View Full Version : 2nd Vermont Infantry Regiment / Company A

11-16-2017, 12:07 PM

About the 2nd Vermont Infantry

The 2nd Vermont Infantry Regiment Company A is a upcoming realism unit for war of right that aims, for discipline, loyalty, and respect. We are new and looking for people with bright personalities, courage. We are a friendly group that is trying to grow. We are currently playing as line, our officers are trained to lead to company strategically, along with using their knowledge and skills to teach NCO's and their men how to work as a company. Our NCO's hold the knowledge of our command and training to teach our future privates and turn them into proud and strong soldiers. We are a strict company within the Roleplay but a friendly and fun company out of roleplay. Our mission is to grow and become a large and respected battalion and bring loyal and strong individuals to our company.

We encourage you to join and bring your friends as well and join the 2nd Vermont Infantry Co. A all new men start as a private where they learn the aspects of Unit realism, formations, chain of command and other fundamentals to advance yourself on the field. If you follow the rest of this post to the bottom we will link you to our application. Our main point of talk is Teamspeak 3 so please have that installed if you wish to join.


In July 1861, the United States Congress authorized President Abraham Lincoln to call out 500,000 men, to serve for three years unless sooner discharged. The 2nd Vermont Infantry was the first of the three years regiments from the state placed in the field as a result of this call, and it served longer in the service than all but one other Vermont unit, the 7th Vermont Infantry. It was organized from militia companies from Brattleboro, Burlington, Castleton, Fletcher, Ludlow, Montpelier, Tunbridge, Vergennes and Waterbury.
The colonelcy of the regiment was initially offered to Israel B. Richardson, a native of Vermont, but he had just accepted command of the 1st Michigan Infantry. Richardson recommended a classmate from the United States Military Academy, Henry H. Whiting, and he was commissioned by Governor Erastus Fairbanks on June 6, 1861. George J. Stannard, of St. Albans, was appointed lieutenant colonel, and Charles H. Joyce, a young lawyer from Northfield, was appointed major.

The regiment rendezvoused at Burlington and was mustered into United States service on June 20. Four days later, the regiment left for Washington, D.C., arriving on June 26. It was initially brigaded with three Maine regiments under command of Colonel Oliver O. Howard. On July 21, the brigade participated in the First Battle of Bull Run. The regiment suffered 68 casualties: 2 killed, 35 wounded and 31 missing.

August 12, 1861, the regiment transferred to Chain Bridge, where it went into camp with the 3rd Vermont Infantry, 6th Maine Infantry and 33rd New York Infantry. In September, the 4th, 5th and 6th Vermont regiments joined with the 2nd and 3rd to form the famous "Old Vermont Brigade," under the command of newly promoted Brigadier General William Farrar Smith, previously commander of the 3rd Vermont Infantry. Smith was soon assigned command of the division of which the Vermont Brigade was a part, and William T. H. Brooks, a native of Ohio, but the son of a Vermonter, assumed command.


Battle of First Bull Run
Battle of Warwick Creek
Battle at Lee's Mills
Battle of Garnett's & Golding's Farm
Battle of Savage's Station
Battle of White Oak Swamp
Battle of Crampton's Gap
Battle of Antietam
Battle of Fredericksburg
Battle of Marye's Heights
Battle of Salem Church
Battle of Fredericksburg
Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Funkstown
Battle of Rappahannock Station
Battle of the Wilderness
Battle of Spotsylvania
Battle of Cold Harbor
Battle of Petersburg
Battle of Charlestown
Battle of Opequon (Gilbert's Ford)
Battle of Winchester (Opequon)
Battle of Fisher's Hill
Battle of Mount Jackson
Battle of Cedar Creek
Battle of Petersburg
Battle of Petersburg
Battle of Sailor's Creek


Company officer ranks

First Lieutenant

Second Lieutenant

Company non-commissioned officers

Sergeant Major

Quartermaster Sergeant

First Sergeant




Information for privates
The reason there is no insignia for our privates is because this is a temporary rank, all privates are new to the
Company and are given a promotion after they attend our required amount of training's, and have finished there training sheet.

Service award

Contact List
Please do not be afraid to contact anyone on this list!

7549 7572Capt. Thomas Jackson (http://steamcommunity.com/id/thesirjokester/)

Contact us by Teamspeak 3 @ ExGC.ts.nfoservers.com

Apply here (https://goo.gl/forms/GEwS3FvKDlFkWMTz2)

(If the application does not work message
Someone from the contact list)

11-16-2017, 12:24 PM
Our roster will be put here it is currently being worked on

Lyman Trumbull
11-16-2017, 12:42 PM
Best of luck from the 66th NY.

11-16-2017, 01:16 PM
Best of luck from the 66th NY.

Thank you!

10-08-2018, 07:42 PM
Did this regiment ever get off the ground?

10-08-2018, 08:45 PM
Did this regiment ever get off the ground?

I'm guessing not since the guy hasn't been on the forums since July

10-08-2018, 10:26 PM
It looks like last login on company tool was 2 months ago so you can likely stick a fork in them.

Ben H. Phillips
10-09-2018, 06:57 AM
Good luck

10-09-2018, 04:08 PM
It looks like last login on company tool was 2 months ago so you can likely stick a fork in them.

Thanks. Since I reenact in the 2nd Vermont, I was hoping to continue that route...Maybe someday!

Johnny Clement
10-09-2018, 05:24 PM
Thanks. Since I reenact in the 2nd Vermont, I was hoping to continue that route...Maybe someday!

You can always muster a company if you so choose.

10-09-2018, 07:59 PM
You can always muster a company if you so choose.

True but just know Cairnsy that mustering a company is like opening a restaurant... most will fail. I always recommend someone get experience in a company first before starting out on their own.

Johnny Clement
10-10-2018, 07:02 AM
True but just know Cairnsy that mustering a company is like opening a restaurant... most will fail. I always recommend someone get experience in a company first before starting out on their own.
