View Full Version : Company Video Contest

07-26-2016, 08:37 PM

The Introduction

Greetings companies!

With the Confederate update to the Drill Camp just released and all of the Captains & Major tiered backers invited to the Technical Alpha, we feel that right about now is the time to start up the very first, and certainly not last, of our community driven media content!

We’re always super positively surprised regarding the general willingness of the players to partake in drilling and following orders from complete strangers whenever we release new content/open up for new players in the Technical Alpha. It must be a very nice surprise for many of the non-company new players as well to quickly ,without any issues whatsoever, be able to join up with a group of players from a certain company and learn the ropes of how to behave in a combat situation.

Without our lovely companies, we think the general feel of the Technical Alpha would be a very different one and not at all as good a one. In order to thank the companies for existing and for their willingness to embrace new players and teach them the do’s and dont’s we’re going to make the first community event a company specific one.

The Task

In order to participate in this very first company video contest of WoR, all we need for you to do is make sure to capture the very best moments from your company play/drill sessions in the Technical Alpha! The content itself can be anything you deem worthy of our attention and as a representative of your company, be that funny, authentic/historically correct, roleplay episodes or just the possibility to be able to show that your company is the best drilled company in WoR!

Once the video has been captured you must submit it to us within the given deadline (August 9th) and your company video will be in the contest!

The Rewards

The best clips will be selected by Campfire Games and used in an official Company Drill Camp trailer with their company name shown in the trailer, links to recruitment pages on the forum in the video description and have some of the randomized recruitment posters featured on the sides throughout the entire War of Rights website function as links to their recruitment pages for a limited amount of time.

The Specifics

The video recordings must be recorded at 1920x1080, use relatively high graphics settings and have an acceptable framerate in order to be considered as valid entries for the contest. Only entries submitted before the deadline is going to be able to partake in the contest.
Please don't use music with copyrights!

Please include a link to your company recruitment page in the email when sending the download links to your contest submissions to:


and label the title of the email “COMPANY VIDEO CONTEST”.

The deadline for the company video contest is August 9th 2016.

07-26-2016, 10:42 PM
I really don't think this is a good idea in term of the reward gained for winning. There are quite a few companies whom I'm sure would kill to win this but do not have the expertise to put together a decent video. On the other side of the coin there are a few companies with some very good video editors in them that already have a massive edge over other companies.

I think the contest itself is not a half bad idea. However the prize is a little over the top I think.

07-27-2016, 01:52 PM
In b4 shitstorm!

Ok, now in all seriousness, the reward may give a bit too much, but I still like the idea of making a drill video. Only two people in my company have acces to the Alpha, but if we team up with some others, we may be able tu pull out something.

07-27-2016, 02:18 PM
I doubt there'll be another shitstorm regarding this but if there is to come one so be it. We're going to be featuring and highlighting dedicated community members or groups no matter what. This game is centered around group play. If we're not allowed to feature specific units or individuals whos actions we deem so great, so unique, so funny etc. how are we to show the great many options the various groups with different playstyles, personalities, etc. represent within the community?

Not highlighting the fun and the dedication and knowledge the companies show would end up hurting, perhaps killing the community and thus the game as a whole in the long run.

Contests or competitions are here to stay as they breed exellence. Want to win? Better produce something worthy of winning then.

That is not to say that we'll only feature companies or individuals based off of contests. That can and probably will vary quite a bit.

If anyone is still uncertain about this. I ask you to name me one heavily group focused and community driven game that doesn't highlight some of the cool stuff their community is up to/produces.

Looking forward to be seeing your submissions. :)

- Trusty

David Dire
07-27-2016, 02:21 PM
If anyone is still uncertain about this. I ask you to name me one heavily group focused and community driven game that doesn't highlight some of the cool stuff their community is up to/produces.

What you're saying is different to the WoR video competition.

07-27-2016, 02:23 PM
What you're saying is different to the WoR video competition.

How so?

- Trusty

David Dire
07-27-2016, 02:31 PM
In most situations of which you're referring to, it would mostly be showing the video/image contributed and simply putting the name of the person who created it. These are usually also not large things and don't have to do with clans/regiments/companies. It is simply a "thank you" and a bit of publicity, rather than rewarding your group with more men. Most clans in games aren't about numbers, either, just skill, where this hurts WoR even more: Companies are 100% about numbers, as even the worst player in the world could easily be trained to function fine, as well as anybody else in the line, even.

07-27-2016, 03:04 PM
In most situations of which you're referring to, it would mostly be showing the video/image contributed and simply putting the name of the person who created it. These are usually also not large things and don't have to do with clans/regiments/companies. It is simply a "thank you" and a bit of publicity, rather than rewarding your group with more men. Most clans in games aren't about numbers, either, just skill, where this hurts WoR even more: Companies are 100% about numbers, as even the worst player in the world could easily be trained to function fine, as well as anybody else in the line, even.

That is where we differ in our understanding of the groups of this community. I don't believe companies in WoR is only about the numbers. I'd never join up with any unit just cause it was the biggest one around. If you are indeed right that it is all about the numbers here, then I see it as one of my main objectives to change. I want it to be about how good of a commander the unit has, are the NCO's cool, do I share the same mindset as my fellow privates next to me, do I agree with the scheduling of events the company do, do we have the same kind of humor, etc.

