View Full Version : Enlisting: 27th Indiana Company I

10-05-2016, 01:37 AM
Company is enlisting need members join now


Company Staff( no members )

First platoon
Platoon Commanding Officer

Captain John George
Corporal David Heile
Private Brandon Jwffeis
Private James C Minnis
Recruit Conrad Benning

Second Platoon ( no members )

Need to know information.

every Friday well have training at 6-7p.m Training can last for 30mins - and an hour Also Plz follow chain of command and treat every body with respect and with compassion and honor.

Any question commit down bellow

Steam group: 27th of Indiana.

History- This Unit was organized at Indianapolis, Indiana, and mustered in September 12, 1861. They mustered out November 4, 1864. The Veterans and Recruits transferred to 70th Indiana Infantry.Twenty-seventh Indiana Infantry. — Col., Silas Colgrove; Lieut. -Cols., Archibald T. Harrison, Abisha L. Morrison, John R. Fesler; Majs., John Mehringer, William S. Johnson, George W. Burge, Theodore F. Colgrove. This regiment was organized at Indianapolis in Aug., 1861, and was mustered in Sept. 12. It left the state Sept. 15, for Washington City, where it was transferred to Banks' Army of the Shenandoah in October. It was in winter quarters near Frederick City, Md., and joined the movement in Shenandoah Valley in March, 1862, marching into Winchester on the 9th and after the battle of March 22-23, joined in pursuit of Jackson's army. It was in the battles of Front Royal and Winchester in May, holding back a vastly superior force for nearly 4 hours, after which it fell back with the army and engaged the enemy in the public streets. It became part of Banks' division of Pope's Army of Virginia, at Culpeper Court House and with that command participated in the battle of Cedar mountain. It then took part in the Maryland campaign and was actively engaged at Antietam, where it lost heavily. It was then placed on picket duty, on the east bank of the Potomac, from Harper's Ferry to the mouth of Opequan creek, and during the winter moved to the vicinity of Fairfax Station, where it remained until spring. It participated in the battle of Chancellorsville, losing heavily, and in pursuit of Lee's invading army marched with the 12th corps through Maryland into Pennsylvania, reaching Gettysburg in time to take a prominent part in that battle, and in the resistance to Pickett's charge on July 3, suffering heavy loss. It then joined in the pursuit of the retreating army to the Potomac. In September it was transferred to the West with the 12th corps and was stationed at Tullahoma, Tenn., during the fall and winter. A portion of the regiment reenlisted on Jan. 24, 1864, and after their return from furlough, it joined Sherman in Georgia, participating in the battle of Resaca, where, on an open field, it defeated the 32nd and 38th Ala., inflicting heavy loss and taking the battle flag, colonel and 100 prisoners of the 38th. Its own loss was 68 killed and wounded. It participated in all the marching and skirmishing, battles and assaults of the army in the Atlanta campaign, moving to the city at its conclusion. The non-veterans were mustered out Nov. 4, 1864, the veterans and remaining recruits being transferred to the 70th regiment, and serving with it through the campaign to Savannah and up through the Carolinas. On the muster-out of the regiment they were transferred to the 33d, with which they served until its muster-out at Louisville, July 21, 1865. The original strength was 1,052; gain by recruits, 116; reenlistments, 154; total, 1,322. Loss by death, 275; desertion, 47; unaccounted for, 52

10-05-2016, 12:11 PM
Welcome to the Union! Good luck to all of you ;)

10-05-2016, 05:55 PM
Best of luck :)