View Full Version : Dear Developers, We` d like to talk. A community initiative

The German Volunteers
04-09-2020, 06:08 PM

Dear Campfire Games Development Team,

As dedicated War of Rights players who have been accompanying the development of your project for several years, we together have experienced both highs and lows in gameplay and development progress. Yet, throughout this process, we remained at your side when it came to advertising the game and expanding its community, much of which was only possible through the dedicated passion of the players and the efforts of the various companies that constitute the backbone of the War of Rights Community. We believe that this attitude of players and community has not changed to this day. We desire more than ever before to see War of Rights as the unrivalled pioneer in Civil War Video Games with all its unique and amazing features, the development teams dedication to the historical authenticity and the stunning graphics which truly enable us to experience the Civil War like no other product has managed it before.

We have written this letter as an expression of our worries and anxieties which have accumulated over the last couple of years and have been the topic of many discussions and heated debate within the games community and player base. We enjoy playing War of Rights, yet within the last couple of months it has become more and more difficult to truly enjoy the experience and commit to the game as a community, a sentiment which is heartbreaking for us as we had placed so much hope on the project. For many players, their motivation to play War of Rights is at an all-time low due to the constant interference of major technical issues which have driven many dedicated veterans away from the game and its community. This process will first be noticed within the companies as more and more players shun the weekly events with the reason of technical problems preventing them from enjoying their time with the product. Although the loss of veteran players and long time fans and supporters of the project might be undetectable on a short term basis, for the long haul it will impact the games community greatly. As such, we fear that the ongoing technical issues could potentially cause a decline within the consistent player base of the game, hence endangering organized community events and the longevity of the game's lifespan overall.

Desyncs, screen freezes, complete failure of the in-game voice chat, glitched passwords which can ruin entire events, high ping issues, invisible players, frequent crashes to the desktop, rubberbanding. The list is nigh endless and constitutes the true killers of this unique game.

Announced and advertised game features, some of which players desperately cling to for the hope of breaking up the monotony of the current gameplay experience, are nowhere to be seen. Similarly, solutions to the aforementioned issues which plague the game to this day are wanted yet not provided, leaving us with a shallow taste in our mouth after almost every event. At the same time, the limited communication paths the community has available to address these concerns with the developers (e.g. Steam and the War of Rights forum) are filled to the brim with ideas, concepts and reasonable proposals which would help War of Rights become the game that its community wants, the game which was initially promised to us during the Kickstarter campaign. Additionally, the forums are filled with smaller ideas and features which would enhance the player experience on a short term basis. Yet no significant changes are being made or it takes months to get basic changes implemented into the game. Why all of this takes an immense amount of time is a mystery to the community. Sure, there might be good reasons, yet on further inquiry into this matter, one tends to run into a wall of silence. The community has come to expect zero communication of the development progress from Campfire Games, yet it fosters insecurity and anxiety about the longevity of the game that we pour our heart and soul into every weekend and breeds rumours and mistrust towards the development team among the players. An open developer-community communication has been a long-lasting wish within the community which to this day has remained unanswered.

Now, what do we intend to achieve with this letter? We would like to cordially invite the developers to sit down with members of the community to discuss the needs and concerns of the player base. With this discussion in person via discord/TS etc. and not the official forum we intend to work on bridging the gap between elements of the community and the development team as trust between these entities has been brittle throughout the last couple of years. We would like to work on repairing the damaged relations between the developers and the War of Rights community that we represent in this letter by showing the developers that both sides can benefit from each other through respectful and constructive discussion, communication and dialogue with one another. For this purpose and to show that the issues we see with the game and the developer- community relationship are not believes held by just a few individuals, we have written this letter as part of a community petition supported by some of the largest organized communities within the War of Rights community, all of which have cooperated with us and lend their support to our petition. In total, 30 Units/Communities with roughly 3600 players have joined our undertaking and eagerly await the developer's response to our plea. The following Units/Communities have graciously lent their support to our cause:

We hope for understanding among the development team for our letter and hope that together we can approach each other with respect and mutual appreciation in the future.

Your Community.

Supported by the following communities:

18th North Carolina Infantry Co.A (100)
52nd New York Infantry Co.A (129)
8th Alabama Infantry Co.G (144)
20th New York Infantry Co.E (228)
95th New York Infantry 1st Battalion (28)
FA-7th West Virginia Infantry Co.F (50)
CA-21st North Carolina Infantry Co.A (91)
8th Florida Infantry Co.A/C (83)
39th New York Infantry Co.A (31)
69th North Carolina Infantry (460)
CA-14th Louisiana Infantry (57)
FA-3rd United States Infantry (100)
JOEHOVA (War of Rights Youtube Channel)
Pixelated Apollo (War of Rights Youtube Channel)
IX-9th New York Infantry (180)
1st Texas Infantry (254)
CA-1st North Carolina Cavalry Co.E (72)
1st Main Volunteer Cavalry (200)
II-18th Mississippi Infantry (60)
II-13th Georgia Infantry(150)
II-6th Louisiana Tigers 3rd French Battalion (30)
IX-51st Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment(28)
MV-33rd Virginia Infantry Co.G (50)
FA-4th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry (157)
2nd United States Sharpshooters Co.C (11)
FU-1st Georgia Infantry Co.B (649)
II-5th Virginia Infantry (40)
1st Virginia Cavalry Co.A (9)
42nd Pennsylvania Infantry (59)
51st New York Infantry(150)

04-09-2020, 06:23 PM
7th WVA fully support!

04-09-2020, 06:25 PM
I hope that the developers take the request for more open communication to heart, that's all I really want <3

4th New Jersey
04-09-2020, 06:36 PM
7th WVA fully support!

Aye, so do we !!

Brothers in Arms

Dan Hagman
04-09-2020, 06:39 PM
I hope that the developers take the request for more open communication to heart, that's all I really want <3

Wholeheartedly agree.

04-09-2020, 06:41 PM
It would be great to have another question time like thing were people from the community can get into a voice call or something and Jut ask questions and try and iron out some of the point that we want the dev team to hear. 95thNY is fully on board with this !

04-09-2020, 06:41 PM
If you can't fix some of these issues, you're going to lose, badly, to Battle Cry of Freedom who are actively hosting tests, actually playing and testing the game with their community, talking with the testers, making speedy progress, and did 180 in work ethic in probably four or so months.

I'd like to see both games exist because I think that they are both different stylistically, but, I don't see that happening as of right now. It speaks volumes that just to have community communication considered we have to make a grand letter and unite the entire community to force it.

Fuck are you guys doing? Why is this so hard? Why should we stick around? You give us no reason to. Normally in-progress games are eager to share their progress such as; new team members, a breakthrough, a fix, something. Go look at Holdfast, Battle Cry of Freedom, Post Scriptum, Squad, all of those people they all do it.

At this point just tell us, can you all even do this anymore? It seems to have gotten to the point the engine is so incapable of doing this that without massive amounts of resources barely anything can be done. Who knows! That's part of the fun of the guessing game here.

