View Full Version : Recruiting, 1 open spot. 7th Ohio Infantry, Company A

Captain Sweezy
08-14-2017, 03:07 AM
The 7th Ohio Volunteer Infantry (or 7th OVI) was an infantry regiment formed in northeastern Ohio for service in the Union Army during the American Civil War. It served in the Eastern Theater in a number of campaigns and battles with the Army of Virginia and the Army of the Potomac and was then transferred to the Western Theater, where it joined the Army of the Cumberland besieged at Chattanooga. It is the 7th regiment that a war historian wrote, "All in all, considering the number of its battles, its marches, its losses, its conduct in action, it may be safely said that not a single regiment in the United States gained more lasting honor or deserved better of its country than the Seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry.” This Company will have role-playing involved, but we will not have any forced practices. For those who want to attend, great. For those who don't, no problem. Above all, we want to have a good time.

If you're interested in joining, apply for my Company on the War of Rights website. If you would like to get in contact with me, http://steamcommunity.com/gid/103582791458510088 http://ts84.gameservers.com:9180 (Our Division TeamSpeak) https://discord.gg/FKm2awy Those are the ways to do it. Happy hunting and look forward to working with you.

Captain Sweezy
08-16-2017, 07:05 PM
This post can be closed.

08-20-2017, 02:14 AM
I have registered and bought an early access version of the game (cpl) and was wondering how to get access to the game and begin playing. I am interested in joining a company and would be happy to join the 7th Ohio Infantry, Company A if possible. If anyone could tell me how to do this it would be much appreciated.

08-20-2017, 02:39 AM
I have registered and bought an early access version of the game (cpl) and was wondering how to get access to the game and begin playing. I am interested in joining a company and would be happy to join the 7th Ohio Infantry, Company A if possible. If anyone could tell me how to do this it would be much appreciated.

In order to play the game in the Technical-Alpha stage currently you must be at least a Captain Tier Backer, once you back to that level you will receive an email with the Steam code for the game

as for joining the 7th Ohio i have no clue , But you could PM Captain Sweezy directly and im sure he can get back to you.