (rounded down, but never less than 1 player) = 3 players => Worst Case: faction A has 78 players, faction B has 72 players => Difference of 6 players between factions.
10% allowed: Same as before => Deviation of +-10% (rounded down, but never less than 1 player) = 7 players => Worst Case: faction A has 82 players, faction B has 68 players => Difference of 14 players between factions.

4rd: How does it really work?
It goes down a priority list.
1st priority is to keep company players together, which means:

#1 if your company is on the server, you'll get moved to the faction where your company has the most players active, as long as that side is not too much stronger (see allowed faction population deviation). Your personal faction choice is ignored.
--> it is entirely possible the IInd Corps ends on Union side, if the majority of players are moved there for some odd reason. Company gameplay is prioritized above faction gameplay.

#2 if you're part of a company that's not on the server or only has very few players online, you'll get assigned to your company's prefered side. Your personal faction choice is used to "boost" your tendency spawning for the prefered faction.
--> this is usually the cause if the server is about to get populated or if a company joins in force to an already semi-populated server. Here, faction gameplay is prioritized so the company ends more likely playing for the prefered faction. Once enough members of a company are online (either a flat amount - 5 players - or a relative amount - 10% of server population), #1 is used.

#3 if you're not part of a company, your prefered faction will be taken in account. If you've set up 4x USA to 1x CSA, you'll fight for USA more likely. Your personal faction choice is used to determine where you'll end fighting for.
--> faction gameplay is prioritized, if possible.

#4 if you're not part of a company and didn't pick sides, you'll be send to whatever faction has a free spot.
--> lower faction population is prioritized.

#5 is only taken in account if there's an option to "affiliate" yourself to a company without becoming a member: your faction choice will be used with priority but once your supported company is online, the game will try to move you to their faction.
--> once again, company gameplay is prioritized.

Long story short: I'd love to see the faction selection screen gone in favor of a pre-select mechanic based on the company tool and some prioritizing attempts as written above. It's not perfect - there's no such thing like a "perfect" faction balance as long as players prefer one side - but it may settle a thing or two.
As I said: I'd favor company gameplay above faction gameplay while still trying to move companies to their prefered faction.
Can't stress that enough.

1) From what they have mentioned (correct me if I am wrong devs), but they plan to let you play as certain roles depending on your role in the Company tool and in game (i.e., if you're a Sergeant in the company tool, you can be a Sergeant in game). That's really all I have heard they plan for implementation of the company tool. Letting people 'pre-select' doesn't really make much sense, just let everyone have an equal chance of playing whatever side.

2) What if you don't want to play as CSA for a multitude of reasons, such as a unit wants to play itself on both sides, or you want to test something on Union or CSA.

3) Not a bad idea, but you could also do an average number of like 3-5 maximum deviation to allow for large unit organization to move quickly so everyone can get to whatever side for a scheduled event.

4) There should be no priorities; everyone should get an equal chance, company or not, to play on whatever side. If you can't play with your company, so what, play on the other side for one game or wait. This is over complicating it because people hate the fact they have to play on the other side.

(Not targeting you specifically CptData in this section)
I'm still utterly amazed how, generally speaking, angry people are over the fact that for a game or two they may have to play on the "other side", and how negatively people have responded to the auto balance system, most of them within minutes of it being posted here, without even testing it. I think it's just as much fun to play against your company as it is with them. If me and like 3-5 1st Texas guys get stuck over on whatever other side, we'll try and find the larger group and maybe mess with them, have some fun, it's a game. Almost every single game has an auto balance feature so you don't have one team absolutely stacked against another team that's half their size and therefore the smaller group leaves, so you've managed to kill half the server population because your company and your unit is too damn stubborn to just play on the other side for maybe 15-20 minutes out of a two hour play session. I know that this is a unit based game, but, these are also public servers, and most gameplay will be conducted on public servers, so how about we test features for public servers so when Beta rolls around, the large influx of people have a more fair and enjoyable game experience.

08-11-2018, 06:28 PM
I don't feel offended - feedback is always welcome. Also, my suggestion is not perfect - there's no "perfect solution".

Thing is: I don't mind fighting for the "other side" - I'm not even alligned. My preference IS CSA - but also enjoy fighting for the Union. Since I'm not even part of a company, most of that stuff also doesn't apply on me.
However, from what I do understand, also from own experience (I'm mostly supporting II Corps if possible, next preference is 1st TX), the game itself is far more enjoyable if you can stick together as a team (company). And therefore my suggestion aim mostly at "keep a company together". Balance, is still important.

// edit: fix'd spelling

08-11-2018, 06:34 PM
And yeah, you do need some programmers, but they only need to understand proper scripting (afaik the game is C++ based) and it shouldn't be too difficult to read in a database with player attributes and favored factions to feed in a logic that does all the final selection stuff.
The difficult part is to set up a fair logic.

Thank you for your suggestions but I feel you vastly underestimate the complexity of them. It is not a simple case of only reading a database.

First thing's first: A system linking the company tool accounts to specific steam account ID's needs to be created.

The database server then needs to be directly communicating with the game server (what happens if the database server is slow so the calls time out or what happens if the database server goes offline?) in the proper order (game server needs to call up the database server when a player joins the game server, database server needs to search through its database of ID's, database server needs to send in the user "faction settings", game server needs to calculate what to do based of the user's "faction settings" and all of the other player's faction settings on the server (150 interlinked calculations) before it can place the player at the "proper" faction. Systems need to be created to solve changes happening during these calculations (what to do if an amount of players leave or switch side at the same time? Queue up their "faction settings" calls with the database server? what happens to the ongoing calculations then?).

I'm no programmer so I'll stop there, but I can see a potential giant calculation mess needing to be overcome (its one thing to overcome it, it's another to justify its performance cost on the game server which will need to do all of the calculations while it is to run the rest of the game logic) in order for it to possibly bring a slightly easier time for companies to stay together in public matches (system is wasted in regards to private servers as admins can lay down the law anyways).

I'll show the programmers this thread and I'm sure they'll chime in to correct me if I'm wrong in my thoughts of the idea. :)

- Trusty

08-11-2018, 07:45 PM
Try out the autobalance. We are here to test the gameplay, and devs are trying to fix an issue every MP game has, so I see no issue with it. It has not had any impact in our recent games, even when half the CSA left the field the other day, en mass. We just picked up where we left off and got to fight the same maps from a different point of view. Zero issues.

08-11-2018, 09:26 PM
Thank you for your suggestions but I feel you vastly underestimate the complexity of them. It is not a simple case of only reading a database.

First thing's first: A system linking the company tool accounts to specific steam account ID's needs to be created.

The database server then needs to be directly communicating with the game server (what happens if the database server is slow so the calls time out or what happens if the database server goes offline?) in the proper order (game server needs to call up the database server when a player joins the game server, database server needs to search through its database of ID's, database server needs to send in the user "faction settings", game server needs to calculate what to do based of the user's "faction settings" and all of the other player's faction settings on the server (150 interlinked calculations) before it can place the player at the "proper" faction. Systems need to be created to solve changes happening during these calculations (what to do if an amount of players leave or switch side at the same time? Queue up their "faction settings" calls with the database server? what happens to the ongoing calculations then?).

I'm no programmer so I'll stop there, but I can see a potential giant calculation mess needing to be overcome (its one thing to overcome it, it's another to justify its performance cost on the game server which will need to do all of the calculations while it is to run the rest of the game logic) in order for it to possibly bring a slightly easier time for companies to stay together in public matches (system is wasted in regards to private servers as admins can lay down the law anyways).

I'll show the programmers this thread and I'm sure they'll chime in to correct me if I'm wrong in my thoughts of the idea. :)

- Trusty

Afaik you already planned to use the Company Tool in some way ingame. Of course, the basic groundwork isn't done yet and some time will pass until you do.
Some milestone in WoR's development is to build a new netcode from scratch. You also want to add some feature allowing players to pick from equipment. I'm quite certain that kind of stuff is way more difficult to implement (especially the netcode stuff) - and still it's part of the plan.
Your team also came that far already: WoR is rather stable and polished for an alpha. A lot of stuff is still missing, yes, but the first steps are done.

So please excuse me if I say: "you can do that because you did more complicated stuff before and you have even more complicated stuff ahead than "reading in a database and use a series of if (x==0) { *add stuff here* } code" to determine if a player ends up in CSA or USA team ;)
Would never ask stuff your team can't do.


Anyway, I'll let it go and rather enjoy the events this weekend. See you there!

08-11-2018, 10:16 PM
Afaik you already planned to use the Company Tool in some way ingame. Of course, the basic groundwork isn't done yet and some time will pass until you do.
Some milestone in WoR's development is to build a new netcode from scratch. You also want to add some feature allowing players to pick from equipment. I'm quite certain that kind of stuff is way more difficult to implement (especially the netcode stuff) - and still it's part of the plan.
Your team also came that far already: WoR is rather stable and polished for an alpha. A lot of stuff is still missing, yes, but the first steps are done.

So please excuse me if I say: "you can do that because you did more complicated stuff before and you have even more complicated stuff ahead than "reading in a database and use a series of if (x==0) { *add stuff here* } code" to determine if a player ends up in CSA or USA team ;)
Would never ask stuff your team can't do.


Anyway, I'll let it go and rather enjoy the events this weekend. See you there!

No, picking equipment is far, far simplier than having databases outside of the game server speak with the game server and have the game server do calculations based off of the outside data and the rest of the outside data from the other players.

It was never our plan to integrate the company tool to such an extreme degree.

The first steps would be something as "simple" as company tags in player nametags - but again, it is not a priority for us at the moment. :)

- Trusty

08-11-2018, 10:57 PM
First thing's first: A system linking the company tool accounts to specific steam account ID's needs to be created.

- Trusty

So like registering your steam_ID with your company tool ID ? -> can be simple cause players can put it in manually.
Communicating with the company tool dBase, I don't believe there is a 'sync' in place at the moment reading the CT and transferring it into game ?

But how are you gonna do the pledges ? Like some sort of Steam DLC ? (like in Crossout you buy a pack, it gets registered and ingame you get it's perks)

Some loose ideas :

Ingame profile creator, put in rank and regiment and name. (maybe looks and loadout)
An extract from the 'company tool', but could be a coding nightmare
Maybe get the whole CT coded into the game instead of 'external' ? -> but I agree this would be a big 'challenge' for a smaller team and not worth prioritizing atm.

So the simple stuff would be ? :

Regiment as a tag (like some games have, clantag)
Rank as a tag (pick a rank from a dropdown) ?
So no need to put regiment/rank in our steam name … even simpler would be picking a name ingame ?

I like the preferred faction idea, if it's available it autoselects.

08-12-2018, 01:45 AM
Latest patch does not give me an error.dmp file anymore when I crash.

Fancy Sweetroll
08-12-2018, 03:39 PM
August 12th - Hotfix Released!

- Fixed players sometimes spawning in the air.
- Readded the Pry House Skirmish Area on Antietam.
- Made the spawn points on all skirmish areas larger to reduce the risk of players spawning inside each other.
- Two possible fixes for client crashes related to animations.
- Added more ambience sounds to Harpers Ferry.

08-12-2018, 03:49 PM
August 12th - Hotfix Released!

- Fixed players sometimes spawning in the air.
- Readded the Pry House Skirmish Area on Antietam.
- Made the spawn points on all skirmish areas larger to reduce the risk of players spawning inside each other.
- Two possible fixes for client crashes related to animations.
- Added more ambience sounds to Harpers Ferry.

Awesome, cant wait to try it out :)

08-12-2018, 04:08 PM
August 12th - Hotfix Released!

- Fixed players sometimes spawning in the air.
- Readded the Pry House Skirmish Area on Antietam.
- Made the spawn points on all skirmish areas larger to reduce the risk of players spawning inside each other.
- Two possible fixes for client crashes related to animations.
- Added more ambience sounds to Harpers Ferry.

Good job guys. Spawning in mid-air ended my night last night and can't wait to try today.

Fancy Sweetroll
08-24-2018, 09:35 PM
August 24th - Update 119 Released!

- Added the 8th skirmish area to Harpers Ferry: School House Ridge. In the early morning hours of this first skirmish area of the Bolivar Heights location the Confederates are attacking the forward Union skirmish line based in the valley between Bolivar Heights and School House Ridge.