Josef Tišer
04-09-2020, 07:06 PM
The 8th Florida infantry would like to give our full support to this initiative. We believe that the game needs significant levels of optimization and polish before moving on to other stages of development. For example, poor server performance, incomplete infantry mechanics etc. We believe that a full development focus on infantry is warranted before development moves on to other areas such as cavalry/artillery. We are worried that due to the current state of the game, adding artillery/cavalry at this point may multiply the problems already encountered, leading to a lengthy wait before any further progress can be made. Infantry will always be at the core of the game experience and we would be more interested in seeing issues such as poor melee system, animations etc to be solved before adding more features to the game.

We are looking forward to hearing the responses from the developers and hope to see the game realise its amazing potential.

04-09-2020, 07:26 PM
I probably shouldn't be doing so, but for once I'm going to chip in on this initiative and sign my name beneath it. I've been here long enough...

I have espoused the virtues of War of Rights for the longest time to any one who would bother listening, and I (politely) suggested to my own gaming group of some twenty folk that they chip in during Early Access, all of whom did so. We haven't actively played as Company 'H' of the 8th Virginia for over a year now; largely because of the glacial development pace and a clear signal that roadmaps and communications moving forwards were to diminish in to oblivion. It's an utter shame really as War of Rights has all the potential to fulfill our weekly itch as a large-scale co-operative shooter, in an environment and period that we generally can all enjoy, and at a pace that is agreeable to players of all skills. Post Scriptum is the benchmark, we feel, for small-team developments and is currently blasting it's way through a flurry of updates at a regular pace. Unfortunately not all in our group can get a grip with the combat, and it is sometimes a frustrating session to play.

I trust, and hope, that something can be made tangible out of this effort. I feel that this may be the last 'hurrah' and peace-offering from an exhausted community of enthusiasts and supporters - myself included.

Warmest regards, ever and always.

1st. Cav North Carolina E
04-09-2020, 07:59 PM
As Crowdfunders and recruiters of hundreds of gamers for War of Rights we hope no less than that, giving special attention to all that was promised by developers from the beginning!

04-09-2020, 08:08 PM
The 3rd US (100 actives) and most of the FA I believe (500ish) fully support this. My main wish is for more transparency and communication. Gleaning the info out of responses to forum and steam posts is very frustrating.

04-09-2020, 10:13 PM
Speaking as someone with a degree in advertising design:

It is wonderful that CG is active on these forums and the Steam Discussion board, but it is absolutely inexcusable that the last update on the War of Rights frontpage is from September of last year. Field Reports are amazing and always bring very good news to us, but CG really needs to consider posting smaller development updates more often. Small blurbs, ie. "we fixed a glitch today" or "we finished a new flag this week" or "we are adding more avatars to the Company Tool next month", would probably accomplish much towards encouraging this community to continue being patient.

(As an aside, the inflated number of "signatures" to this petition would make George B. McClellan proud)

Monthly reports.

04-09-2020, 10:34 PM
Hello everyone,

Thank you all for your letter and feedback regarding the state of the game and your thoughts of Campfire Games.

The game is still in alpha and this means technical issues. It is important to remember that the game is not a fully launched/complete title yet. We fully understand why this might get frustrating as time goes on (especially when it’s been 4 months since the last game update/bug fix). The next update is much larger than artillery only so it might fix some of the issues you’re all experiencing.

When we released the last update 4 months ago we believed that we were pretty close (within a month or two maybe) to being able to launch artillery. That is why we merged into the artillery branch and have been hard at work getting it, and many other things, ready since then. This is also why we have not given any ETA as to its release. The upside of this is that the update is posed to be the biggest one released to the game since the Early Access launch.

We are reading every bit of presented feedback from the community. Something not making it into the alpha (in the near or far future or maybe even never) doesn’t mean that we are ignoring the suggestion. There can be a host of different reasons as to why it doesn’t make it into the game (technical, time related, no developer currently free to create it, not matching our vision, etc.).

We are sorry to see that you feel we are not communicating with you. We are answering posts made by the community on a daily basis across most of our social channels and we will continue to do so as well as engage with community members writing us directly (be that via steam or other platforms). We are quite proud of how reachable by anyone wanting to talk to us we are as developers.

We invite everyone willing to post their suggestions and ideas as well as feedback of the development team and whatever else they may feel will help the game as well as the community to prosper on the War of Rights official forum. We do not feel like the actual weight of some of the issues raised would work in a community roundtable as we would require time to formulate our answers in order to make them the best that they can possibly be as the community deserves this and not quick off the cuff answers to the many questions presumably put forward in such a setting.

We respect and appreciate our community and we take a great pride in being a part of the ingredients needed for such a tight knit one to grow over the last several years and to this day.

On behalf of Campfire Games,

Mads Støjko Larsen
Campfire Games

04-09-2020, 10:37 PM
Hello everyone,

Thank you all for your letter and feedback regarding the state of the game and your thoughts of Campfire Games.

The game is still in alpha and this means technical issues. It is important to remember that the game is not a fully launched/complete title yet. We fully understand why this might get frustrating as time goes on (especially when it’s been 4 months since the last game update/bug fix). The next update is much larger than artillery only so it might fix some of the issues you’re all experiencing.

When we released the last update 4 months ago we believed that we were pretty close (within a month or two maybe) to being able to launch artillery. That is why we merged into the artillery branch and have been hard at work getting it, and many other things, ready since then. This is also why we have not given any ETA as to its release. The upside of this is that the update is posed to be the biggest one released to the game since the Early Access launch.

We are reading every bit of presented feedback from the community. Something not making it into the alpha (in the near or far future or maybe even never) doesn’t mean that we are ignoring the suggestion. There can be a host of different reasons as to why it doesn’t make it into the game (technical, time related, no developer currently free to create it, not matching our vision, etc.).

We are sorry to see that you feel we are not communicating with you. We are answering posts made by the community on a daily basis across most of our social channels and we will continue to do so as well as engage with community members writing us directly (be that via steam or other platforms). We are quite proud of how reachable by anyone wanting to talk to us we are as developers.

We invite everyone willing to post their suggestions and ideas as well as feedback of the development team and whatever else they may feel will help the game as well as the community to prosper on the War of Rights official forum. We do not feel like the actual weight of some of the issues raised would work in a community roundtable as we would require time to formulate our answers in order to make them the best that they can possibly be as the community deserves this and not quick off the cuff answers to the many questions presumably put forward in such a setting.

We respect and appreciate our community and we take a great pride in being a part of the ingredients needed for such a tight knit one to grow over the last several years and to this day.

On behalf of Campfire Games,

Mads Støjko Larsen
Campfire Games

Why not collect all of the progress made at the end of the month and make a post? Give us stuff to look forward to, give us a reason to stay around. Right now you have to wade through heaps of forum posts to get answers that were given months prior and are inaccurate now.

