View Full Version : A few ideas.

09-20-2018, 12:19 AM
The company tool is often neglected for the sole purpose of most regiments do not think that it is a good source of recruits. This could not be farther from the truth. I check my own company's page on the company tool, and we regularly get volunteers, but I also can see that those remaining alpha keys are still going down at a notable pace, so that tells me we are still getting a steady amount of new players. Personally, with only a few tweaks that I will list, the company tool will be the best way to get recruits and vastly more helpful. All of these suggestions are kept simple to allow for easy implementation.

Quality of life for organizational purposes.
A filter for what recruits a regiment wants (Alpha, Beta, Early Access). We should be able to put a filter on what recruits we can get that is based on what stage of the game they have backed for. For example, if a regiment wants only Beta and Alpha players, an Early Access player would not be able to join. If a regiment only wants Alpha players, then only people with the Alpha stage of the game will be able to enter that regiment. You get the idea. This filter should include Alpha, Beta, Early Access, full release, and no filter. Why do I think the tool needs this? Well, this is primarily so that a regiment is only getting the people they want. No longer would we have to guess if a player is Beta, Alpha, Early Access, or full release because of unresponsive volunteers, which brings me to my next suggestion.

A more informative company tool profile.
The company tool telegrams are okay, at best, forms of communication to potential recruits, but its usefulness is bound to someone checking their e-mail, which let's face it, many people do not do. So, why not have players be able to link their steam profile or even Discord tag on their profile to allow for quick forms of adding someone and communicating to them. Now you would not force them to link it, but prompt it to them when making their profile with a message that strongly urges them to connect a steam profile for communication reasons. I cannot tell you how many people have volunteered into 1st Texas, only to have them not respond to a telegram. Granted this will not ensure that everyone who volunteers responds, but it is far better than just the telegrams. I hope at the very least; you add this.

Proper regiments.
I know it is called the company tool, but, people use this for regiments. So why not treat it like so? Let us group our companies on the same page instead of displaying individual companies. The layout you would see would be the same as the current layout, except instead of platoons, you would see companies with the number of people listed in the company and anyone registered as command staff. Players can instead volunteer into the regiment, not a company, and until they are moved to a specific company, they sit in a simple 'unassigned' section. The layout for company commanders would stay the same as it is right now and does not need to change at all. All this does is scale up the current layout of the company tool to the regimental scale and not just a company. And of course, the appropriate ranks of Sergeant Major, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, and Colonel would be added. We do not need to, nor should we for a while, go up to brigade and above size.

09-20-2018, 01:03 AM
A more informative company tool profile.
players be able to link their steam profile or even Discord tag

Or AIM username? Oh... wait.... :(

Proper regiments.

There's been talks of the expansion into the regimental level before but I cannot find the latest posts at the moment. It would be something handy for the multiple company associations that have formed (regiments)

09-20-2018, 01:14 AM
There's been talks of the expansion into the regimental level before but I cannot find the latest posts at the moment. It would be something handy for the multiple company associations that have formed (regiments)

Not to mention it would vastly declutter and streamline the whole company tool regiment page.

09-20-2018, 09:04 AM
I would say it would be helpful to have a concise list from the development team on what they have coming down the pipeline. We don't need a detailed Gantt chart with specific dates/assignee's/etc but we've asked for just a checklist to verify what is coming down the line. There have been a few posts regarding a list or at least more updates from the development team. Alright I will take the project engineer helmet off for now. ;)

We had a list from Max's post on the topic and it was number one:

Updated list:

- A development checklist of things to come
- frequent development progress reports
- Remove the timer. I've lead several line battles where we could have won, but were stopped short due to time restraints.
- Capture point is fine to keep as another way to win a match, and gives both sides a reason to maneuver around the map.
- Maps can be a bit larger as well to encourage more maneuverability for attacking forces.
- Volume option is a must need since in-game voice is way too quiet.
- Private servers for certain closed events.
- Union shooting range is way to far from camp, and discourages Union players from using it unless their captain brings them there during drill. I've seen a lot of union players using the Confederate shooting range because it's closer to spawn and made much better.
- Picking your correct rank, and removing class limitations in drill camp would be a awesome as well.
- Releasing artillery would also help spice things up.
- Moderators to oversee events, and keep order. This would be more efficient for line battle events than private servers. Non-regiment people can participate in the events still, and people who want to troll or not play along can get booted.

