View Full Version : Ghost Companies

08-12-2016, 05:30 PM
I have been going through each and every company, and I have been seeing a lot of place holder companies or inactive companies. To make it easier on the mod team, If you reserve a company and it is just a place holder. I will give you two months to put info about your unit on the page. If you do not have info within that time frame your post will be deleted.


If your company is inactive on the forums for 6 months - 1 year then a mod will comment and ask for a reply with in 7 days. If such mod does not get a reply within 7 days the thread will be deleted.

Thanks your mod team

08-12-2016, 07:04 PM
Good. I've been waiting for this.

Maximus Decimus Meridius
08-12-2016, 09:15 PM
thanks. it's pretty annoying

Lyman Trumbull
08-12-2016, 09:55 PM
This would make my job of being in charge of the company list easier, thanks Kyle.

08-12-2016, 10:18 PM
I can agree with this, currently we may have units that want to form under a certain company, but someone has already reserved it, but has yet to do anything. This is an idea i can get behind

08-13-2016, 12:36 AM
Sorry about my thread, I'll start working on it tonight

Alexander Greene
08-13-2016, 01:18 AM
This will definitely make things easier on everyone, especially the mod team. I know that I've been having trouble recruiting because a lot of people are in these "ghost companies" I feel. I do have to give a lot of credit to my Recruitment Sargent Jeeperswerewolf though for bringing in the recruits that I have for I don't have access to the game yet.

08-13-2016, 02:34 AM
Yeah There are so many Confed companies that give this huge summary of the unit and stuff all this fancy stuff what the reserved but no men. And no one joins. Same with Union aswell.

08-13-2016, 03:32 AM
If they have info on the forum page they will stay. Though ones that do not have any info and are just placeholders. If they do not have something posted with in two months of this post they will be deleted. I am doing this so I can keep the cluster of companies at a minimum.

08-13-2016, 03:35 AM
Yeah There are so many Confed companies that give this huge summary of the unit and stuff all this fancy stuff what the reserved but no men. And no one joins. Same with Union aswell.

See the issue with that is these companies most of them with large summaries do have men in them. The CO's can be lazy at times and not post the roster. Though the roster would be helpful so we can see how many guys you have in your unit. Though we would prefer that you not just place names to make your company look big when it only has 2 or 3 guys for example.

08-13-2016, 03:44 AM
Sorry about my thread, I'll start working on it tonight

Locke I know you from on the forum. Never had any issues, as long as you make some what of an effort for your company you are fine. I am not going to crack down the whip so hard that people are afraid to make companies ;)

08-15-2016, 08:30 PM
Updated info

08-16-2016, 08:28 AM
Too bad the company tool isn't up yet. Would make it easier for everyone. I commend you for doing this though, you have many pages to go through.

08-22-2016, 03:30 PM
Good man, finally someone taking care of this nonsense.

09-29-2016, 07:31 AM
I think my company forum page was deleted and I don't think i got a message for it.

09-29-2016, 09:47 AM
I think my company forum page was deleted and I don't think i got a message for it.

You were inactive for a long time and we left messages in your company thread, without any reply.
So it was deleted, due to the rules.

Creating a thread and then being inactive for more then 6 months is nothing we would like to support. It shows the lack of interest to be honest.

09-29-2016, 02:50 PM
Heads up since the company tool is pretty much released. I will be cracking down on this A LOT MORE!

09-29-2016, 05:45 PM
Heads up since the company tool is pretty much released. I will be cracking down on this A LOT MORE!

you could leave it for a couple of months and then delete every forum thread that hadn't made a company in the company tool

09-29-2016, 06:09 PM
you could leave it for a couple of months and then delete every forum thread that hadn't made a company in the company tool

The forum threads aren't much use anymore now that we have the tool.

09-29-2016, 06:21 PM
The forum threads aren't much use anymore now that we have the tool.

You can still link it in the tool.. use it as a communication with others ;)
Or for advertising.