04-09-2020, 10:46 PM
1stNJ is on board with this as well, though we weren’t listed above. We’ve been here since the very beginning, but it’s getting harder and harder for me to give a reason to my guys of why they should stick around, due to lack of communication/news/anything

04-09-2020, 11:56 PM
One thing that will solve a lot of issues of these issues is by posting maybe weekly development diaries like Paradox Entertainment does with EU4, HOi4, etc. and dare I say Battle Cry of Freedom does as well. Screen shots of the development, a brief whats to come. It's a way to excite the player base with things to come, and show how far progress is coming along. No release dates needed. The detailed report can be given when its actually released in the patch notes as you guys do now. A dev diary would really boost moral in my opinion.

04-10-2020, 12:11 AM
Hello everyone,

Thank you all for your letter and feedback regarding the state of the game and your thoughts of Campfire Games.

The game is still in alpha and this means technical issues. It is important to remember that the game is not a fully launched/complete title yet. We fully understand why this might get frustrating as time goes on (especially when it’s been 4 months since the last game update/bug fix). The next update is much larger than artillery only so it might fix some of the issues you’re all experiencing.

When we released the last update 4 months ago we believed that we were pretty close (within a month or two maybe) to being able to launch artillery. That is why we merged into the artillery branch and have been hard at work getting it, and many other things, ready since then. This is also why we have not given any ETA as to its release. The upside of this is that the update is posed to be the biggest one released to the game since the Early Access launch.

We are reading every bit of presented feedback from the community. Something not making it into the alpha (in the near or far future or maybe even never) doesn’t mean that we are ignoring the suggestion. There can be a host of different reasons as to why it doesn’t make it into the game (technical, time related, no developer currently free to create it, not matching our vision, etc.).

We are sorry to see that you feel we are not communicating with you. We are answering posts made by the community on a daily basis across most of our social channels and we will continue to do so as well as engage with community members writing us directly (be that via steam or other platforms). We are quite proud of how reachable by anyone wanting to talk to us we are as developers.

We invite everyone willing to post their suggestions and ideas as well as feedback of the development team and whatever else they may feel will help the game as well as the community to prosper on the War of Rights official forum. We do not feel like the actual weight of some of the issues raised would work in a community roundtable as we would require time to formulate our answers in order to make them the best that they can possibly be as the community deserves this and not quick off the cuff answers to the many questions presumably put forward in such a setting.

We respect and appreciate our community and we take a great pride in being a part of the ingredients needed for such a tight knit one to grow over the last several years and to this day.

On behalf of Campfire Games,

Mads Støjko Larsen
Campfire Games

So, if you have been working on more than just the artillery, things like bug fixes etc. how come instead of just letting the community know that these fixes are potentially coming in the near future and are actively being worked on it requires quite a chunk of the community to write a long letter to you and your team to actually get that information out? You are literally confirming the exact issue that is being addressed in this letter...namely that you are, for some reason, incapable of communicating these details which would reassure the community that their technical issues are being taken care off (or at least that the attempt is being made to fix some of these issues). We are playtesting your product, giving you money and publicity in equal measure, spread the word about your game even in its current state and then we still need to drag every bit of information about the future of the game out of your nose. Its a painful process that people are sick and tired off.

Taking into consideration your valid point concerning a community roundtable style discussion, how about, instead of just going on with the system that has clearly not worked to well considering it has come to this now, you talk to the community leaders about giving you a question catalogue (could be done via an open google document or something along that line) that they can come up with so that you have a chance to prepare adequately for them. No one is suggesting you guys go on a teamspeak server right now to go face to face with everyone. All we wish for is communication. We are used to waiting, one or two days are not going to matter to most people here ;) as long as something is finally being done.

In regards to you being proud of being one of the ingredients for this tight knit community, I appreciate the sentiment but the fact that the community aspect of the game has been utterly neglected since launch of the game kind of speaks against your point there in my opinion. Months before we had password support (and to this day it is very particular whether it will allow you on the server or not), a terrible admin tool, an utterly useless company tool which was so prominently featured in your advertisements and a complete lack of server customizability to actually foster and nurture proper community events indicates to me that the strong community focus might be relevant in the forums but appears not to matter to much to you in the actual game. These are things that people have been requesting for a long time now and yet they appear to be deemed of "low priority" at least if I understood that correctly from FancySweetrolles last post about the company tool.

All I am saying is that there is a clear disconnect between developers and community, one that can only be fixed through communication. I truly love this game (why else would I spend my weekends with it) and I want it to reach its full potential. I appreciate the efforts of the development team and hope that they can improve on communication with their community. Then I am already a happy Player <3.

04-10-2020, 01:07 AM
Considering in most places it's essentially summer time (the kids are out of school and homebound due to the pandemic), the player counts are genuinely worrying for generic public gameplay. At peak evening public play hours you're looking at 80-100 players in my time zone in skirmish servers.

I'm aware the steam numbers don't generally reflect a downturn, that's because of a parallel event-centered community which aggressively recruits from the pool of public gameplay and meets at a set place and time. The problem is that the public gameplay is frequently quite terrible once you get into it. Not always but frequently. So the pool of people to recruit from is going to be ever-diminishing. I lost track of how many times I harped on the importance of enjoyable public gameplay and the danger of becoming an event-centered community.

I'm pretty much spent with public gameplay as an enjoyable, sober pastime. I don't care much about artillery but I expect public gameplay to become further disjointed when it's released even if there is a bump in activity. What would be really nice is basic infantry improvements. Improved melee and a few other things that have been clamored about for multiple years. Instead the infantry gameplay is just festering right now and the hope for everyone I think is that we won't recognize the game we'll be playing in another year in a good way.

04-10-2020, 01:34 AM
The game is still in alpha and this means technical issues.

This is no longer an acceptable answer.

04-10-2020, 07:53 AM
Considering in most places it's essentially summer time (the kids are out of school and homebound due to the pandemic), the player counts are genuinely worrying for generic public gameplay. At peak evening public play hours you're looking at 80-100 players in my time zone in skirmish servers.

I'm aware the steam numbers don't generally reflect a downturn, that's because of a parallel event-centered community which aggressively recruits from the pool of public gameplay and meets at a set place and time. The problem is that the public gameplay is frequently quite terrible once you get into it. Not always but frequently. So the pool of people to recruit from is going to be ever-diminishing. I lost track of how many times I harped on the importance of enjoyable public gameplay and the danger of becoming an event-centered community.

I'm pretty much spent with public gameplay as an enjoyable, sober pastime. I don't care much about artillery but I expect public gameplay to become further disjointed when it's released even if there is a bump in activity. What would be really nice is basic infantry improvements. Improved melee and a few other things that have been clamored about for multiple years. Instead the infantry gameplay is just festering right now and the hope for everyone I think is that we won't recognize the game we'll be playing in another year in a good way.

