View Full Version : Carbine reload

09-24-2015, 03:07 AM
If muzzle-loading carbines will be in the game (which i assume they will), it would make sense to have the reload time while crouching be just as fast as if you were standing because of the shorter barrel. This could make dismounted cavalry a neat option in the game for skirmish lines

09-24-2015, 04:27 AM
I do agree completely.

09-24-2015, 06:02 AM
Hey there Beanbomb,

Actually, most of the carbines used by both sides, with some exceptions, were actually breech-loaders. The Sharps, Henry, Spencer, Burnside, among others were all breech-loaders, giving an added advantage to those equipped with them, despite the hesitation of the War Departments.

09-24-2015, 06:47 AM
Hey there Beanbomb,

Actually, most of the carbines used by both sides, with some exceptions, were actually breech-loaders. The Sharps, Henry, Spencer, Burnside, among others were all breech-loaders, giving an added advantage to those equipped with them, despite the hesitation of the War Departments.

Regarding that, was the hesitation of the War Departments really based on the fear that the soldiers would waste ammunition ?

09-24-2015, 08:24 AM
It was. You have to consider that the officers in the War Department were still basing their entire knowledge of how the military was supposed to behave in battle on the old Napoleonic system, which actually put the bayonet and the charge over the effectiveness of shooting, due to the inaccuracy of those smooth bores. As is commonly said, the technology had surpassed the tactics, making the War Department reject what we would consider vastly more powerful weapons until after the Civil War. With a new administration in the late 1860's, you saw the rapid change toward trapdoor breech-loaders and rapid-fire weapons.

09-24-2015, 08:35 AM
Okay actually i was assuming that the production would be an issue, more like strategic/ tactical thoughts. But i am somewhat amused that this still present to date, when politicians are going to war...

09-24-2015, 08:56 PM
I know that many breach-loading carbines were uses (the sharps, burnside, and numerous others), but there were also many muzzle loading carbines used during the war, especially by the confederacy. I think it would be a neat addition to the game to have breach loading carbines as well as weapons like the 2-band enfield or richmond carbine. Maybe confederate cavalry regiments could have more of a mix of these two types of weapons.