View Full Version : Sumner's II Corps

06-15-2021, 03:01 PM


Sumner's II Corps was formed on March 21st, 1862. During the Maryland Campaign, the corps was comprised of three division's, Richardson's 1st Division, Sedgwick's 2nd Division, and French's 3rd Division. We currently have the Irish Brigade, along with the 1st Delaware Infantry, and also the 20th New York Infantry. The II Corps commander was General Edwin Vose "Bullhead" Sumner, so named for his booming voice, and that a spent bullet once struck him on the head in battle. Sumner, and old dragoon officer, served valiantly in the US Army from 1819 until his death in 1863. Major General Israel Richardson's First Division, Major General Edwin Sumner's II Corps. Sumner's II Corps fought well in the early stages of the war, seeing intense combat for nearly five days straight during the Battles of the Seven Days. During the peninsula campaign, the Corps earned a reputation as ferocious fighters.

During the Maryland Campaign, Sumner's II Corps saw intense action. Although holding in reserve at the Battle of South Mountain, the Corps realized its chance for glory at the Battle of Antietam. Sumner's task was to assault the confederate center, at the Dunker Church and an old sunken farm lane. General Israel B Richardson's 1st Division and General Willaim H French's 3rd Division launched brilliant assaults against the rebels entrenched in the farm road. The first engaged was the Irish Brigade, commanded by none other that General Thomas F Meagher. The Irish Brigade marched in line of battle towards the sunken lane, fighting back skirmishers around the Roulette Farm, and began their infamous assault on the bloody lane. Meanwhile, father up the Sunken Lane, General Max Weber, the original colonel of the 20th New York, moved his brigade into action. The 1st Delaware Infantry, one of the largest regiments in the battle, made up one of only three regiments in the brigade. Weber's assault was forced back after he was wounded, with the 1st Delaware suffering heavy losses.

Meanwhile, in the west woods, the men of John Sedgwick's2nd Division was moving up unsupported. Seeing the danger, General Sumner himself exclaimed;
'“Back Boys, for God’s sake move back; you are in a bad fix."

General Sumner, seeing that the 2nd Divisions left flank was about to be decimated by two approaching Confederate divisions, personally rode to the lines of the Pennsylvania Brigade, and certainly prevented the decimation of the 2nd Division. The battered 2nd Division withdrew from the West Woods and Dunker Church they had worked so hard to take, and fell back to defensive positions near the Mumma farm.

The assault of the II Corps was over. The Bloody Lane had been taken, with high casualties on both sides, but the unsupported 2nd Division was unable to hold the Dunker Church and the West Woods. The Irish Brigade suffered a staggering 60% casualty rate; the 1st Delaware suffered an almost equally horrific loss of 45%. Sumner's battered corps would never be the same.

The Union II Corps was formed in late September of 2020. The corps was formed from the 1st Delaware Infantry, the Irish Brigade (comprised of the 69th New York, 88th New York, and 2nd United States Artillery), and the 20th New York Infantry. Sumner's II Corps is a loose federation of these three groups, with no single leader or centralized command. We are always looking for more groups to join us, in particular, groups related to the 2nd Division of the II Corps.


General Isreal B Richardson
Commander of the 1st Division, II Corps.
Irish Volunteer Brigade
Brigade Commanding Officer: https://i.imgur.com/XMfT3wT.png Colonel Collector https://i.imgur.com/KUB254e.png (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198992886669/)
Brigade Executive Officer: https://i.imgur.com/RbrGy8O.png Lt. Colonel Mustang https://i.imgur.com/KUB254e.png (https://steamcommunity.com/id/18mustang/)

(NA) 69th New York "The Fighting 69th"
Commander: https://i.imgur.com/JPLefjo.png Major Sevie https://i.imgur.com/KUB254e.png (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198261528473/)
A Company "Rifles of Erin"
B Company "Beno's Beagles"
K Company "Irish Zouaves"

(EU) 88th New York "Mrs. Meagher's Own"
Commander : https://i.imgur.com/JPLefjo.png Major Ojij https://i.imgur.com/KUB254e.png (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198212888801/)
A Company "Soldier's of Erin"
D Company "The Big D"
G Company "Drunkards"

(Reserves) 29th Massachusetts "Yankees"
Commander: https://i.imgur.com/XMfT3wT.png Colonel Beno (Retired) https://i.imgur.com/KUB254e.png (https://steamcommunity.com/id/onebeno/)

(Misc.) Attached Artillery
Commander: https://i.imgur.com/9u4oNuq.png Cpt. SubaZebra https://i.imgur.com/KUB254e.png (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198992886669/)
1st New York Battery B "Pettit's Battery"
2nd United States Battery G "Tidball's Battery"

1st Delaware Infantry "Honse's Heroes"
Commanding Officer: https://i.imgur.com/RbrGy8O.png Lt. Colonel Bus https://i.imgur.com/KUB254e.png (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198079687972/)
Executive Officer: https://i.imgur.com/JPLefjo.png Major John Smith https://i.imgur.com/KUB254e.png (https://steamcommunity.com/id/76561198970350403/)
A Company "Novon's Company"
B Company "Alan's Company"
C Company "Bigfoot's Company"
D Company "Europeans"
Battery Company "Artillery Baby"

20th New York Infantry "Turner Rifles"
Commanding Officer : https://i.imgur.com/JPLefjo.png Major H0T_C0CO https://i.imgur.com/KUB254e.png (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198875561676/)
Executive Officer: https://i.imgur.com/pAWEwIs.png Captain Cheeseyhttps://i.imgur.com/KUB254e.png (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198259528640/)
A Company "Alex's Company"
B Company "Portugal's Company"
C Company "Denton's Drunkards"
E Platoon "Skirmishers"

General Edwin "Bull" Sumner, commander of the II Corps.


https://i.imgur.com/AOPkzpW.pngMONDAY Skirmish 8:00pm EST
https://i.imgur.com/AOPkzpW.pngWEDNESDAY Picket Patrol 8:00pm EST
https://i.imgur.com/AOPkzpW.pngSATURDAY Campaign 8:00pm EST
https://i.imgur.com/AOPkzpW.pngSUNDAY Skirmish 8:00pm EST

https://i.imgur.com/AOPkzpW.pngMONDAY Drill 8:00pm BST
https://i.imgur.com/AOPkzpW.pngWEDNESDAY Picket Patrol 8:00pm BST
https://i.imgur.com/AOPkzpW.pngSATURDAY Campaign 8:00pm BST
https://i.imgur.com/AOPkzpW.pngSUNDAY Line Battle 8:00pm BST

II Corps Headquarters flag.

The II Corps needs men to fill the ranks! Join today and help us drive the rebs back to Richmond. We have members from all over the world, from Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, the United States, and etc. We have many opportunities for advancement, in multiple different branches. We have artillery, skirmishers, and line infantry. Join today!

Click the unit flags to be brought to their respective discords

https://i.imgur.com/XIFtAzp.png (https://discord.gg/Khrd8dwgdm)
20th New York Infantry

https://i.imgur.com/KLtK80p.jpg (https://discord.gg/q8HvaeW)
1st Delaware Infantry

https://i.imgur.com/xRCO2v7.gif (https://discord.gg/ivb)
The Irish Brigade

07-06-2021, 02:11 PM
I had the incredible honor of being a large part of putting together the Gettysburg Anniversary events this weekend;
