View Full Version : It's Important That ALL Companies Get to See What the Devs are Doing

Sir Doctor Professor
07-27-2016, 01:14 AM
There is currently no rule preventing me from reposting this here so that all people, with or without the Alpha, can see it. If this is removed it's because the devs clearly don't want people to know that they're giving some companies preference over others before the game has even hit alpha [we're supposedly in the pre-alpha stage]. (There has already been enormous backlash in the Alpha forum. Take a good look at the rewards.).

Also, Bravescot has organized a mini-thread polling this issue.

Well as you've [TrustyJam] admitted to me before, you have 0 knowledge of proper unit management and communities prior to this game so understandably you were unaware of the much darker under belly of companies. If you think that small bit of truth is bad then just wait until we start seeing drama parties start to begin between units and members.

If you're not popping back on this thread of a while then I hope you don't mind if I make a mini thread asking for people to vote yay or nae towards to contest?


Without further ado, enjoy:


The Introduction

Greetings companies!

With the Confederate update to the Drill Camp just released and all of the Captains & Major tiered backers invited to the Technical Alpha, we feel that right about now is the time to start up the very first, and certainly not last, of our community driven media content!

We’re always super positively surprised regarding the general willingness of the players to partake in drilling and following orders from complete strangers whenever we release new content/open up for new players in the Technical Alpha. It must be a very nice surprise for many of the non-company new players as well to quickly ,without any issues whatsoever, be able to join up with a group of players from a certain company and learn the ropes of how to behave in a combat situation.

Without our lovely companies, we think the general feel of the Technical Alpha would be a very different one and not at all as good a one. In order to thank the companies for existing and for their willingness to embrace new players and teach them the do’s and dont’s we’re going to make the first community event a company specific one.

The Task

In order to participate in this very first company video contest of WoR, all we need for you to do is make sure to capture the very best moments from your company play/drill sessions in the Technical Alpha! The content itself can be anything you deem worthy of our attention and as a representative of your company, be that funny, authentic/historically correct, roleplay episodes or just the possibility to be able to show that your company is the best drilled company in WoR!

Once the video has been captured you must submit it to us within the given deadline (August 9th) and your company video will be in the contest!

The Rewards

The best clips will be selected by Campfire Games and used in an official Company Drill Camp trailer with their company name shown in the trailer, links to recruitment pages on the forum in the video description and have some of the randomized recruitment posters featured on the sides throughout the entire War of Rights website function as links to their recruitment pages for a limited amount of time.

The Specifics

The video recordings must be recorded at 1920x1080, use relatively high graphics settings and have an acceptable framerate in order to be considered as valid entries for the contest. Only entries submitted before the deadline is going to be able to partake in the contest.
Please don't use music with copyrights!

Please include a link to your company recruitment page in the email when sending the download links to your contest submissions to:


and label the title of the email “COMPANY VIDEO CONTEST”.

The deadline for the company video contest is August 9th 2016.

07-27-2016, 01:18 AM
Ah I saw this earlier. Also congragulations, you've become Wikileaks.:p

Sir Doctor Professor
07-27-2016, 01:20 AM
Ah I saw this earlier. Also congragulations, you've become Wikileaks.:p

Sir Doctor Professor Edward Snowden at your service.

David Dire
07-27-2016, 01:20 AM
Not to mention, even Bravescot disagreed with it!

Sir Doctor Professor
07-27-2016, 01:26 AM
Also, Bravescot has organized a mini-thread polling this issue.

Well as you've [TrustyJam] admitted to me before, you have 0 knowledge of proper unit management and communities prior to this game so understandably you were unaware of the much darker under belly of companies. If you think that small bit of truth is bad then just wait until we start seeing drama parties start to begin between units and members.

If you're not popping back on this thread of a while then I hope you don't mind if I make a mini thread asking for people to vote yay or nae towards to contest?


07-27-2016, 01:43 AM
Sir Doctor Professor Edward Snowden at your service.

Edward Snowden was the guy who exposed the NSA phone monitoring program, Julian Assange is the guy who's in charge of wikileaks.

Sir Doctor Professor
07-27-2016, 01:45 AM
Edward Snowden was the guy who exposed the NSA phone monitoring program, Julian Assange is the guy who's in charge of wikileaks.

He exposed the NSA using WikiLeaks so he counts, although I must admit, Julian Assange would've been a better choice in my previous post.

07-27-2016, 08:11 AM
All this contest is, is a way for the developers to engage with the various companies of War of Rights. They are giving each company the opportunity to compete and produce content for the developers to use in a trailer for the drill camp. It is important that this is player made. The units who participated will be linked in the description, noted in the video, ect. as a thankyou and recognition for helping the developers in this endeavor. I really don't see what all the fuss is about. Seems like a lot of unneeded drama to me.

In addition, I'm not really sure why you "backed up" anything on the FSE forum.

07-27-2016, 08:21 AM
Please everyone stay friendly to each other!!!! The dev's made us a great game and we backed them!!!!!