9249 9250 9251 9252 9253

- Increased the play area of the Union camp at Bolivar Heights, Harpers Ferry to allow for marches down to the Potomac through the forested cliff sides.
- Updated the Piper Barn model.
- Added new gore system.
- When players, get hit in the legs, torso, or the head that specific piece of the character will become bloody. Other parts of the character may become bloody as well.
- When players are headshot, their player model will get massive headwounds.
- Added suppression animations on other players, making them duck their heads. It currently only works if the player is standing still while at shoulder arms.
- Added stamina animations on other players. When other players are low on stamina, hey will play breathing animations with an intensity correspending to the amount of stamina they have left. Breathing sounds on other players will come soon.
- Added a new and improved bayonet attack miss animation that plays if a player melee attacks with the bayonet into the air/misses.
- Improved the animation transition to right shoulder shift and improved the hand rotation while being in right shoulder shift.
- Slightly improved the performance of the long distance trees.
- Made the CSA spawn points on the Harpers Ferry River Crossing Skirmish Area randomly disable and enable every 3-6 minutes, making all players on their team always spawn together, resulting in a more massed force assaulting either the pontoon bridge or the rail road bridge.
- While using the worcam/spectator camera, reduced the risk of some of the keys stopping to work. If it does happen. Disabling the worcam and enabling it should now fix the issue.
- Fixed an issue with the player not returning to At The Ready after having started to aim just as the reload animation has finished.
- Possibly made the auto balance feature actually work. The auto balance feature now kicks in depending on the amount of players on the server. If 8 players are on the server. It allows a player difference between the teams of 1 player. If the server is full. It allows a difference of 9 players before it starts to autobalance.
- Possibly fixed a crash with the new nametags.
- Possibly fixed player nametags vanishing.
- Possibly fixed or bettered the HUD vanishing.
- Added the console variable Game.VoiceChat.Debug. When set to 1 by typing Game.VoiceChat.Debug=1 into the console which can be enabled by hitting tilde (the key to the left of one). It will output data of all players of the 3D voice chat into the console. This will most likely reduce your framerate to 1-5, so you should only enable this console variable if you suddenly find that you are unable to hear other players. When you have enabled it, you should let the game keep running for about a minute. Then close the game, and go ahead and use the error reporter on our website: www.warofrights.com/errorreporter (http://www.warofrights.com/errorreporter)

08-24-2018, 09:58 PM
Can't wait to try it out and thanks for considering our concerns by making the auto balance system a progression thing depending on how many players are in server and not set number across the board, could even have a ratio of 1 to 10, ex. 1-10 players in server = unbalance of 1, 40-50 players =unbalance of 5, allow for a unbalance of up to 15 on full server at 140-150 etc. It's what i suggested in the beginning but your already there really, you have the system in place and all you'd have to do is tweak the number limit off of testers comments and feedback. Great Job guys

- Warboy

08-24-2018, 11:51 PM
So the new Auto-Balancing-System takes server population in account. That's great news!

08-24-2018, 11:53 PM
So the new Auto-Balancing-System takes server population in account. That's great news!

It will when it is working as intended (it isn't currently - we pretty much verified that instantly after releasing the update). :)

There will likely be a hotfix released tomorrow.

- Trusty

08-24-2018, 11:54 PM
I see. Still good work.

Now I need a full server to test the gory feature. ^^

08-25-2018, 12:02 AM
I see. Still good work.

Now I need a full server to test the gory feature. ^^

It is easiest to test on the drill camp servers (note that not all CSA regiments have been fully converted to support it yet so, for now, the Union are the main bleeders. :P

- Trusty

08-25-2018, 01:22 AM
FYI. Team balance is doing the opposite as desired,

Yup. Will likely be a hotfix tomorrow for it.

- Trusty

Charles Caldwell
08-25-2018, 12:27 PM
As you saw I was playing lastnight. I've not played for sometime so it was good to be back. Has the gfx been tweaked, the maps I played last night seem to have a overall 'Sepia tone' to them with what appears a very strong gamma setting.

The Smoke was burnt out most of the time, even though I have smoke maxed out.

Good news though the game seems better optimised for performance.

Fancy Sweetroll
08-25-2018, 01:34 PM
August 25th - Hotfix Released!

- The autobalance system has been changed slightly and from our internal testing, it is now working.
- Fixed an issue where multiple gore head models might be shown at a player at the same time.
- Fixed an issue where the rifle would shake an absurd amount while aiming, when only being slightly suppressed.
- Added gore models to most of the CSA regiments.

A. P. Hill
08-25-2018, 01:55 PM
As you saw I was playing lastnight. I've not played for sometime so it was good to be back. Has the gfx been tweaked, the maps I played last night seem to have a overall 'Sepia tone' to them with what appears a very strong gamma setting.

The Smoke was burnt out most of the time, even though I have smoke maxed out.

Good news though the game seems better optimised for performance.

Welcome to the new suppression features. Please read up on them. :)

A. P. Hill
08-25-2018, 02:32 PM
Thank goodness!


Happened to me several times last night. Didn't care for it at all.

08-25-2018, 05:33 PM
August 25th - Hotfix Released!

- The autobalance system has been changed slightly and from our internal testing, it is now working.
- Fixed an issue where multiple gore head models might be shown at a player at the same time.
- Fixed an issue where the rifle would shake an absurd amount while aiming, when only being slightly suppressed.
- Added gore models to most of the CSA regiments.

Perfect. Can't wait for tonights battle, hopefully without "ol' mans shaky hands" and "fair teams".

08-25-2018, 05:47 PM
I'm excited to attend the event tonight after not doing one in forever.

Charles Caldwell
08-25-2018, 06:22 PM
Welcome to the new suppression features. Please read up on them. :)

Oh, could I imposed upon you for a link sir? ;)

08-26-2018, 04:51 AM
stop kicking my ass out of the game when i am already in the game i dont care about auto balance not my fing fault the union cant find people to play

i can understand that you cant start when it is out of balance but dam it dont kick me out of a game i am already in that does not make people happy

You mean that you are literally kicked out of the game and temporarily unable to play? That doesn't sound like it's intended purpose, or even planned purpose.

Charles Caldwell
08-26-2018, 01:43 PM
Oh, could I imposed upon you for a link sir? ;)

I'm not finding anything that suggest that that map I played, players are suppressed immediately at spawn, or that suppression turns the map 'sepia' and that the Suppression system burns out smoke on that map alone.

08-26-2018, 04:54 PM
funny thing is yesterday, though you may not have gotten on union over half of their side was 1st texas boys another quarter 6th la and the last bit various union companies and pubs, so really it's all 'f'ing rebs' playing sometimes.

- Warboy

08-26-2018, 11:35 PM
Yesterday 2nd Corps had to go Yankee, TODAY 2nd Corps had to go Yankee....I've been here just over a week and I've gotten to play Confederate ONCE so far.

We tend to try and keep the 'teams' balanced, this means lately we get one regiment (or company) taking up Union slots. (we usually change sides next event).
Saturday there were multiple Union regiments on during events .. I saw for example : 95th NY / 1st Cav / 9th NY / 17th MI ….
Having completely even teams/companies during events would be utopian, our hope is that regiments can 'chose' their side (unless it's to test tactics)

We encourage all players to hop on during events, it was great to see 1st Texas back in action again.
We had over a 100 people playing, without "much" issues I believe ?

@Stots : as you can see there is a bit of frustration, also calling out 'f*cking rebs' isn't exactly welcoming … great roleplay for sure :) -> just don't wake up the sleeping dogs (they are angry beasts :p)

@Sox : I know some have an issue playing the other faction, if this is really an issue this can be discussed on teamspeak.

08-27-2018, 12:09 AM
@Sox : I know some have an issue playing the other faction, if this is really an issue this can be discussed on teamspeak.

I have zero issue with playing Union, in fact I changed from 32nd Virginia to 69th New York in re-enactment for the same reasons. My issue is when someone hops on the forums and says none of us are in game when in fact we are the ones having to bolster his numbers.

08-27-2018, 01:18 AM
Alright gents, keep it on-topic please.

- Trusty

08-27-2018, 09:49 PM
something just got released in the last hr or two, 1.0 GB patch but don't know what it addresses.

- Warboy

Fancy Sweetroll
08-27-2018, 10:03 PM
something just got released in the last hr or two, 1.0 GB patch but don't know what it addresses.

- Warboy

August 27th - Hotfix Released!

- Fixed the custom keybindings in the options menu not being saved and loaded properly.
- Small optimization to the needle of the compass, making it only update its rotation when its visible, this possibly also fixes a rare crash, related to the compass.
- Small environment updates to Harpers Ferry.

There is also one last thing. We want to mention it somewhat softly. You should now be able to fairly reliably, be able to leave the server you are playing on, by hitting escape and clicking the leave server button, return to the Main Menu, select a new server in the server browser and join that one, without having to restart the game and without the game crashing. The ingame server browser from the ingame menu does not work and will soon be removed.

Maximus Decimus Meridius
08-28-2018, 01:14 PM
hmm maybe rename it and delete the button to join them?

It's a nice feature to look if other servers have more players etc so I dont have to leave my current match to check it.

just an idea.

Fancy Sweetroll
08-28-2018, 02:58 PM
Yeah it would have its uses. But we think it would be too confusing for newcomers, to have an ingame server browser, but not actually being able to join the servers. You can still check the server population directly in Steam.

View -> Servers -> Filter for War of Rights.

08-29-2018, 12:53 AM
Yeah it would have its uses. But we think it would be too confusing for newcomers, to have an ingame server browser, but not actually being able to join the servers. You can still check the server population directly in Steam.

View -> Servers -> Filter for War of Rights.

The all powerful way to view the servers

09-02-2018, 02:20 AM
I really REALLY dislike the TEAM AUTO Adjust. It takes me some 5 to 7 minutes to get back on the side I chose to be on in the first place. The SOUTH. is this new feature here to stay? I got so fed up waiting to get back into the game, after the 3rd time i was killed, I had to call it quits and go play something else. when the poster screen came up briefly for me to join again, I couldnt, cause apparently someone else was way faster with their mouse than I was. it was up and gone after a second of Highlighting the JOIN Southern poster. I hope this wont be the normal now. I only wish to fight with my team mates on the southern side. Not against them. The fun of the game is taken from me when that happens. Otherwise I can play till i die and play something else. I did type in team auto adjust and didnt see anything.

09-02-2018, 02:53 AM
I really REALLY dislike the TEAM AUTO Adjust. It takes me some 5 to 7 minutes to get back on the side I chose to be on in the first place. The SOUTH. is this new feature here to stay? I got so fed up waiting to get back into the game, after the 3rd time i was killed, I had to call it quits and go play something else. when the poster screen came up briefly for me to join again, I couldnt, cause apparently someone else was way faster with their mouse than I was. it was up and gone after a second of Highlighting the JOIN Southern poster. I hope this wont be the normal now. I only wish to fight with my team mates on the southern side. Not against them. The fun of the game is taken from me when that happens. Otherwise I can play till i die and play something else. I did type in team auto adjust and didnt see anything.

Totally agree, this feature is actually emptying servers because people are so sick of it. As far as I'm concerned it's not which side I'm on, it's that we are constantly being split up & cannot even play with friends. It's a lot worse if you're in a southern regiment obviously, if you want to play with friends then you're spending more time looking at posters than firing weapons. Perhaps the biggest part of when you join WoR is finding a Company, you make a huge deal of the 'team' aspect, the company tool etc......then you introduce auto balance which forces us into pick up groups??? I'm sorry but that makes no sense AT all.

09-02-2018, 12:13 PM
It may help to consider oneself as being an Alpha tester at the moment not "just" a player of the game. It is obvious at the moment that there are way more Rebel enthusiats playing the game. Why this is has probably many reasons. (One of them might be that Confeds get fences to hide behind, even when they are meant to attack on certain maps^^)
I guess the Auto-adjust helps that there are simply quite enough blues to shoot down. Without it even more union players would turn away from the game, when they 1. see underpopulated servers during the week and 2. see themselves always outnumbered by the south, which historically seen appears quite ...unhistorical.

Cheers, gents.

09-02-2018, 11:00 PM
It may help to consider oneself as being an Alpha tester at the moment not "just" a player of the game.

