View Full Version : Game Mode Ideas
07-23-2015, 12:51 AM
Attack/Defend- This mode would probably give us the most realism possible in the game in my opinion as far as line combat goes.The defenders are tasked with defending a particular objective such as burside's bridge or bloody lane. Defenders can spawn a much more limited amount times than the attackers. The attackers must come from a single direction in waves spawned every 3-5 minutes or as determined by a commander to maximize numbers in each wave( with a wave limit of course). The objective cannot be held or captured without regimental colors being held aloft in the objective area. If the defenders colors are captured it will be an instant loss if the attackers are captured it will cost 1 wave to spawn another standard in addition to the wave used to spawn the rest of the players. This will force players to gravitate around the colors and will make the colors a prime target much as they were in the war.
Sharpshooter's Nest- This will be a very challenging mode where the Sharpshooter (SS for the sake of this post) team will be holed up in a strong defensive position such as a courtyard, house, farm, or rifle pits such as the ones historically dug around Burnside's bridge. The SS will consist of a few sharshooter rifles with the balance armed with standard issue weapons. The SS team will have a smaller amount of players lets say 60% of the attacking force. There will be no respawns in this mode. The attacking force will spawn in an area about 1200-1500 yards distant from the Nest.
The Hornets nest- This mode is loosely inspired by the Hornets nest during the battle of Shiloh. This mode will place both teams in a heavily wooded area and task them with capturing a central objective. Again capturing the objective will require regimental colors to be held aloft while in the object are. This will yet again force players to gravitate around the colors and will make the colors a prime target much as they were in the war.
Heres just a few ideas but i think the colors idea will be a fantastic way to force players to get in Line and rally around the colors :)
07-23-2015, 12:54 AM
These all sound very interesting, however the "historical battle mode" or whatever the devs called it will be the most realistic form of battle in my opinion. Where the entire map is open to the players with a full staff of officers ect. I do really like all of these ideas though.
07-23-2015, 01:29 AM
Yeah that will be amazing but we will be marching around for ages trying to find one another. That just seems unrealistic to me when we are talking about company sized elements at best. I think we should keep brainstorming though because i think game modes are going to make or break the experience so the more ideas we put out for the devs the better it will be.
07-23-2015, 08:00 AM
Chewie;8633']Yeah that will be amazing but we will be marching around for ages trying to find one another. That just seems unrealistic to me when we are talking about company sized elements at best. I think we should keep brainstorming though because i think game modes are going to make or break the experience so the more ideas we put out for the devs the better it will be.
Well we don't exactly know what the developers can do in terms of player limits, so lets not jump to any assumptions of company sized elements at best. I'm feeling company sized elements at worst, meaning its totally possible to have more players than make up a few infantry companies.
07-23-2015, 09:17 AM
The devs have made is known though that they do not want regiment locking happening so I think they might be taking steps to stop this like the idea of companies. This doesn't however stop the servers from being rather large it will just be down to the event organizers to make sure that a clans that have multiple companies attend and the single companies go to the smaller maps.
Historical Player
07-23-2015, 03:26 PM
I love the Sharpshooter's Nest idea. As for the others, I hope the devs take a good look at these.
04-21-2019, 10:10 PM
Who likes point of contention?
Personally I would love a good old fashioned Team Deathmatch, capture the flag and Attack and Defend in town settings with medium to close range.
How about attack and defend a fort? Any forts in Maryland battles?
04-22-2019, 01:59 AM
It's a little bit vanilla but it was worse before Last Stand and Final Push... even though those two features have issues of their own that seem nonsensical
These all sound very interesting, however the "historical battle mode" or whatever the devs called it will be the most realistic form of battle in my opinion. Where the entire map is open to the players with a full staff of officers ect..
I worry about the anticipated 'opening' of the map. A lot of people assume this will lead to great gameplay and I hate to be like Mr. Scrooge but I'm really struggling to imagine it working out well with what I know about gamers and games.
We really have a wild fascination in gameplay presently with flanking right now. IMO it's done way beyond its usefulness right now but it would only get many times worse with a wide open map. It does more than hamper realism for the scenario... it hurts gameplay as well. A lot. This style of warfare whether involving skirmishers, battle lines, or whatever is all about face to face combat. Not flank and spank. Nobody broke formation into a herd in real life and sprinted to fill a void in the enemy's front. That's silly. It's also routine procedure.
Look at almost any historical skirmish area in Antietam. West woods was not an isolated company defending a couple trees vs some yankee platoon that kept trying to flank it one way or another. Dunker Church wasn't defined by how fast one team could race up and seize one flank or the other before the defender got there. Bloody Lane wasn't won or lost based on tricking a defender to leave an area of the road uncovered long enough to race into it. Flanking is a legitimate tactic. But you leave maps too open and you see the results. I promise you at 200 players there's no Earthly need to open individual skirmish areas up more. You can fit 300 on any Antietam skirmish area
These are consequences of maps having more frontage than players to fill it. You open it up, it gets worse. It would take some serious creativity to represent a wider battle. I'm assuming the developers are planning on doing this, since it's one of their promised features. I just don't see it being the go-to mode for gameplay. It would have to be some sort of progression system where areas of the map open up and new objectives become available. That's the only way I see it not being a clusterfluff.
04-22-2019, 02:54 AM
We really have a wild fascination in gameplay presently with flanking right now....
Look at almost any historical skirmish area in Antietam. West woods... [Burnside Bridge] ... wasn't defined by how fast one team could race up and seize one flank or the other before the defender got there. ... wasn't won or lost based on tricking a defender to leave an area of the road uncovered long enough to race into it. Flanking is a legitimate tactic. But you leave maps too open and you see the results. I promise you at 200 players there's no Earthly need to open individual skirmish areas up more. You can fit 300 on any Antietam skirmish area
I mean the Woods and Burnside bridge didn't have flanking maneuvers done because they were the flanks themselves. But I do agree about concerns of opening the field to include all parts of the map. Really for it to be done without concern, we'd need at least 200 per team, ideally 400-500 per team, and neither seem technologically possible atm or in the near-middle future.
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