View Full Version : Independent Volunteer Rifles - (EU/NA)

07-17-2019, 04:01 AM

07-17-2019, 04:02 AM
Open Drill Event on Tuesday August 20th at 4pm EST on the [IVR] Independent Volunteer Rifles-Recruiting! server.

New and old players are welcome to attend!

Join our Discord to learn more: https://discord.gg/s8nZQ8h

Thank you!

07-30-2019, 04:14 PM
Welcome the 7th West Virginia to the IVR!

08-05-2019, 03:05 AM
Welcome the 4th Pennsylvania to the IVR!

08-05-2019, 06:05 PM
A couple of us randoms are planning on skirmishing with y'all during the IVR event in the next weekend or two.


Awesome! Excited to have ya!

Paul T. Guillory
08-06-2019, 12:56 PM
Hello ! I like notion of historically accurate. I wondered what are your thoughts about out-game chat system like discord or teamspeak during battles... I fully understand the usefullness of such a system to remain organized during events, but I find it immersion-breaking. There was no radio communications during ACW... I find using it at the company level to give orders particularly sad, for it completely remove the main purpose of the NCOs which is to relay the orders. Also it allow two separate units to coordinate on the battlefield (for example to lead simultaneous attacks from different directions) and I know this give more fluidity, but this wasn't how things were organized at the time, simultaneous coordination were difficult if not planned before, and the communications weren't as fast as they have to use couriers... I know the game developers planned to have larger battles with one central commander, able to send orders to units commanders, with a delay managed by the game to represent the distance a messenger would have to travel, but out-game chat system completely ruin this notion. I think a courier position played by a player would be more funny than that radio system. But I digress I just wondered how you manage or plan to manage out-game chat systems during your events ; is there a particular emphasized role for the in-game chat system (which I find fantastic) and counsels to avoid out-game chat or something ?

08-06-2019, 01:44 PM
Hello great question and subject. We absolutely don't use any out of game communications such as Discord or Teamspeak. For company level communications we use the in game proximity voice chat and we do rely on our NCOs to relay the orders. For communication between groups a dedicated courier is used to run messages between units. Hope that answers your question and if you're interested in the group or attending our events you're welcome to join our discord https://discord.gg/pkJfenR

08-07-2019, 11:38 AM
Hello ! I like notion of historically accurate. I wondered what are your thoughts about out-game chat system like discord or teamspeak during battles... I fully understand the usefullness of such a system to remain organized during events, but I find it immersion-breaking. There was no radio communications during ACW... I find using it at the company level to give orders particularly sad, for it completely remove the main purpose of the NCOs which is to relay the orders. Also it allow two separate units to coordinate on the battlefield (for example to lead simultaneous attacks from different directions) and I know this give more fluidity, but this wasn't how things were organized at the time, simultaneous coordination were difficult if not planned before, and the communications weren't as fast as they have to use couriers... I know the game developers planned to have larger battles with one central commander, able to send orders to units commanders, with a delay managed by the game to represent the distance a messenger would have to travel, but out-game chat system completely ruin this notion. I think a courier position played by a player would be more funny than that radio system. But I digress I just wondered how you manage or plan to manage out-game chat systems during your events ; is there a particular emphasized role for the in-game chat system (which I find fantastic) and counsels to avoid out-game chat or something ?

Many officer like me use Discord and TeamSpeak for rally up all players on one server for take need regiment. And use for choose spawn point. In game we use game voice-chat. We scary our enemies! URA.


08-27-2019, 01:16 AM
Welcome the 1st North Carolina Cavalry to the IVR!

09-01-2019, 03:55 PM
Welcome the 6th Vermont, 1st Battalion to the IVR!

09-19-2019, 06:51 PM
Welcome both the 1st Maryland Light Artillery and the 1st Rockbridge Artillery to the IVR!

10-03-2019, 05:16 AM
Welcome the 3rd US Regulars Co. B to the IVR!!

10-03-2019, 06:43 PM
Thanks bud. You guys do late night events which is west coast time zone livers love. Glad to be a part.

11-03-2019, 08:03 PM


11-03-2019, 11:03 PM
Good game, you crazy Russians.

11-06-2019, 07:34 PM


12-20-2019, 08:08 PM
Welcome the 4th North Carolina, under Captain T. Raider, to the IVR!!!

4th New Jersey
02-24-2020, 05:15 PM
Had an nice Event yesterday... IVR-Events... always a good place tae be

Dan Hagman
4th New Jersey