View Full Version : After Kickstarter Plan

11-09-2015, 10:57 AM
You have stated that if the game does not gain all the required funds from kickstarter that would mean no more development and that is the end of the game, you have been working on the game for over three years it already looks to be in a very good position for gameplay and features.

I understand that what you guys have done up to this point has been achieved without much backing if any but it would be such a waste if the kickstarter did not succeed and you scrapped the whole project, you have gained the green light on steam and deserved to so why no make this your back up plan.

After kickstarter (if not successful) why not launch the game on early access as we all know there are people ready to buy and play it and over that course you will gain funding (although not as much i grant you) but it will keep your game alive and over time this will only expand, this will obviously take more time to gain a reasonable sum of funds but it still has its benifits.

1. Your game is available to buy
2. Publicity will grow with this
3. You will earn funds
4. Final release after early access would already have a large number of players.

I really hope you guys don't throw away such a unique game and have an alternative so this can become a huge hit.

All the best


11-09-2015, 12:21 PM
That's kinda been a matter that has crossed my mind as well. I mean I completely understand making cutbacks over financial matters, or for bad turns of events, but this game could be a huge milestone for the indie fps, and can also prove wrong to those who always said linear warfare in an fps wouldn't work.

Look at the game Verdun for example. When it began, like way way before it was greenit on Steam and became a developing early access, it was a free to play browser based game. And it was free with good reason; it was a huge mess of bugs, glitches, mishaps of design, and all around just awful looking for a game saying its WW1 based. Now after 5 years (or more) its one of the best WW1 based games on the market.

Im not saying WoR should do the same, just that there are more than one way to get a game off the ground. And this game does deserve to be noticed, and thats not an understatement either. I just really cant stand the thought of 3 years of work going into the trash bin.

11-09-2015, 12:50 PM
Well, here are reasons why NOT to cancell it even if KS fails:

1. Indiegogo (gives you money even if you don't make it but they take 9% which is nothing + it supports PayPal)
2. Amounts usually increase in the last day of KS (Atleat what I have heard)
3. They are on Greenlight which means Steam access
4. Even with still quite some money remaining on KS they opened new section for companies.
5. 3 years of work down the drain
6. Awesome communtiy

11-09-2015, 04:37 PM
You are missing one detail up there in Number 4.
Kickstarter will not charge any single cent from anyone's account IF the KS mark is not met. Meaning there is no money remaining from KS.

I am totally confident that the niche market needs a game like this. I might be slightly emotional when I say it but it is such a great proposition that is hard to understand the dismissive acceptance from the public in general.

I firmly believe the project will go on in the future in a different way IF Kickstarter fails. It is simply one of the many venues for funding.
There are more and no way someone whom loves his job will let work like this slip through the fingers.

11-09-2015, 04:42 PM
You are missing one detail up there in Number 4.
Kickstarter will not charge any single cent from anyone's account IF the KS mark is not met. Meaning there is no money remaining from KS.

I am totally confident that the niche market needs a game like this. I might be slightly emotional when I say it but it is such a great proposition that is hard to understand the dismissive acceptance from the public in general.

I firmly believe the project will go on in the future in a different way IF Kickstarter fails. It is simply one of the many venues for funding.
There are more and no way someone whom loves his job will let work like this slip through the fingers.

Yes, I believe that project will continue to get made even without KS.

11-09-2015, 04:46 PM
We need funding if we're to bring War of Rights to a playable state.

- Trusty

11-09-2015, 08:59 PM
Well, think about this boys. Even if the kickstarter fails, we still have gotten very close to the goal. This shows that people are definitely willing to give money to this team, and I don't see why they can't make a new kickstarter with a lower goal or even host their own campaign on the site instead of through a third party system. Not to mention kickstarter doesn't allow paypal pledges, and I have seen tons of people say they would pledge but they only have access through paypal.

11-10-2015, 08:57 AM
We need funding if we're to bring War of Rights to a playable state.

- Trusty

For all my trust in your team, for all my wishful thinking, for all the crowd funding, I do indeed understand what you say.

But standing on the unbiased picket line I can only but think that crowdfunding is always a bonus investment for further development and to show undecided big investors that there is a market. This is the part of the business model where I find most strangeness given the massive industry related to history, reenactment, gaming and ACW.

A lot of the latest KS successes, harebrained, warhorse, etc, are not a beacon of the KS miracle. Actually they already had the funding and the KS crowd only funded the extra development.

I really hope you can struck a deal with investors soon enough and then return back to crowd funding instead of dropping the ball.

