View Full Version : 24 Year Old Student in the UK Looking for a Community

10-17-2018, 02:50 PM
Thank you to all the replies!

10-17-2018, 03:10 PM
Afternoon Steel.

Rather than diving straight in to a company, it may be prudent to simply spend a few hours playing during active hours and see whom stands out the most to you. There are many fine companies both North and South but you must find the one that fits the best.

Warmest regards.

Leifr (Jim J. Digby)

John Jones
10-17-2018, 03:27 PM
Afternoon Steel.

Rather than diving straight in to a company, it may be prudent to simply spend a few hours playing during active hours and see whom stands out the most to you. There are many fine companies both North and South but you must find the one that fits the best.

Warmest regards.

Leifr (Jim J. Digby)

Hello Steel.
I wholeheartedly agree with Leifr - try before you buy. You will, I'm sure, have a shed load of recruiting e-mails flying your way by now. Do a little research and try some groups out, and try not to get annoyed with over zelous recruiters - it can happen.

The whole time difference thing can be a little awkward. Most companies have a strong US slant which means that many of the biggest events for them take place around 01.00 UK time - often well after my Bo-Bo's. However, on Fridays to Sundays, many of the US-centric Companies put in a strong turnout from around 19.00 UK time and of course there is a rapidly growing EU side to the game, which is much more GMT friendly.

I'm not aware of any UK specific Companies at present - but there are plenty of Brits (or Scots/Irish/Welsh/Cornish if you prefer) scattered around various Companies, both North and South. I'm sure with a little patience and a bit of research, you'll find a great home within the game.

Best wishes from a fellow Brit,
John Jones

Pvt Christopher Cowles
10-17-2018, 03:48 PM
Hello Steel, from reading you’re looking for a realistic community on War of Rights, if so the 6th Louisiana Tigers are the ones for you, while we’re “based” in North America we have players from all at the world, England, Brazil, Germany, America, Australia, Netherlands, and that’s to name a few. We would love to have you with us, friend me on Steam, II[6thLA]Lt.RgtRcr Cowles or Discord, Chris_#5840 about enlistment or if you have any questions about ur or even the game.

10-17-2018, 03:59 PM
We as a group focus on EU players, we have evenly as many Brits as we have Germans and French that and people from different other EU countries. We are looking for friendly players and your experience from ArmA is very welcome for our group as we are growing and will be in need of people that can handle a rank.

10-17-2018, 04:10 PM
On Union side I would look at 42nd PA (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?721-42nd-Pennsylvania-Infantry-quot-Bucktails-quot-2nd-Battalion-Co-E-amp-F-EU-NA) or 95th NY (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5005-95th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-quot-Warren-Rifles-quot). Both very active, UK/EU based and well-led.

10-17-2018, 05:16 PM
On Union side I would look at 42nd PA (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?721-42nd-Pennsylvania-Infantry-quot-Bucktails-quot-2nd-Battalion-Co-E-amp-F-EU-NA) or 95th NY (https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?5005-95th-New-York-Volunteer-Infantry-quot-Warren-Rifles-quot). Both very active, UK/EU based and well-led.

These guys are great if you're looking for Union regiments, if you're looking for a confederate company, I would suggest 1st Texas Company E. Its our EU company with most of its members being British.

John Cooley
10-17-2018, 06:11 PM
Everyone zealously recruits so it is definitely a Buyer's Market.
As my ISG Jones suggested it can often be of great benefit to take your time and do the research.
Checking recruitment threads, reading the unsolicited recruitment mails, attending events ... it can all seem a bit overwhelming but ...
it is well worth your effort, time and patience.

Always remember that you are looking for a True Home with Loyal Brothers.
Finding the unit that fits your needs and play style the first time will save you from a lot of angst and unhappiness down the road.

Good Luck ... Good Hunting ... and Ask as many Questions as you need along the way.

02-22-2020, 08:46 PM

The 2nd United States Sharpshooters is accepting rectuits for Companies G and H. This company serves as the premier sharp shooting group for the Union Army in War of Rights. We drill together on Fridays to keep our aim sharp and practice skirmishing tactics and fight on Fridays and Sundays with The Northern Agression. If you are looking for a unique and fun experience with a group of dedicated Civil War enthsiasts, this is the group for you!

02-24-2020, 05:24 PM
The 88th New York Infantry is looking for recruits!

The 88th New York Infantry is a realism based unit (EU) that trains and plays regularly balancing realistic drills and formations while optimizing our gameplay so that is conducive to War of Rights. As the games comes closer to full release, they continually tailor their training to create a fun and realistic atmosphere. The 88th New York Infantry is one of the three units of the Irish Brigade and currently the only one striking the balance of realistic training and gameplay. Our training is led by a real life Civil War reenactor in addition to the 1st Sgt and leadership whom have years of experience in many other period based games.

New to the game, or the Civil War atmosphere? No worries! They provide all the training you will need! This friendly group of dedicated and mentoring staff is waiting to make the most of their unit, but can’t do so without your help!

If this sounds appealing to you please sign up! You can be part of a unit with an amazing history from 1861 to 1865 and now you can help us make our mark in War of Rights!

The 88th New York Infantry, currently focusing on Company A, first mustered in 1861. Now set in the time period of 1862, during the Maryland Campaign of the American Civil War. As a unit we have scaled down the sizes to correspond with the current restrictions of gameplay.

We are currently on TeamSpeak and Steam with a dedicated in game server, while our forums are being constructed.

We welcome all newcomers, provided you are willing to have fun and are a team player.

We now have a Application form to join the company.

Please go here to enlist today: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1F...rm?usp=sf_link

Then contact one of us to confirm your enlistment.

2ndLt. James Wesley ( https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065450295/ )
We can be reached through our teamspeak server: http://88thNY.teamspeak3.com or if offline send us a message on steam or email WoR.88thNY@gmail.com

Our Discord is: https://discord.gg/Ep7ZCKG
Hop on and chat to us!

[4thNJ]2nd Lt Daftmedic
05-20-2021, 03:01 PM
Thank you to all the replies!

Hey buddy,

4thNJ has an EU, British and Commonwealth company


10-27-2021, 07:25 PM
I know the struggle as a fellow Student good luck hope u already found a unit!