View Full Version : Sam David Youth Camp

07-26-2014, 02:20 AM
Hey fellow soldiers, both enemy and brothers,

I was wondering if anybody has ever heard of/attended a Sam Davis Youth Camp. This is primarily a southern camp, however I'm sure if a Yank wanted to see what it was like, they would go ;) I will be attending here in a couple days for the next week and was wondering if anybody had any tips or would even be interested in attending. This year, the sign-up deadline for Texas has passed, however there's always next year. Also, there are only two locations, one in Texas and the other is in Virginia. So whether you want to attend as a camper or volunteer as a mentor, I'd really recommend you folks look into it. If anyone is interested, I can write here about my experiences next week somewhere around 8/3 or 8/4.

Peace be with you

07-26-2014, 02:22 AM
Course I would be stupid enough to have a typo in the Title, it is supposed to read "Sam Davis Youth Camp"

07-26-2014, 04:54 PM
Never heard of Sam Davis Youth Camp, but have heard of Sam Davis :) Don't know if that's who this was named after, but he was born a county over from me and his kind of like a local boy hero from the Civil War. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Davis

07-26-2014, 09:59 PM
Yes sir, exactly the same guy. It is dedicated in his name to teach younger people about the War Between the States!