11-10-2015, 02:19 PM
All I can say is that if the kickstarter dosn't go through, Id be full and willing to give over just as much money as I pledged if another solution was found, and it the financial goal was still the same. Hell, I even bet that it could be refunded in a matter of days if the money was directly submitted to the development team given how much support has already been mustered.

A. P. Hill
11-10-2015, 02:30 PM
I agree. The developers need to devise an alternate solution should Kickstarter miss. Setting up their own PayPal accounto receive funds would be the fastest least painful.

The fund I have pledged are their's.

Provide me with a way to get them into your hand.

Willie Fisterbottom
11-10-2015, 02:45 PM
For all my trust in your team, for all my wishful thinking, for all the crowd funding, I do indeed understand what you say.

But standing on the unbiased picket line I can only but think that crowdfunding is always a bonus investment for further development and to show undecided big investors that there is a market. This is the part of the business model where I find most strangeness given the massive industry related to history, reenactment, gaming and ACW.

A lot of the latest KS successes, harebrained, warhorse, etc, are not a beacon of the KS miracle. Actually they already had the funding and the KS crowd only funded the extra development.

I really hope you can struck a deal with investors soon enough and then return back to crowd funding instead of dropping the ball.

It's kind of sad to think that a game like this would only have a few thousand people interested, meanwhile counter strike has 500k people playing it every day

11-11-2015, 10:37 AM
You must understand that a game like this falls into the same category as a credible realistic air combat sim, a scourge of war wargame.
It is niche.

Maximus Decimus Meridius
11-11-2015, 10:57 AM
It's kind of sad to think that a game like this would only have a few thousand people interested, meanwhile counter strike has 500k people playing it every day

I dont think so.

1. This is a Idie game and most of the people dont have a interest in Indie games.
2. You said a few thousand. Do yoe look at the KS donaters? There is the 2nd problem. There are guys without a kreditcard ( i hope thats the right word) but want to donate. (like me) There should be an option to donate with paypal or if its possible with paysafecards.
3. That is definitively a new kind of fps game an is not comparable with actual games ( I dont know a game which is comparable (without NaS, NW etc) but I dont know all games ^^)

I think that everybody in this forum will be the "core- players" because they love this game. After release the number of player will increase because its finished and you have a full game (and not a EA game). What i mean, everybody will advertise this game to his friends and so the number will increase slowly.

I hope you understand me. sry for my bad English. :p

11-11-2015, 01:35 PM
Paysafecard is accepted.
Debit Cards are accepted.

Maximus Decimus Meridius
11-11-2015, 02:18 PM
i can only pay with credit card

A. P. Hill
11-11-2015, 03:08 PM
i can only pay with credit card

Kickstarter gladly accepts credit cards. ;)

Maximus Decimus Meridius
11-11-2015, 03:23 PM
i know but i want to pay with paypal or psc. thats the point ;)

11-11-2015, 04:04 PM
Well, as it stands now, it will pretty much be funded. We're almost at 64.000 and there are still three damn days to go!!! ;)
However I wish KS really had an option for PayPal, PaySafe or just normal transfer with a simple bank card, as I dont own a credit card ether ,but man I would have some money to throw at our dear devs!

Maximus Decimus Meridius
11-11-2015, 04:38 PM
However I wish KS really had an option for PayPal, PaySafe or just normal transfer with a simple bank card, as I dont own a credit card ether

thats i wanted to say :D

11-11-2015, 05:57 PM
Bank cards work, at least UK ones do.

11-12-2015, 12:38 PM
I've read where you folks would like to continue having funding options available even after the Kickstarter succeeds (Like Star Citizen, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, etc).

I'm VERY interested in this because I had to withdraw my pledge earlier this week at Captain. It's the one thing I dislike about Kickstarter/Indiegogo is that the money isn't gone until the 30 or so days is over. I pledge on day 4 but the Campaign ends in the middle of the month when I'm running low on cash and suddenly it's not monetarily feasible for me to back.

Come the first of December, if you'll take my money immediately, you can have it as I'd really like to pledge at the Captain level still.

11-15-2015, 02:41 AM
So... Bump! :)

11-15-2015, 03:49 AM
We just launched our continued crowdfunding campaign hosted on our own website at: http://warofrights.com/Crowdfunding

- Trusty

11-15-2015, 03:55 AM
We just launched our continued crowdfunding campaign hosted on our own website at: http://warofrights.com/Crowdfunding

- Trusty

AWESOME - thank you Trusty!