09-29-2016, 06:25 PM
You can still link it in the tool.. use it as a communication with others ;)
Or for advertising.


10-03-2016, 04:10 PM
Heads up since the company tool is pretty much released. I will be cracking down on this A LOT MORE!

I think that's wrong with the game bot yet released people will be flitting in and out. You don't know the circumstances why that persons not updated the thread in a while? Or the company could be active not using the thread but growing on the tool and using the steam group. I think you have to be careful with that kind of talk.

10-03-2016, 08:45 PM
I think that's wrong with the game bot yet released people will be flitting in and out. You don't know the circumstances why that persons not updated the thread in a while? Or the company could be active not using the thread but growing on the tool and using the steam group. I think you have to be careful with that kind of talk.

Those that have a nice forum or look like they have put effort are not in danger. But those threads that are like this unit is taken or reserved that have little to nothing info on them will be purged.

10-03-2016, 08:47 PM
"purged". Relax Adolf. :p

10-03-2016, 10:08 PM
"purged". Relax Adolf. :p

doesn't comparing one of the moderators to Hitler usually result in either a ban or warning?

Also i think it's a great idea, why not remove dead threads from the company list this way it gives those who are looking for a company ease of access to them since the list will be that much shorter.

10-04-2016, 07:48 AM
Those that have a nice forum or look like they have put effort are not in danger. But those threads that are like this unit is taken or reserved that have little to nothing info on them will be purged.

agreed, you can not make a company and just leave it there waiting to you see fit when to be active. Lot of people out there who actually want to put in the time and effort. So i'm with you on this one, longer then 6 months then its over.

10-04-2016, 08:06 AM
agreed, you can not make a company and just leave it there waiting to you see fit when to be active. Lot of people out there who actually want to put in the time and effort. So i'm with you on this one, longer then 6 months then its over.

But the game ain't out yet that surely has to be taken into account. Someone may have made the company ages ago then been holding off for playable content t to start being released like the skirmish mode. And let's be honest the way the tool works if you want that company that's not seen movement in a while nothings stopping you getting 10 people together and making it meaning when they get back they have to change the company letter.

There's nearly 1000 companies to choose from I don't see the rush to ban hammer. Once the games in full release by all means start to take a harder line.

10-17-2016, 12:09 AM
the fact that you would look at the forum to see if the company is still alive is totally (in my opinion) wrong. just because someone doesn't use the forum doesn't mean there company forum post should be deleted even if you give them 7 days you legitmently have 0 right to get rid of it. the company tool is there for this reason if the company is inactive then people will leave it. I don't believe any moderator who decided this would be a good idea actually thought this through. I'm not saying it the worst you can do but surely someone could do better.

just my opinion on the matter.

10-17-2016, 01:04 AM
the fact that you would look at the forum to see if the company is still alive is totally (in my opinion) wrong. just because someone doesn't use the forum doesn't mean there company forum post should be deleted even if you give them 7 days you legitmently have 0 right to get rid of it. the company tool is there for this reason if the company is inactive then people will leave it. I don't believe any moderator who decided this would be a good idea actually thought this through. I'm not saying it the worst you can do but surely someone could do better.

just my opinion on the matter.

THIS and Ill say it again is for those that claim a company and then post no effort to show that they claimed that company!

10-17-2016, 04:44 AM
"If your company is inactive on the forums for 6 months - 1 year then a mod will comment and ask for a reply with in 7 days. If such mod does not get a reply within 7 days the thread will be deleted."