I do consider myself a tester, and I am looking at things with an eye to the future. The idea of auto balance is not wrong, it's how it's implemented. If the game was live, and I had joined a Company then I would want to play the game with that Company, no matter what side I was on. A number of Confederate regiments switch sides, on a regular basis, for balance purposes, 1st Texas do it, 6th LA do it, 1st Georgia do it etc...but when we do fight Union we still get to play together. The only thing that is really irritating about the system is that it splits Companies up, and that will annoy people once the game is live. We train together as a unit, we drill together as a unit......then when we go to fight we get split up into pick up groups, in what world is that ever going to work?

09-02-2018, 11:47 PM
I do consider myself a tester, and I am looking at things with an eye to the future. The idea of auto balance is not wrongto get everyone onto the same team eventually how it's implemented. If the game was live, and I had joined a Company then I would want to play the game with that Company, no matter what side I was on. A number of Confederate regiments switch sides, on a regular basis, for balance purposes, 1st Texas do it, 6th LA do it, 1st Georgia do it etc...but when we do fight Union we still get to play together. The only thing that is really irritating about the system is that it splits Companies up, and that will annoy people once the game is live. We train together as a unit, we drill together as a unit......then when we go to fight we get split up into pick up groups, in what world is that ever going to work?

I think the issue could be remedied with something like what I suggested here (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5490-Pre-game-team-selection-period) (shameless promotion of own thread, I know, but I'm too lazy to type it all up in this post), and a pre-game selection period that will hopefully allow everyone to play on their respective side with their unit. Because usually, it's not the numbers that are annoying, it's how slow it can be to eventually get everyone onto the same team, and my suggestion would hopefully help, or at least remove the frustration of slowly transferring everyone to the same team.

09-03-2018, 07:43 PM
It's alpha, and we certainly are the testers. But hopefully when the game goes into beta and release there will be a large enough population to play with your company and the side you want. And, hopefully, there will be enough independent players willing to fill the gaps for which ever side needs them that games don't get stuck waiting for enough players to balance the skirmish.

09-05-2018, 07:43 PM
September 5th - Update 120 Released!

- Fixed a bug that would crash the server when it reached 150 players.
- The Standard Issue Bayonet will now get bloody when it stabs someone, other players will also be able to see your bayonet being bloody if you return to your regiment after surviving a melee engagement.
- Made more regiments support bloody character models.
- Added 32nd Ohio and 126th New York for the Maryland Heights Skirmish Area
- Fixed a bug with projectiles where if they flew outside of the map, they would never time out and exist forever.
- Sometimes when players have clicked deploy, they would be stuck in the spectator camera without ever spawning. This happened because the game client tried to spawn on a spawn point that was deactivated on the server which then denied the clients spawn request. Now if this happens, the spawn point the client tried to spawn at gets disabled on the client and the Deploy Screen on the client should restart hopefully allowing the client to respawn at a spawn point that is also enabled on the server.
- Updated the R. Miller barn model.
- Graphical updates to the drill camp level.
- Added the 13th Georgia to Hooker's Push skirmish area.
- Added the 1810 Stairwell to Harpers Ferry.
- The player is now able to enter Melee Mode with the club faster.
- The movement of the camera has been reduced when entering melee mode with the club.
- The Sharps Rifle and Sharps Carbine is now positioned correctly in the hand when being in Right Shoulder Shift.
- Alligned the sights on all ranges properly to the center of the screen for the Springfield M1861, Springfield M1855, Pattern Enfield M1853 and the Whitworth.
- The sound of gunshots is now delayed, depending on the distance of the shot to the listener, simulating the travel time of sound.
- All melee attacks play slightly faster.
- Replaced all the 1st and 3rd person animations on the flag bearer with new ones.
- Changed the way the weapon moves around on the screen when aiming left, right, up and down.
- The friendly fire suppression amount has been reduced by 75% to lessen the amount skirmish lines suppress themselves.
- Possibly fixed the issue where CSA Privates for no reason would be deserting on the Roulette Lane Skirmish Area.
- Increased available NCO slots from 2 to 4 for each regiment.

- Trusty

09-05-2018, 09:16 PM
September 5th - Update 120 Released!

- Fixed a bug with projectiles where if they flew outside of the map, they would never time out and exist forever.

- Trusty

And some say they are still out there, never speeding up nor slowing down, travelling on in the void... forever. ;)

Awesome work, can't wait to see the update up close and personal. :)

Fancy Sweetroll
09-05-2018, 09:25 PM
And some say they are still out there, never speeding up nor slowing down, travelling on in the void... forever. ;)

Awesome work, can't wait to see the update up close and personal. :)

May those that didnt get rescued, find peace in the void..

09-05-2018, 11:01 PM
All of the smoothbores are subsonic, aren't they?

All of the rifles use powder to send the projectile flying, so when all of those compressed gasses suddenly escape from the barrel, it makes the loud noise. The 'crack' you can hear from weapons is indeed from bullets going over the speed of sound and that would be affected by it being subsonic or not.

09-06-2018, 12:12 AM
I don't know if its me or what, but after the patch, things aren't quite right. Still having crashing issues. Also, the right shoulder shift is off. See pic. And the melee, yes its faster but looks clumsey. Again could just be me.


09-06-2018, 12:15 AM
I don't know if its me or what, but after the patch, things aren't quite right. Still having crashing issues. Also, the right shoulder shift is off. See pic. And the melee, yes its faster but looks clumsey. Again could just be me.


The crashing fix they added was for the servers and a very specific bug. And what do you mean by clumsy?

09-06-2018, 12:18 AM
The crashing fix they added was for the servers and a very specific bug. And what do you mean by clumsy?

It's kind of hard to explain, but it almost looks like he skips a frame and he wants to fall over. I tried to film it but it keeps crashing when I'm in f4 too long.

09-06-2018, 12:23 AM
It's kind of hard to explain, but it almost looks like he skips a frame and he wants to fall over. I tried to film it but it keeps crashing when I'm in f4 too long.

If you are not actually stabbing something and just stabbing the air, that's intentional and meant to simulate your guy suddenly throwing a lot of momentum (from his body and rifle) forward and it pulling him forward a bit along with his rifle down.

09-06-2018, 12:29 AM
If you are not actually stabbing something and just stabbing the air, that's intentional and meant to simulate your guy suddenly throwing a lot of momentum (from his body and rifle) forward and it pulling him forward a bit along with his rifle down.

That's what I figure. I'll have to see it in action. Like I said, it's probably just me.

09-06-2018, 12:43 AM
This auto balancer is going to be a disaster I feel. People did a good choice of balancing The game, and didnt need to have a program do it. all this is doing is keeping from wanting to play. I do not like waiting past 5 min after ive died to get back on the side I choose to be on, when my friends are on the side I choose to be on. those in companies should not have to be moved to fight against his team mates. if 1 lone member, is on then Ok, but once hes on with his team mates, the program should start looking to boot other guys to the other side. all this is doing is keeping people away, give me a cannon to shoot and i wouldnt care what side I was on LOL. Give people the ability to view at the roster join page, as you do in game. then people will know where they stand, and see where their friends are on what side. Not wait to see where they are in game. after spending 3 deaths in the penalty box as I feel it is and some 15 min and longer, I quit playing for the night with about 32 min total playing time.

09-06-2018, 12:48 AM
That's what I figure. I'll have to see it in action. Like I said, it's probably just me.

I've found that looking at yourself is not at all reliable while doing drill moves, I too looked at myself at right shoulder shift and it looked fine. Clubbing the musket looked a bit off, but then in first person it looked fine. I also spawned a standard bearer, and when looking at myself and kneeling he just did an odd kind of curtsey lol, but in first person he knelt just fine. I think that viewing yourself is actually the problem.

09-06-2018, 06:25 AM
I am looking forward to finally playtest the new version(s) on friday, great work CG! Keep the patches coming
I for my part am glad that there is some kind of autobalancing in effect now, this is a game after all and not a substitute for the real thing that happened over 150 years ago.

Fancy Sweetroll
09-06-2018, 05:00 PM
September 6th - Hotfix Released!

- Added a temporarily fix for the new color bearer animations while kneeling.
- Fixed nametags often not working in the latest update.

09-08-2018, 01:13 PM
One might review the autobalancing system one more time ;)

Last night I was fighting for CSA for approx 80% of the time. Then I got killed in a heroic charge and suddenly had to decide against my former comrades.
While I do support the autobalancing feature (after all, now I do have a chance to play my favorite site more often), I think there's still some tweaking required.

I'm not sure how to do it, but for once, I'd love to see some additional features:
-> 1st: once a certain amount of tickets got lost, (>=75% for one side) autobalancing should be turned off. Also switching sides should be forbidden. The only way how now sides lose their balance is if people quit en masse for one side. New players can still select the one side with less players according to standard balancing rules.
-> 2nd: if time is below 15 minutes, same rule kicks in as above: autobalancing is turned off and one can't switch to the other team anymore.
-> 3rd: players that fought longer for their side are less likely picked for force-switching, newer players get selected with an increased chance.
-> 4th: to avoid players getting annoyed by being picked all time for force-switching, each player can only be picked once per map (unless they manually switch back to their prefered side). So if you get picked to force-switch to USA, you won't get picked again once Federals get too many players.

Something like that.

And yeah, I was slightly disappointed, after all the stuff I did for the Rebs that evening, I had to put on a blue uniform and fire at my friends :'(
After all, the map was already at its close.

09-14-2018, 06:42 PM
all the AUTO BALANCER is doing for me is making me wait to get back on the SIDE I chose. Till I just give up and quit playing altogether for the night, hatting that I cant get back with my team mates. I want to fight with them not against them. and this auto balancer keeps us all as a team switching to the other side. we cant fix this as a team effort. i really hate this auto balance. All my team mates also feel the same way about this. all I see is less and less players are joining a match, and then disappear completely. the 100+ matches are less and less. This has rubbed players all the wrong way I feel.

09-21-2018, 10:48 PM
September 21st - Update 121 Released!

- Major UI Update. Completely reworked and cleaned up the UI behind the scenes.
- A lot of new UI elements have been added to the DeployScreen but for now, that is only cosmetic and has no function yet.
- Updated most of the UI images to support 4k resolutions, making the UI look sharper.
- On the faction selection screen. You now join the faction you click on when you click on the USA or CSA image. Previously you would first actually join the selected faction when you moved on to the next page. This makes it easier to join the faction you want when there are lots of players on a server.
- When rebinding the keys in the options menu, it will now accept mouse keys as valid input.
- Added labels for the amount of players on each side on the faction selection screen.
- On the tab screen, it now also displays the total amount of players on the server.
- On the server browser, the Refresh List button now refreshes the server browser, though you currently may have to click on it a couple of times for it to work.
- When starting the game, the Campfire Games and War of Rights image can now be skipped by pressing any button, to get to the main menu more quickly.
- Added the 9th skirmish area "Bolivar Heights Camp" to Harpers Ferry. This skirmish area has the Confederates attacking the Union army camp of Bolivar Heights itself either via a direct assault or a more sneaky way up the heights through the forest to its flank.

9374 9375

- Updated Sherrick Barn model.
- Added Henry Rohrback Barn.


- Several visual updates to the Drill Camp level.
- Updated the flag by giving those that had it, a unique texture on each side.
- Added a new version of the flag for some of the confedereates.
- Made the golden fringes of some of the flag some a little bit more 3D and made them flap around a little more.
- Added a new flag for the 6th Louisiana.
- Fixed an issue where the player would play the enterSprint animation if the player started sprinting when the exitReady animation were playing. This change results in the weapon simply blending to the sprinting pose.
- Added procedural flinching to all players regardless of their class and weapon. It gets triggered by bullet whizzes, players dying and artillery shells.
- Made players recover from suppression when OutOfLine, slightly faster.
- Players can now start and stop aiming while the character is in the process of entering kneel or standing up.
- Slightly improved the aim transition of other players when they start aiming from melee mode with a bayonet attached.
- Fixed an issue where the movement keys would not always register when they were being pressed, forcing you to release and press a movement key again.
- Several visual updates to the Drill Camp level.
- Added blood and gore to the officers.
- The artillery now casts more rays towards the player, each slightly offset, to better check if the player is behind cover or not, in order to possibly kill them.
- Added a check for other players being stuck in geometry. If stuck, the player gets teleported to the proper position, this fixes players being stuck on the wrong side of a fence or the wrong side a wall of a building.
- The weapons on other players now gets removed when they die, producing better looking dead bodies.
- Possibly fixed a client crash when spawning for the first time.
- Fixed a possible crash when leaving a server.

