View Full Version : My proposal to all of War of Rights staff

04-05-2013, 11:26 PM
Due to the fact that the TeamSpeak at doesn't have any channels for your game or in anyway reflect it, I would like to propose that you use our TeamSpeak at, it has a licensed hosting provider licence which is like a business licence, so you can use it for profit and it is funded by me and clan donations, we can increase it from 50 slots that it is to 512 slots, I can give you admin, that grants you the right to create, delete, edit channels, set ranks and ban, kick, move people, including admins etc.

The things we need to mention is that we are a clan for all games and have a legion system, which is why we are called Legions of Games, we can name the legion whatever we want, but all our main games have it, you will be able to create, edit and delete the other games section and also the entire legion section. Not to mention that you will be able to get my members from my clan to join, some who already play or used to play Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars all the time, we may be smaller than other clans/regiments, but that can soon change with your help and recruitment from our other legion game's that are either yet to be released or the multiplayer is being added.

Keep in mind that we are mainly strategy based at the moment and this gives us a unique clan as strategy is rare, this gives us members that are not trolls, good admins and regular members, some of which have been coming on for 2 years straight for almost everyday, we also play FPS a lot, but not stuff like Battlefield 3 or COD, mainly games like yours and other games like Dota 2.

Keep in mind that we use https:// on our website, we have our own server hosting it, seperated TeamSpeak server to help prevent DDoS attacks and an excellent website and forum financially that has its costs affordable.

All we need in the clan is new logo's with the possibly of rank images being added (we have a good rank structure) and other ranks for the TeamSpeak that can been copyrighted to us so we can use it under a business licence.

At the moment we are not out to make a profit but this may change in the future if we gets tons of advertisement and decide to fund the clan through ads etc.

Our website is at https://legionsofgames.com, follow the links and you will find our forum, YouTube, facebook, Twitter and our Steam group at http://steamcommunity.com/groups/legionsofgames (keep in mind that I have not updated the Steam group as I can't due to being banned for advertising the clan over games we play and putting my personal/gamer details on the posts in the hubs for 14 weeks).

04-06-2013, 02:32 PM
Thanks for your offer. The thing is, we don't really need a teamspeak channel (least not us developers) but if you'd like to create one for the community that'd be great. :)

- Trusty

07-06-2013, 02:35 AM
I agree with Trusty! ;)
- Denniz