View Full Version : A few questions about sharpshooters

11-16-2015, 08:21 PM
I have a couple questions regarding the kits that sharpshooter regiments, and specifically the 1st and 2nd USSS, will have available to them.

Firstly:Colt Rifles The Berdans' signature M1859 Sharps Rifle was not issued to the brigade until May and June of '62, just in time for the Antietam campaign. It is not at all a stretch to consider that many men would have instead held onto the Colt revolving rifles that they had been issued at the start of the war and used in several major engagements. My question is this: Will players in the 1st and 2nd USSS be given a choice between the Sharps and the Colt rifle?

Secondly: Officer riflemen It is held as tradition, at least in my reenacting group, that as every member of the 1st and 2nd USSS was a deadly shot, that many officers were known to carry a rifle onto the field. Is this going to be an option for officers in the in-game representation of the Berdans? Similarly, I have also been informed that enlisted men and NCOs would carry a sidearm onto the field for additional defence, especially the heavy rifle teams. Will this be an option?

Thirdly: Officer's uniforms the Berdans' officers and NCOs would often wear uniforms devoid of their chevrons and shoulder bars, to avoid standing out (why would they wear rank, when they specifically targeted rank). Will there be an option for Sharpshooter officers to wear insignia-free uniforms?

Fourthly: Uniforms I fully expect that the uniforms of the 1st and 2nd USSS will be green, as I expect all unique regimental uniforms to be colored correctly. However, as seasoned researchers and reenactors may know, the Berdans had difficulty getting replacement uniform parts in the right color, and often had to settle for blue. (This is the same problem that dragoons and mounted rifles had in regards to the piping on their uniforms, but I digress.) Other sharpshooters ditched their green coats to blend in better with the line infantry and avoid making themselves targets. As can be seen in the memoirs of one Pvt Brigham Buswell (F Company, 1st United States Sharpshooters), some sections of the Berdans had switched to all blue by the battle of Gaines Mill, in June of '62. So my third question is this: Will players representing the 1st and 2nd USSS, as well as other units with unique uniforms, be allowed to mix and match uniform pieces out of the standard uniform?

I have many more questions, but this sums up the greatest of my concerns. Thank you to the devs or knowledgable community members for helping with my questions.

Also, I can provide sources for everything except the officers with rifles, which is, as I said, more of a tradition amongst my fellow D Company reenactors.

11-16-2015, 08:36 PM
Asks similar question in regards to the 42nd Penn but about the Spencer Rifle and types of hats

11-16-2015, 09:50 PM
I too am interested in what the kits of Sharpshooters will be like (specifically Confederate).

Maximus Decimus Meridius
11-17-2015, 08:45 AM
Very good questions.

Where are the answers? :D

11-17-2015, 08:50 AM
Thank you for your feedback and questions of course.
I have to say, that non of your questions can be answered yet. Cause we did not include any sharpshooters yet, we just have some basic ideas for the moment.

Sharpshooters should be different to the regular line infantry, in terms of gameplay as well as their appearance in the field. At the moment, we just have the Sharps Rifles ready for them.
We also want to add some uniform variations for them, for example a green frock coat + sky blue trousers with brown gaiters. A green or blue forage cap.. or a full green uniform if you like.
So the player will have the option to change his look as he like.

The other questions can't be answered, cause its to early for it. But we appreciate your suggestions and will use them for the future development :)

Maximus Decimus Meridius
11-17-2015, 08:54 AM
So every sharpeshooter can have a green uniform and not only the regiments which whore historically green? Like the 1. Usss

11-17-2015, 08:54 AM
The other questions can't be answered, cause its to early for it. But we appreciate your suggestions and will use them for the future development :)

*Inwardly cries about lack of answer*

The rest of it sounds really interesting. I can nae wait to see how you guys have chosen to handle sharpshooter in this.

David Dire
11-17-2015, 02:21 PM
...and not only the regiments which whore historically green? Like the 1. Usss
Didn't know they did that in their spare time.

All jokes aside, seems like it.

thomas aagaard
11-17-2015, 02:45 PM
Similarly, I have also been informed that enlisted men and NCOs would carry a sidearm onto the field for additional defence, especially the heavy rifle teams. Will this be an option?
Not something I remember reading about... but do make sense from a modern point of view. But since they where not employed by them self... would they need a sidearm?
(light artillery had small arms since they didn't need it)

Normally no sidearms was issued to infantry. (officers had to by their own weapons)

So was the specific soldiers issued with revolvers? Did they simply follow with the heavy targeting rifles? or?

11-17-2015, 06:00 PM
I'm curious about guerrilla units where they would send a small group to only harass or sabotage certain targets. (not sure about this part but I also believe they could have been assigned to attack commanders/ any high ranking officials to cause chaos within the ranks)

11-18-2015, 05:48 AM
I'm curious about guerrilla units where they would send a small group to only harass or sabotage certain targets. (not sure about this part but I also believe they could have been assigned to attack commanders/ any high ranking officials to cause chaos within the ranks)

Well i have no information/ knowledge about the specific killing of "high value targets", you may ask George about that, but please find some information about the "Guerrilla (like) Warfare" here http://www.civilwar.org/education/history/warfare-and-logistics/warfare/guerrilla-warfare-during-the.html

thomas aagaard
11-18-2015, 10:17 AM
Triton - What "guerrilla units" was involved in the Maryland campaign in 1862?

Maximus Decimus Meridius
11-18-2015, 10:20 AM
i think he means skirmishers and sharpshooters