View Full Version : Alpha/Beta question

05-02-2018, 12:32 AM
Hello, I recently pledged $35 for the closed beta, which I have no idea when it will come out and doesn't have a release date yet. I want to upgrade to the $69 pledge but I am worried (cause its happened before) that they beta will be announced soon after and the upgrading won't exactly be worth it. Does anyone know if they are planning on a release date for beta yet or if it will be in alpha for awhile longer? Thank you!

05-02-2018, 01:06 AM
Hello, I recently pledged $35 for the closed beta, which I have no idea when it will come out and doesn't have a release date yet. I want to upgrade to the $69 pledge but I am worried (cause its happened before) that they beta will be announced soon after and the upgrading won't exactly be worth it. Does anyone know if they are planning on a release date for beta yet or if it will be in alpha for awhile longer? Thank you!


The game is currently in alpha. Somewhere in below link I saw they are planning to be fully released in 2018. But you should consider uping to get some practice in prior to beta. Your money though 😀


P.S. if you’re looking for a company the 4th VA Company E is still recruiting!

Wilhelm von Straussberry
05-02-2018, 07:27 AM
I believe I remember reading somewhere that they hope to go into Skirmishes Phase 2 (Closed Beta) sometime in the summer or fall of this year although that could just be my memory playing a trick on me. I can tell you that based on the War of Rights Roadmap from their Kickstarter (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5086-Tentative-roadmap-of-War-of-Rights-(From-Kickstarter)&highlight=beta) back in the day that it does appear Beta could be coming soon...or not, plans change and roadblocks can appear during the development, all anybody can give you is the ubiquitous and ambiguous answer "It'll be ready when it's ready". It's up to you on whether or not you want to donate $34 more, I personally would recommend it as every dollar goes to development and improvement of the game and even if the beta would for some unlucky reason come out right after you pledged more it would still be for a good cause, but if it's a matter of putting food on the table and what not then please, definitely save your money.

05-02-2018, 03:40 PM
I am worried (cause its happened before) that they beta will be announced soon after and the upgrading won't exactly be worth it.

The answer really depends on you.

1.) Can you afford it? If not, it's just a game. Stick with what you have paid for.

2.) If you can afford it, even if you pay the difference today and the next phase is announced soon your money still goes to development.

So the question is back on you. Assuming you can afford it, do you want the game as cheap as possible or do you want to actually support it?

Wilhelm Dunkel
02-19-2020, 05:54 PM
Support the game!