View Full Version : Scoreboard

Willie Fisterbottom
11-04-2015, 02:36 AM
I know about half the people supporting this game dont agree with this but ill ask anyway. Would you like to see a scoreboard in game that tracks kills deaths things like that, obviously this shouldn't be available in the historical battles, but i would like to see it in the skirmish/team deathmatch type battles.

11-04-2015, 05:07 AM
Really I'd like to see a tally everywhere myself, I know people want the team work factor but for myself in a FPS if I not sure Im getting kills why bother

11-04-2015, 05:57 AM
I would say no it kills the realism,If they have the stats, people would want kills and they would be running around trying to get them. The game isn't about getting kills, doesn't mater if you get 1 or 100 kills, its about sticking together in your regiment and completing your given objectives as a team to achieve victory. @Wilson I know where you are coming from, maybe they could have the states at the end of the game,like you see only your own stats.

11-04-2015, 06:59 AM
i think the scoreboard will not prevent players going for a high KD ratio, things that would motivate players going for objectives would some kind of bonus/ points for capturing an objective and next to nothing for kills. Maybe with an exception for sharpshooters/ skirmishers since that is their job.

11-04-2015, 07:24 AM
I think if a personal K/D is present at all, it really should only be seen at the end of a match or round. This reinforces the idea that this is a cooperative game meant to utilize groups of players against other groups of players rather than players going around and fighting on the individual level. :)

11-04-2015, 07:36 AM
I think if a personal K/D is present at all, it really should only be seen at the end of a match or round. This reinforces the idea that this is a cooperative game meant to utilize groups of players against other groups of players rather than players going around and fighting on the individual level. :)

Also it could mean that with the respawn system that is planned we can see how many men a single regiment killed and lost

11-04-2015, 11:35 AM
Also it could mean that with the respawn system that is planned we can see how many men a single regiment killed and lost

I agree with both of these, end of map score for your own know lls/deaths and then a reg score

A. P. Hill
11-05-2015, 12:39 AM
IF there is any kind of a tally system it should be company level. This may help to keep companies regiments brigades divisions and corps together.

Individual kill count would only work counter to all the other efforts of the developers to reinforce the group benefits mechanism.

This would be the only "score" keeping, I would accept, otherwise I voted no.

Patrick Kurtz
11-05-2015, 02:04 PM
Scoreboard would ruin the teamwork and take the fun out of it, if you suck at FPS, but it's fun to play the game you aren't going to have as much fun if you see one guy got 7 kills and you only got 1.

11-05-2015, 02:34 PM
...people would want kills and they would be running around trying to get them. The game isn't about getting kills, doesn't mater if you get 1 or 100 kills, its about sticking together in your regiment and completing your given objectives as a team to achieve victory

Scoreboard would ruin the teamwork and take the fun out of it, if you suck at FPS, but it's fun to play the game you aren't going to have as much fun if you see one guy got 7 kills and you only got 1.

You know nothing Jon Snow

That only applies if you climb up in scoreboard if the dev's give you "points" by the most kills in a round.
There are two game that scoreboard is enable and kills doesn't matter that much, they are Red Orchestra and Insurgency, in this last one, which I play most, so many times I was the MVP with a K:D of 2:7 or 3:11 and why?, because I was always the first one to be killed because I arrived first at objective point and did the possible to sustain it the maximum time possible until my squad arrives and having a good number of people inside the objective.

If the dev's give you 10 points per objective capture and 1 per kill, I don't think people will look only for kills since didn't reward you that much

PGT Beauregard
11-06-2015, 01:36 AM
IF there is any kind of a tally system it should be company level. This may help to keep companies regiments brigades divisions and corps together.

Individual kill count would only work counter to all the other efforts of the developers to reinforce the group benefits mechanism.

This would be the only "score" keeping, I would accept, otherwise I voted no.

Ditto to all that.

Willie Fisterbottom
11-06-2015, 02:53 AM
I like the idea of personal scores simply because i like to challenge myself to improve my skill in fps games, regimental scores would also be cool but id like to see both. I think the way Verdun does it could help, you get points for your individual kills, but you also get bonus experience points if your squad is the best of the match, or the best attacking squad. I think that would help people play as a team even more.

11-06-2015, 11:28 AM
I like it the way it was in Red Orchestra 2. It only showed if you got the kill a while after you made your shot, it made it more exciting since you often couldn't be sure if you got the guy hiding in the bushes. This prevented you from having to much outside game knowledge so you couldn't just check the corner of the screen to know if the way forward was clear.

11-09-2015, 02:20 AM
Mark me down as another man in favour of Company kill counts rather than individual ones.

11-09-2015, 02:38 AM
I completely agree with Rithal. There should be a scoreboard, but only can be seen when match is over.

11-09-2015, 02:40 AM
Just make it like every other game and hold down tab to see the scoreboard.

It's not in your face and ruins your immersion, but it's there when you need it.

Willie Fisterbottom
11-09-2015, 02:45 AM
Just make it like every other game and hold down tab to see the scoreboard.

It's not in your face and ruins your immersion, but it's there when you need it.

totally agree

11-09-2015, 08:01 AM
Mark me down as another man in favour of Company kill counts rather than individual ones.

Could not agree more