If i may reference this. this is the problem! inactivity on the forum for 6 months to a year. that means yes i would have to post every 6 months for you and the other moderators do not remove my forum post. but based on the company tool this and the idea is irrelivent. seeing as if i claim my company and don't post on here i will still own my company so long as i do not drop below the min amount of troops.

this would in an entirety means that you have gone threw great lengths to... might i dear say it... screw someone over. im not saying that the idea as a whole is bad its just flawed. and im sure that with more time and as this community developes it will be ironed out. Obviously yourself and others love the idea but alot of stuff based entirly off the community most of use came from i.e. North and South. this has given us ideas that may not form well inrelation to this new game like useing a forum to claim a company. thankfully the Dev's have made many changes to put a physical block to claiming of groups so no one man, may claim the rights to a regiment! WONDERFUL idea! and to set a minimum amount of troops need for a company and that if you fall below then you will lose it! forcing idle bags to get off their butts and try or face losing you company!

i know im ramibling but you need to put actual bearers not just the word of a person. (i will give an example) lets say you have an "bad relationship" with a Regiment and they dont post on the forum for over a year but are still active and still do events. Who and what is there to stop you from just saying, deleat that forum cuz they havent been active.

im not say you will nor can i say you or someone else wont but there are flaws that need to be worked out not just he said or she shit like this would/could be if you decide to really follow threw with it.

i don't often post on here. but when i do its for a reason. im not hear to get into heated disscutions, like i said its just my opinion and i do see faults. yes eveything good will have faults. BUT its better to take a step back and from a 3rd persons point of view try to see what is wrong!

Thank you!

10-17-2016, 04:55 AM
"If your company is inactive on the forums for 6 months - 1 year then a mod will comment and ask for a reply with in 7 days. If such mod does not get a reply within 7 days the thread will be deleted."

If i may reference this. this is the problem! inactivity on the forum for 6 months to a year. that means yes i would have to post every 6 months for you and the other moderators do not remove my forum post. but based on the company tool this and the idea is irrelivent. seeing as if i claim my company and don't post on here i will still own my company so long as i do not drop below the min amount of troops.

this would in an entirety means that you have gone threw great lengths to... might i dear say it... screw someone over. im not saying that the idea as a whole is bad its just flawed. and im sure that with more time and as this community developes it will be ironed out. Obviously yourself and others love the idea but alot of stuff based entirly off the community most of use came from i.e. North and South. this has given us ideas that may not form well inrelation to this new game like useing a forum to claim a company. thankfully the Dev's have made many changes to put a physical block to claiming of groups so no one man, may claim the rights to a regiment! WONDERFUL idea! and to set a minimum amount of troops need for a company and that if you fall below then you will lose it! forcing idle bags to get off their butts and try or face losing you company!

i know im ramibling but you need to put actual bearers not just the word of a person. (i will give an example) lets say you have an "bad relationship" with a Regiment and they dont post on the forum for over a year but are still active and still do events. Who and what is there to stop you from just saying, deleat that forum cuz they havent been active.

im not say you will nor can i say you or someone else wont but there are flaws that need to be worked out not just he said or she shit like this would/could be if you decide to really follow threw with it.

i don't often post on here. but when i do its for a reason. im not hear to get into heated disscutions, like i said its just my opinion and i do see faults. yes eveything good will have faults. BUT its better to take a step back and from a 3rd persons point of view try to see what is wrong!

Thank you!

We will always look at reports about mods abusing their powers seriously. If one is found to have been abusing that power he is no longer a mod.

- Trusty

10-17-2016, 05:05 AM
You clearly haven't gotten the point of this policy or what it is aimed at.

1. If a company has claimed their company in the tool but have simply had a post saying "w.i.p" sitting in its ass for 6 months + we're getting ride of that.
2. If a company hasn't formed or attempted to claimed their company in the tool and the thread has been sitting on its ass for 6 months + we're getting ride of that.

If a company has claimed their company and put effort into making their thread but hasn't posted anything in 6+ months, we will make an effort to get in touch their that company's leader to see if they're still active. We won't just blow it out the water on a glance. If they haven't claimed the company we will still make an effort to get in touch.

