View Full Version : CALL TO ARMS: 1st Georgia Regulars Saturday Night Event

05-01-2019, 11:47 PM
CALL TO ARMS: 1st Georgia Regulars Saturday Night Event

Hello players! The First Georgia Regulars Infantry Regiment is taking back Saturday nights! We are now going back to the old ways and will have more organization and preparation to make the event as great as possible! We are excited to usher in a new era for this event night and really increase participation and professionalism, all while having fun! Join one of the oldest confederate regiments in the game on Saturday night! Please send a representative to our teamspeak with company and numbers at least 30 minutes prior to the event.

PLACE: 1st Georgia Regulars Server and Teamspeak

Interested in Joining?
If you are not in a regiment and are interested in joining, please hop into our teamspeak and scroll down to 1st GA Regulars (Blue Flag). Tell a member that you would like to join and they will get you set up!

Teamspeak Link: stonewall-jacksons-ii-corps.teamspeak3.com

Website: https://www.firstgeorgiaregulars.com/

05-03-2019, 04:01 AM
The Sixth Louisiana Tigers support this 100% and will be there in force every Saturday to fight along side our brothers from Georgia and General Fubar!

***Event Coordinator for this event will be (1st GA)Major Vulcarin, who is an excellent person and commander. My point of contact and leader for the 6th on Saturdays is Colonel Redleader. If anyone has any questions about Saturday night events please contact Major Vulcarin***

05-03-2019, 04:09 AM
***In the same way i coordinate Sundays and Mondays it will be mandatory that units that wish to attend event will need to attend event coordination 30 minutes prior to event to claim your spot. Events are massive these days so send a rep if you want in the action. There we organize teams, choose maps and set strategy for said maps between factions.***

[1stVA.C]Maj. Jones
05-03-2019, 05:27 AM
Yall rock!