View Full Version : Entrenchment

David Dire
03-31-2017, 03:43 PM
Will entrenching be a possibility? Perhaps not in a major form, but at the least piling a few logs, stones - maybe bodies - to make light defenses would be nifty.

Entrenchments only being knee height or slightly above could balance it out by forcing you to kneel (and thus, slower reloads) to actually get a benefit, and stamina depleting while entrenching would help too.

03-31-2017, 03:49 PM
Will entrenching be a possibility? Perhaps not in a major form, but at the least piling a few logs, stones - maybe bodies - to make light defenses would be nifty.

Entrenchments only being knee height or slightly above could balance it out by forcing you to kneel (and thus, slower reloads) to actually get a benefit, and stamina depleting while entrenching would help too.

Antietam didn't see any real entrenching so I don't think it's necessary, it would be nice to have for a map like Gettysburg.

David Dire
03-31-2017, 03:53 PM
That was my main concern. The only major battle I am not knowledgable about is Antietam. However entrenching in skirmishes, where the focus might not be historical accuracy, seems reasonable.

Jordon Brooker
03-31-2017, 06:04 PM
The more options the better right? Although I'm not sure this'll be a priority.

[WoR] Kiff
03-31-2017, 06:20 PM
Yeah it would be a nice little feature to have later on. For now they need to focus on making the game, the perks will come later I'm sure of it!

Lance Rawlings
03-31-2017, 07:15 PM
Although entrenching may not have been prominent at Sharpsburg, remember in perspective of the game Sharpsburg hasn't happened yet. I support the ability to form temporary structures or even dig as a form of alternative history. I like the idea.

Jack Clock
03-31-2017, 08:51 PM
A trench out of corpses? Sounds cosy. You will need a lot of Febreeze for that though.

Eh, it's better than the material idea I had to make trenches with...

03-31-2017, 11:08 PM
I would like to see this on a Petersburg map.

Jordon Brooker
03-31-2017, 11:40 PM
A trench out of corpses? Sounds cosy. You will need a lot of Febreeze for that though.

Eh, it's better than the material idea I had to make trenches with...

We should be able to hollow out dead horses and hide inside them..

Too Star Warsy?

Lance Rawlings
04-01-2017, 09:42 PM
We should be able to hollow out dead horses and hide inside them..

Too Star Warsy?

Never too Star Warsy.

Alexander Greene
04-01-2017, 10:08 PM
Entrenchments would probably be better for sieges and later battles. I would much rather have historical accuracy for now while the game develops because in the early years of the war, colonels would train their men to fight in the open because they felt that entrenchments created cowards. This kind of thinking would hold true at Antietam and and eve up until Gettysburg. Besides, not even skirmish units entrenched themselves in the early parts of the war.

Edits: Spelling corrections.

David Dire
04-02-2017, 12:25 AM
Sure, however I doubt there weren't commanders or men who were more than willing to entrench, even if it wasnt common.

Jordon Brooker
04-02-2017, 04:48 AM
Sure, however I doubt there weren't commanders or men who were more than willing to entrench, even if it wasnt common.

Yep! I'm sure someone would have done some entrenching.

A. P. Hill
04-02-2017, 02:44 PM
Forgive me for my lack of programming and being current with any other games besides this one, (oh, and maybe UG:CW,) but as I understand it, the "earth" which the battles of this endeavor will take place, is not solid it is merely a plain surface that is created by a series of numbers based on the topography of the area.

That said, I doubt that puncturing this plain and being able to "dig" entrenchments will or can be a viable thing.

To "dig" these entrenchments, would take massive amounts of programing, not to mention mathematical calculations to deform the planar surface that suffices for the "earth" we see ourselves on. I say it as such because no programmer can account for where a random player will start to "dig" an entrenchment in that planar surface. The amount of background scanning that would have to run to predict any puncturing of the planar surface and then to start adding some form of other surface components in the area to replicate the "physical" earth as it is dug away.

As I said, I'm not up on all the current programming capabilities and such, I don't even know if Cryengine would even allow this as a "real time" function.

So I doubt you as a player with your shovel or stick or whatever other implement you get your hands on, will be able to deform the planar feature known as the ground surface in game.

04-02-2017, 03:08 PM
when they add more maps/theaters/campaign/etc. then such maps like Harpers Ferry, Gettysburg Day 2/3 and others, it would be interesting to allow defenses for the defenders

Jordon Brooker
04-02-2017, 04:17 PM
Forgive me for my lack of programming and being current with any other games besides this one, (oh, and maybe UG:CW,) but as I understand it, the "earth" which the battles of this endeavor will take place, is not solid it is merely a plain surface that is created by a series of numbers based on the topography of the area.

That said, I doubt that puncturing this plain and being able to "dig" entrenchments will or can be a viable thing.

To "dig" these entrenchments, would take massive amounts of programing, not to mention mathematical calculations to deform the planar surface that suffices for the "earth" we see ourselves on. I say it as such because no programmer can account for where a random player will start to "dig" an entrenchment in that planar surface. The amount of background scanning that would have to run to predict any puncturing of the planar surface and then to start adding some form of other surface components in the area to replicate the "physical" earth as it is dug away.

