View Full Version : 67th New York volunteer infratry, "First Long Island Volunteers" - Co.A

08-26-2016, 03:26 AM
I did some research on these guys a bit ago and I think it be cool to have them on the game. steam group link : http://steamcommunity.com/groups/67thnyi/
I did not write this part i found this on a website devoted to the the 67th, website I got it from http://www.newyorkcivilwar.com/
A Brief History of the 67th New York Volunteer Infantry

"The First Long Island Volunteers

Written by Private James Neall (a/k/a Bob Hutton)

Read our Wikipedia article written by Private Jerald Lane

Following the attack on Fort Sumter the call for seventy five thousand three-month volunteers went forth from the Lincoln government to quell the rebellion. Some of the first to answer the call were the men of the Rochester and Brooklyn, Long Island areas of New York. After the Federal Army�s defeat at Bull Run, the Government realized that this would not be a brief �one battle� war. The Militia regiments that had signed up for 90 days in the first months of the Rebellion were disbanding. Many of the NY regiments of militia sent to Washington City under Governor Morton had returned bloodied and disillusioned. New regiments were enlisting for as long as three years.

Recruitment occurred at the Recruiting office on Fulton Street in Lower Manhattan. The new citizen soldiers were mustered in for three years on June 24th of 1861 totaling 901 men, and made camp at South Brother Island in New York Harbor before transferring to Fort Schuyler for some basic army training, moving briefly to Fort Hamilton before departing southward. The regiment formally was designated the 67th NY on September 19th, also known as the Brooklyn Phalanx, commanded by Colonel Julius Adams and Lt. Colonel Nelson Cross. The 67th New York departed for Washington City August 22nd 1861 stopping in Baltimore where they slept with loaded muskets at the station, the threat of rioting secessionists in that city still a concern, before leaving for the capital the next morning arriving in vicinity of Washington City on Aug 24th.

They were stationed at several camps around the capital including camp �Meridian� and �Temple� then marched to Queens Farm Maryland briefly as the new Army was organized, then sent to camp �Proctor� for winter quarters and training with the new �Army Of The Potomac� near Washington City, moving around to successive camps finally being assigned to 2nd brigade, 1st division, 4th Army Corps. Left camp Proctor on March 26th 1862 for Alexandria aboard the �Daniel Webster� arrived at Fortress Monroe March 28th1862, one man was killed falling to the bottom of the transport.

Took part in the Yorktown campaign suffering losses in the pursuit of the rebels in the Battle of Williamsburg in May and Fair Oaks or Seven Pines on June 1st. Continued with the 4th Corps during the Peninsula campaign, again suffering losses at battle of White Oak Swamp. Lieutenant Francis Murphy was wounded and captured at Savage Station along with others when McClellan abandoned the wounded and retreated towards Glendale and Malvern Hill. The 67th New York then participated in the Battle of Malvern Hill on July 1st 1862.

Transferred north to Washington, missed the battle of second Manassas but pursued Lee�s Army north, just after the fight, being present at the Battle of Chantilly. During the Maryland Campaign was engaged at Crampton�s Gap in South Mountain and held in reserve during the Battle of Antietam. October 10th saw the departure of Colonel Adams and the elevation of Colonel Nelson Cross as commander of the 67th New York. Refitted, the regiment was transferred to the 6th Army Corps, 3rd Division, 3rd Brigade on September 26th 1862. In December the 67th New York became part of the 1st Brigade. The Battle of Fredericksburg found the 67th NY on the Union left. Following the Union defeat at Fredericksburg the regiment took part in the �Infamous Mud March� returning to camp at Falmouth.

With Hooker now in command of the Army of the Potomac, the 67th New York as part of John Sedgwick�s 6th Corps took the Fredericksburg Heights and attempted to strike Lee on His Right Flank during the battle of Chancellorsville in May 1863 only to be delayed by Confederate General Jubal Early and forced to re-cross the Rappahannock. Pursued the Army of Northern Virginia north into Pennsylvania during the Gettysburg campaign and took part in the fighting on Culp�s Hill and Cemetery Ridge. The 67th New York�s Regimental monument stands today on Culp�s Hill. Casualties were one man killed and several wounded. Reports of amazement of such light losses considering the close range withering fire they were exposed to in the recapture of the defense line from the Confederates during an early morning counter attack. Engaged in the pursuit of Rebels across the Potomac River and into Virginia. Went into winter quarters on the Rappahannock line after the fall Mine Run campaign.