Could not agree more with you Sir, although I am in the mainly event focused camp it is depressing to see the state of public play at the moment. I´ve meet so many players feed up with the lack of supportive structures to foster this type of play that they ended up joining a unit just for the sake of enjoying their time with the game occasionally. Both public and event focused play are essential to the longevity of the game and neither gameplay style is adequately supported in the current state of the game. Leadership in public matches is a gamble and both public and event based gameplay lacks variety in basic gameplay (e.g. lack of flushed out infantry mechanics) and lack customizability for varieties sake to spice up the experience. If I remember it correctly you had some interesting video´s with suggestions how to move forward with public play and how to motivate the players to actually engage with their officers (by election similar to a Blake Wake style system for example) and follow their orders. Many of these ideas I 100% support as I believe that both public and event based play are vital components to this game.

04-10-2020, 08:53 AM
Hello everyone,

I must say that I fully agree with you: I've stopped playing 2 months ago just because I was waiting for some kind of update that never happened.

Also, I think the real problem comes from the engine they are using:

Cry engine is perfect for outdoor environments, real-time lighting, but everything else is clunky or very difficult to work with.

So given the fact that CFG is a very small team, any new implementation can take months or years.

They shot themselves in the foot IMHO.

But this is not an excuse for the lack of communication: I don't mean answering questions on forums, that they already do, but I mean showing what they are working on, what problem they are encountering or solving, progress...

Just stop the guessing game.

Anyway, I'm happy that the community signals its displeasure. But I'm sad that it had to happen.

Best regards,


Johnny Walker
04-10-2020, 08:54 AM
Hello everyone,

Thank you all for your letter and feedback regarding the state of the game and your thoughts of Campfire Games.

The game is still in alpha and this means technical issues. It is important to remember that the game is not a fully launched/complete title yet. We fully understand why this might get frustrating as time goes on (especially when it’s been 4 months since the last game update/bug fix). The next update is much larger than artillery only so it might fix some of the issues you’re all experiencing.

When we released the last update 4 months ago we believed that we were pretty close (within a month or two maybe) to being able to launch artillery. That is why we merged into the artillery branch and have been hard at work getting it, and many other things, ready since then. This is also why we have not given any ETA as to its release. The upside of this is that the update is posed to be the biggest one released to the game since the Early Access launch.

We are reading every bit of presented feedback from the community. Something not making it into the alpha (in the near or far future or maybe even never) doesn’t mean that we are ignoring the suggestion. There can be a host of different reasons as to why it doesn’t make it into the game (technical, time related, no developer currently free to create it, not matching our vision, etc.).

We are sorry to see that you feel we are not communicating with you. We are answering posts made by the community on a daily basis across most of our social channels and we will continue to do so as well as engage with community members writing us directly (be that via steam or other platforms). We are quite proud of how reachable by anyone wanting to talk to us we are as developers.

We invite everyone willing to post their suggestions and ideas as well as feedback of the development team and whatever else they may feel will help the game as well as the community to prosper on the War of Rights official forum. We do not feel like the actual weight of some of the issues raised would work in a community roundtable as we would require time to formulate our answers in order to make them the best that they can possibly be as the community deserves this and not quick off the cuff answers to the many questions presumably put forward in such a setting.

We respect and appreciate our community and we take a great pride in being a part of the ingredients needed for such a tight knit one to grow over the last several years and to this day.

On behalf of Campfire Games,

Mads Støjko Larsen
Campfire Games

I would like to thank all of those who have written productive and constructive comments, I know that people will continue to do so in the future. I´d also like to thank Trusty for his comment and his explanation of his views on the matter, yet I have to say that many people might not utilise facebook and/or Twitter for that matter. I´d assume that similarly to myself, lots of people are either not aware or too afraid of directly contacting developers as this is not something that you guys have actively been fostering throughout the last couple of years. As such, I was not even aware that contacting you privately was an option.

Regarding the issue of a "round table discussion" I would suggest that you could create a topic catalogue/question catalogue in cooperation with the community and your development team in advance. This would give both the community and yourself time to prepare. Of course, if you agree to such a discussion, the topic catalogue/question catalogue catalogue would not be altered after having been given to you.

Kind Regards

Colonel H. Richter
TGV Commander
Legion Staff Officer

Dan Hagman
04-10-2020, 08:57 AM
One of the major issues, besides the lack of communication about developments in regard tae the game behind the scenes, are the technical problems. As being mentioned in the Letter, to which we, the 4th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, are Signatories as well, the current state is almost bordering on breaking the game for quite a few of us too.

Just as an example, we are holding 6 Drills per week tae accommodate the different timezones of our Members and during pretty much every single Drill there is at least one lad who can only be seen by some other players and quite often I have tae wiggle my sword around in Melee Mode tae fix my position in the game, so that my lads can actually recognise me in the position I'm actually in. And the list goes on...

One of my 2ndLt's came 5 minutes late tae an Event last Weekend and for the duration of the 1st Map we played, he could only see 5 out of 18 men fighting in our Formation and out of these 5 he could hear only 3 in game. On the other side most of us were actually able tae see and hear him. And before somebody says that this is just one player experiencing such thing, sadly it is not... I've seen it several times before happening tae players, regardless if they were North Americans, Europeans or Australians. We currently participate in 5 Events over the course of a week and it seems tae happen in quite a lot of them.

Fixing these kind of Issues would help a lot for starters...

Dan Hagman
Captain, Commanding
4th New Jersey
Federal Army Brigade

04-10-2020, 11:36 AM
Hello everyone,
Thank you all for your letter and feedback regarding the state of the game and your thoughts of Campfire Games.-> somebody has been studying on how to handle complaints :)

. The next update is much larger than artillery only so it might fix some of the issues you’re all experiencing.

We're not sure and we're not sure what issues you think we might have ? (crashing bushes ? password & joining issues ? TAB menu not being correct, 'ingame voice' broken, CPU & internet connection being strained .... )

When we released the last update 4 months ago we believed that we were pretty close (within a month or two maybe) to being able to launch artillery. That is why we merged into the artillery branch and have been hard at work getting it, and many other things, ready since then. This is also why we have not given any ETA as to its release. The upside of this is that the update is posed to be the biggest one released to the game since the Early Access launch.

Don't get us wrong, some of us who worked in IT know the impact of even little changes or patches .. can be all fine or it can go awfully wrong.

I get you don't want to give an ETA cause you don't want to be pinned down, but plz give us some 'dev diary' or something or what are the 'issues' or what thinks are progressing. (no we're not asking for bodycams or whereabouts, GDPR you know :))

I know some people in this community have some 'inside info' or have a better standing with the devs, personally I don't care about that.

On arty : some here believe it's some magical solution to the fatigue and loss of interest some have, for their sakes I hope so ... but it think it's a short term vision.

We are reading every bit of presented feedback from the community. Something not making it into the alpha (in the near or far future or maybe even never) doesn’t mean that we are ignoring the suggestion. There can be a host of different reasons as to why it doesn’t make it into the game (technical, time related, no developer currently free to create it, not matching our vision, etc.).