How will it be possible to change such a mindset do you ask? Easy, highlight the people behind the companies and don't focus on the number of people in said company. Something more personal is needed here - possibly a video showcasing how the people are and not how many they are, perhaps? :)

Our rewards is simply a "thank you" and a bit of publicity as well. You could easily argue that highlights in other games provide members to the featured groups also - look at the big guilds of any MMORPG for instance - and what's so wrong about that? The more people we can get into the organized play that consists of companies, the better, no matter where they join up. Again, you're focusing on the numbers of the individual companies instead of seeing the total number of players willing to join the companies. From my point of view, a bigger of such pool of players is good. Players will leave some companies and join others as time passes, they might get tired of the way the administration is done or the might simply lose interest in said regiment of the company and gain interest for another they wish to represent (Unless you want to challenge that as well - since, according to you, everyone is only in the company game for their numbers, right?).

I've spent far too long on this already (got a game to make :P) but I invite you all to partake in the discussion if you feel like you have some valuable input.

Here's hoping this whole thing hasn't scared any of the great video makers out there away.

- Trusty

LTC Philip A. Work
07-27-2016, 04:45 PM
Here is a novel idea, why don't the currently active companies work together to produce a trailer video. Working together would both produce a better quality video (larger lines, more to work with) and it could be the start of a dialogue between comapnies that otherwise would not have interaction, at least this early during development.

07-27-2016, 04:58 PM
I second Colonel Work's suggestion.

Sir Doctor Professor
07-27-2016, 05:12 PM
Here is a novel idea, why don't the currently active companies work together to produce a trailer video. Working together would both produce a better quality video (larger lines, more to work with) and it could be the start of a dialogue between comapnies that otherwise would not have interaction, at least this early during development.

This is what alot of sensible unit leaders have been suggesting to do instead from the beginning. I think that if the devs really want to show the face of the community then we should simply set a date and time, get everyone on, and demonstrate a large number of players working together and having a good time. Then, all the participating companies could get credit, even the ones who don't have alot of Captain backers with quadruple digit rigs, that way, the whole community could be promoted. Having companies make videos with three to six people in them would never be able to achieve the same amount as an organised video event with dozens of players would anyway.

LTC Philip A. Work
07-27-2016, 05:19 PM
This is what alot of sensible unit leaders have been suggesting to do instead from the beginning. I think that if the devs really want to show the face of the community then we should simply set a date and time, get everyone on, and demonstrate a large number of players working together and having a good time. Then, all the participating companies could get credit, even the ones who don't have alot of Captain backers with quadruple digit rigs, that way, the whole community could be promoted. Having companies make videos with 2 - 4 people in them would never be able to achieve the same amount as an organised video event would anyway.

Then let's set a date for a discussion (TS, mumble, ect) to figure out what we want to do. I'm free the rest of this week minus the weekend and all next week.

Sir Doctor Professor
07-27-2016, 05:23 PM
Thursday night at 7pm EST perhaps?

LTC Philip A. Work
07-27-2016, 05:27 PM
Thursday night at 7pm EST perhaps?

Works for me, let's take this to PM as not to spam. This is also an open invitation to any other companies that want to take part, I will be posting another thread here shortly, please reply to that thread if you're interested in joining.

07-27-2016, 05:36 PM
I work until 9pm EST the rest of this week.

I think a collaborative effort would yield much better results. Two large companies doing war games would make an amazing video, Colonel Work's 1st TX, along with the 1st NCSS, have been doing that since the CS drill camp has been released, the players like doing it and it looks amazing. I will try to make up some more videos as I have time.

A. P. Hill
07-27-2016, 10:12 PM
Thursday night at 7pm EST perhaps?

Hell, even I might could make that! ;)

07-28-2016, 02:25 AM
A collaborative video from the community I feel would work much better then a bunch of single companies trying to get showcased. For the most part by doing this contest alone, a company really wouldn't get that much from it besides recognition. +1 to the collab idea.

07-28-2016, 04:12 PM
And my "best looking: Looking for company thread" competition wasn't allowed due to it's competitive nature...


07-28-2016, 04:15 PM
Collaboration sounds nice, not only to showcase the community but also to show off how amazing this game could look with a larger number of players participating in a battle. At least, that is assuming we can get more people together via a collab than any one individual company.

Edit: Although, getting the different time-zones together might be tricky, unless we do it on a weekend. 7 PM EST would be about midnight for me for example.

07-28-2016, 05:15 PM
Hell, even I might could make that! ;)

even I might could make that! ;)

I might could make that! ;)

I might could

Go home General, you're drunk :p

LTC Philip A. Work
07-28-2016, 05:22 PM
Collaboration sounds nice, not only to showcase the community but also to show off how amazing this game could look with a larger number of players participating in a battle. At least, that is assuming we can get more people together via a collab than any one individual company.

Edit: Although, getting the different time-zones together might be tricky, unless we do it on a weekend. 7 PM EST would be about midnight for me for example.

I'm sure that most of the recording will be done on the weekends, we will setup a time that works for all parties involved.

08-09-2016, 01:56 PM
Remember that the deadline for submissions to the contest is today! :)

- Trusty

08-10-2016, 03:48 AM
And there is 15 min left enter now!

LTC Philip A. Work
08-11-2016, 05:35 PM
When should we expect the results?

08-11-2016, 07:36 PM
When should we expect the results?

You already know who's gonna win. ;)

LTC Philip A. Work
08-11-2016, 08:13 PM
You already know who's gonna win. ;)

They're are many talented people who have contributed to this contest, I assume nothing.

08-12-2016, 12:24 AM
When should we expect the results?

Most likely sometime next week. :)

Thank you all for your submissions!

- Trusty

08-16-2016, 01:23 AM
Hmm I am excited

Lance Rawlings
09-19-2016, 09:14 PM
Has the winner been decided yet? I'd love to check out their video.

10-11-2016, 05:05 PM
Did I miss when they announced a winner or are we not going to have one anymore? Just curious

10-11-2016, 05:07 PM
All's quite on the front

12-04-2018, 08:35 PM
Neat idea