I also strongly recommend you take any thought of thinking you can use other community's as a base of an argument and leave it at the door. This isn't N&S with it's over puffed Generals and Colonel, this isn't NW where half the time communities just hurl crap at one another and this most definitely is not FSE, do not get me started on them. This is War of Rights, a new venture into the Civil War genre gaming and a new community with new rules and ideas. If you don't like it at the end of the day then that's unfortunate. Things will change and develop with time and a touch of error here and there but you can't come walking in making demands expecting things to change in a heart beat.

Now this last bit isn't meant as aggressive or anything but I would recommend trying to better structure and punctuate your argument. I found it hard to read with the capitals all over the shop. Again, not meant as aggressive or negative. It would just help me understand what you're trying to say.

10-17-2016, 06:02 AM
I meant this solely as an opinion not to get people's knickers in a twist!

Firstly I would like to thank jam, as I do know that you would nip it in the butt if someone was!

Secondly, I would like to say bravesoct that none of what you have stated, at least in-depth was mentioned in the first point of this post! so if that is what is going to happen thank you for clarifying!

Now on to the comment about N&S, NW and so forth! as you are probably aware many if not 99% of the people who have gotten invested in this game are from those communitys. Having said that, that means all the problems quarles and other nonsence that was there will transfer over weather you like it or not! There are many similaritys when it comes to both communities weather it be on the FSE or on here. like when i look and you see the same sort of people creating "Armys" when at the end of the day there will be a tool for that! a phyisical thing that will dictate how that will work but all the poeple have to go off is what they knew! and that was from the old way layouts went like the UA and DA!

Now just a quick jump onto the topic of my grammer!
indeed my grammer is shotty at best but i see no need for comment! just try your best and if clarification is needed feel free to ask!

i state only my opinion as much as we try to distence ourselves from N&S and FSE as a whole. you need to understand that all of that no matter how hard you try will transfer over in one shape or another! just like there are probably people you have met over on there that you dont like! and well! shit you probably wont like them here ether :o

just to sum it all up this is the N&S community! there can be fixes done with this idea! i may not be a moderator but you only have to read the forum for a few moments to understand where people want this to go and how far they are willing to go for it! Just needs a little more guidence from the dev's and mods!

Thank you!

10-17-2016, 06:07 AM
I would sorely dispute the claim that 99% of this community are composed of N&S/NW folk. There has, so far, been very little in the way of 'quarrels' and the forum is better off for it - leave your baggage at the door pal. I think you have the wrong impression of how the War of Rights forum is working. So far I see only one man here banging the drums loudly and that would be you.

10-17-2016, 06:33 AM
As I have stated twice and I shall state it again it is of my own opinion! if you can not respect that then well there really is much for us to discuss. I have said this isn't meant to make people made it's merely to point out what I have seen! If you mean to tell me there is little to no quarrels on the forum that's because the mods are doing their jobs and are doing it well!

i state 99% as an obvious exaduration of the claim as anyone should understand that it is false. it is there merely to show that our community is built from N&S. If you feel the need to nit pick on sutch a minor thing you are looking for an argument witch i would please ask that you stop! mearly out of respect for both party's as i do not know you.

no one man or woman can have a wrong impression of this forum as it isnt finished nor will it be. a forum always growns with new ideas and views. so to say i have a "wrong impression" is insaulting at the very least.

i follow this community a lot i talk with hinkel often to see whats new not only in his personal life but how the game is going. i indeed believe i have the right impression of this community seeing as any view can be right it just depends on what perspective you see it from!

Thank you!

John Ricketts
10-17-2016, 06:59 AM
As I have stated twice and I shall state it again it is of my own opinion! if you can not respect that then well there really is much for us to discuss. I have said this isn't meant to make people made it's merely to point out what I have seen! If you mean to tell me there is little to no quarrels on the forum that's because the mods are doing their jobs and are doing it well!

i state 99% as an obvious exaduration of the claim as anyone should understand that it is false. it is there merely to show that our community is built from N&S. If you feel the need to nit pick on sutch a minor thing you are looking for an argument witch i would please ask that you stop! mearly out of respect for both party's as i do not know you.

no one man or woman can have a wrong impression of this forum as it isnt finished nor will it be. a forum always growns with new ideas and views. so to say i have a "wrong impression" is insaulting at the very least.

i follow this community a lot i talk with hinkel often to see whats new not only in his personal life but how the game is going. i indeed believe i have the right impression of this community seeing as any view can be right it just depends on what perspective you see it from!