09-21-2018, 10:59 PM
September 21st - Update 121 Released!

- Major UI Update. Completely reworked and cleaned up the UI behind the scenes.
- A lot of new UI elements have been added to the DeployScreen but for now, that is only cosmetic and has no function yet.
- Updated most of the UI images to support 4k resolutions, making the UI look sharper.
- On the faction selection screen. You now join the faction you click on when you click on the USA or CSA image. Previously you would first actually join the selected faction when you moved on to the next page. This makes it easier to join the faction you want when there are lots of players on a server.
- When rebinding the keys in the options menu, it will now accept mouse keys as valid input.
- Added labels for the amount of players on each side on the faction selection screen.
- On the tab screen, it now also displays the total amount of players on the server.
- On the server browser, the Refresh List button now refreshes the server browser, though you currently may have to click on it a couple of times for it to work.
- When starting the game, the Campfire Games and War of Rights image can now be skipped by pressing any button, to get to the main menu more quickly.
- Added the 9th skirmish area "Bolivar Heights Camp" to Harpers Ferry. This skirmish area has the Confederates attacking the Union army camp of Bolivar Heights itself either via a direct assault or a more sneaky way up the heights through the forest to its flank.

9374 9375

- Updated Sherrick Barn model.
- Added Henry Rohrback Barn.


- Several visual updates to the Drill Camp level.
- Updated the flag by giving those that had it, a unique texture on each side.
- Added a new version of the flag for some of the confedereates.
- Made the golden fringes of some of the flag some a little bit more 3D and made them flap around a little more.
- Added a new flag for the 6th Louisiana.
- Fixed an issue where the player would play the enterSprint animation if the player started sprinting when the exitReady animation were playing. This change results in the weapon simply blending to the sprinting pose.
- Added procedural flinching to all players regardless of their class and weapon. It gets triggered by bullet whizzes, players dying and artillery shells.
- Made players recover from suppression when OutOfLine, slightly faster.
- Players can now start and stop aiming while the character is in the process of entering kneel or standing up.
- Slightly improved the aim transition of other players when they start aiming from melee mode with a bayonet attached.
- Fixed an issue where the movement keys would not always register when they were being pressed, forcing you to release and press a movement key again.
- Several visual updates to the Drill Camp level.
- Added blood and gore to the officers.
- The artillery now casts more rays towards the player, each slightly offset, to better check if the player is behind cover or not, in order to possibly kill them.
- Added a check for other players being stuck in geometry. If stuck, the player gets teleported to the proper position, this fixes players being stuck on the wrong side of a fence or the wrong side a wall of a building.
- The weapons on other players now gets removed when they die, producing better looking dead bodies.
- Possibly fixed a client crash when spawning for the first time.
- Fixed a possible crash when leaving a server.

Big update, and just saying, when I check in actual in game news and updates sections, there's a good bit more that is excluded from this.

09-21-2018, 11:03 PM
Big update, and just saying, when I check in actual in game news and updates sections, there's a good bit more that is excluded from this.

I'm not sure I follow your meaning - please clarify. :)

- Trusty

09-21-2018, 11:05 PM
I'm not sure I follow your meaning - please clarify. :)

- Trusty

For example, in game news browser says the 6th LA got a new flag and there were some other flag updates, the post you just made doesn't.

Fancy Sweetroll
09-21-2018, 11:09 PM
Fixed ;) Thanks

09-21-2018, 11:43 PM
This was a great update!

A. P. Hill
09-22-2018, 12:29 AM
September 21st - Update 121 Released!

- Major UI Update. Completely reworked and cleaned up the UI behind the scenes.
- A lot of new UI elements have been added to the DeployScreen but for now, that is only cosmetic and has no function yet.
- Updated most of the UI images to support 4k resolutions, making the UI look sharper.
- On the faction selection screen. You now join the faction you click on when you click on the USA or CSA image. Previously you would first actually join the selected faction when you moved on to the next page. This makes it easier to join the faction you want when there are lots of players on a server.
- When rebinding the keys in the options menu, it will now accept mouse keys as valid input.
- Added labels for the amount of players on each side on the faction selection screen.
- On the tab screen, it now also displays the total amount of players on the server.
- On the server browser, the Refresh List button now refreshes the server browser, though you currently may have to click on it a couple of times for it to work.
- When starting the game, the Campfire Games and War of Rights image can now be skipped by pressing any button, to get to the main menu more quickly.
- Added the 9th skirmish area "Bolivar Heights Camp" to Harpers Ferry. This skirmish area has the Confederates attacking the Union army camp of Bolivar Heights itself either via a direct assault or a more sneaky way up the heights through the forest to its flank.

9374 9375

- Updated Sherrick Barn model.
- Added Henry Rohrback Barn.


- Several visual updates to the Drill Camp level.
- Updated the flag by giving those that had it, a unique texture on each side.
- Added a new version of the flag for some of the confedereates.
- Made the golden fringes of some of the flag some a little bit more 3D and made them flap around a little more.
- Added a new flag for the 6th Louisiana.
- Fixed an issue where the player would play the enterSprint animation if the player started sprinting when the exitReady animation were playing. This change results in the weapon simply blending to the sprinting pose.
- Added procedural flinching to all players regardless of their class and weapon. It gets triggered by bullet whizzes, players dying and artillery shells.
- Made players recover from suppression when OutOfLine, slightly faster.
- Players can now start and stop aiming while the character is in the process of entering kneel or standing up.
- Slightly improved the aim transition of other players when they start aiming from melee mode with a bayonet attached.
- Fixed an issue where the movement keys would not always register when they were being pressed, forcing you to release and press a movement key again.
- Several visual updates to the Drill Camp level.
- Added blood and gore to the officers.
- The artillery now casts more rays towards the player, each slightly offset, to better check if the player is behind cover or not, in order to possibly kill them.
- Added a check for other players being stuck in geometry. If stuck, the player gets teleported to the proper position, this fixes players being stuck on the wrong side of a fence or the wrong side a wall of a building.
- The weapons on other players now gets removed when they die, producing better looking dead bodies.
- Possibly fixed a client crash when spawning for the first time.
- Fixed a possible crash when leaving a server.

This sounds fantastic guys! :) Looking forward to the download later.
In the meantime, are there really two sets of visuals for drill camps?


09-22-2018, 01:24 AM
- Made players recover from suppression when OutOfLine, slightly faster.

And here I was going to recommend the exact opposite. Their entire team fires a freaking volley at me and I'm good in a minute.

09-22-2018, 10:25 AM
And still no rank selection :'(

09-22-2018, 11:21 AM
And still no rank selection :'(

The buttons are there thought! Just some foreplay first. ;)

09-22-2018, 11:27 AM
And still no rank selection :'(

We just started to rework the entire UI with a better system. Its a first step to get closer to the rank selection ;)

Fancy Sweetroll
09-22-2018, 02:44 PM
I just released a small hotfix, fixing 2 client crashes during gameplay as well slightly improving the end of the 1st person reload animation and fix/unfix bayonet animation.

09-22-2018, 07:45 PM
Spawning under the ground - WOR15 EU Drill Camp CSA

09-22-2018, 07:51 PM
I just released a small hotfix, fixing 2 client crashes during gameplay as well slightly improving the end of the 1st person reload animation and fix/unfix bayonet animation.

Love the new UI and seeing the 'playercount' on the faction screen. Love the direction where this is all going.
The "game" looks more clear and vibrant ?
Great thanks for the flag also :)

Sidenote :

Just found a glitch on Harpers Ferry (high street), you can get into a house … see all (while in concealing) and exit while the enemy is unsuspecting.


Also I spawned in someone's 'anus' …. I can confirm he ate blue beans the day before.


Could it also be 'J' (drop musket/rifle) isn't working anymore ? I just love to take me prisoners :)

09-22-2018, 09:05 PM
Spawning under the ground - WOR15 EU Drill Camp CSA

That's been a pretty constant issue for me. Hit F4 then F4 again and it should be fine.

09-25-2018, 05:44 PM
Developers could you please set the T key to lock names on, when pressed and press again to remove names, when Im in a large group of men, its so frustrating, moving up the line and all around Looking for my men, and having to keep pressing the T key, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN, looking for my regiment. Great Job on the People count at the roster page, but it still doesnt tell who s on what team, till I choose a side and hit TAB key. WOR is getting BETTER AND BETTER EVERY UPDATE.

09-26-2018, 08:22 PM
Developers could you please set the T key to lock names on, when pressed and press again to remove names, when Im in a large group of men, its so frustrating, moving up the line and all around Looking for my men, and having to keep pressing the T key, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN, looking for my regiment. Great Job on the People count at the roster page, but it still doesnt tell who s on what team, till I choose a side and hit TAB key. WOR is getting BETTER AND BETTER EVERY UPDATE.

Absolutely not. Hiding your men in cornfields and woods is already hard enough with the ability to press T.

09-26-2018, 09:13 PM
Absolutely not. Hiding your men in cornfields and woods is already hard enough with the ability to press T.

A while ago we removed enemy nametags when pressing T so you can now only see the names of your own teammates. :)

- Trusty

09-27-2018, 03:34 AM
.... I'm not sure that works as intended, I can see enemy names still.

09-27-2018, 04:08 AM
.... I'm not sure that works as intended, I can see enemy names still.

Really? It has been altered unintentionally in the latest update then.

- Trusty

09-27-2018, 07:49 AM
I have to spam the T key to get it to show the enemy, but I thought it was just a bug.

09-27-2018, 08:37 AM
I have to spam the T key to get it to show the enemy, but I thought it was just a bug.

We just verified that enemy nametags are not shown - this was a change we introduced with the updated nametag system. You have either encountered a non reported bug or you must think of alpha builds with the older nametag system. :)

- Trusty

09-28-2018, 12:44 AM
I'll double check and see if I can replicate the bug.

Fancy Sweetroll
09-28-2018, 04:58 PM
September 28th - Update 122 Released!

- Added sound options, the settings include overall game volume. Voice chat input and output volume and setting the input and output device you wish to use. A music volume slider will be added soon.
- Possibly fixed the UI stopping to function after roughly 20 minutes of gameplay.
- On Harpers Ferry, Maryland Heights, replaced the 1st PHB Maryland and 12th Militia New York regiments with 32nd Ohio and 126th New York.
- Tweaked the textures on some of the flags.
- Added overview maps in the Deploy Screen for most of the skirmish areas on Harpers Ferry.
- Improved the kneeling animations of the flag bearer.
- Improved the bayonet attack miss animation while players are moving.
- Prevented other players from getting supressed by the weapon fire of their teammates when in close proximity to the shooter.

09-28-2018, 06:47 PM
The 42ndPA's colours haven't been double sided :(

09-28-2018, 07:25 PM
The 42ndPA's colours haven't been double sided :(

They never were? I think I did not make them double sided? :rolleyes:

09-28-2018, 08:28 PM
The 42ndPA's colours haven't been double sided :(

Lots haven’t. We added support for it but it will take a long while before they all are. :)

- Trusty

09-29-2018, 12:07 AM
Audio options made me cry T_T

09-29-2018, 02:41 AM
Thanks, keep up the good work and I will continue to bring you support.

Fancy Sweetroll
09-29-2018, 11:28 AM
I just released an additional update. It adds some straps to the new confederate flags, making the flag attached to the stick. The update also fixes the Sharps Rifle and Carbine not being seated properly in the hand when at Right Shoulder Shift. In the previous updates, all the UI were packed into a single pak file which for the most part was fine as the UI in total only had a size of around 300 mb. Every time we updated something for the UI, be that UI logic or some UI textures, you would have to download 300 mb for the update. But now that the UI is in 4k and we have added a lot more regiment images to the Deploy Screen, the UI has a total size of about 1.5 gb. So this update contains some restructuring of the UI pak files. Many of the textures are now seperated, the logic is now seperated, so in the future, the updates should be smaller than though would if this restructuring change was not done. This does however require you to have to download all the UI files again, which results in this update to be somewhat large.

Maximus Decimus Meridius
09-30-2018, 03:06 PM
very interesting stuff. thank you for sharing..... even if I was at 99% with my download when you announced that xD

10-01-2018, 06:25 PM
Thank You Trusty. I do not see any names of the opposite side above their heads, I only see the side im on. when looking for someone, and everyone looks the same, kinda hard to find em when on team chat, I hear em say Im right here, lol but still cant find em, and having to keep pressing the T key sucks, so I ask that we control the T key, Press it says on till we hit T key to turn it off.

