View Full Version : Field hospital or medic inside line ?

07-22-2015, 08:14 PM
Hey :) How the healing system will work (if there is one :p )Is there a proud and courageous medic healing people in the line ? :rolleyes: or a Field hospital maybe with pnj or player who can heal you there ? And if there's no healing system did the game work with one hit one dead :confused: thx for replying :o :o

07-22-2015, 11:47 PM
If there is a healing/wound system, I would like field hospitals to be included over medics because really, I don't even know if combat medics were thing in the Civil War. I'm pretty sure the closest thing they had to medics were surgeons and I imagine not many surgeons ran out into the middle of a battle line to perform an amputation so...

07-23-2015, 02:26 PM
I would love to see field hospitals in this game.

07-23-2015, 10:09 PM
I think I would rather see surgeons/doctors/medics over field hospitals. I think a stationary field hospital that is a re-spawn point could become a spawn camping area for a few people easily.

07-24-2015, 12:03 AM
Well, field hospitals have surgeons and doctors in them. Its just a makeshift area close to the front lines of the battle, usually a large home, that is requisitioned by one side to use as a central area to group all wounded, tally up causalities, and conduct quick operations where necessary. That's what I mean when i say field hospital.

07-24-2015, 08:48 AM
Yeah only if I saw your arm or leg off.

07-24-2015, 10:45 AM
I do like the idea of field hospitals being respawn points. It means that as the battle advances you can move your spawn point up and visa versa on the defense. This means there will be no long ass marches to get back into the fight. I recon something like in Project Reality can be implemented where if one is wounded they need to be treated in a field hospital and then they're back in the fight without dying.

Obviously treatment needs to take a short while to happen so medics must priorities whom they save and men will die in the field hospital awaiting aide.

07-24-2015, 11:19 AM
Its a nice idea indeed, but personally i think thats a little bit over the top (at least for the first versions). I think being able to bandage oneself if getting hit in the toe would be enough, like having to sets of bandages and if you are not having any you bleed to death

07-24-2015, 01:19 PM
Tear fabric patch self up usually how "Bandages" worked on the field.

Historical Player
07-24-2015, 03:05 PM
I would like to see field hospitals, but I figured they would be for decoration. Most regiments will probably have a medic with them so a field hospital may be useless. I don't know. I would love to explore the idea further because it does seem pretty cool.

07-24-2015, 09:24 PM
I am definitely opposed to medics being in the field following the regiment around. The only ones in the field were combatants. The most medical treatment someone probably got was a nearby soldier tearing a piece of fabric or using a piece of rope to cut off blood flow to a wound in a limb. Anything else was done farther back behind the lines.

I might suggest a system where one player is required to drag a wounded player away from the regiment say, 50 yards to the rear, and then they would respawn wounded in a field hospital. Surgeons there would then apply medical aide and they would respawn when done either at the field hospital or behind the regiment.

Historical Player
07-25-2015, 02:39 PM
I am definitely opposed to medics being in the field following the regiment around. The only ones in the field were combatants. The most medical treatment someone probably got was a nearby soldier tearing a piece of fabric or using a piece of rope to cut off blood flow to a wound in a limb. Anything else was done farther back behind the lines.

I might suggest a system where one player is required to drag a wounded player away from the regiment say, 50 yards to the rear, and then they would respawn wounded in a field hospital. Surgeons there would then apply medical aide and they would respawn when done either at the field hospital or behind the regiment.
I don't know why, but there is something really funny about that. One player dragging another player across the field. People would start racing, and we can play the Benny Hill Theme while it's happening.

07-25-2015, 03:10 PM
I don't know why, but there is something really funny about that. One player dragging another player across the field. People would start racing, and we can play the Benny Hill Theme while it's happening.

Well thats more realistic than medics running around the lines.

Historical Player
07-26-2015, 02:26 AM
Well thats more realistic than medics running around the lines.

Very true Sgt Rithal.

07-26-2015, 01:17 PM
I am definitely opposed to medics being in the field following the regiment around. The only ones in the field were combatants. The most medical treatment someone probably got was a nearby soldier tearing a piece of fabric or using a piece of rope to cut off blood flow to a wound in a limb. Anything else was done farther back behind the lines.

I might suggest a system where one player is required to drag a wounded player away from the regiment say, 50 yards to the rear, and then they would respawn wounded in a field hospital. Surgeons there would then apply medical aide and they would respawn when done either at the field hospital or behind the regiment.

Good thinking I can get on board with this :)

07-26-2015, 09:01 PM
Good thinking I can get on board with this :)

Why thankyou!

In addition to what I said: " I am definitely opposed to medics being in the field following the regiment around. The only ones in the field were combatants. The most medical treatment someone probably got was a nearby soldier tearing a piece of fabric or using a piece of rope to cut off blood flow to a wound in a limb. Anything else was done farther back behind the lines.