Thank you!

Are your comments above representative of the "quarrels" on the N&S forums that you keep referring to here? If so why are you bringing that nonsense here?

And just to be helpful, not critical, this forum has a spell checker.

10-17-2016, 07:17 AM
Thank you john I did not know that there was a spell checker!

Yes, you are very right this here would be fine examples of the quarrels. I post an opinion, not to step on anyone's feet! I'm then told that there are further precautions in place that wasn't clarified before That I now am aware of! but it continues. now I will say I am not without fault! there are always two sides to a discussion. But to nit pick on small if not irrelevant things can be more than annoying.

Its little things like this that you will see in the chats. an opinion is entirely just one person or groups of people and their point of view. I stated I don't want to step on people's feet, I'm just here to say what I think! and if someone can not respect that I may have a different view then we reach an impasse that only deepens this discussion past a point that it should have gotten.

Thank you!

10-17-2016, 08:57 AM
Would anyone please remind me why we seem to be arguing over what sort of demographic the forum consists of? What has it got to do with ghost companies?

- Trusty

10-17-2016, 11:04 AM
Got to ask in reference to bravescots post.

What happens if the thread is good but not getting used however the company is active in the tool and using their own forums/steam groups etc? Will this mean we will lose our thread when its been made clear they mean very little now.

10-17-2016, 12:55 PM
Got to ask in reference to bravescots post.

What happens if the thread is good but not getting used however the company is active in the tool and using their own forums/steam groups etc? Will this mean we will lose our thread when its been made clear they mean very little now.

obviously not

If they can see a company actually exists they aren't going to take their thread down even if they aren't using it. They're only going to take the threads down that comprise of just a *wip* or *reserved* for companies that have made no attempt at forming on the company tool or on the forums.

in a few months time there is no excuse for a company to neither have a proper forum thread or presence on the company tool

10-17-2016, 01:07 PM
obviously not

If they can see a company actually exists they aren't going to take their thread down even if they aren't using it. They're only going to take the threads down that comprise of just a *wip* or *reserved* for companies that have made no attempt at forming on the company tool or on the forums.

in a few months time there is no excuse for a company to neither have a proper forum thread or presence on the company tool

If they can see a company actually exists they aren't going to take their thread down even if they aren't using it. Well can that be confirmed by a dev or mod?

10-17-2016, 01:09 PM
obviously not

If they can see a company actually exists they aren't going to take their thread down even if they aren't using it. They're only going to take the threads down that comprise of just a *wip* or *reserved* for companies that have made no attempt at forming on the company tool or on the forums.

in a few months time there is no excuse for a company to neither have a proper forum thread or presence on the company tool

Fair enough, from the way it was presented it gave some mixed messages. I belive Dutch also shares my point of view.

To be fair a company thread isnt all that needed as long as you are listed on the company list as all relevant info can be found on the tool page with links to the steam group for example.

10-17-2016, 03:30 PM
I don't get what's so hard to understand?

Threads that just say "W.i.p" or "reserved" are going to get removed after about 6 - 8 months if there is no company to speak of in the company tool, the owner hasn't been on in all that time and nobody is actively using the thread.

If you guys have put time and effort into your thread then we won't even consider deleting it for about 1 year. If we do then we will make a very serious effort to get in touch with said company to ask them if they're ever going to use the thread or if we can remove it. As you said there is a chance that they're just using their own thread on their own website and have just forgotten about their one on here.

We're not just going to run around deleting threads on an impulse, that would be an abuse of our powers. We do take each deleted thread seriously and take time with each one.