10-12-2018, 07:12 PM
October 12th - Skirmishes Phase II Released!

- The flag bearer now acts as a mobile spawnpoint. On the 3rd Deploy Screen where Deploy can be clicked. There are now two buttons, one that spawns you in your team’s assembly area and another one that spawns you on the flag. The flag spawn can only be selected if the flag bearer is alive. When you've entered the spawn queue on the flag bearer, you may respawn quickly, or it may take a while, depending on how many other players are waiting to spawn on the flag bearer. You can always at any time click on the icon of your team’s assembly area and spawn there instead on the next spawn wave.
- Added a dynamic weather system to increase immersion with changing environmental effects.
- Fixed a crash when entering the Sound options.
- Several UI updates.
- Removed the input volume slider in the Sound options as it wasn’t working.
- On the input and output device list in the Sound options, a Disabled option can now be selected. This makes the input and output devices not receive or output anything compared to sending the input with a volume of zero or playing the output with a volume of zero.
- While on a server, we have added a mute button on all players in the tab menu to locally mute them from the voice chat.
- Tweaked the Depth of Field when reloading to only focus on the rifle when the character is trying to align two things such as placing the top of the ramrod on the cartridge to ram it down for example. When the character is simply ramming down the cartridge and pulling out the ramrod, the Depth of Field is disabled.
- Added Depth of Field when fixing a bayonet.
- Added rifle sling variants to Springfield 1842, Springfield 1855 and Springfield 1861. Unslinged variants are still present as well.
- Minor updates to Drill Camp level.
- When deploying It is now possible to select which rank to spawn as for NCOs and Officers. The rank image is yet to be added so for now, you can only tell which rank it is in the UI by clicking on a rank and reading the text above it (1st Lieutenant).
- Fixed a bug on the Drill Camp where if the player respawned while in the Inspector view (F4), the camera wouldn't enter 1st person properly when respawning.
- Made the bending of trees more detailed.
- Made the initial gun smoke a bit denser when firing.
- Minor flag material updates.
- The volume of the wind now increases depending on where you are on the map. If you are standing on the crest of a hill the volume of the wind will increase. The wind volume will also increase if you fly up in the air with the WorCam (F9).
- Fixed the rifle quickly swinging out in front of the camera by the end of putting the rifle back to Shoulder Arms.
- Added a new 3rd person aim animation while in melee mode with a bayonet attached.
- Added new 3rd person aim movement animations when aiming with a rifle.
- Made the rifle sway less in 3rd person while moving at the Ready.
- Added 3rd Alabama.
- On the shooting range on the Drill Camp, fixed the target hits not disappearing in the UI.
- When print screen is pressed the screen becomes black and white with a yellow tint, if the player does not press print screen again within 5 seconds to deactivate the effect. The system automatically deactivates the black and white screen effects. We think this may sometimes have been what has happened when it has seemed like the screen had gotten stuck being black and white (the player accidentally hit print screen without noticing).

- Trusty

10-12-2018, 07:21 PM
So long waited update. Thanks!

Fancy Sweetroll
10-12-2018, 08:13 PM
I just pushed a fix for the 2 servers crashing as well as players spawning on the wrong flag bearer on Harpers Ferry.

Fancy Sweetroll
10-12-2018, 09:28 PM
Love the Skirmishes Phase II update. :o

Until this feature is added, is there an existing console command that we can temporarily use to disable the music?

It's a bit ear-splitting in Company battles to have Discord open and, when loading into the game, to have the music blaring for 2 minutes over your team-mates / commander's instructions.

No, there is no way yet of reducing the volume of the music, but we'll add the option soon.

Fancy Sweetroll
10-13-2018, 03:32 PM
October 13th - Skirmishes Phase II Hotfix 1 Released!

- Fixed the deaths InFormation, Skirmishing and OutOfLine on the victory screen.
- Fixed the current morale for both teams being listed incorrectly.
- Slightly improved the performance of corpses.
- Improved the look of the rain particle effect during light rain.
- Fixed a bug where only a balance difference between the teams of 1 player was allowed. Now on a 5 player server, a difference of 1 player is allowed, on a full server, a difference of 9 players is allowed.

A. P. Hill
10-13-2018, 04:17 PM
Thank you Mr. Fancy. :)

10-19-2018, 04:41 PM
October 19th - Update 124 Released!

- Fixed an issue where the morale was being listed incorrectly on the compass and on the deploy screen.
- Added a timer to the deploy screen for both the base spawn and for the flag bearer spawn. It also displays how many players are in queue for each type of spawn, though at the moment. You are required to enter the spawn queue by hitting Deploy, to get any queue and time information for that particular spawn point. After having pressed Deploy, it is now possible to go back to the regiment and class selection screen and pick another class (This will cancel your spawn request).
- Fixed the kneel reload animation ending before the character had a chance to put on the cap.
- Improved some of the reload transitions.
- Improved the left, right, forward and backward aim 3rd person animations.
- Added possible fix for HUD freeze.
- Added possible fix for a player nametag related client crash.
- Added slinged variants for the Whitworth, Lorenz and Enfield rifles.
- Minor character adjustments.
- The time between a player spawning on the flag bearer is now dependant on the formation buff status of the flag bearer. 10 seconds for in formation and 20 seconds for skirmishing.
Various graphical UI fixes and updates.
- Fixed a possible crash when leaving and entering the server browser quickly.
- Tweaked rain audio levels.
- Added a music volume option to the Sound Options.

- Trusty

Fancy Sweetroll
10-19-2018, 04:59 PM
It may also be that when you start the game with this update, there is no music. That is because until now. When saving the sound options. The music setting (which was not shown) has been saving at 0. So all you have to do is to crank up the music volume. For new players/new installs the volume should be at full already.

A. P. Hill
10-19-2018, 04:59 PM

10-19-2018, 05:12 PM
I can't see any servers. Rebooted War of Rights and even rebooted my computer. No servers show up.

Fancy Sweetroll
10-19-2018, 05:15 PM
We are currently rebooting the servers and updating Windows. It takes a while unfortunately.

10-19-2018, 05:16 PM
Ahh... that would explain it. Thank you!

I do like the music volume setting very much. I have mine on 10 and that seems about right.

10-19-2018, 05:17 PM
October 19th - Update 124 Released!

- Fixed an issue where the morale was being listed incorrectly on the compass and on the deploy screen.
- Added a timer to the deploy screen for both the base spawn and for the flag bearer spawn. It also displays how many players are in queue for each type of spawn, though at the moment. You are required to enter the spawn queue by hitting Deploy, to get any queue and time information for that particular spawn point. After having pressed Deploy, it is now possible to go back to the regiment and class selection screen and pick another class (This will cancel your spawn request).
- Fixed the kneel reload animation ending before the character had a chance to put on the cap.
- Improved some of the reload transitions.
- Improved the left, right, forward and backward aim 3rd person animations.
- Added possible fix for HUD freeze.
- Added possible fix for a player nametag related client crash.
- Added slinged variants for the Whitworth, Lorenz and Enfield rifles.
- Minor character adjustments.
- The time between a player spawning on the flag bearer is now dependant on the formation buff status of the flag bearer. 10 seconds for in formation and 20 seconds for skirmishing.
Various graphical UI fixes and updates.
- Fixed a possible crash when leaving and entering the server browser quickly.
- Tweaked rain audio levels.
- Added a music volume option to the Sound Options.

- Trusty

Cant wait to get in!!! Stupid job always getting in the way...

Fancy Sweetroll
10-19-2018, 05:44 PM
Some of the servers are now up.

10-19-2018, 06:01 PM
Woo! All aboard the hype train! This fixed several issues my guys had!

Fancy Sweetroll
10-20-2018, 12:10 PM
I just pushed another possible fix for most of the crashes you are experiencing during game play as well as a possible fix for the HUD breaking.

10-20-2018, 12:36 PM
Thanks Fancy.

10-20-2018, 12:44 PM
I just pushed another possible fix for most of the crashes you are experiencing during game play as well as a possible fix for the HUD breaking.

Good to hear Fancy look forward to trying out, cya at the events later today ;)

Fancy Sweetroll
11-03-2018, 09:29 AM
November 3rd - Update 125 Released!

- Increased the overall sharpness of the game.
- Updated R. Miller Stables model.
- Reworked some officers for the 6th LA.
- Fixed an issue where the client thought some base spawnpoints were active, when they were actually disabled on the server. This resulted in the timer on the spawn UI not updating, and the player not spawning.
- Fixed a rare crash with the formation system when joining a server.
- Made the shadows from the clouds darken the fog, resulting in more visible sunshafts.
- Slightly optimized the code for the corpses.
- Made the server use a much simpler definition of player characters, possibly resulting in improved server performance.
- Made the weather change state more frequently.
- Updated the 9th NY flag texture.
- Character detail optimization pass.
- Fixed duplicate character files.
- Fixed various errors for the characters.
- Updated character head proportions.
- Adjusted the hair and facial hair to better fit the new head proportions.
- Tweaked morning fog on the skirmish areas to work better with the updated time of day.
- Tweaked weapon smoke density due to updates to the time of day.
- Added an Out of Line timer and message to the flag bearer of 60 seconds.
- Fixed rotating hands when changing directions while walking at the ready.

Fancy Sweetroll
11-03-2018, 09:43 AM
For this update we are also running a special test on the servers with additional debug tools enabled. This is done in an effort to fix the server crashes we've been experiencing for the last two weeks.

11-03-2018, 09:48 AM
For this update we are also running a special test on the servers with additional debug tools enabled. This is done in an effort to fix the server crashes we've been experiencing for the last two weeks.

Roger that! Hope the big events this weekend will help!

A. P. Hill
11-03-2018, 02:29 PM

Sounds Great Mr. Fancy.


11-03-2018, 07:45 PM
I have not been able to play since the recent update my game does not launch it just goes to a black screen. Is there any fix to this or is there about to be a hotfix pushed

Benjamin F. Ogle
11-03-2018, 08:18 PM
I have not been able to play since the recent update my game does not launch it just goes to a black screen. Is there any fix to this or is there about to be a hotfix pushed

Having same issue: https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5690-Black-Screen-Glitch&p=86305#post86305

11-03-2018, 08:32 PM
I have not been able to play since the recent update my game does not launch it just goes to a black screen. Is there any fix to this or is there about to be a hotfix pushed

Please delete your War of Rights folder in users/your username/saved games

- Trusty

11-03-2018, 11:18 PM
Thank you, that is a quick and easy fix.

11-04-2018, 12:31 AM
not so easy fix did what you said delete file didnt work then deleted game then reinstalled didnt work deleted file again didnt work

any other ideas

11-04-2018, 10:29 AM
not so easy fix did what you said delete file didnt work then deleted game then reinstalled didnt work deleted file again didnt work

any other ideas


Thanks for the report.

We'll be releasing a hotfix for this today. :)

- Trusty

11-04-2018, 11:02 AM
thanks for the fast work trusty

11-04-2018, 12:45 PM
I have not been able to play since the recent update my game does not launch it just goes to a black screen. Is there any fix to this or is there about to be a hotfix pushed
I have this problem as well.

Fancy Sweetroll
11-04-2018, 12:50 PM
We just pushed an update that fixes the issue with other players aiming down in the ground. The update most likely also fixes the issue where some players were unable to start the game. The update also possibly fixes the issue where the flag bearer is killed upon spawning.

11-04-2018, 01:07 PM

11-04-2018, 03:16 PM
That was quick, good job boys.

11-04-2018, 04:23 PM
Good to see that those issues could be fixed so quickly. Somehow my game managed to update itself without me even launching steam, but regardless, I'm excited to test this update at tonights event.

11-04-2018, 05:25 PM
Still missing the chat and formation buff information.

Fancy Sweetroll
11-04-2018, 05:29 PM
Still missing the chat and formation buff information.

Which resolution are you testing at?

11-04-2018, 05:52 PM
Which resolution are you testing at?

1680 x 1050.
Information disappeared on the last large patch. I can type but can't see the entered information until I hit 'Enter'.

Fancy Sweetroll
11-05-2018, 04:49 PM
1680 x 1050.
Information disappeared on the last large patch. I can type but can't see the entered information until I hit 'Enter'.