I'm pretty sure you read and respond to a lot of the things, but I prefer to have a list of community suggestions and to be clearly stated what is possible and not. Cause now there are a lot of posts/suggestions being drowned in a pool of text. -->
will save time on suggesting and reading same things all over again.

Like I said before -> this community isn't the best at coming together (this letter is kinda of exceptional), it usually comes down to threads with great suggestions and some people not agreeing and not much happening.

We are quite proud of how reachable by anyone wanting to talk to us we are as developers.
Reachable yes ... fully agree on. But don't think that was the issue posed.

We invite everyone willing to post their suggestions and ideas as well as feedback of the development team ... on the War of Rights official forum.
They have been, for the past few year :)

We do not feel like the actual weight of some of the issues raised would work in a community roundtable as we would require time to formulate our answers in order to make them the best that they can possibly be as the community deserves this and not quick off the cuff answers to the many questions presumably put forward in such a setting.

Since people are writting open letters for a better communication & asking for and updated report on progress, it's because they care. Lot of the 'longtime' players I've been speaking to are fatigued or are looking into other games. Which is worrying, it's not like the holdfast situation. It's your hardcore players, day 1 believers who have doubts

04-10-2020, 01:03 PM
A thread that shares my own grumbles. I agree with the vast majority of comments by the contributors.

I am now also expecting a lot from the next official update, whenever that may be. Something in the region of a near to completed list that was posted on Field report 41, with a few more bells and whistles.

As stated, there have been several years of development and the WoRs game is one that every poster on this thread has invested in to some degree. Being "reachable" in the early days may have been the right approach for that stage of the companies growth, but it appears from reading this thread there is an appetite for more in the way of studio informtation from it's userbase. Formulated statements are all well and good with the facts and information that they provide, but they are cold and defensive reading material that sometimes come across as business spin doctoring. Please don't fall into that trap CFG.

Will this WoR forum get an admin overhaul at somestage to clean things up? I'd like to see older posts seperated off or closed if they are no longer relevent so that current issues and topics can be seen with greater clarity. Some threads need closing and new ones created to make a more consertive effort to display a current reflection of the state of WoR. I'll be honest, this forum is my only port of call to get WoRs information so I'm not going to comment on other information streams.

If I were in CFG's position now, I'd be thankful that a thread like this has been posted. It shows that there are people who care enough to express frustrations rather than drop the product entirely and that is a really good indicator. I am not going to stop playing WoRs, and I doubt that most people reading or contributing to this thread will. But with a pandemic and most in lockdown, it sure is easy to vent a little.

04-10-2020, 01:07 PM
Also, don't enter into some sort of feedback loop where because you see we are all angry about our various things that the next update HAS to be perfect, immense, and all of that, so therefore you wait longer, we get pissed more, etc.

Maximus Decimus Meridius
04-10-2020, 03:36 PM
-> somebody has been studying on how to handle complaints :)

We're not sure and we're not sure what issues you think we might have ? (crashing bushes ? password & joining issues ? TAB menu not being correct, 'ingame voice' broken, CPU & internet connection being strained .... )

Don't get us wrong, some of us who worked in IT know the impact of even little changes or patches .. can be all fine or it can go awfully wrong.

I get you don't want to give an ETA cause you don't want to be pinned down, but plz give us some 'dev diary' or something or what are the 'issues' or what thinks are progressing. (no we're not asking for bodycams or whereabouts, GDPR you know :))

I know some people in this community have some 'inside info' or have a better standing with the devs, personally I don't care about that.

On arty : some here believe it's some magical solution to the fatigue and loss of interest some have, for their sakes I hope so ... but it think it's a short term vision.

I'm pretty sure you read and respond to a lot of the things, but I prefer to have a list of community suggestions and to be clearly stated what is possible and not. Cause now there are a lot of posts/suggestions being drowned in a pool of text. -->
will save time on suggesting and reading same things all over again.

Like I said before -> this community isn't the best at coming together (this letter is kinda of exceptional), it usually comes down to threads with great suggestions and some people not agreeing and not much happening.

Reachable yes ... fully agree on. But don't think that was the issue posed.

They have been, for the past few year :)

Since people are writting open letters for a better communication & asking for and updated report on progress, it's because they care. Lot of the 'longtime' players I've been speaking to are fatigued or are looking into other games. Which is worrying, it's not like the holdfast situation. It's your hardcore players, day 1 believers who have doubts

Thank you very much Red. This could be a reply from me :D

I go with AtomBanablade:

I followed Hell let Loose since their Kickstarter campaign like some others of the WoR community. before their release they collected all the infos about their clan leaders and invited them to a special discord. from time to time when things ware going bad and the community needed some infos the devs posted a link to an hoogle excel document where we were able to write down our questions. when the devs were ready for it they ancounced an meeting on this special discord and answered every question and we were able to ask again if we didnt get their answer. they had open ears to all our concerns and problems.

For example passwords didnt work at the beginning: we told them that we need them for our events etc. they got it and told us what the problem is and that they work on it.

Of course it didnt change something on the problem, passwords were still missing BUT i was able to tell my clan "I talked to the devs at the last meeting. they are aware of this problem. They have some technical issues on XY but they give their best to release it asap."

THIS is much better than i can talk to my company:

"I am not sure if they work on it. I wrote a thread in the forum but i didnt get a reply so far. Well, we have to see what will happen with the next update but i dont know when it comes and what will be in there"

Guess, which member is happier and feels "heared" and who will go throw a bad time because he knows that his problem get a fix.

I see here so many people who are here since years and a lot of them represents large communities behind them. They know the problems which i described above. A lot of us are often the last fall back line you guys have because we are interested to hold as much people in this game as you but we cant hold them forever especially when we feel like them.

please halp us to destroy as much concerns as we can and please help us to hold the people in this game. Help us to tell our guys that we have a good contect to you and you heared our problems. Help us to give our members, your players and community, the feeling that you take care of them and their concerns.

04-10-2020, 04:33 PM
Thank you very much Red. This could be a reply from me :D

I go with AtomBanablade:

I followed Hell let Loose since their Kickstarter campaign like some others of the WoR community. before their release they collected all the infos about their clan leaders and invited them to a special discord. from time to time when things ware going bad and the community needed some infos the devs posted a link to an hoogle excel document where we were able to write down our questions. when the devs were ready for it they ancounced an meeting on this special discord and answered every question and we were able to ask again if we didnt get their answer. they had open ears to all our concerns and problems.

For example passwords didnt work at the beginning: we told them that we need them for our events etc. they got it and told us what the problem is and that they work on it.

Of course it didnt change something on the problem, passwords were still missing BUT i was able to tell my clan "I talked to the devs at the last meeting. they are aware of this problem. They have some technical issues on XY but they give their best to release it asap."

