View Full Version : 7th Louisiana Infantry Regiment - Co. F "Irish Volunteers"

George Usher
09-03-2016, 04:31 PM
7th Louisiana Infantry

Co. F "Irish Volunteers"


The 7thLA in the american secession war

Coming Soon...

The 7thLA in the game

We are a group of german speaking NW and N&S players who mostly know each other for several years now. We are well organized and interested in reenacting the american secession war as realistic as possible. Although we are german speaking the orders will be given in english so that it's more realistic. Every member has to have a american sounding name (e.g. George of Usher). We offer a boot camp for newer players so they can learn the game mechanics and drills fast and at first-hand. We are looking for members who are willing to engage in the regiment and who want a RP-based realistic game experience.

Leaders of the 7thLA Co. F in-game (not up to date)

Captain George Erin Mac Usher is a two yard tall but uncommonly slim irish-scottish american from Louisiana. He is proud of his origins and ancestry. Beside his sometimes choleric appearance he is a very calm and intelligent person who prefers to solves his problems without any violence but when something upsets him, he can be very strict and aggressive. He cares about the matters of the regiment and organizes it but when it comes to battle he let his officers lead the men and fights in the ranks.

2nd Lieutenant Allen Kelly is the highest officer in the company and is the confidant of Major Usher. With his 6 feet height and 97 kilograms he is, besides his bravery, a born leader. Born in Missouri he joined the army in 1861. Because of his awareness on the battlefield and his leadership qualities he soon became a Sergeant Major. As the 7th was formed he was promoted to a 2nd Lieutenant. He is a very irascible person but on the battlefield he keeps calm and has an outstanding overview.

Sergeant Trivan Leash is actually german but his parents moved in 1818 to america. They were poor workers and found their new home in Virginia. Actually his surname was Pietsch but his father wanted an english sounding name so a workmate said (as a joke) he should name himself "Lash". Leash's father was unable to pronounce it right and so the civil serveant mispelled it. Trivan Leash is relatively young compared with other QMSs but shows endurance and hardness. He trys to enforce discipline but has hardly success.


4298 Captain
4299 1st Lieutenant
4300 2nd Lieutenant

4304 First Sergeant
4305 Sergeant
4306 Corporal

4307 Veteran (Senior Service)


Captain George Erin Mac Usher
http://steamsignature.com/status/english/76561198071833814.png (http://steamsignature.com)http://steamsignature.com/AddFriend.png (steam://friends/add/76561198071833814)

George Usher
09-03-2016, 04:32 PM
4314 Major George Erin of Usher
4315 2nd Lieutenant Allen Kelly
4316 Quartermaster Sergeant Trivan Leash

Note: Enlisted and NCOs will follow...

George Usher
09-03-2016, 04:33 PM

09-03-2016, 05:15 PM
Nice Thread Major :)

Lyman Trumbull
09-03-2016, 05:21 PM
Good luck from the 66th!

09-03-2016, 06:12 PM
The more Louisiana the better! :D goodluck!

09-03-2016, 06:41 PM
Ich wünsche euch alles bestens von der Kompanie A des 10th Louisiana.
P.S.: Vielleicht sollt ihr den Post auch auf Englisch übersetzen, die Admins mögen es sonst nicht besonders.

09-03-2016, 06:47 PM
the english version of the thread is comming soon :)

Maximus Decimus Meridius
09-03-2016, 10:52 PM
viel glück jungs, auch wenn ihr auf der falschen Seite seid.

Good luck mates, even if you are on the wrong site. from which NW reg are you?

09-03-2016, 11:47 PM
10th Regiment of Foot

09-04-2016, 04:47 AM

George Usher
09-04-2016, 06:56 PM
viel glück jungs, auch wenn ihr auf der falschen Seite seid.

Good luck mates, even if you are on the wrong site. from which NW reg are you?

I think we're fighting for the right side. Every true Irish man shall join our fight against the "cowardly Lincolnites" and fight with Kelly's Irish Brigade! :p

2Lhr (mittlererweile 2Lr)
DDA - Det Danske Auxiliaerkorps (mit IR_Nr13 fusioniert)
IR_Nr13 (der größte Teil der Mannschaft existiert noch im KB_IR_Nr 7)
2tesAK (aufgelöst)
2JgA (inaktiv)
momentan in letzterem inaktiv und nur noch als invite anzutreffen ;)

10th Regiment of Foot
Das ist falsch.

Maximus Decimus Meridius
09-04-2016, 07:29 PM
ach du scheiße 2 Lhr xD das waren Zeiten

anyway good luck my friend.

We will win this war, we brave Germans have Sigel!!

George Usher
09-05-2016, 01:30 PM
We will win this war, we brave Germans have Sigel!!

Sigel? We don't need no german commander. We have ourselves. Sigel can die but the spirit of the Sons ó Éirinn is immortal.

A. P. Hill
09-05-2016, 03:23 PM
Congrats!, and Welcome to the CSA!

09-29-2016, 11:33 AM