View Full Version : 4 US Inf Co. D

09-04-2016, 05:13 AM
http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg563/lotus_fd3s/us-1861a_zps8zy9hjom.gif (http://s1244.photobucket.com/user/lotus_fd3s/media/us-1861a_zps8zy9hjom.gif.html)

4 United States Regiment of Infantry


Capt. J Gomez Commanding

Who are we?

Our company is founded around our actual re-enacting unit; 4 US Cavalry CO A. While this 4th Regiment is infantry instead of cavalry our drill manuals are very similar. We use a modified version of Pointset's Drill Manual (similar to Hardee's)to effectively maneuver in the field while maintaining our professional and ordered lines. As a "regular" army unit versus a "volunteer" unit, we hold our members to the highest professional standards. As such you will be drilled and drilled again until all the necessary evolutions are mastered. Don't let that discourage you though, all of our officers and NCO's are men who have lead platoons and companies in combat scenarios and have drilled and instructed hundreds of hours over the past 15 years. We have trained raw recruits and turned them into a well oiled killing machine. We have met the enemy in the cornfields at Wilson's Creek, held the line at Shiloh, lead the charge at Vicksburg, and protected the right flank of the Union Army at Gettysburg. We have a strong brotherhood among our veterans and a very high esprit de corps from the long campaigns in the frozen winter to sweltering garrison duties on the Frontier in the summer. If you're looking for a company that will fight in the most realistic methods possible, look no further!

http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg563/lotus_fd3s/recolor_zpsi5vm5y2y.jpg (http://s1244.photobucket.com/user/lotus_fd3s/media/recolor_zpsi5vm5y2y.jpg.html)

http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg563/lotus_fd3s/946584_10201588857631696_2010094994_n_zpsudbchx8p. jpg (http://s1244.photobucket.com/user/lotus_fd3s/media/946584_10201588857631696_2010094994_n_zpsudbchx8p. jpg.html)

http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg563/lotus_fd3s/968835_10201588858031706_1405778931_n_zpsaiebytsq. jpg (http://s1244.photobucket.com/user/lotus_fd3s/media/968835_10201588858031706_1405778931_n_zpsaiebytsq. jpg.html)


For Enlistment questions, you can send a message through courier here or telegraph one to my local office. If need be you may contact our commanding officer directly with permission. We are looking for like-minded able body men (or women) who want to be part of a very professional unit. (though we do like to have fun as well) There will be room for advancement for those who prove their worth on the field of battle and show a mastery of infantry tactics. While we don't have all the fancy websites and pizzazz of some of these other units, we do promise our capabilities as officers and NCO's.

http://steamsignature.com/card/1/76561198034166018.png (http://steamsignature.com)



Capt. J Gomez

Non-Commissioned Officers:

1 Sgt. R. Boucher


Trp. R. Itoh
Trp. J. Mcnew
Trp. A. Boucher
Trp. C. Gilbert
Trp. S. Davidson


http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg563/lotus_fd3s/1add9ca4-b050-47d0-9be8-e297fc20d177_zpsvoq6vho9.jpg (http://s1244.photobucket.com/user/lotus_fd3s/media/1add9ca4-b050-47d0-9be8-e297fc20d177_zpsvoq6vho9.jpg.html)

1st Sgt. R. Boucher
4 US Regiment of Infantry
Co. D

http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg563/lotus_fd3s/fba496e4-09f3-4be9-82db-e7565c9f045f_zpsp0h3ejiy.jpg (http://s1244.photobucket.com/user/lotus_fd3s/media/fba496e4-09f3-4be9-82db-e7565c9f045f_zpsp0h3ejiy.jpg.html)

Capt. J. Gomez
4 US Regiment of Infantry
Co. D

09-04-2016, 07:57 AM
Best of luck :)

Lyman Trumbull
09-04-2016, 12:16 PM
Good luck from the 66th!

09-05-2016, 01:19 PM
Best of luck from the 7th U.S.!

09-05-2016, 01:26 PM
Good Luck From the 1st Minnesota Infantry Volunteers, Companies B&C

09-07-2016, 08:50 AM
Best of luck! ;)

09-07-2016, 04:39 PM
Best of luck to you!

09-09-2016, 06:26 AM
thank you Captains

09-09-2016, 08:49 PM
Thank you all gentlemen! Look forward to taking the field with all of you.

04-10-2017, 07:15 PM
I have created a group for the U.S. Regulars on the forum. Please consider joining up!
