View Full Version : Problem with posting Telegrams.

Alexander Greene
10-01-2016, 12:34 PM
I find that when I try posting a Telegram, the error page pops up. This is kind of annoyijg because I have a couple recruits in the Company Tool who haven't signed up on the Stean Group Page and I have no other way to contact them. :/

10-02-2016, 09:02 AM
Did you receive the emails though? I had a similar thing happening where, upon clicking the actual "send to entire company button", I was sent to the "something went wrong" page but I did receive the email moments later.

In the company tool itself it still says I didn't receive any telegrams however.

On the topic of telegrams though: When writing a telegram you can put in formatting. I send out a telegram with four short paragraphs and formatted them accordingly. In the email that I received for the telegram however, all the formatting was gone and it was all one consecutive block of text, making it rather hard to read.

Fancy Sweetroll
10-02-2016, 10:03 AM
These issues should have been fixed. Both the formatting and the crashes. Let me know if you still experience them.

10-02-2016, 02:13 PM
One issue has been solved, the other still persists.

I am no longer getting an error when sending the telegrams and they now correctly show up in the Company tool (with the correct formatting)

The emails however, still have the formatting wrong. It's no longer one big block of text but it seems it doesn't use line breaks inside paragraphs. Only in those places where I left a white line does it actually do a line break.
This results in the email having a horizontal scroll bar that extends multiple times the entire screen. The normal text outside of the telegram paper however, is still one big block just as it was before.

Here´s the block of text above the telegram paper in the email: https://i.gyazo.com/66900db754144f541edebe743e52ffdb.png

And here's the telegram paper in the email: https://i.gyazo.com/444ea6912bced5aef6c6be7df7d185dd.jpg

In the second screenshot you can see that each paragraph simply keeps on going off to the right until the next white line.

Hope this helps

Fancy Sweetroll
10-02-2016, 02:20 PM
Which email client are you using?

10-02-2016, 04:24 PM

Fancy Sweetroll
10-02-2016, 04:29 PM
Give it another try and see if it works better this time :)

10-02-2016, 08:28 PM
No luck :(. The part on the telegram paper is still the same. The part above is now no longer a big block of text but now suffers from the same problem as the other one: A line break that is made because you run out of room when composing the telegram isn't picked up on in the email. So it just keeps on going.