In January of 1864 the 67th New York was transferred west to Sandusky Ohio where they were stationed at Johnson�s Island to guard Confederate prisoners. Returned to the Army Of the Potomac in March of 1864. Took part in the spring Overland Campaign as the 4th Brigade, 1st Division, of the IV Corps, stationed on the Union right, the regiment guarded the wagon train and participated in repulsing Ewell�s attack on May 6th at the battle of the Wilderness. Casualties at the Wilderness: lost 18 men killed and 57 wounded. Several days later again engaged in the vicious battle of Spotsylvania. May 10th found the 67th New York taking part in Emory Upton�s spearhead drive into the rebel defenses at the �Mule Shoe Salient�. Again on May 12th as part of the support for the 2nd corps attack in the same area they fought hand to hand at the �Bloody Angle� suffering heavy losses of 19 men killed, 23 wounded and 2 missing. Engaged at the North Anna River standoff and were on the extreme right during the ill fated frontal assaults at Cold Harbor. Crossed the James River with the 6th Corps arriving at Petersburg in late June of 1864, took part in some of the early fighting at the opening of this campaign. As Confederate General Jubal Early marched up the Valley, Lincoln called on Grant for help in the defense of the Capital. The 6th corps was dispatched and helped drive back the Rebels from the outskirts of Washington City.

Their three years up, many of the men of the 67th New York reenlisted as Veteran volunteers along with those whose terms were not yet up having joined the regiment later. The 67th was formally mustered out on July 4th 1864. On September 1st 1864 those who reenlisted as Veteran Volunteers along with the newer recruits became part of the 65th NY in the Army of the Shenandoah now commanded by Phil Sheridan. As the 65th NY they were engaged in the Valley Campaign at 3rd Winchester, Fishers Hill, and most notably at Cedar Creek where as part of the Corps they held a defensive line until Sheridan rallied his panicked troops. As part of the 65th NY helped defeat General Early and close the Shenandoah Valley to the Confederacy. Returned to the 6th corps at Petersburg in Dec 1864, the 65th NY took part in the battles of Hatcher�s Run in February of 1865 and again during the final break through with the army on April 2nd. Pursued Lee towards Appomattox engaged at Saylor�s Creek on April 6th and witnessing the Surrender on April 9th.

The 67th New York lost 7 officers killed, 105 enlisted men killed, 8 officers and 259 enlisted men were wounded, 2 officers and 75 enlisted men died of other causes mostly attributable to disease, engaged in 23 battles during its 3 years of service finally mustering out with the 65th New York on July 1865.

List of Engagements


Duty in the Defense of Washington, D.C. till March, 1862.
March to Prospect Hill, Va., March 11-15.
Ordered to the Peninsula, Va., March 25.
Siege of Yorktown, Va., April 5 to May 4.
Battle of Williamsburg, May 5.
Battle of Seven Pines of Fair Oaks, May 31 - June 1.
Seven Days Before Richmond, June 25- July 1.
Malvern Hill, July 1.
At Harrison's Landing till August 16.
Movement to Alexandria, August 16 - September 1.
Maryland Campaign, September 4 - 22.
Battle of Antietam, September 16 - 17.
Duty in Maryland till October 20.
Movement to Stafford Court House, Va., October 20 - November 19 and to Belle Plains, December 5.
Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 12 - 15.


"Mud March", January 20 - 24, 1863.
Chancellorsville Campaign, April 27 - May 6.
Operations About Franklin's Crossing, April 29 - May 2.
Battle of Maryes Heights, Fredericksburg, May 3.
Salem Heights, May 3 - 4.
Banks' Ford, May 4.
Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 2 - 4.
Pursuit of Lee, July 5 - 24.
Duty on Line of the Rappahannock till October.
Bristoe Campaign, October 9 - 22.
Advance to line of the Rappahannock, November 7-8.
Rappanhannock Station, November 7.
Mine Run Campaign, November 26 - December 2.


Duty at Johnson's Island, Lake Erie, Ohio, January to March, 1864.
Campaign from the Rapidan to the James, May 3 - June 15.
Battles of the Wilderness, May 6 - 7.
Spotsylvania, May 8 -12.
Spotsylvania Court House, May 12 - 21.
Assault on the Salient or "Bloody Angle", May 12.
North Anna River, May 23 - 26.
On Line of the Pamunkey, May 26 - 28
Totopotomoy, May 28 - 31.
Cold Harbor, June 1 -12.
Before Petersburg, June 17 - 18.
Siege of Petersburg, June 17 to July 9.
(Non-Veterans mustered out July 4, 1864.)
Moved to Washington, D.C., July 9 -11.
Repulse of Early's Attack on Fort Stevens and the Northern Defences of Washington, July 11 - 12.
Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley Campaign, August 7 - September 1.
Battalion consolidated with the 65th Regiment New York Infantry, September 1, 1864."

I know this is a lot but I think it be cool to have a infantry from the long island area. I have made a steam group for this, link on top. If you want to join it public. Tell me if you guys like it?

08-26-2016, 07:50 AM
Please keep in mind you can't reserve an entire regiment, you need to pick a company from the regiment that you want to represent :)

08-26-2016, 10:33 AM
Hmm anyone noticed an error within the title(Let me give you a clue its what you would call a ground troop). Plus most of the thread is copy paste.

08-26-2016, 02:42 PM
Good luck.

btw, tried to read the thread but the � throws me off a bit.

08-26-2016, 03:07 PM
I understand

08-26-2016, 03:10 PM
I just wanted to show it so people could snack some history and do some research

08-29-2016, 09:22 AM
Good luck! :)