View Full Version : I wish more Regiments would open up

03-17-2018, 09:56 AM
I know this topic has been addressed before in one form or another and I totally understand why certain regiment numbers are unavailable if they did not partake in the Maryland Campaign. However, it really sucks that the regiment I want to create is unavailable even though it was established in August 1862, almost a month before Antietam. For now I'm forced to just keep a reminder of the div # and company i want to create and hope that i can make it in time whenever its available before someone else snatches it up. It would be nice to have some kind of official "reserving" system or something for regiments that may/may not have participated in Maryland Campaign. I really appreciate the dedication to accuracy and detail but i def feel like there could be a little more breathing room when it comes to something like this. It certainly would help new active units with members eager to represent the storied regiments of their choosing breathe life into the community and give new players (like myself) a viable alternative to the countless dead regiments that plague the list atm.

03-17-2018, 12:26 PM
And what regiment, if I may ask, are you interested in?

03-17-2018, 01:47 PM
And what regiment, if I may ask, are you interested in?

137th New York Volunteer Infantry, Company 'A'. My dads side of the family is from Binghamton and ik at least 1 relative of mine most likely served in the unit. they saw action at a lot of the big battles and were in the thick of it on day 2 at Gettysburg. They managed to hold off a major confederate push and successfully pushed them back, even managing to recapture federal artillery pieces in the process. im good as far as confederate units are concerned, thankfully all the major virginian units from around harrisonburg/albemarle were all part of the maryland campaign. i just wish i could join or even start a union unit, preferably one that has some personal meaning to me

A. P. Hill
03-17-2018, 03:18 PM
Greetings Knoxklay11. Welcome to the forums and the game of WoR. :)

As you may know, this is about the Maryland Campaign of 1862 involving both the Army of Northern Virginia, and the Army of the Potomac. As you can see from This Link (https://dmna.ny.gov/historic/reghist/civil/infantry/137thInf/137thInfMain.htm) the 137th NY wasn't mustered into service until after the Maryland Campaign and therefore wouldn't be considered a historical unit of the time.

However that hasn't stopped folks from creating ahistorical units. There are quite a few of them, the 137th NY however isn't a part of those either as no one has created the first company. But that shouldn't stop you, feel free to create your own. (Just be aware that since this endeavor is focused on the era prior to the 137th being formed, its highly unlikely you'll ever see the unit incorporated in game.)

03-17-2018, 03:33 PM
Ohhh ok. Is there a way to create an ahistorical unit using the regiment creator on the war of rights website that im not aware of? Or are you referring to starting my own off-site unit such as via a steam group or something like that? Either way i appreciate the help, im more than happy to fall in with a historically appropriate unit for the time being if need be!

**EDIT** https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?957-Read-before-forming-a-unit!&highlight=create+regiment I just answered my own question upon reading the forums in more detail

A. P. Hill
03-17-2018, 03:46 PM
Ohhh ok. Is there a way to create an ahistorical unit using the regiment creator on the war of rights website that im not aware of? Or are you referring to starting my own off-site unit such as via a steam group or something like that? Either way i appreciate the help, im more than happy to fall in with a historically appropriate unit for the time being if need be!

No, sorry the "regiment creator" / Company Tool, will only work with historical units that were available during the campaign. More than likely you'll have to do a steam group, but you can also list your intent of the 137th NY here in the company forums under the US forums ... as I said there are a plethora of ahistorical groups listed on both sides in those pages.

The Light Division (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?754-A-P-Hill-s-Light-Division) has several Virginia Companies. Feel to open up one of those. :)