07-27-2016, 09:36 AM
This response of the professor to a decent contest is quite strange in my eyes. Instead of thinking of the businesss benefits of a proposal he starts to talk about what some people might be feeling or thinking. Instead of saying what he actually means: I have problems with it. Now Sir doctor Professor please share with us what it is that hurts you in the proposal? And can you actually rationally criticize on your own point of view: is it logical to feel this way about this proposal what in a logical and business way makes sense? The only logical arguments I have seen are put in by Rithal thus far.

07-27-2016, 10:48 AM
This is an entirely non-issue, and very much blown out of proportions.
It seems to me that this is the kind of behaviour one would anticipate to find on the FSE forum, or elsewhere, for lack of a better description.

Perspective and self-reflection is always a fine thing before posting on the internet.

07-27-2016, 12:35 PM
I think it's ok for this post to be visible for anyone-that way, maybe some who are interested can raise their pledge and join us!

The only problem I see is that most companies have few memberd now. In my case, for example, of about 10 people only 2 of us have access to the Alpha. But, hey, anything that helps making a more active comunity is wellcome!

Sir Doctor Professor
07-27-2016, 01:15 PM
This is how the NaS community was destroyed. When the devs for a game endorse certain units over others, it destroys alot of units chances to be able to flourish. If you would like a prime example, as I said before, simply look at what happened in NaS. The UA and DA were featured on posters in the game (being featured in a dev video would have a similar effect) and now aside from a small handfull other units (all of which are exponentially smaller than the former two) noone has been able to get a unit of any real size or sustenance going as most new players gravitate to the UA and DA as they have the endorsement.

07-27-2016, 01:43 PM
I have no idea how the N&S community works, other than vague rumours of it being a dimwit show - I suspect that this is a prime example. I'm going to lift a couple of quotes from the private Alpha forum for illumination.

It shows that the Devs only care about promoting certain units and are willing to fuck all the other ones in the process.

This is how the NaS community was destroyed. When the devs for a game endorse certain units over others, it destroys alot of units chances to be able to flourish. If you would like a prime example, as I said before, simply look at what happened in NaS. The UA and DA were featured on posters in the game (being featured in a dev video would have a similar effect) and now aside from a small handfull other units (all of which are exponentially smaller than the former two) noone has been able to get a unit of any real size or sustenance going as most new players gravitate to the UA and DA as they have the endorsement.

Despite not being familiar with the characters and machinations of the FSE/N&S forum, I am familiar with the groups contained within. Neither the Union Army or the Dixieland Army are present in this game; in fact, WoR is in a very unique position to promote smaller groups working both cooperatively and independently of one another through the company system. There is really no necessity to set up groups of players under anything larger than a brigade-equivalent (and even that is a push). As far as I understand this, you're looking at this in entirely the wrong manner with ill-meaning. The developers are not rewarding certain groups beyond a limited time advertisement, or personally endorsing one over the other. They are simply encouraging creative output from their existing alpha players with the suggestion that it will help push along advertisement (and therefore sales) of the finished product. If you can't see this any other way than I pity you, and pity those in your group who must regularly suffer such cynical and boorish behaviour.

"harmless" In that it injures all the small companies.

Does it?

I run a small company, I don't really see a problem with it.
I don't see any harm coming from this, people will join the company that they like.

This is how it will be. People will only ever join the company that they have a preference for, or for how well they present themselves upon the forum and within the game. For the record and as an example; I would be vastly misguided now I believe to join your group Sir Doctor Professor, if only on the lack of merit that you have presented so far with this thread.

It still would be unfair towards companies that can't participate in any way in this contest due to them not having access, which agian, is why I urge the Campfire Games developers to cancel this contest and rather do as I advised, scheduele a drilling session for EU and NA where this all will be recorded by Campfire Games and then compiled into a video. I think this is the best option for everyone for now, and we can proceed with a contest upon the game's release.

I disagree in that it would be unfair. Do you regularly submit complaints of omission to the International Olympic Committee for not being able to participate in the olympics? Or perhaps, a little closer to home, do you find it necessary to complain about your exclusion from a gameshow on television? It is only a lack of will and effort that denies you all - even with small numbers of men. Unfairness here is only derived from one's lack of numbers within their own regiment and the acknowledgement that one cannot produce a video that could be deemed a winner. That said, I do agree with you in that it is a nice idea to have a larger gathering recorded by Campfire Games of all Alpha members who can attend.

It has been stated privately that there will be multiple winners and that the advertisement is for a very limited time only. Work with what you have, plan it out and get to it! Again, I'll state that this is a non-issue and is something that does not deserve to be blown out of proportion beyond what it is - a nice piece of community created PR for Campfire Games.

I feel that I should close with Trust's response within the private forum. I am sure that it is breaking some privacy rule here but I believe it is necessary to shut down the double-speak behaviour of OP, amongst others.

So Bravescot asked me to clear this up as he thinks it is important. We're most likely not going to pick one company as THE winner, but rather cherry pick different bits of good content and use in the trailer as a mashup. Granted, one company COULD be the only company featured in the trailer if no one else managed to produce any good content but I highly doubt that is the case. I've seen what you guys can do.

It doesn't really make a difference to me, I just want to highlight cool company bits and give credit where it is due.

- Trusty

Phew; it really is just one big conspiracy huh? :rolleyes:

07-27-2016, 02:11 PM
All companies can already see what we're doing. We posted the exact same post in the company boards.


- Trusty