View Full Version : With the addition of more players on a server, we need more regiments per side

11-01-2021, 07:12 PM
2 Regiments with 1 officer and 4 NCOs each is not enough for 150-200 players on a team for both regimental and public play. To improve gameplay, coordination, and enjoyment for both teams, adding 2 more regiments to each side would greatly help both sides. Essentially having a brigade on each side which makes a lot sense given that most of the scenarios present in the game show off brigade level combat. Not only that but many units in the game are not playable outside of drill camp, adding 2 more units to each side would bring a lot of unused and unseen regiments into the active part of the game.

Along with adding more regiments, having a brigade on a side can open up having a spot for the brigade commander for a single person to take control and command the entire brigade on the field

If you are worried about players spreading themselves out to thin with 4 regiments in small numbers, you can lock the number of regiments playable to a corresponding number of players currently on the team. Depending on which regiment will be locked or not at the start depends on what regiments the players choose to play as. For an example:

Per team:
25 players: 1 regiment
50 players: 2 regiments
100 players: 3 regiments
150 players: 4 regiments

For an example of a scenario:

Miller's Cornfield

1st Texas
4th Texas
Hampton Legion
18th Georgia

2nd Wisconsin
6th Wisconsin
7th Wisconsin
14th Brooklyn

11-01-2021, 07:15 PM
This is a great idea!

11-01-2021, 07:22 PM

Thanks for the suggestions/feedback. :)

We agree that the various limits designed for a max of 150 players should be tweaked when/if 300 (or even 400) player servers become the norm.

We've posted a few of our thoughts regarding some of this here: https://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?6801-Question-for-some-Quality-of-Life-Improvements

- Trusty

11-01-2021, 11:40 PM
You don't need a stand of colors and a new regiment for every twenty five players.

You just need 'class limits' that more appropriately scale with the number of players. Two Officers (excluding artillery) for 200 players is nuts obviously. The NCO count has always been too low. I understand not being eager to see this increased seeing as how rank is just a random assortment of players anyway. It would be much better if those ranks actually meant something in the first place, that people with rank had followers and could delegate authority from there instead of the rank structure being an empty shell to make it easier for existing organizations to flourish in closed servers.



11-07-2021, 06:47 PM
This is a bad idea
1: 25 men isnt a regiment or company
2: Smaller groups is anything but a good thing
3: You'll have way too many chefs for one metaphorical kitchen
i can go on, but this is dumb

11-09-2021, 03:10 AM
I think instead of adding more regiments to the already condensed maps, perhaps expand the existing regiments. It would be interesting to see a feature in WoR that BCoF is implementing which is a company system within each regiment. I think a system like this would allow players to maneuver more freely however, still be required to work and operate within closer proximity of each other and would increase the importance of NCOs.

The regimental structure could be the following.

Regimental Level
1x Regiment Commander (Major - Colonel)
2x Flag bearers (Regimental & National)
1x Regimental NCO (Sergeant Major)

1st Company
1x Officer (Lieutenant - Captain)
1x Senior NCO (Sergeant - 1st Sergeant)
4x Junior NCO (Corporals)
40x Privates

2d Company
1x Officer (Lieutenant - Captain)
1x Senior NCO (Sergeant - 1st Sergeant)
4x Junior NCO (Corporals)
40x Privates

The junior officers must work under the direction of the leading officer to maneuver etc. Of course people will do there own thing but this is an idea.

11-11-2021, 05:12 AM
I take the map illustrations of the blue or red "formation bars" as the future planning for a "left, right, center" sort of convention where three groups of them are drawn onto them that show the respective spawn locations.