View Full Version : North & South - Wednesday & Saturday Night Events

4th New Jersey
02-03-2022, 01:39 PM
North & South

Hosted by 4th New Jersey
Join our Discord! (https://discord.gg/xypCEtNFum)


As of January 2022, North & South is under new management. Come check us out on our Discord and schedule some time to speak with a coordinator if you would like your unit to participate in any of our events!

Wednesday Event Details
Next Event: April 13, 2022 - 8:00pm EST
Server Name: North & South - Wednesday Night Event
Current Map Set: Antietam - Skirmish

Saturday Event Details
Next Event: April 9, 2022 - 9:00pm EST
Server Name: North & South - Saturday Night Event
Current Map Set: Antietam - Conquest

Rules & Guidelines
- Buildings may NOT be garrisoned.

- Ramboing is absolutely unacceptable.

- No intentional teamkilling of any kind. This includes before the event begins, on the muster round.

- All skirmish rounds go live at the 42 minute mark. You may not leave your spawning area until this time.

- An NCO or officer from your unit MUST attend coordination if you want to participate in an event. Coordination happens 60 minutes prior to event start.

- All participating members of your unit must have their tags on to be easily identified. Those without unit tags will be kicked before map reset as a warning.

- Communicating battle info through the in-game chat is not allowed, likewise regiments should not be in communication with each other outside of the game. All units are required to utilize runners or messengers to send intel or coordinate between one another.

- One or two men can be sent as scouts. They are not to behave as active combatants, but can defend themselves if escape is not an option. Skirmishers may be detached from your main line, ranging from 4-10 men.

- North & South is not an open forum for personal or inter-unit disputes, and has a zero tolerance policy to bringing any associated drama into the event. Any issues that occur during the event will be discussed at the debrief and handled like adults.

Participating Units
The follow units are active contributors of North & South, and attend either one or both days.

4th New Jersey
Iron Brigade (14th Brooklyn & 8th Connecticut)
65th Illinois
Pennsylvania Army (69th, 72nd, 106th, 116th PA)
1st Massachusetts Sharpshooters
71st Pennsylvania
10th United States Infantry
2nd Maryland

Toombs Brigade (20thGA, 7thSC, & Kings Battery)
Diamondback Brigade (1stTN, 20thNC, 5thKY, 1stLA)
Archers Brigade
4th Alabama Cavalry

If your unit is interested in participating in any North & South Events, please join our Discord and schedule some time to talk with a coordinator.

02-06-2022, 05:16 PM
A good & fun event, and nice to have something on a Wednesday,

EDIT - no idea how to use the "bells & whistles" of this site or to delete this superflous post lol

02-06-2022, 05:17 PM
A good & fun event, and nice to have something on a Wednesday,

~ TawGrey, CO of Poague's Battery A

05-02-2022, 03:26 PM
Good morning,

Brand new to the game. I played for a few hours yesterday and absolutely loved it.

To take part in an organized event like this, do I need to be a part of a specific group?

With work travel and my first kid a few weeks away, I was hoping a scheduled event would allow me to set aside some time to play and have it be enjoyable.

Any insight is appreciated.


05-02-2022, 04:35 PM
Good morning,

Brand new to the game. I played for a few hours yesterday and absolutely loved it.

To take part in an organized event like this, do I need to be a part of a specific group?

With work travel and my first kid a few weeks away, I was hoping a scheduled event would allow me to set aside some time to play and have it be enjoyable.

Any insight is appreciated.


Typically need to be a part of a group to play. Most groups are rather lenient with attendance especially with the kiddos.

06-19-2022, 05:42 AM
Good morning,

Hope you are well would love to sign my men up for this event.
will jump in the discord and talk to you lads about it.

We have mostly NA players so I am sure most of them can make it.

Thank you very much.

08-10-2022, 09:13 PM
Is this event still going? The discord link doesn't work.

10-05-2023, 04:08 AM
I cannot join the discord

drift boss (https://drift-boss.io)