THIS is much better than i can talk to my company:

"I am not sure if they work on it. I wrote a thread in the forum but i didnt get a reply so far. Well, we have to see what will happen with the next update but i dont know when it comes and what will be in there"

Guess, which member is happier and feels "heared" and who will go throw a bad time because he knows that his problem get a fix.

I see here so many people who are here since years and a lot of them represents large communities behind them. They know the problems which i described above. A lot of us are often the last fall back line you guys have because we are interested to hold as much people in this game as you but we cant hold them forever especially when we feel like them.

please halp us to destroy as much concerns as we can and please help us to hold the people in this game. Help us to tell our guys that we have a good contect to you and you heared our problems. Help us to give our members, your players and community, the feeling that you take care of them and their concerns.

this would be a good idea, just at the end of every week, post a summery or the changelogs of what you did that week, even if it isnt being released yet

04-10-2020, 05:01 PM
Another thing that hasn't been touched here, is about what the devs can expect from the 'testers' (us).
We're doing some public play and events (usually PW cause no one would want those out of line tickets ... right :p ... and most events are packed).

Dane Karlsen
04-10-2020, 05:54 PM
Besides the fact that I agree it would help with more frequent updates posted in the designated channels. Then I have to say what a weird flex this is. And some absurd claims in this thread. Even reaching so far as to some claiming that devs keeps info secretly and deny the community to have any insight. Both Hinkel and Trusty gave answers to players asking questions about arty and other progress made , both on the day this letter was posted and the days before that, just to give one example. Then there is the 'clans should have special acccess' argument - This has allso been answered more than one time,a long time back. And devs have stated that they had and have no intentions, to make this game or community something that is only driven by or catered to us. But where all have a say. So it's a bit weird seeing veteran players still demanding that we should have special access. Or even questioning why we don't have that, this far down the road.

With that said. A more professionel PR handling would help a whole lot. But the hardcore part of this community should be able to admit that answers to questions are pretty easy to get or find. But a monthly report/update that are easy for all to find should be a doable thing, and not take signifcant time away from development. I mean as they allready do that, just in small bits here and there - so it might even save the devs some time in the long end. Maybe with some answers to some faq's. !? Because the waiting time, both for arty and further development sure takes a whole lot of love and loyalty. Even for those of us that are more hyped about the release of buglers/bugler calls and optional mustache than we are about the release of new optional targets.

04-10-2020, 06:43 PM
Will this WoR forum get an admin overhaul at somestage to clean things up? I'd like to see older posts seperated off or closed if they are no longer relevent so that current issues and topics can be seen with greater clarity.

Seems like a good suggestion.

04-10-2020, 06:48 PM
Then there is the 'clans should have special acccess' argument.

I do not thing that was the intention or didn't read it that way (for example I stated the opposite about personally not caring for inside info or whatever -> not if asked I wouldn't help out) ? Think the letter was intented to get people who share the same feeling to speak up.
It means they are worried about certain voices becoming louder, it doesn't mean they want to 'abandon support' … otherwise the're would be such an action.

04-10-2020, 07:12 PM
The pace of development is the underlying issue, nobody would be complaining about communication if the pace was quicker. It's difficult to continue to dream big when development is so laborious, taking about a year for each major feature since the Alpha. Without dreams, things kind of suck. No wonder nobody wants to hear my suggestions, I'm sort of worried about development time commitments myself now. One minute you're at the cusp of 200-person servers, the next artillery and 200 person servers go hand-in hand and it's twelve months later. I'm genuinely impressed a player count of 150-200 was reached. The flag bearer system was worth the effort. But it's 2020 and there's no way of knowing what the gaming market will be like in another five years and where WoR will fit into it. Is WoR going to be finished in Spring of 2025? I think so but I'm not willing to bet money.

04-10-2020, 07:31 PM
Nearly 6 months ago we were told artillery was close. After the first of the year it was still just over the horizon, but at least we were told there were issues.We're coming up on mid-April and we still haven't gotten something that was talked about in November. And now we're being told this update has a massive amount of extra things aside from Arty. With the devs committing to no more gameplay fixes until after arty gets implemented, we've had to slog through the last six month with the same issues day after day. Melee is still a mess, VOIP works when it wants to, there is still a latency bug where players are being killed immediately after spawning in if they were stabbed before respawn, end of round events still need tweaking, and a lot of the maps just aren't fun anymore. The river crossing map has turned into nothing but an AI artillery bombardment for the defenders with more guns going off than were present at Sharpsburg, a lot of the out of bounds areas make no sense and we still have capture points that have no military significance at all.

That being said, I don't think artillery is going to fix everything, I've never thought that. Its going to change the way the maps are played since most are going to rely on it to carry the point. But I want it done mostly because its holding everything else up. And now that this update is going to be a lot bigger than just arty apparently, I'm worried we wont see it until well into summer, and by that point people just wont care anymore.

04-11-2020, 08:42 AM
I do appreciate the topic being put forward by the letter representing a good part of the WoR-community. Thanks to the writers and subscribers!

I just want to make it short here. I really cannot understand what could be so hard for the dev-team to simply give a report on a weekly or even just on a monthly basis. That is what almost every gaming-title out there does and what this does is, that the community of the respective title is kinda calmed down as they are simply informed about what is going on behind the screens at the dev department.

This is not what this letter is about in the first place, but I guess that is what a vast majority on the forums would pretty much like to see.

So I would really be looking forward to such a weekly/monthly report. And please feel free to also give "negative" development reports, like "this month we had been lazy and didn`t do anything." or "there was this and that mishap, that put us back in development for appr. 2-3 months. How deep you would go with these reports is on your hands, but well yes the more detail the better (but as this community is starving from info, everything is welcome I guess) Also these information help to simply have the community informed about what is going on.

... of course more "positive" reports would get you more fanmail :D

These are my 2cents on the topic. I hope this can all be sorted in an adult way.

Cheers gentlemen!

04-11-2020, 03:47 PM
Suggestion: Formations, Suppression, Spawning, Leadership https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZqPsbvyD8s

Nice suggestions hope you have the DEVs ears now.

I'm sort of worried about development time commitments myself now. Is WoR going to be finished in Spring of 2025? I think so but I'm not willing to bet money.

I´m also agree, and want to add, if they dont plan to launch the game anytime soon why they dont give the rewards for us, crowfounders, before the game falls into oblivion, so we can at least enjoy them for a bit ?

04-13-2020, 06:47 PM
my response copied from another thread here:

All i can say is, that the developers need to look at how Hell Let Loose was handled, they had not enough people to work on the game to make progress, they were clearly passionate about their project and did not wanted it to die a slow death in Early Access, they teamed up with Team17 Digital that would publish the game but also help with development and it gave the game such a incredible boost in development speed and also quality and the average review scores went from Positive to Overly Positive. There is no shame to ask for help devs!

04-15-2020, 10:16 PM
Do the devs want to say anything else? Bumping this to keep it active. Y'all have been pretty quiet on this.