The issue can most likely temporarily be fixed by playing at a 16:9 resolution, such as 1920*1080, 1600*900 or 1280*720. It is to do with an issue with the UI scaling, currently causing some UI elements to be cut off at certain aspect ratios. We will push a proper update for it soon.

11-05-2018, 06:46 PM
When Logging in since the patch, I only see TEST servers. No NA or EU ones as before. Is that correct?

11-05-2018, 07:21 PM
When Logging in since the patch, I only see TEST servers. No NA or EU ones as before. Is that correct?


11-11-2018, 05:45 PM
November 11th - Update 126 Released!

- Added m1841 6lb bronze and iron cannons to the various batteries on Antietam and Harpers Ferry.


- Added Hampton Legion as a playable unit on the evening East Woods and Miller's Cornfield skirmish areas.


- Fog volume updates to Antietam.
- Minor graphical updates, Antietam.
- Fixed a number of regimental descriptions with the help of the community.
- Updates to how your position in the flag bearer spawn queue is showcased.
- Updates to Character lod meshes.
- Added a max corpse setting in the graphic options menu.
- Possibly fixed a server crash.
- Added binoculars. Use the mouse wheel to adjust the focus distance. They are only available to officers. They can be selected by cycling through the weapons by pressing 1 a couple of times. We'll be adding the various items to specific keys soon (1 = Sword, 2 = Revolver, 3 = Binoculars).
- Possibly fixed an issue where the flag spawn was selectable, but if the player attempted to spawn on it, the player would never spawn.
- If a player is muted in the tab menu. Their text messages will then also no longer show up in the chat.
- Added the available weapons for the selected class, for the selected regiment in the spawn UI. Cycling through the weapons doesnt actually make you spawn with that weapon, its only purpose is just to show which weapons that regiment may randomly spawn with.
- The server browser now lists what skirmish area the skirmish servers are currently running.

- Trusty

11-11-2018, 06:22 PM
Awesome stuff!!!

Fancy Sweetroll
11-11-2018, 06:24 PM
I might add that the character animations when wielding the binoculars are still quite WIP

11-11-2018, 06:27 PM
Did you manage to fix the descrepancy between 16:9 and 16:10 ratio?

11-11-2018, 06:27 PM
all fantastic things to see implemented!

Fancy Sweetroll
11-11-2018, 06:33 PM
Did you manage to fix the descrepancy between 16:9 and 16:10 ratio?

Ahh right. That should be fixed as well :)

fyi the servers are now up.

11-11-2018, 06:36 PM
Awesome now the officer can serve the role of Recon as well as 9806

I keep CTDing when trying to get into any of the servers. I tried Antietam three times and two other servers. Perhaps I'm jumping the gun on the update.

11-11-2018, 06:41 PM
Awesome now the officer can serve the role of Recon as well as 9806

I keep CTDing when trying to get into any of the servers. I tried Antietam three times and two other servers. Perhaps I'm jumping the gun on the update.

Yes, likewise.
I am trying a fresh reinstall now.

Fancy Sweetroll
11-11-2018, 06:51 PM
Yes, likewise.
I am trying a fresh reinstall now.

A bug with the servers. Should be working now. No hotfix required.

Fancy Sweetroll
11-17-2018, 05:04 PM
November 17th - Update 127 Released!

- When the flag bearer is killed, the flag will now drop on the ground, allowing other privates to pick up the flag and thus, become the new flag bearer. To pick up the flag, press F. The flag bearer slot will be locked for as long as a player is holding the flag, or the flag is lying on the ground. When the flag is dropped, a timer of 5 minutes is started. If the flag has not been picked up within that time, the flag will be removed and the flag bearer slot in the spawn UI is unlocked and a new flag bearer of that regiment can spawn. This allows the other team to defend the dropped flag, preventing the other team from picking it up and thus deprive the team that owns the flag from using its spawn functionality. Dropping the flag currently results in some very glitchy physics with the flag.
- Added proper precaching of all required character assets which should result in a much smoother gameplay experience with way less microstuttering.
- Added WIP automatic temporary banning. Both kills and friendly fire damage, counts towards the offending player getting banned. UI messages notifying the player that he's been banned will be added soon. For now a ban will just seem like a disconnect. The ban will automatically be lifted after an amount of time.
- Added a pointing animation/action to officers and NCOs. It can only be activated when standing still. To activate it, press and hold the left mouse button.
- Possibly fixed a server crash.
- Possibly fixed an issue where the game would suddenly freeze, but in task manager, appear to still be running. The issue was identified as being related to the flags on the Drill Camp. Their type of cloth simulation has thus been changed to a different type of cloth simulation, which will result in the flags looking slightly different than they used to. This new cloth simulation does have the benefit though of being affected by the amount of wind in the level. So in calm weather, you will mostly be seing the flags hanging down, but when the wind starts picking up, you will see the increased wind being reflected in the waving of the flags.
- Prevented players from spawning on the roof on the Washington Street skirmish area of Harpers Ferry.
- Fixed a bug where the player wasnt able to toggle the desired Ready/ShoulderArms stance while reloading.
- Added a new flag for the 18th North Carolina.
- Added text descriptions to the various classes on the class selection screen.

11-17-2018, 05:29 PM
Better hang on to those flags now, boys.

11-17-2018, 05:50 PM
I want more information on the ban system. During charges, skirmishes teamkilling happens a lot. Most of the time, due to the fog of war.

Fancy Sweetroll
11-17-2018, 05:57 PM
After having done team damage equaling 3 lives You will get banned, but the team damage you make, is also sort of slowly forgiven over time. So you can of course play for hours and occationally stab one of your teammates, or maybe even kill sombody every now and then, without getting banned.

11-17-2018, 06:15 PM
I guess we'll need to be careful with the buck and ball, lol.

11-17-2018, 07:11 PM
I guess we'll need to be careful with the buck and ball, lol.

Yep lol

11-17-2018, 07:54 PM
Man is it gonna be fun to see a small color guard fight for their lives protecting the flag, just like in the real battles.

11-17-2018, 08:09 PM
When will regiments be able to spawn on their own flag?

11-19-2018, 12:24 AM
Is there only supposed to be one server up?

11-19-2018, 12:25 AM
Is there only supposed to be one server up?


- Trusty

11-20-2018, 03:36 AM
i yet gotten to see how the officer binoculars use works , cant wait . good job and keep it up glad to see things starting to come together

11-20-2018, 03:38 AM
Is the ability for the regiment you selected actually spawning on their flag coming soon?

11-20-2018, 11:03 AM
Is the ability for the regiment you selected actually spawning on their flag coming soon?

^ This is important.

Too many times we try a pinch move but respawns end up on the other side of the map. :(

A. P. Hill
11-20-2018, 01:33 PM
i yet gotten to see how the officer binoculars use works , cant wait . good job and keep it up glad to see things starting to come together

A trip to the drill camp and deploying as an officer will give you the opportunity to play with the binoculars.

11-20-2018, 08:45 PM
A trip to the drill camp and deploying as an officer will give you the opportunity to play with the binoculars.

Should be fairly obvious he means during a multiplayer round.

11-24-2018, 04:06 PM
Nevember 24th - Update 128 Released!

- Added end game events:

Last Stand

Defender reaches 0 morale: Last stand is activated. This means every dead person is spawned right away but no more respawns are available after. The round ends when the match timer runs out or the attacker has captured the area or killed all defenders.

Final Push

Attacker reaches 0 morale: Final push is activated. This makes respawning for the attackers cost 0 morale but changes the timer on the round from, for instance, 22 mins remaining to 3 minutes remaining. Round ends when area is captured or the defenders has gone through their last respawns in their last stand.

- Improved the flag physics when dropped.
- Reduced the graphical artifacts in the volumetric fog and gun smoke.
- Made the loading screen display information about the skirmish area you are loading into.
- Added many more random tips to the loading screen.
- Added a max fps setting to the options menu where the framerate can be capped to 30, 60, 120, 144 or unlimited.
- Optimized the flags on the Drill Camp.
- Added more weapon descriptions to the spawn UI.
- Prevented the Lorenz rifle from being dropped on death.
- Added support for sorting the servers in the server browser.
- Improved the 3rd person animation when running and charging with the rifle as a club.
- Added updated loading screens.
- Reduced the amount of flinching on other players when they are aiming.
- Fixed a bug with the binoculars where the player might still be zoomed after unzooming.
- Increased morale amount of the defender on Hill's Counterattack.
- Reduced the possibility of spawn camping on Pry Grist Mill.
- Shooting Range hits from other players will now also appear in the UI, if you are close to the shooter.

- Trusty

11-24-2018, 04:52 PM
Nevember 24th - Update 128 Released!

- Added end game events:

Last Stand

Defender reaches 0 morale: Last stand is activated. This means every dead person is spawned right away but no more respawns are available after. The round ends when the match timer runs out or the attacker has captured the area or killed all defenders.

Final Push

Attacker reaches 0 morale: Final push is activated. This makes respawning for the attackers cost 0 morale but changes the timer on the round from, for instance, 22 mins remaining to 3 minutes remaining. Round ends when area is captured or the defenders has gone through their last respawns in their last stand.

- Trusty

Now we just need an overtime function :)

11-24-2018, 06:41 PM
Well done guys. I'm excited about the target range addition. Now, nobody can pretend to always hit bullseyes ;)

11-24-2018, 06:50 PM
I'm excited and curious simultaneously to see a new 'Rent server' button, even though it's greyed out. Are you hinting at something, CG?

11-24-2018, 06:53 PM
I'm excited and curious simultaneously to see a new 'Rent server' button, even though it's greyed out. Are you hinting at something, CG?

Maaaybe. :)

- Trusty

11-24-2018, 07:23 PM
Outstanding! Keep up the great work, gentlemen!

Charles Caldwell
11-25-2018, 10:09 AM
Im thoroughly impressed by the steady progress and updates from you guys.... keep up the great work.

Fancy Sweetroll
11-26-2018, 03:18 PM
We just released sort of a hotfix.

Last Stand. 60 seconds after it has triggered, a timer of another 60 seconds will start for the defenders if they are not inside the capture zone. If the defenders has not entered the capture once this timer hits 0, they will be killed and be unable to respawn. If the defender leaves the capture zone, they will have 60 seconds to move about and return to the capture zone. The defenders will still be able to flee if they want to, but they will no longer be able to drag the game out endlessly until the attacker has captured the area.

When Final Push triggers, the timer will no longer be set to 3 minutes remaining if less than 3 minutes remains once Final Push is activated. For example if there is only 30 seconds left when Final Push activates, the timer will continue counting down from 30 seconds.

Fixed a bug where the attacker was only able to spawn once, when Final Push had activated.

Over a year ago, we disabled some network packet compression which at the time appeared to take up a lot of CPU time, in effect slowing down the server. This is not how Crytek normally test if everything is working properly with the engine, so in this update, we've tried reenabling it to see what difference it makes. Does it make the performance of the servers as poor as it used to be? Does it fix the server crashes we are experiencing? Time will tell.

The Steam server browser now also lists the current faction each Drill Camp is running.

Until we hit Steam Early Access the 3rd of December, only EU servers will be available.

Fancy Sweetroll
11-26-2018, 06:31 PM
I also just pushed another update which should make the game able to shutdown properly, more often.

11-26-2018, 06:35 PM
Awesome, working that overtime I see, Fancy.

Fancy Sweetroll
11-29-2018, 10:23 PM
We just pushed a new update. This is a clean build, compiled from scratch in preperation for the Steam Early Access release so it will be quite large as it requires you to download all the game files. It contains some experimental, possibly major, performance improvements. The hits from other players on the shooting range targets on the drill camp are now more visible and the name of the shooter appears next to the target in the UI.

It is also possible to scroll in the chat box when it is activated (pressing enter) by using your mouse wheel.

Quite a few of the Privates and NCO's of the armies have lost their beards (too many had facial hair before compared to real life).

Pry's Grist Mill has been overhauled with milling machinery inside it.

Lots of smaller updates to characters.

We'll be sending out WoR Steam keys to our Corporal tiered backers tomorrow.

Fancy Sweetroll
11-29-2018, 10:27 PM
Nice to hear. :cool:

Any ETA when the servers will be up? I noticed they have been offline for most of the day.

