View Full Version : Reloading skills?

10-26-2015, 09:21 PM
I haven't seen any other threads about this, but back in the day, your personal ability to reload quickly played a big role in how good of a soldier you were. So instead of holding down or pressing a single button, I think that there should be a series of buttons you should have to press in order to reload, so that players with more experience did better than players with less. I personally wouldn't want a battalion of new players to be able to fire off as many shots as a group of experienced players.

10-27-2015, 09:50 AM
Welcome to the Forum, in the top-right corner you have a field, where you can search for words :) I found that there is already a similar thread look here http://www.warofrightsforum.com/showthread.php?368-Key-reloads&highlight=reload :)

10-28-2015, 05:38 PM
Thanks a lot :)

A. P. Hill
10-28-2015, 06:00 PM
The developers have said, reloading improves the more you follow the settings. In other words companies, regiments, divisions, and corps that work as a team will improve, if you go off and try to Rambo the game you will continue to suck as to experience and skill.

11-01-2015, 09:20 AM
I definitely support the development of skills as a minor game mechanic. :)

11-09-2015, 05:03 AM
I think it should be one button, but the higher your rank, the quicker you reload, it is realistic because a skilled shooter could reload quicker

Malcolm R. Lind
11-11-2015, 08:03 AM
Maybe different reloading skills for different classes/regiments?

thomas aagaard
11-13-2015, 07:56 AM
Make it depend on how many friends your got within x range.

This way "Fire by file" would still be a useful way for a company of giving fire.

11-13-2015, 05:55 PM
I agree,a series of different keys would challenge your dexterity as would a reload,and the more you practice the quicker you should become,and this would eliminate any unfairness as perhaps would a reward for rank system might.

That Filthy Black Hat
11-13-2015, 06:39 PM
It sounds like an interesting concept though there is one glaring issue the soldier of the period was only able to fire and reload three rounds a minute so even if this mechanic was introduced you couldn't even truly reload any faster. But for a more hardcore setting it would be interesting to have instead of the automatic reload that appears to be in the game at the moment we could have a separate server or unique mode to deliver this different perspective of going through the steps of loading. Even though you don't load any faster be it if it was the automatic or the more skill based system. It would also open up interesting situations like if you forget a step you could misfire and continue to load a round one after the other or even you could accidentally shoot your ramrod. That may be of interest as for the speedy reload part I'd have to say that it most likely needs to be put to the wayside.

On another note does the actual reload animation look strange because I have never seen a reload done that way before it doesn't look like anything in the manuals that I have used be it Caseys/Hardees or even Baxters? Its small but curiosity has gotten the better of me. XD

Anyways Cheers and God Speed.

A. P. Hill
11-13-2015, 06:53 PM
What part of it doesn't look right?

The reseating of the ram rods?, sorry but that is standard procedure. It is done to prevent shooting your own hand off in the case of accidental discharge due to hot debris in the barrel.

Anyone shooting black powder should know that. ;)

And you are correct Sir, 3 rounds a minute and no more for muzzle loaders. Spencers and such were a bit faster.

thomas aagaard
11-14-2015, 09:32 PM
The current animation looks great but are not done correctly.

First of all the bullet was not loaded with the paper. (with the exeption of the enfield P1853 cartriges that the south importet from the UK)
"159. Empty the powder into the barrel ;disengage the ball from the paper with the right hand and the thumb"
(hardee Revised)

the way "we" handle the ramrod is not correct. When Drawing the rammer:
Clear the rammer from the pipes by again
extending the arm ; the rammer in
the prolongation of the pipes, palm
of the hand to the front.
162. (Third motion.) Turn the rammer
by closing the fingers, the little end passing
near the left shoulder, turning the back of the
hand to the front ; steady it by extending the
forefinger of the right hand ; place the head of
the rammer on the ball, the rammer in
prolongation of the barrel.
My bold...

If done as in the current animation you would very likely hit the man to your right...

but I do like the fact that the little finger is used for the last part...
166. (Third motion.) Force the rammer home by placing the little finger of the right hand on the head of the rammer ;

but I still think it look great...

That Filthy Black Hat
11-18-2015, 05:42 PM
Thanks Thomas a lot of good information. Though I do believe that my post could have been clearer lol. Firstly I love the animation and thought nothing bad of it but I just found it rather interesting at how it was done and I merely asked if anyone had seen it done that way before or if it was a method used by a specific manual because I myself haven't seen it before. Again thanks Thomas for the excerpt.

Regarding A.P.s post I do know the procedure of seating the ramrod and the reasoning for it because I too am a black powder shooter and know the dangers but thank you for the reminder all the same. :) Also in my post I mainly specified the rate of fire of the muskets because that's what I interpreted the initial post to be about due to the fact that those would be the main armament of the majority of the units in game. As to the rate of fire of the various breech loaders and repeaters used in the war I know they did have a much higher rate of fire than their muzzle loading cousins. I probably should have put a disclaimer that I was primarily talking about muskets in the first place so I'll keep that in mind on future posts.

So again thanks for the replies and good luck on the battlefield.