09-20-2018, 09:52 PM
I would say it would be helpful to have a concise list from the development team on what they have coming down the pipeline. We don't need a detailed Gantt chart with specific dates/assignee's/etc but we've asked for just a checklist to verify what is coming down the line. There have been a few posts regarding a list or at least more updates from the development team. Alright I will take the project engineer helmet off for now. ;)

We had a list from Max's post on the topic and it was number one:

Some sort of roadmap without dates that at least says, "Ok, we plan to work on this and this next.", would be appreciated. At Beta start may be a good time to release something like that.

09-20-2018, 11:46 PM
Some sort of roadmap without dates that at least says, "Ok, we plan to work on this and this next.", would be appreciated. At Beta start may be a good time to release something like that.

I've been told it is posted in the field reports which the last one was dated 2018/03/25 for the map that shan't be named. I know we have the forum patch notes but I am still missing the project plan. I feel CG is lacking in the communication aspect of what is going on behind the scenes, I think Denmark is working on nuclear weapons and CG is just a front. :)

09-21-2018, 12:02 AM
I've been told it is posted in the field reports which the last one was dated 2018/03/25 for the map that shan't be named. I know we have the forum patch notes but I am still missing the project plan. I feel CG is lacking in the communication aspect of what is going on behind the scenes, I think Denmark is working on nuclear weapons and CG is just a front. :)

My post today on another thread:

"Flag bearer spawning, UI overhaul, crash & bug fixing & end game events is primarily what we are focusing on in regards to working towards early access.

We will not distribute a detailed list as it is likely to be way off its mark."

I'm sorry you don't deem Harpers Ferry worthy of naming.

Laying down a complete project plan is not something we'll do because we do not work that way. We do not have a complete project plan to post. We have a vision of what we want the game to be and we navigate based on keeping true to that.

The development of WoR is not a checklist for us - it's a creative journey where the feedback from you, the testers have a great deal to say in regards to how that journey is formed.

We naturally have priorities and goals (look at my previous reply in this post) but not a masterplan - never will have one I think. :)

- Trusty

Maximus Decimus Meridius
09-21-2018, 06:26 AM
My post today on another thread:

"Flag bearer spawning, UI overhaul, crash & bug fixing & end game events is primarily what we are focusing on in regards to working towards early access.

We will not distribute a detailed list as it is likely to be way off its mark."

I'm sorry you don't deem Harpers Ferry worthy of naming.

Laying down a complete project plan is not something we'll do because we do not work that way. We do not have a complete project plan to post. We have a vision of what we want the game to be and we navigate based on keeping true to that.

The development of WoR is not a checklist for us - it's a creative journey where the feedback from you, the testers have a great deal to say in regards to how that journey is formed.

We naturally have priorities and goals (look at my previous reply in this post) but not a masterplan - never will have one I think. :)

- Trusty

But that doesn't stop anyone from going into a little detail, what feature you're working on, where there might be problems and what funny bug you found.

I think the development of WoR is not a top secret project :p

09-21-2018, 12:58 PM
But that doesn't stop anyone from going into a little detail, what feature you're working on, where there might be problems and what funny bug you found.

I think the development of WoR is not a top secret project :p

With all due respect, I think you’re being a bit unfair now. We are certainly not tight lipped in regards to what is going on.

I’d agree that more info is always better but with me answering stuff here, several members posting previews in the WoR videos and screenshot thread and alpha updates at least every two weeks I wouldn’t call WoR a top secret project. :)

- Trusty

Maximus Decimus Meridius
09-21-2018, 05:23 PM
With all due respect, I think you’re being a bit unfair now. We are certainly not tight lipped in regards to what is going on.

I’d agree that more info is always better but with me answering stuff here, several members posting previews in the WoR videos and screenshot thread and alpha updates at least every two weeks I wouldn’t call WoR a top secret project. :)

- Trusty

a bit more information would be cool. I like to know which problems you are working on etc. As a software developer i like to know whats going on and i am always interested in ;)

09-21-2018, 09:18 PM
Let's not get too off topic.