The servers will be up shortly. for the time being, we only have one server to test with (again, in preparation for Steam Early Access), so we had to bring the public test servers down while we were testing this update internally :)

11-29-2018, 10:34 PM
Excellent. I recall reading an article on facial hair in the Civil War, split between North and South. I’ll try and dig it out again, it was quite fun. If I recall, beards were more popular (and weirdly the goatee) for the Union and moustaches in the CSA.

I suppose it may be wise to encourage a completely fresh install?

Fancy Sweetroll
11-29-2018, 10:40 PM
I suppose it may be wise to encourage a completely fresh install?

Yes. And for long time testers, if you are experiencing any issues. It might also help to remove this folder: C:\Users\YOURNAME\Saved Games\warofrights. Or any other folder in there named something with WarOfRights. It contains various saved settings and old client compiled shaders, if you have compiled any, which may result in crashes, depending on how old they are.

11-29-2018, 11:30 PM
This is awesome cant wait to see what the changes are!

11-30-2018, 12:19 AM
Thank you for doing it tonight and not Friday at 7pm EST. :p

11-30-2018, 01:54 AM
I was just getting a solid 60fps during a downpour on a drill camp. It was jarring to see War of Rights running so smooth.

11-30-2018, 09:16 AM
I was just getting a solid 60fps during a downpour on a drill camp. It was jarring to see War of Rights running so smooth.

let's see what happens when you have 150 players :cool:

11-30-2018, 12:22 PM
Even with an empty server pre-patch I was only getting around 45fps

Fancy Sweetroll
11-30-2018, 05:29 PM
Steam keys have now been sent to the 585 Corporal tiered backers :)

11-30-2018, 05:43 PM
Steam keys have now been sent to the 585 Corporal tiered backers :)


11-30-2018, 09:20 PM
Has anyone else been in and get the desertion penalty timer start after you spawn following a death?
We had it happen a few times last night.... and I was not an officer or NCO.

11-30-2018, 09:35 PM
Has anyone else been in and get the desertion penalty timer start after you spawn following a death?
We had it happen a few times last night.... and I was not an officer or NCO.

Some people have and posted about it here (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5754-privates-getting-desertion)

11-30-2018, 09:37 PM
Some people have and posted about it here (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5754-privates-getting-desertion)

Fancy pushed an update about 1 hour ago, fixing the problem ;)

11-30-2018, 10:31 PM
Danke Hinkel! Thanks!

12-01-2018, 05:37 PM
What was the 1.4 gb update today for?

Or actually, on Sunday night or something, could we get a patch note update of all of these smaller updates and hotfixes before launch?

Fancy Sweetroll
12-01-2018, 05:57 PM
Yeah we'll make a larger list as Early Access goes live.

This time we disabled the new endgame events until further notice. Fixed a bug where the flag bearer instantly died when spawning and the dropped flag then entered a state where it wasnt able to be picked up. Melee hits from the club, bayonet and sword now produce impact sounds and effects when hitting the environment. Added some clock ticking / tense, music when theres 3 minutes left of a skirmish match. Updated the F1 keybinding screen. It now, no longer only shows the default keys, but also the keys you may have rebinded yourself.

Fancy Sweetroll
12-02-2018, 07:17 PM
Just pushed another update. Privates and NCOs should no longer die when picking up the flag. It also includes a possible fix for players being stuck in fences and other assets as well as other very minor fixes.

12-02-2018, 07:25 PM
Fancy, are we getting that changelog before or after the game goes live tomorrow?

Fancy Sweetroll
12-02-2018, 07:39 PM
Fancy, are we getting that changelog before or after the game goes live tomorrow?

Probably before.

Maximus Decimus Meridius
12-03-2018, 05:26 PM
I get an harddrive error every time I try to download the 136mb patch.

he cant access Steamapps/downloading/424030/assets severals paks.

I restated my computer and tried to delete the folder but didnt work

Fancy Sweetroll
12-03-2018, 05:31 PM
I get an harddrive error every time I try to download the 136mb patch.

he cant access Steamapps/downloading/424030/assets severals paks.

I restated my computer and tried to delete the folder but didnt work

Let me know if it still isnt working. I also take it your harddrive isnt full? And no antivirus is blocking the folder.

Maximus Decimus Meridius
12-03-2018, 05:33 PM
Let me know if it still isnt working. I also take it your harddrive isnt full? And no antivirus is blocking the folder.

enough space, several GBs. never had any problems. will try to whitelist the download folder.

seems like it is the level_Antietam.pak

Maximus Decimus Meridius
12-03-2018, 05:37 PM
Let me know if it still isnt working. I also take it your harddrive isnt full? And no antivirus is blocking the folder.

still not working. whitelisted the folder and turned AV off.

Fancy Sweetroll
12-03-2018, 06:00 PM
As promised :)

December 3rd - Steam Early Access Released!

- Identified and disabled/removed various systems that were being performance hogs. One of them being the feature that increases your movement speed if you are marching in a column and slagging behind the person in front of you. Until we find a better way of reimplementing this, you will have to control your speed by toggling Double Quick on and off by pressing C.
- Disabled the recently added game ending events due to issues with the Defender being restricted to the Capture Zone when Last Stand has triggered. Another issue with the end game events was that we need to add additional UI, better explaining to the players whats going on as either of the endgame events triggers.
- Made the Steam server browser properly list what Drill Camp faction the Drill Camps are running.
- Added tension music that triggers when a skirmish round has less than 3 minutes left.
- Optimized the networking of Free Look.
- Added support for running the servers with less than 150 as their max player amount.
- Fixed an issue where the player would sometimes instantly die when spawning as the flag bearer.
- Fixed a bug where the flag lying on the ground, wasnt able to be picked up by a player.
- Fixed an issue where the player would instantly be killed if the player attempted to pick up the flag from the ground.
- Possible fix for players being stuck in various geometry.
- Cleaned up the game files.
- Added various melee attack impact sounds when hitting the environment.
- Added new character equipment sounds when doing various things, such as entering ready, entering melee mode or aiming.
- Added WIP UI click sounds.
- Fixed an issue where the clouds wasnt moving.
- Various character fixes and improvements.
- Made the shooting range targets show hits in the UI from other players, if you are within 30 meters of the player who is shooting.
- Fixed an issue with the shooting range UI where hits sometimes didnt dissapear.
- Made the random tooltips in the loading screen more visible by making them yellow.
- Added a new keybinding help screen while being ingame, triggered by F1. It now shows the keys you may have rebinded yourself in the options menu.
- Added the ability to scroll in the text chat. To do so, activate the chat by pressing Enter, then scroll with the mouse wheel.
- Fixed the loading screen text for the Drill Camps.

12-03-2018, 06:02 PM
I trust that the end-game events will return relatively soon, they were quite enjoyable and added a greater sense of understanding for the ending of rounds.

Fancy Sweetroll
12-03-2018, 06:06 PM
Yeah they will. But we didnt want to release them on Early Access in the state they were in.

Vernon Merrill
12-03-2018, 06:31 PM
Any idea when the game should actually be purchasable on Steam? I have a few friends jonesing to try it out!

Fancy Sweetroll
12-03-2018, 06:39 PM
1 hour and 20 minutes from now ;)

Vernon Merrill
12-03-2018, 07:05 PM
Thank you sir!!

Fancy Sweetroll
12-04-2018, 03:53 PM
December 4th - Steam Early Access Hotfix 1

Fixed a couple of crashes when exiting the game, making it more likely for the game to shutdown properly.

12-06-2018, 10:12 PM
Ain't this (https://steamcommunity.com/app/424030/discussions/0/1745605598705986718/) a pretty thing? I hope this brings improvement for all, and soon!

12-07-2018, 12:03 AM
ain't this (https://steamcommunity.com/app/424030/discussions/0/1745605598705986718/) a pretty thing? I hope this brings improvement for all, and soon!


12-07-2018, 12:08 AM
Ain't this (https://steamcommunity.com/app/424030/discussions/0/1745605598705986718/) a pretty thing? I hope this brings improvement for all, and soon!


12-07-2018, 01:06 AM
Ain't this (https://steamcommunity.com/app/424030/discussions/0/1745605598705986718/) a pretty thing? I hope this brings improvement for all, and soon!


12-07-2018, 02:45 PM
December 7th - Update 129 Released!

- Vastly improved the loading time while still precaching the required assets. Previous loading time on the Drill Camp on our test system was 70 seconds. New loading time is 15 seconds.
- Made the loading screen show some of the things that are currently being loaded. Additional elements will be added soon to the loading progress.
- Reload is now automatically cancelled if one of the movement keys are being held for more than 0.5 seconds.
- Further increased the likelyhood of the game properly closing down when exiting.
- Minor character improvements.

12-07-2018, 02:50 PM
december 7th - update 129 released!

- vastly improved the loading time while still precaching the required assets. Previous loading time on the drill camp on our test system was 70 seconds. New loading time is 15 seconds.
- made the loading screen show some of the things that are currently being loaded. Additional elements will be added soon to the loading progress.
- reload is now automatically cancelled if one of the movement keys are being held for more than 0.5 seconds.
- further increased the likelyhood of the game properly closing down when exiting.
- minor character improvements.


12-07-2018, 03:33 PM
- Reload is now automatically cancelled if one of the movement keys are being held for more than 0.5 seconds.

Ooh, that's a big one! Will definitely make it easier to move around.


Fancy Sweetroll
12-07-2018, 06:31 PM
I just pushed another small hotfix. It prevents the player from auto cancelling the reload has been completed by 80% or more. The update should also contain a small performance boost.

Fancy Sweetroll
12-08-2018, 09:55 PM
I just pushed a small update that fixes the crash when leaving a server and it makes the loading screen show more details about what is being loaded, as well as update more often.

12-08-2018, 09:58 PM
Despite the recent updates to the loading times, I experienced a 16+ minute wait to get into a server with 130 people today, and then my game crashed. It's frustrating, but I hope the bugs can be worked out soon.


12-09-2018, 01:29 PM
Despite the recent updates to the loading times, I experienced a 16+ minute wait to get into a server with 130 people today, and then my game crashed. It's frustrating, but I hope the bugs can be worked out soon.


I had the same after starting the game the first time. Going back to the main menu and joining the server again did the trick, what i experienced then was awesome! nearly 60 minutes with stable 60 FPS no matter the action (dense smoke in the westwoods....150 men on dunker church...stable and fantastic, so thanks!!

12-10-2018, 02:43 PM
December 10th - Update 130 Released!

- Improved the speed at which the server browser finds servers.
- Fixed an issue where the screen would be blurry for a few seconds after having respawned.
- When scrolling in the chat, it will no longer jump to the bottom whenever a new message is received.
- Fixed a flag typo.
- Fixed a few of the houses in Harpers Ferry that would allow players to be spawned inside of them.
- Added new dying, wounded and melee sounds to the Union faction.
- Possibly fixed an issue where players got stuck in the loading screen.
- Tweaks to volumes of various sounds.

- Trusty

12-10-2018, 02:57 PM

12-10-2018, 03:43 PM
December 10th - Update 130 Released!

- Tweaks to volumes of various sounds.

I've mentioned this to you before Trusty but, from my time spent in the USA, I cannot overstate how loud the background noise is with bugs. It was a feature of every major and minor battlefield that I visited in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. I can't even make any out in this at all... :confused:

12-11-2018, 01:50 AM
Many of my guys from the 2nd were having trouble tonight loading into servers. Some they could and some they couldn't but what we noticed is potentially a pattern with it. A few of my guys couldn't get into 1stTX and 8thVA servers but could on the WOR sponsored ones. I've asked them to upload error reports so you guys can take a look. Thanks!

12-13-2018, 01:32 PM
December 13th - Update 131 Released!

- Fixed a possible server crash.
- Texture updates to several structures, primarily the ones located on the Harpers Ferry map.
- It is now possible to join other servers after having pressed cancel during the joining game screen.
- Team kills are now written in red in the chatbox.
- The in place rest animation now plays in third person again.
- Fixed the sound being muffled when spawning.
- Moved the player to a spectator camera on death when the Deploy screen is shown.
- Activated the ingame Rent a Server button, available from the server browser.

- Trusty

12-14-2018, 03:57 PM
Hello everyone,

We've just released a hotfix to the game that now showcases temporary bans issued by the system in the chat box.

We have also increased the amount of time an auto temp ban, issued due to team killing, is active.

- Trusty

12-14-2018, 04:23 PM
excellent! Thanks!
Keep up the great work!