10-28-2016, 04:34 AM
I've been waiting for this.

[WoR] Kiff
01-17-2017, 01:43 PM
Just saw this thread, happy to see it exists.

01-17-2017, 01:50 PM
Kiff;54699']Just saw this thread, happy to see it exists.

I have not really been enforcing it that well as of late but that will change in the near future.

- Kyle

01-18-2017, 08:03 PM
so because they're not active on a forum for a game that doesn't exist yet (unless you want to shoot at each other and pretend to die) you're going to take away the company that is rightfully theirs?

01-18-2017, 08:23 PM
No, just the thread.
Making a thread does not reserve the right to a company; only active participants who utilise the 'Company Tool' properly will reserve the right. This is about sweeping clean the forum of derelict and forgotten threads.

01-09-2018, 09:39 AM
Not really lazyness I took my roster off the thread as there's one on the company tool. Far easier to work it there.

01-09-2018, 09:48 AM
I added one to my company page. But I don't know the Company tool should be enough.
When will that be connected to game?

01-09-2018, 10:04 AM
Not really lazyness I took my roster off the thread as there's one on the company tool. Far easier to work it there.

It's a bot you just replied to plonker xD. Look at all the spam links.

01-10-2018, 03:53 PM
If you buy a Sargent rank on pay pal and you connect it to the same email as you're account does it give you the rank, if not then how do you link the two.

01-10-2018, 04:13 PM
If you buy a Sargent rank on pay pal and you connect it to the same email as you're account does it give you the rank, if not then how do you link the two.

Top left of your screen there should be something like "Claim badge" next to "Forum" and "Whats new?". Just follow the instructions it gives you and wait a few hours.

01-10-2018, 07:04 PM
Top left of your screen there should be something like "Claim badge" next to "Forum" and "Whats new?". Just follow the instructions it gives you and wait a few hours.

Thank you

01-18-2018, 06:20 PM
To be honest, I have a ghost company myself under a different account. I've reserved it for future use once the game is released and have pretty much everything it needs already setup; including descriptions, discord, organisation, and so on. All it needs are players which at the moment are quite impossibly to attract to a startup company. If there's something that needs doing it's getting rid of these so-called battalions, conglomerates of companies which suck up more players that they're allowed too by the game's standards through meta organisation. Get rid of them and you'll see players join more diverse companies than just the handful collection active right now.

01-18-2018, 06:29 PM
I guess I'll take that as a compliment.

01-18-2018, 07:00 PM
How is it stealing recruits, people tend to join the most active units, the ones they can actually see playing. By the way, if you are looking for a regiment, 6th Alabama Volunteer Infantry Regiment is looking for active members.

01-18-2018, 07:53 PM
To be honest, I have a ghost company myself under a different account. I've reserved it for future use once the game is released and have pretty much everything it needs already set up; including descriptions, discord, organization, and so on. All it needs are players which at the moment are quite impossible to attract to a startup company. If there's something that needs doing it's getting rid of these so-called battalions, conglomerates of companies which suck up more players that they're allowed too by the game's standards through meta-organization. Get rid of them and you'll see players join more diverse companies than just the handful collection active right now.

To some extent you are right, however not all companies and batteries suck up players. There is plenty of smaller or medium-sized organizations that are part of a battalion.

01-18-2018, 09:21 PM
If people are being stolen from your regiment/company/whatever, that means they are not engaged by being a member so they might as well just not be in the unit, ergo, they leave with little convincing. I don't have a problem with this. If units are experiencing this as an active problem, they should take it as a sign that they need to look at themselves and maybe do some reformation to make the unit more appealing.

The recruit stealing I have a problem with is rank recruiting. Rank recruiting is where you go to a lowly private who probably wants to be a Sergeant or Lieutenant, promise them a rank/position if they join and soon the unit is just full of Sergeants and 1st Sergeants, three or four of which are even remotely competent. It can be hard to spot if a unit is doing this because at this stage in the game most people who were active a while ago were privates but did not stay long enough to be promoted so only the more loyal higher ranked remain.