04-16-2020, 06:14 AM
This sort of initiatives has been tried before by parts of the community. And I really hope this time something positive will come out of it. Not for a short moment in time but for the long haul. No clue what is happening with the development other then Artillery Soon. I do not see why it would be an issue to post a road map with Q1/2/3/4 indications. Something to look forward to. And if you see that one of the development Q's isn't going to be reached inform the community in time and mention why it isn't reached so we know. But that is my take on this. I personally don't want to talk to you on discord, i just want to be able to read what you guys are working on, or read a dev blog on actual progress.

Maximus Decimus Meridius
04-16-2020, 08:08 AM
Do the devs want to say anything else? Bumping this to keep it active. Y'all have been pretty quiet on this.

lack of communication in a thread where people complain about the lack of communication...

04-16-2020, 12:38 PM
lack of communication in a thread where people complain about the lack of communication...

Hi there.

This is the official statement released by Campfire Games: https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?6497-Dear-Developers-We-d-like-to-talk-A-community-initiative&p=101150&viewfull=1#post101150 regarding the issues raised by the community members present in this thread.

We are reading everything and are discussing it internally to a very large degree. The issues raised are being taken extremely seriously and a lot of time is spent on digesting them. That being said, we don’t have anything additional to state at this moment in time.

- Trusty

Maximus Decimus Meridius
04-16-2020, 01:33 PM
We are reading everything and are discussing it internally to a very large degree. The issues raised are being taken extremely seriously and a lot of time is spent on digesting them. That being said, we don’t have anything additional to state at this moment in time.

- Trusty

so no reaction to any of the suggestions which came up here after your reply.

thats the problem and thats why it dont feel like you take it seriously. Thats also a reason for my sarcastic comment up there.

People show you that they would like to have more communication and write suggestions. A sign that you take it serious would be that you discuss with your community how it could be better. Stay silent and dont reply to any comment after yours do not look like it is a serious topic.

I have no hard feelings I just try to show you how it looks like.
I can understand that you guys need some time to think about and organise something and i hope you find a good solution (best would be with your community together).
Everybody here care a lot about this game please dont let us down.

04-16-2020, 08:58 PM
I've remained quiet on this until now. I agree with what was said above about the Hell Let Loose model. They were a small passionate team just like all of you but they weren't able to push the game forward on their own. They needed help and they knew it was time to ask for it and they couldn't have done it at a more critical time. I believe your team is in the same position as there has not been an update since last September and that's concerning. We don't know your inner workings because you don't invite us in enough. I can only assume you can't push the needle forward consistently enough because you simply don't have the manpower to do so. That's a guess on my part I don't know enough to be sure but that's the way it appears to me.

I love this game and anyone who knows me wouldn't question my commitment so please understand where I'm coming from. I also love how this game has developed and of course it needs work but you all have done a really fine job of getting it here.

If you need help or a partnership to keep this game moving forward I would suggest you give that a really hard look because right now I see a community that's starting to develop a bad taste in a sense. This is the same community that has supported you through thick and thin.

Everything points to your team is not big enough to continue developing this game on your own and you really have to consider some form of partnership if you need it or hiring more people to get the work done even if it goes beyond the core group that started the game.

Because I love this game so much I hope you guys figure this out for all of our sakes.

04-17-2020, 01:22 PM
If Battle Cry of Freedom goes well, it could spell ill for War of Right.

04-17-2020, 03:47 PM
If Battle Cry of Freedom goes well, it could spell ill for War of Right.

idk that's like saying when Holdfast came out, it spelled the end for Napoleonic Wars (warband).

04-17-2020, 05:06 PM
If Battle Cry of Freedom goes well, it could spell ill for War of Right.

I'm not particularly convinced about that Bravescot, I think that they will both fulfil very different requirements. Looking over BCoF I am reminded more of NW, and therefore also Holdfast, than War of Rights. I should think that it is Holdfast whom should be somewhat concerned about a release by Flying Squirrel - if it ever comes to fruition. :)

Glacial development with War of Rights should cause the greater concern.

04-17-2020, 05:26 PM
In the past, they kept saying that they had enough money for several years of development. Why not use that money to hire new members in their team to work faster?

It's like they have only one guy that can code...

And why revamp the foliage , the trees and the rocks when there are other things that need an update or a fix?

Don't tell me that HD trees and rocks are necessary to the development of artillery and cavalry.

At this point, I don't care anymore about what the devs say. It's like they themselves don't know how they are going to pull this through.

04-18-2020, 04:55 AM
If Battle Cry of Freedom goes well, it could spell ill for War of Right.

Although many regimental players say they fill completely different niches regarding game-play, it could still spell ill for WOR due to the fact that in all honesty the community has gotten very bored with the same repetitive game experience. This is the main reason as to why artillery has been long awaited. I fear that the casual player base would move on to BCOF because it has many different ways of game-style rather than just one mode that we have had since the game was made playable. Also, timing should be important for the release of these updates, as it seems that today's issues with the corona virus could bring in new blood to WOR further boosting the player-base and in turn increasing revenue which would allow the addition of more developers further increasing the frequency of updates and fixes. With new players always asking in the steam discussions as to why the last update was in December and to see if the game is dead and you have people having to explain to them that the game is in fact not dead but the devs are working on it.To the casual player's eye the game would seem appealing yet dead, as the fate of many games nowadays. This leads to a declined player-base and a stunted growth for regiments. All in all, the way the devs have been releasing steam news and updates has been lacking which as for all the reasons listed could be a recipe for disaster if BCOF is released before these promised features are added.

04-18-2020, 08:21 AM
Not everyone on the team can work on the same thing at the same time and not everyone has the same skillset. It is very likely the seemingly mundane stuff like rocks and trees is the work of a team member that cannot contribute in a meaningful way to artillery at the present time.

The problem is still the same :The team is too small.

They can't progress fast enough and where it matters.

04-18-2020, 09:24 AM
Can't Progress fast enough is subjective.

The major problem is that we do not know what is worked on, and any indication about when curtain goals are close to being finished.

04-19-2020, 01:12 AM
There are so many issues that are still there after early access release, like the reload sound is still off sync when kneeling, menu options that won't stay off/on like Depth of Field, or maps that still got big issues like Roulette Lane where the CSA side can just sit 50 meters away from the point on the corner fence near the barn and take the point. Even though the point is not even near them. VOIP that stops working out of nowhere, putting your bayonet on and it keeps putting it on and off and you can't do anything about it, etc...

04-19-2020, 02:49 AM
I never understood and I still don't understand why we're playing maps with a single cap zone, sometimes placed in questionable positions. My favorite games from the early 2000s had more than a single point of contention. This is the first shooter game where I've dealt with that and i can't say it's some genius simplification of strategy because it's definitely not. Average players don't seem to understand the counterattack / overtime system. A whole lot of people tonight thought it was a bug that the defender went into Final Push and wiped us off the point because it seems like it would be the only logical explanation. The prospect of the 'skirmishes' being a temporary fad to be replaced by something else doesn't really help when nobody has any idea what that is and we're wallowing where we're at. I sometimes feel like I bought a ticket to my favorite stadium and the seat turned out to be facing a concrete pillar.