Fancy Sweetroll
12-14-2018, 10:21 PM
Pushed another update that makes the Joining Server box show more info about whats going on. How many join attempts have been made and if the joining has failed completely. The update also contains a possible solution to the server crashes.

12-14-2018, 11:26 PM
Pushed another update that makes the Joining Server box show more info about whats going on. How many join attempts have been made and if the joining has failed completely. The update also contains a possible solution to the server crashes.

Damn, no denying ya'll have been working overtime since EA launch, keep up the good work with bug fixing.

12-15-2018, 01:35 PM
Don’t burn out guys, I think that’s the last thing anyone who wants this project to continue to succeed the way it did in the past.

Fancy Sweetroll
12-19-2018, 04:52 PM
December 19th - Update 132 Released!

- Added the first version of the new ingame admin system. For more details, check this forum thread: https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5913-Server-Admins-Ingame-Admin-Tool&p=90037&viewfull=1#post90037
- Fixed some cases where players were able to spawn on top of buildings via the flag bearer.
- Prevented players from spawning inside of trees.

Fancy Sweetroll
12-27-2018, 05:06 PM
December 27th - Update 133 Released!

- Added dynamic snow to the DrillCamp.
- Possible fix for players not being able to join more or less full servers due to a timeout.
- Updated the Mumma Barn model with burnt down version.
- Possible fix for audio stutters.
- Collision fixes on Harpers Ferry.

12-27-2018, 05:12 PM
December 27th - Update 133 Released!

- Added dynamic snow to the DrillCamp.
- Possible fix for players not being able to join more or less full servers due to a timeout.
- Updated the Mumma Barn model with burnt down version.
- Possible fix for audio stutters.
- Collision fixes on Harpers Ferry.

How long will we have the snow?

Fancy Sweetroll
12-27-2018, 08:55 PM
How long will we have the snow?

Until it melts ;)

A. P. Hill
12-27-2018, 11:23 PM
How long will we have the snow?

Until it melts ;)

I don't really think that's what he was asking, but I love it! :D

More along the lines of … snow is now a permanent part of the drill camp programming and will be up to the server admin when to administer it … I think, I don't know for sure, but I think that's how long the snow will be around.

12-28-2018, 08:01 AM
the trees over in maryland really don't give a single f about the cold ;) "Nah, it's still summer"

but besides that little nitpick:nice work, very atmospheric

12-28-2018, 11:47 AM
Until it melts ;)

Snow has melted in CNY. ;)

Looks like it is also raining at the ANP: https://weather.com/weather/today/l/Antietam+National+Battlefield+MDNPAB:13:US

Fancy Sweetroll
12-28-2018, 01:15 PM
We just pushed another update that fixes the client crashes from yesterdays update.

Pvt. Dane Karlsen
12-28-2018, 01:19 PM
We just pushed another update that fixes the client crashes from yesterdays update.

Well aslong as the snow is still there, that's all I care for :p

12-28-2018, 06:49 PM
the snow was nice in the drill camp. I liked it!

Charles Caldwell
12-28-2018, 11:37 PM
A lot of crashes tonight, and I wasn't alone.

report sent

12-29-2018, 01:48 AM
I'm just having a lot of problems getting into the server. This is not entirely new, I had some problems once or twice over the last couple weeks but it's most persistent tonight. It tries to join but never does. When I cancel it says the server is full (it isn't).

Restarting the server seemed to fix it, bummer though cause it had 60 in it at one point. Nobody else was able to get in.

Fancy Sweetroll
12-30-2018, 11:41 AM
We just pushed another update.

- The servers should be better at auto restarting when they crash.
- When the client gets to the loading screen, it should be less likely for the client to timeout during loading if the loading takes a long time.

Fancy Sweetroll
01-04-2019, 04:07 PM
January 4th - Update 134 Released!

- Prevented certain cheats.
- Possibly fixed the voice chat not working on some servers.
- The amount of snow on the terrain now synchronizes with the server when joining so players should now always see the same amount of snow on the terrain.
- Fixed a bug on Antietam where the amount of rain could be much heavier than intended.
- Improved the skinning on the characters and fixed certain items clipping into each other.
- Added field glasses cases to some of the officers.

A. P. Hill
01-04-2019, 05:48 PM
January 4th - Update 134 Released!

- Prevented certain cheats. ...


But if you want your security to work, I wouldn't say any more about it to anyone other than those of the developers involved. And I certainly would not say anything more about security and prevention of hacking in public. The players will notice their absence and be grateful.


Charles Caldwell
01-04-2019, 09:58 PM
Crashes, crashes and yet more crashes...... whole Company pissed off and quit!

Report sent

01-04-2019, 09:59 PM

John Jones
01-04-2019, 10:08 PM
Crashes, crashes and yet more crashes...... whole Company pissed off and quit!

Report sent


01-04-2019, 10:55 PM

Another ditto here.

01-05-2019, 11:51 AM
Worked decent enough for our drill and running around on a battle server last night 8-9pm est.

01-08-2019, 04:26 PM
The game servers are definitely more unstable since the last update. I witnessed 4 server crashes last night on 4 different servers after 30+ minutes of play.

Also, there is a bug where — if you try to join a server before your Server List finishes Refreshing / Loading — the game immediately crashes.

Your latter point has been found (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5976-Game-Closes-Immediately-on-Connection) and should be fixed in the next update.

01-08-2019, 05:49 PM
January 8th - Update 135 Released!

- Fixed most occurences of misfires.
- Fixed the screen appearing to be frozen after a weapon reload has completed.
- Fixed the spawn timer in the deploy UI not working after having joined a second server.
- Added Bolivar Heights Redoubt skirmish area. In this area, the Confederates are attacking the artillery redoubt on the utmost flank of the Union entrenchments at the crest of Bolivar Heights.


- Prevented the game from crashing if the Join Server button is pressed while the rest of the servers are still loading in.
- Admins can now ban players that are currently not connected to the server.

01-09-2019, 02:11 AM
I couldn't seem to get to the new skirmish area by force-ending round through the whole Harper's Ferry rotation.

01-09-2019, 04:11 AM
Worked for me after I had manually set it to 8, then force reset. Then, I was able to cycle through all maps with just force next round.

01-17-2019, 01:35 PM
January 17th - Update 136 Released!

- Added Present Arms action for players with rifles, trigger it by pressing P.
- Teamkills are now only being shown to the player teamkilling and the player being teamkilled.
- Added a teamkilling warning to the player teamkilling before the player is eventually banned for additional teamkilling. Messages of players being banned will still be posted in the chat.
- Added snow and mud footsteps.
- Improved the ready 3rd person movement animations.
- Improved the 3rd person start reload animation for rifles.
- Improved the rifle club movement animations.
- Improved the run and charge with a bayonet move animations.
- Updated the Mumma Farm from the wooden structure currently in place on Antietam Battlefield to the ruins of the original brick one.


- Reworked the vegetation around Mumma Farm to better match the period photos rather than today's vegetation.


- Added a small field road running next to Hagerstown Turnpike from Miller Barn as seen in Alexander Gardners photographs.
- Minor character adjustments.
- Added missing overview map of the latest added skirmish area, Bolivar Heights Redoubt.

01-17-2019, 03:01 PM
January 17th - Update 136 Released!

- Added Present Arms action for players with rifles, trigger it by pressing P.
- Teamkills are now only being shown to the player teamkilling and the player being teamkilled.
- Added a teamkilling warning to the player teamkilling before the player is eventually banned for additional teamkilling. Messages of players being banned will still be posted in the chat.
- Added snow and mud footsteps.
- Improved the ready 3rd person movement animations.
- Improved the 3rd person start reload animation for rifles.
- Improved the rifle club movement animations.
- Improved the run and charge with a bayonet move animations.
- Updated the Mumma Farm from the wooden structure currently in place on Antietam Battlefield to the ruins of the original brick one.


- Reworked the vegetation around Mumma Farm to better match the period photos rather than today's vegetation.


- Added a small field road running next to Hagerstown Turnpike from Miller Barn as seen in Alexander Gardeners photographs.
- Minor character adjustments.
- Added missing overview map of the latest added skirmish area, Bolivar Heights Redoubt.

thank you. Though my 2 cents: I liked knowing if a certain player was team killing. What was the reason for making it visible to only those directly involved?

01-17-2019, 03:07 PM
thank you. Though my 2 cents: I liked knowing if a certain player was team killing. What was the reason for making it visible to only those directly involved?

We think it negatively impacted the players on a psychological level - all they see is teamkills over and over again. This will quickly made them come to the conclusion that the game is nothing but griefers and trolls. In reality, if we featured a rolling kill feed like so many other games the TKs would be drowned out by enemy kills.

We will likely show all of the tk's to server admins only in the next update for sort of obvious reasons ("If you kill Mr. X one more time I will ban you!!!").

- Trusty

01-17-2019, 03:20 PM
We think it negatively impacted the players on a psychological level - all they see is teamkills over and over again. This will quickly made them come to the conclusion that the game is nothing but griefers and trolls. In reality, if we featured a rolling kill feed like so many other games the TKs would be drowned out by enemy kills.

We will likely show all of the tk's to server admins only in the next update for sort of obvious reasons ("If you kill Mr. X one more time I will ban you!!!").

- Trusty

I would love it we had the option to turn off the text chat altogether.

Charles Caldwell
01-17-2019, 03:42 PM
We think it negatively impacted the players on a psychological level

Are you calling us Snowflakes? ;)

01-17-2019, 03:58 PM
Are you calling us Snowflakes? ;)

Not at all. Only highlighting something negative to someone (in a flashy red text none the less) over and over again will likely make anyone in time come to the conclusion that there are far more tk's to enemy kills than there is in reality.

- Trusty

01-17-2019, 04:09 PM
Not at all. Only highlighting something negative to someone (in a flashy red text none the less) over and over again will likely make anyone in time come to the conclusion that there are far more tk's to enemy kills than there is in reality.

- Trusty

I really only thought that when we would get like 7 of them in less than 2 seconds. And even then, we just assume someone was being a bit careless during a bayonet charge.

Maximus Decimus Meridius
01-17-2019, 04:35 PM
January 17th - Update 136 Released!

- Added Present Arms action for players with rifles, trigger it by pressing P.
- Teamkills are now only being shown to the player teamkilling and the player being teamkilled.
- Added a teamkilling warning to the player teamkilling before the player is eventually banned for additional teamkilling. Messages of players being banned will still be posted in the chat.
- Added snow and mud footsteps.
- Improved the ready 3rd person movement animations.
- Improved the 3rd person start reload animation for rifles.
- Improved the rifle club movement animations.
- Improved the run and charge with a bayonet move animations.
- Updated the Mumma Farm from the wooden structure currently in place on Antietam Battlefield to the ruins of the original brick one.


- Reworked the vegetation around Mumma Farm to better match the period photos rather than today's vegetation.


- Added a small field road running next to Hagerstown Turnpike from Miller Barn as seen in Alexander Gardners photographs.
- Minor character adjustments.
- Added missing overview map of the latest added skirmish area, Bolivar Heights Redoubt.

just 2 points:

For server admins tks should be visible to keep an eye on it or to see the name of the player who keeps tking.

but sounds like a good update.

my 2nd point is a small bug report:

in the drillcamp in F4 view it is only possible to press "P" just on time and then it will not leave the following state and ignoring f- keys for example. Happens when you leave or enter present arms state. Also the bayonet is again back at the trigger.

01-17-2019, 04:44 PM
I liked the teamkill feed because it gave me a sense of what groups on my team to avoid.

You will still see it when you're teamkilled and also when tk'ers are temp banned.

Yes, as stated earlier server admins will be shown all tks in the next update.

- Trusty

01-18-2019, 12:26 AM
Love the new present arms! Next up, sword drill? ;)

01-18-2019, 06:33 PM
We think it negatively impacted the players on a psychological level - all they see is teamkills over and over again. This will quickly made them come to the conclusion that the game is nothing but griefers and trolls. In reality, if we featured a rolling kill feed like so many other games the TKs would be drowned out by enemy kills.

We will likely show all of the tk's to server admins only in the next update for sort of obvious reasons ("If you kill Mr. X one more time I will ban you!!!").

- Trusty
I was going to suggest color coding the TK's between the two teams (Grey on grey, blue on blue) and putting it elsewhere, outside of the chat.