View Full Version : Single Player

07-22-2014, 07:35 PM
I only discovered this yesterday when I downloaded the North and South mod for Mount and Blade Warband.

Admittedly, I know next to nothing of the game, but from what I've read and so far seen, it look brilliant.
However, one thing seems to elude me, is this game Multiplayer focused, or will it have a Single player as well?

I've really been wishing for a good historically story driven Civil war tactical shooter for a while.

07-22-2014, 09:01 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum.

There is already a thread about it, but I can give you the same answer :)

To get a single player game working in such a "line battle" focused war is kinda impossible.
You would need so much time and skill, to get a proper AI done. So to get a working AI, which knows how to fight a real civil war battle, like keeping line formations, position of the officers, working buglers and drummers and much more (pathfinding on such huge maps would be horrible - all those fences) , would cost years of development and a huge amount of money to get skilled AI programmers.

So being a small indie game company, doing its first game, its best to concentrate on big and ambient multiplayer battles. Proper working on singleplayer games is a job for huge gaming companies, with some lovely publishers behind

09-19-2014, 10:33 AM
Seeing the quality of the work behind WoR someone may think that you have a private investor, hehe :)

(jk ofc, keep up the fantastic job)