I might suggest a system where one player is required to drag a wounded player away from the regiment say, 50 yards to the rear, and then they would respawn wounded in a field hospital. Surgeons there would then apply medical aide and they would respawn when done either at the field hospital or behind the regiment."

I forgot to make clear that in this plan, not everyone would be wounded of course. There is a small chance that you will actually survive a shot considering its rather difficult to hit a limb. So most people would just die, and then respawn wherever the devs choose. This might however create a strange situation where it would take longer to get wounded, be dragged back behind the lines, and then have medical treatment applied, than it will to simply get shot. This is something we need to take into account. We don't want getting wounded in a system like this to be a negative thing. So I suggest that the respawn timers are longer than the time it would take for a wounded person to be healed and respawned from a field hospital, or when a wounded person is successfully healed, that doesn't take a ticket from your team (If there are tickets).

Furthermore, in a gamemode in which there are no respawns (if there will be one) a wounded player can be healed and then get back in the fight while players who are killed cannot.

I understand that if you were wounded in the Civil War, you almost never had a chance to actually fight with amputation being painfully common in field hospitals. I do believe this system however is a nice middle ground between the reality of wounded men in war, and the spirit of a video game. :)

Historical Player
07-27-2015, 04:37 AM
Why thankyou!

In addition to what I said: " I am definitely opposed to medics being in the field following the regiment around. The only ones in the field were combatants. The most medical treatment someone probably got was a nearby soldier tearing a piece of fabric or using a piece of rope to cut off blood flow to a wound in a limb. Anything else was done farther back behind the lines.

I might suggest a system where one player is required to drag a wounded player away from the regiment say, 50 yards to the rear, and then they would respawn wounded in a field hospital. Surgeons there would then apply medical aide and they would respawn when done either at the field hospital or behind the regiment."

I forgot to make clear that in this plan, not everyone would be wounded of course. There is a small chance that you will actually survive a shot considering its rather difficult to hit a limb. So most people would just die, and then respawn wherever the devs choose. This might however create a strange situation where it would take longer to get wounded, be dragged back behind the lines, and then have medical treatment applied, than it will to simply get shot. This is something we need to take into account. We don't want getting wounded in a system like this to be a negative thing. So I suggest that the respawn timers are longer than the time it would take for a wounded person to be healed and respawned from a field hospital, or when a wounded person is successfully healed, that doesn't take a ticket from your team (If there are tickets).

Furthermore, in a gamemode in which there are no respawns (if there will be one) a wounded player can be healed and then get back in the fight while players who are killed cannot.

I understand that if you were wounded in the Civil War, you almost never had a chance to actually fight with amputation being painfully common in field hospitals. I do believe this system however is a nice middle ground between the reality of wounded men in war, and the spirit of a video game. :)

That was a marathon of a post. Don't you know our short attention spans can't handle that? XD.

07-27-2015, 05:01 AM
That was a marathon of a post. Don't you know our short attention spans can't handle that? XD.

Well almost half of it was me quoting my previous post so :D

Historical Player
07-27-2015, 01:14 PM
Well almost half of it was me quoting my previous post so :D

Lol. I think that medical teams should have bodies drug in an they have to make amputations, and stuff like that. It would be interesting.

07-27-2015, 05:53 PM
Lol. I think that medical teams should have bodies drug in an they have to make amputations, and stuff like that. It would be interesting.

It would be interesting, but then you have to think about "Who will play as the surgeons? What happens when no surgeon slots are being filled?" ect.

07-28-2015, 12:31 AM
I imagine not many surgeons ran out into the middle of a battle line to perform an amputation so...

Fair point. xD

07-28-2015, 09:49 PM
The Letterman plan which by the way was implemented at the battle of Antietam

i would not be opposed to the idea of medics giving basic treatment to a soldier on the field as it happened.

what i ask myself though would it really be that essential? For me personally not.

Historical Player
07-29-2015, 01:56 AM
The Letterman plan which by the way was implemented at the battle of Antietam

i would not be opposed to the idea of medics giving basic treatment to a soldier on the field as it happened.

what i ask myself though would it really be that essential? For me personally not.
I always figured they made it up as they went. lol

07-29-2015, 04:15 AM
If the details of The Letterman Plan can be represented realistically for the Union side in War of Rights, it would be fun, immersive and would represent a distinct advantage the Union had over the Confederacy. The only thing we need to figure out is if this system had a defining role specifically in the Maryland campaign.

07-29-2015, 02:33 PM
Honestly I dont think they should touch this topic, the recovery/survival rate of amputations during the war was very small. From my understanding as well, individuals who received minor bullet wounds also had a hard time recovering, sometimes leading to amputations. Most individuals who were sent to get amputated never made it back into the war. Some individuals who survived bullet wounds went back to the front lines.

How do you translate those statistics to this game? Seems daunting and unnecessary for the time being.

07-29-2015, 04:32 PM
I understand getting hit in this game is rather harsh shot to the gut your dead but still I would like to see field hospitals of some sort.