View Full Version : Company creation out of control

07-27-2016, 03:08 PM
Seems like most companies are just 1 or 2 guys with hardly any enlisted men. What can be done to catalyze the condensation of these companies so the Community is comprised of fewer, larger, companies? Small lines really kills immersion IMO. Perhaps limit the tool to only companies that participated in the Maryland campaign?

07-27-2016, 03:15 PM
That's why the company tool will be in place later. Hinkel even wrote about a system they had in mind in order to restrict companies to only people that have enough men.

Willie Fisterbottom
07-27-2016, 03:19 PM
I dont see why it matters companies will really only be used in private servers with specific rules, owners of these servers would probably restrict micro lines from joining. Then in public servers it'll probably be sparatic anyway with small lines running everywhere

M. Johnson
07-28-2016, 12:09 AM
I dont see why it matters companies will really only be used in private servers with specific rules, owners of these servers would probably restrict micro lines from joining. Then in public servers it'll probably be sparatic anyway with small lines running everywhere

Which is why I'm really, really curious to hear how the devs plan to make this game tactically playable in public servers, without ending up like another Warband NW public battle server game, where everyone just randomly runs towards the enemy, aka simple group deathmatch.

Willie Fisterbottom
07-28-2016, 03:30 AM
Which is why I'm really, really curious to hear how the devs plan to make this game tactically playable in public servers, without ending up like another Warband NW public battle server game, where everyone just randomly runs towards the enemy, aka simple group deathmatch.

I wouldnt be that worried, I've played alot of NW and while you arnt going to have people doing time period specific tactics obviously, people still tend to group up and stick near their teamates anyway

Joshua Chamberlain
07-28-2016, 04:56 AM
Still not as bad as NW or NAS

07-28-2016, 05:55 AM
Once the game is released I am sure most these companies will dissolve reason being is 1 or two guys will not cut it.

08-04-2016, 10:05 AM
Ita been said before my the devs they plan a system where you form a company in the tool and it will be listed as training so can use the drill camp as a company then once ita up to 10 people it will be signed off by a Dev as enlisted and can take part in the historical battles hopefully being run by the Devs to avoid special silly rulea Private servers create that stifle games.

That said a 5 nan company could join a skirmish game or a private historical battle but for the offical battle mode it means you won't be getting silly 3 man units mc

08-04-2016, 10:29 AM
Ita been said before my the devs they plan a system where you form a company in the tool and it will be listed as training so can use the drill camp as a company then once ita up to 10 people it will be signed off by a Dev as enlisted and can take part in the historical battles hopefully being run by the Devs to avoid special silly rulea Private servers create that stifle games.

That said a 5 nan company could join a skirmish game or a private historical battle but for the offical battle mode it means you won't be getting silly 3 man units mc

That's not how it's gonna work from what I've read. You just wont be able to claim a company until it has 10 men, and it was just an idea, they never said it would work like that as far as I know.

08-04-2016, 10:36 AM
That's not how it's gonna work from what I've read. You just wont be able to claim a company until it has 10 men, and it was just an idea, they never said it would work like that as far as I know.
I heard the same.

08-04-2016, 10:51 AM
That's not how it's gonna work from what I've read. You just wont be able to claim a company until it has 10 men, and it was just an idea, they never said it would work like that as far as I know.

Ice seen it mentioned a few times and you need to temp reserve a company on the tool to fill it I know nothing had been said if you couldn't get 10 after a certain time limit.

08-04-2016, 02:41 PM
I'm Gonna agree with Kyle, most of these smaller ones will dissolve due to them not having the numbers to maintain an actual engagement. This however would lead to these small groups merging with other small groups and form large companies or at least decent sized ones. On top of this who knows these small companies might out match the big ones some day seeing as we still have 2000 people unassigned to a company

08-04-2016, 02:46 PM
Many of the companies created also are possibly doing so right now to get the information out they intend on forming a company when the game goes open and active, and to show they are active and have the intent.

Some are Artillery like in my case, which have only one or two individuals, because there are no functionable ways for Artillery folks to do anything in the current Alpha until it reachs open Beta but that doesnt stop them from putting the word out and their intent and start developing and planning before hand.

I agree that many will dissolve over time due to lack of interest etc. but it is like in many other games, you always have a plethora of groups built but rarely do any have the staying power or interest to continue.

What I hope is that the Companies don't turn into like many groups I've seen who just accept every one to get "numbers" but do not present a cohesive organization on the field with well drilled troops. I'd personally rather have a bunch of small 5 / 10 man Companies that are drilled and cohesive, then a bunch of huge 20 or more man companies who hardly ever drill and just swamp the field with bodies as a means to "win".

08-05-2016, 01:54 PM
It should be kept in mind that the community will (hopefully) grow immensely when the game actually comes out. Some of the companies that are smaller now will end up growing a lot when the player base grows. I would also be willing to bet that at least a good 50% of the companies that are currently registered on the list will end up disappearing before the game even comes out. In short, I have a feeling it will all sort itself out in the end.

08-05-2016, 04:32 PM
This is going to be way worse than N&S.

*A "plead" to everyone that is thinking about making their own company anytime soon, please please PLEAAASE think about joining one yourself for at least 2 months and see what it's like, join one of the bigger companies, form a bond and if it's completely necessary leave and create your own, do not just make one because you want to be a CO, it WILL ruin the community. Think about this how you want, insult me all you want but we do not need 1000 companies with 3 players in it.

Maximus Decimus Meridius
08-05-2016, 05:19 PM
If you want to form a company you should know that will need a lot of time, motivation, work, money and a lot of experience.

You need a teamspeak (or a alternative), a forum, a good looking thread, rules, organization and what makes you special or whats your goal.

all of them need a lot of time. you will work on that for months.

after that you have to run all of that, improve that, find solutions of the daily problems, prevent fights and splittings in your company and a lot more.

thats some facts which you shouldn't forget before you form a company.

a big company is very often a indicate for well organization because if they cant administrate their members they wouldn't have so many ;)

08-07-2016, 09:35 AM
I did kind of make a whole "How to" for this you know.

08-08-2016, 07:19 PM
It should be kept in mind that the community will (hopefully) grow immensely when the game actually comes out. Some of the companies that are smaller now will end up growing a lot when the player base grows. I would also be willing to bet that at least a good 50% of the companies that are currently registered on the list will end up disappearing before the game even comes out. In short, I have a feeling it will all sort itself out in the end.

Correct! the devs have said before that they plan on setting a minimum amount of manpower for a company to be supported so this is really a massive non-issue.