We're a helluva lot better off in terms of server tools than we were 16 months ago but if this is going to be an event-only game, which I dread, then we need more focus on that sooner. I like the engine though I just hope we get a wide variety of customizable tools late in development so things can be made to happen. I can't even rebind my admin menu key and it's in the middle of my darn keyboard where I hit it accidentally 15 times a round with my fat fingers.

The German Volunteers
04-19-2020, 09:49 AM
II-6th Louisiana Tigers 3rd French Battalion added with 30 men new numbers 30 Companys/Communities support with a total of 3600 people

04-20-2020, 01:36 PM
The Pinkerton reports convinced George B. McClellan that Lee's army was marching into Maryland with a "medium estimate" of 120,000 troops. In reality, Lee might have had 50,000.

At least two companies claiming to represent over 150 player "signatures" each have only thirty accounts enlisted via Company Tool and in the case of one of those companies, over a third of those accounts were created and volunteered on the same day and never active again. I think it is telling that the most recent signature (a really good friend of mine who I love and respect) only reported a third of his muster roll (probably a generous accounting of his actual active numbers); and yet some companies that I have never seen online, who have 30 on the muster roll, report they represent 100+ people? Not trying to name and shame anyone or derail the thread, but I guess my point is... what is the advantage bumping the thread to report an arbitrary, and patently absurd, number?

Just because the Company Tool does not reflect the correct numbers does not mean that the numbers stated here are arbitrary. The Company Tool in its current state is utterly useless and pointless and as such does not warrant being used in my opinion. Yes, some units such as the German Volunteers Community do utilize it, reflecting as such accurate numbers since we frequently sort out inactive players within our companies both in steam groups and within the company tool. Other companies choose to utilize Steam and its Group system instead. As such, many of the company numbers were gathered by us (the German Volunteers) by inquiring with the individual companies how many players their community represent. Numbers were given to us either as "community member within the company steam group" or "community members within the company tool". As such, we checked whether these figures were accurate (by investigating either Steam Group or Company Toll) and added them to the list. Furthermore, the numbers given are not claimed to be signatures by individual players. They are a representation of how many players are part of the communities who lend their support to this campaign. Why did we decide to take this approach? Simply because we have had the experience of having previously tried to raise awareness of the issues expressed within this post. We believed that back then, due to us being "only" a community of 400+ active German/Austrian and Swiss (or otherwise German-speaking) players, our pleas were from our perception, largely ignored by the development team. The only change worth mentioning would be the counter-attack mechanic which was pretty much copied from our proposal post, of course without the developers acknowledging that fact after the matter, while all other issues remained untouched and unspoken about. Non the less, from what we have been told by most if not all companies represented in the posted list, inquiries among their community member whether or not they would be willing to lend their support to this cause were made and were generally overwhelmingly in favour of our message. As such, having spent a considerable amount of time in writing the original post and having witnessed the hours spend by the German Volunteers Staff and Company Leadership in compiling this list of supporting companies I feel confident in stating, on behalf of the German Volunteers, that I do not agree with the notion of us purposefully exaggerating with these numbers. I appreciate and understand that the numbers are not perfect, I am sure they are not, yet we deemed them sufficient evidence that a large number of community members are very much dissatisfied with the ongoing development process and behaviour of the development team. Before the argument of "inactivity" gets thrown into the mix here in an attempt to discredit these numbers further. Many of the Companies of the German Volunteers community alone have a "rats tail" of the so-called Company Reserve of now inactive players easily (all combined) totalling 200+ players or so (if you want exact numbers i ll be happy to inquire further with the staff of the 4 companies that constitute the German Volunteers and will update the post accordingly). Most of these players are on the record of having quit War of Rights for the moment because of the atrocious technical issues, lack of gameplay variety and other issues discussed in this post. As such, inactive players or communities should not simply be dismissed on the grounds of them being inactive as they more likely than not will have quit the game because of the aforementioned issues in my experience.


2nd Lt. Dennis Lemuel Todd, 18th North Carolina Volunteers, Company A.

04-20-2020, 05:25 PM
Guys, let's not turn this into an argument about sizes. If you want the developers to keep reading it, I suggest you stay on subject.

04-20-2020, 06:11 PM
Guys, let's not turn this into an argument about sizes. If you want the developers to keep reading it, I suggest you stay on subject.

It don`t consider this an argument Sir. He asked several questions and I answered them as best I could with the information I deemed necessary and had available at the time. I also do not believe that, a legitimate question in regards to the nature of the information we provided as part of this community forum post, is distracting from the subject at hand since it is very much intended to be a community post and as such should be open to criticism from the community. As such, I see no reason why the developers would stop reading simply because of rbsmith7 asking a legit question and me answering it to the best of my ability :)

04-21-2020, 10:16 AM
And I sincerely meant no offense, nor to derail the thread, only didn't understand the mentality. Thanks to Bane for his reply. Let's press onward, gentlemen!

Oh, no offence taken at all Sir, I am working on a paragraph to add to the official post to explain exactly how we came to those numbers as to avoid confusion. We genuinely did not think about that aspect of transparency so I appreciate it that you brought it up :). I hope I did not come across too harshly in my post. I am glad the community reception for this post has been overwhelmingly positive in this regard and look forward to hearing from all of you in the future.


2nd Lt. Dennis Lemuel Todd, 18th North Carolina Volunteers, Company A.

05-02-2020, 01:50 PM
Dead initiative. As usual

Andrew Barbosa
07-06-2020, 02:11 AM
Aaaaaand nothing came out of this. We still have no idea of what exactly they have been working on since the last update ages ago and it seems this won't change.
I'm starting to regret my purchase.

07-06-2020, 02:27 AM
Aaaaaand nothing came out of this. We still have no idea of what exactly they have been working on since the last update ages ago and it seems this won't change.
I'm starting to regret my purchase.

I mean.. the artillery patch is on the public test branch via the beta opt in options in Steam available to all owners of WoR so I will have to disagree with you (I guess you maybe missed the announcement & release of the test branch a few weeks back).

- Trusty

Andrew Barbosa
07-06-2020, 03:14 AM
I mean.. the artillery patch is on the public test branch via the beta opt in options in Steam available to all owners of WoR so I will have to disagree with you (I guess you maybe missed the announcement & release of the test branch a few weeks back).

- Trusty
"That is why we merged into the artillery branch and have been hard at work getting it, and many other things, ready since then"

What exactly are these other many things? Where is the dev. diary listing what you have achieved in the last month? Why do we have to wait more than six months for an update?

07-06-2020, 04:35 AM
"That is why we merged into the artillery branch and have been hard at work getting it, and many other things, ready since then"

What exactly are these other many things? Where is the dev. diary listing what you have achieved in the last month? Why do we have to wait more than six months for an update?


- Trusty