As I said, I'm not up on all the current programming capabilities and such, I don't even know if Cryengine would even allow this as a "real time" function.

So I doubt you as a player with your shovel or stick or whatever other implement you get your hands on, will be able to deform the planar feature known as the ground surface in game.

In Battleground Europe entrenching is done by placing a object listed as "Dirt.mound" around the player. So it offers them some protection but without having to actually manipulate the landscape.

A. P. Hill
04-02-2017, 06:17 PM
In Battleground Europe entrenching is done by placing a object listed as "Dirt.mound" around the player. So it offers them some protection but without having to actually manipulate the landscape.

Seeing as how the developers are working for realism, I somehow think that "dirt mounds" falling from the sky, magically appearing, or however they get there, isn't going to quite make the realism meter tick if you follow me.

Besides, I saw recently a video, (don't recall which game,) of some "entrenchments" being blessed to some soldiers, sadly those poor blokes were exactly where the mound was positions to drop. Killed them instantly. Not sure I want my field report reading, "Killed by falling/while erecting earthworks." :)

David Dire
04-03-2017, 01:22 AM
Hill, I mean moreso above-ground, light defenses, though I do believe it's more that possible to make (pre-modelled) trenches or holes in the ground, at the very least through illusion.

A. P. Hill
04-03-2017, 02:21 AM
There is no doubt in my opinion that they can be pre-engineered/designed/modeled/etc., in the map, but the way this appeared to be going was by asking for the player ability to form them. By my reading.

Real time intrenchment, as I said, (unless something has come out I am not aware of,) cannot be replicated in this environment. I would love for the developers to prove me wrong.

04-03-2017, 11:30 AM
If you mean voxel type entrenchment where you deform the ground, then no, it really can't be done without sacrificing in other areas.

But placing logs, earth, etc, on the terrain wouldn't be hard to do and it wouldn't put much more stress on the system as it would just be another asset on the map.

I wouldn't mind seeing a squad type entrenchment system for battles like Gettysburg or Petersburg.

David Dire
04-03-2017, 01:27 PM
There is no doubt in my opinion that they can be pre-engineered/designed/modeled/etc., in the map, but the way this appeared to be going was by asking for the player ability to form them. By my reading.

Real time intrenchment, as I said, (unless something has come out I am not aware of,) cannot be replicated in this environment. I would love for the developers to prove me wrong.

I think we're mostly just on diffrrent pages. By pre-modelled I mean the defenses themselves are already, well, modelled, but not on the map by default: they would have to be placed by players (pioneers/engineers if they were a thing at the time). And this might not be possible or easy; I do not know for sure.

Bottom line is above-ground entrenchments would be nice to have and wouldnt do any gameplay harm, I would think, even if they're added pretty late in development.

04-17-2017, 11:32 AM
I still think that entrenchment can wait till later but will there be areas that are pre-entrenched?

Historically Antietam did see some (not much) but some entrenchments.

Mostly by the Georgians above Burnside bridge. On the days before the battle, the Georgians dug rifle pits and slit trenches, and they piled up brush and limbs, etc. They also disassembled rail fences and piled them up in front of them. They used as rock quarry as a defensive position/bunker. and they reinforced the rock wall into a v shaped redoubt.

Will we see any of these entrenchments on the map? Since they were there historically, and played a significant role in the defense of burnsides bridge.

04-18-2017, 07:11 PM
Obviously this is a down the road discussion, but what if they did something like Squad?

In that title (which is also a realism shooter) the squad leader can deploy positions and then reinforce with sandbags, hescos, et al. I think a similar system would work well for WoR down the road. Obviously nothing Squad has in FOBs and such, but just some dug trenches, chopped tree walls, and what not.

04-22-2017, 12:09 PM
I still think that entrenchment can wait till later but will there be areas that are pre-entrenched?

Historically Antietam did see some (not much) but some entrenchments.

Mostly by the Georgians above Burnside bridge. On the days before the battle, the Georgians dug rifle pits and slit trenches, and they piled up brush and limbs, etc. They also disassembled rail fences and piled them up in front of them. They used as rock quarry as a defensive position/bunker. and they reinforced the rock wall into a v shaped redoubt.

Will we see any of these entrenchments on the map? Since they were there historically, and played a significant role in the defense of burnsides bridge.

Any input on this devs?

04-29-2017, 02:10 AM
Obviously this is a down the road discussion, but what if they did something like Squad?

In that title (which is also a realism shooter) the squad leader can deploy positions and then reinforce with sandbags, hescos, et al. I think a similar system would work well for WoR down the road. Obviously nothing Squad has in FOBs and such, but just some dug trenches, chopped tree walls, and what not.

Well a major difference between Squad's placeables and the use of trenches in the ground, is one involves the modification of the actual terrain. That being the construction of trenches. I'm not sure how well that would work with Cry Engine.