View Full Version : 2nd Berdan Sharpshooters Company E.

01-16-2017, 11:29 AM
2nd Berdan Sharpshooters Company E.

Welcome to the forum home of the of the 2nd Berdan Sharpshooters Company E. We are a historic roleplaying company based off the real 2ndUSSS. We compose mostly of English speakers from all different parts of the world. We aim to become one of the best, if not the best sharpshooter companies in the game while having fun at the same time but maintaining discipline.


The history of the 2nd Berdan Sharpshooters Company E.

Although not a lot is know about the 2nd Berdan Sharpshooters Company E, asides from them being raised in Vermont on November 9, 1861, there is however a lot know about the 2nd Berdan sharpshooters. The 2nd Berdan was a sharpshooter regiment that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. From 1861 to January 1863 they were members of the "First Iron Brigade" also known as the "Iron Brigade of the East". The 2nd Regiment was commanded by Col. Henry A. Post consisting of only eight companies, (two from New Hampshire, two from Vermont including company E and one each from Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Maine).

For fifteen years before the Civil War, Hiram Berdan was one of this country's leading marksmen. When Fort Sumter was fired upon, Berdan developed a plan to form a unique regiment made up of the country's best marksmen. Because of Berdan's political connections, he had little difficulty in getting his idea approved by the War Department. By July 1861, his idea had become a reality, and he was appointed the Colonel of the 1st Regiment United States Sharp Shooters.
The biggest requirement Bredan made for the average person to join the 2ndUSSS was that “No man would be enlisted who could not put ten bullets in succession within five inches from the center at a distance of six hundred feet from a rest or three hundred feet off hand".
During the Fall and Winter of 1861 - 1862 one of the most popular attractions in the Nation's Capital was the training camp (Camp of Instruction) of the First and Second United States Sharpshooters. Local citizens, political dignitaries, even President Lincoln made several visits to the camp, for there, was gathered some of the best marksmen from the northern states. In addition to endless hours spent drilling and pulling guard duty, the sharpshooters put on daily demonstrations of their shooting skills before large crowds of camp visitors for whom target shooting was a popular sport.
While having no prior military background, Col. Berdan surrounded himself with experienced officers, some of whom were European. At "Camp of Instruction" with the help of these experienced officers, the Sharpshooters' training seems to have been practical and tough, being taught never to expose themselves recklessly, using any available cover and to waste no ammunition for the sake of shooting. All commands were given by the bugle, this and such aspects as their tactics and the styling of their uniforms, showed how much the commanders were influenced by Prussian Light Infantry and Riflemen.


Description of the 2ndUSSS uniform."of fine material, consisting of a dark green coat and cap with black plume, light blue trousers (later exchanged for green trousers) and leather leggings, presenting a striking contrast to the regular blue of the infantry. The knapsack was of hair covered calf-skin, with cooking kit attached, considered the best in use, as it was the handsomest, most durable, and complete. By our dress, we were known far and wide, and the appellation of "Green Coats" was soon acquired. When fully uniformed and equipped, the sharpshooters made a very handsome".



The Sharpshooters' first action was a two company (Co. C and E 1st Regt) skirmish at Lewinville, Virginia, on the 27th of Sept. 1861, against enemy foragers. From then on, they claimed participation in sixty-five actions and battles, especially distinguishing themselves at South Mountain, Chancellorsville and even at the famous battle of Gettysburg.

In the book Regimental Losses in the Civil War by Colonel Fox, he states this about the Sharpshooters, "They were of a high grade in physical qualifications and intelligence. They were continually in demand as skirmishers on account of their wonderful proficiency as such, and they undoubtedly killed more men then any other regiment in the army. In skirmishing they had no equal".

01-16-2017, 08:26 PM
We are looking for able bodied recruits, if you are interested in joining the 2nd Berdan Sharpshooters Company E for War of Rights or our current North and South events please apply through the following link:

Applications (http://lightningbattalion.enjin.com/recruitment)

Look forawrd to fighting with you.

Comapny Captain
Captain Homer R. Stoughton (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054413717/)

2nd Lieutenant
Harris Darwin (http://steamcommunity.com/id/Chinkilla14/)

02-23-2017, 01:24 PM
We are happy to announce we have reached 50 on the company tool!, only 50 more to go until we make another company ;)

Also, can an admin remove the posts between the originial post and our application information post please.

02-23-2017, 02:34 PM
We are happy to announce we have reached 50 on the company tool!, only 50 more to go until we make another company ;)

Also, can an admin remove the posts between the originial post and our application information post please.

Best of luck.

02-23-2017, 02:35 PM
Best of luck.

Much Appreciated