03-12-2018, 11:09 AM
We're marching inexorably forwards now, in both the year and with development.
There will be a minor cull of regimental and brigade threads over the coming period if they have been inactive for over six months.

Please see to it that all information and threads are kept up to date.

03-19-2018, 07:45 PM
I like the neatness and organizing the threads idea very much, too many and it's gets messy and confusing to say the least.

10-17-2018, 02:25 AM
Too many companies are created, but I never get to see them on the battlefield. Good to see this thread.

10-17-2018, 06:17 AM
Someone might want to purge the Company tools as well.

I counted 400+ 1 man companies. There is probably another 50 2-man companies.
I don't see a point of initiating a company unless you at least 6.

10-17-2018, 07:18 AM
Someone might want to purge the Company tools as well.

I counted 400+ 1 man companies. There is probably another 50 2-man companies.
I don't see a point of initiating a company unless you at least 6.

No purge will take place.

You need 10 members to lock the company name.

- Trusty

10-17-2018, 09:04 AM
No purge will take place.

You need 10 members to lock the company name.

- Trusty

If I understand you correctly if I start a company that is "mustering " (under 10) and I get to 10 first, then the name is mine and the first is SOL?

10-17-2018, 09:13 AM
If I understand you correctly if I start a company that is "mustering " (under 10) and I get to 10 first, then the name is mine and the first is SOL?

Yes you will need 10 guys to officially own the company. Others who have started the same company but failed to reach 10 guys will loose the possibility to get that particular company.

10-19-2018, 02:16 PM
Playing the Devil's advocate here, I know, but what about companies that manage to muster 10 members, but then all of them fall off the grid? Is that company name simply lost to the sands of time?

A. P. Hill
10-19-2018, 03:12 PM
Playing the Devil's advocate here, I know, but what about companies that manage to muster 10 members, but then all of them fall off the grid? Is that company name simply lost to the sands of time?


Anyone can pick it up and run with it. .... as long as it was an actual 1862 Maryland Campaign unit, which will be the only units available on the C.T.

10-19-2018, 04:09 PM

Anyone can pick it up and run with it. .... as long as it was an actual 1862 Maryland Campaign unit, which will be the only units available on the C.T.

How, though, if that name is locked to the 10 individuals who claimed it and then never returned? Is there a timer on companies where if they're inactive for X amount of months they get whacked?

Granted, this is a non-issue at the moment with so many to choose from, and certainly not a "feature" we want while the game is in development.

But the number of available companies is limited, however large the pot may currently be, and if this game explodes it could fill up.

Not to mention some of us history buffs look longingly upon some of history's most prominent companies that are being held by 10+ squatters that haven't been around in years.

Edit: Greedy of me, I know, but again I doubt we're the only ones who were reading history books to pick our own company and were derailed by long-gone claimants. Granted we were limited by looking for a regiment that was mostly empty in case we have overflow.

10-19-2018, 07:22 PM
Agreed. For example, 69th New York has been monopolized for as long as I remember and to my knowledge none of the 8-10 companies are active or one of them may be 'barely' active. I started a thread on this:


10-19-2018, 09:57 PM
Perhaps it could be as simple as if none of the members have logged in for over 2 months, all members get an email notice of impending removal of claim? Then, if another month passes with no activity, change the company back to a "mustering" status?

John Cooley
10-20-2018, 12:37 AM
It wouldn't be bad to consider disbanding a Company of one after a certain lengthy amount of time.
Perhaps, six months or a year of having only one member is long enough to show them that they might want to make a new plan ... Stan?

Maximilian Baker
12-10-2018, 10:07 PM
yeah Great ;)

Wilhelm Dunkel
02-19-2020, 05:56 PM
Great thing!

02-25-2020, 10:49 PM
Great yes!

01-25-2024, 09:02 PM
to many fake companies