View Full Version : 3rd Maine Infantry Regiment "Kennebec Regiment", Company D [NA]

11-24-2015, 02:23 AM


The Third Maine Regiment of Infantry was organized for active service May 28, 1861
and mustered into Union service at Augusta on June 4, 1861 with West Point graduate
Oliver Howard of Leeds as its Colonel. It was raised in the towns between the
Androscoggin and Kennebec river valleys as well as along the mid-coast. It went into
camp at Augusta on the State grounds fronting the capitol building. While in Augusta,
the 3rd Maine was under constant drill of Sergeant Burt, U.S.A., assisted by Mr. Frank
Pierce, who was a graduate of the Vermont Military School.
The 3rd Maine served with the Third Corps from March 1862 until March 1864 and with
the Second Corps from March 1864 until June 1864. The 3rd Maine was brigaded with
the 4th Maine (July 1861- March 1864), 38th N.Y. (August 1861-March 1864), 40th N.Y.
(August 1861-June 1864), 20th Ind. (December 1862-June 1864), 99th Pa. (December
1862-June 1864), 86th N.Y. (June 1863-June 1864), 124th N.Y. (June 1863-June 1864)
and with 110th & 141st Pa. (March 1864-June 1864). The Third Maine’s regimental
strength at various dates was as follows: June 1861, 1016; December 1861, 761;
November 1862, 462; June 1863, 210; and June 1864, 304.
In the spring of 1864, the regiment was transferred to Hancock’s Second Corps and
fought there until the battle of North Anna. After this battle, the regiment’s term of
service expired and it returned home to be mustered out on June 28, 1864. Just before
the battle of Cold Harbor on the 3rd of June 1864, the 64 men of the 3rd Maine who
reenlisted, and the 65 men who were replacement recruits, whose term of service had
not expired, were transferred to the 17th Maine. These men severed with the 17th
Maine in the 1st Brig. (De Trobriand’s), 3rd division, II Corps until it was mustered out
on June 4, 1865.
Of the 1,586 men who enrolled, 134 were killed, 149 died of disease, and 33 expired
in confederate prisons. Only about 175 men returned to Maine under the colors of the
old Third Maine regiment. Oliver Howard and Frank Haskell, received the Medal of
Honor for their contributions at the battle of Fair Oaks.
Battle Honors:
1ST BULL RUN (1861 July 21) GETTYSBURG (1863 July 1-3)
BAILEY’S CROSS ROAD (1861 August 27 & 28) WAPPING HEIGHTS (1863 July 23)
YORKTOWN (1862 April 5-May 4) AUBURN MILLS (1863 October 12)
WILLIAMSBURG (1862 May 5) KELLY’S FORD (1863 November 7)
FAIR OAKS (1862 May 31) ORANGE GROVE (1863 November 27 )
SEVEN PINES (1862 June 1) MINE RUN (1863 November 30)
WHITE OAK SWAMP (1862 June 25) WILDERNESS (1864 May 5-7)
2nd BULL RUN (1862 August 30) NORTH ANNA (1864 May 23-26)
CHANTILLY (1862 September 1) TOTOPOTOMOY (1864 May 28-31)
FREDERICKSBURG (1862 December 12-15) COLD HARBOR (1864 June 1-5)


Commissioned Officers
Captain (Capt) http://i.imgur.com/FddN2oC.png
First Lieutenant (1LT) http://i.imgur.com/lxWJam6.png
Second Lieutenant (2LT) http://i.imgur.com/k8f146S.png

Non-Commissioned Officers
Company (or Quartermaster) Sergeant (CSgt) http://i.imgur.com/rofgSP3.png
First Sergeant (1st_Sgt) http://i.imgur.com/bXh5XYQ.png
Sergeant (Sgt) http://i.imgur.com/EaiwbMW.png

Enlisted Men
Corporal (Cpl) http://i.imgur.com/UxgZCTN.png
Private (Pvt)

(Thanks to Bravescot for the icons!)

Want to enlist?
Send me a PM on this forum if you need to talk to me and I'll get you my information to talk with, or post here!


11-24-2015, 02:23 AM
Company D Roster
Commissioned Officers:

Second Lieutenant Tom

Non-Commissioned Officers:

Enlisted Men:

Private Bman
Private Tremaine
Private Mark Slater
Private PauCi
Private Astro Narwhal
Private Melnikov
Private Osy
Private Jetzal
Private Bear
Private Noob Stabber

Total Strength:

11 Soldiers
1 CO, 0 NCO's, 10 Enlisted Men

11-24-2015, 02:47 AM
Good Luck Guys!

11-24-2015, 06:53 PM
Steam Name (and link):http://steamcommunity.com/id/Prof_Oswald/
In Game Name: Osy
Experience in Clans and Regiments (if none, put N/A) Was part of [I-21] in M&B:W
Do you have teamspeak/Have you used teamspeak before?: Yus
Will you be a good citizen (not too much of a troll, will follow orders): Most if not all of the time...

11-24-2015, 06:54 PM
In terms of historically accurate ranks you might want to reconsider my good man.

Otherwise good luck!

11-24-2015, 07:27 PM
Good luck from the 63rdNY

11-24-2015, 10:48 PM
Steam Name (and link):http://steamcommunity.com/id/Prof_Oswald/
In Game Name: Osy
Experience in Clans and Regiments (if none, put N/A) Was part of [I-21] in M&B:W
Do you have teamspeak/Have you used teamspeak before?: Yus
Will you be a good citizen (not too much of a troll, will follow orders): Most if not all of the time...

You've been accepted. Say good-bye (for now) to your family and head out to the head quarters! PMd you with teamspeak information

11-24-2015, 11:20 PM
Good Luck!

11-25-2015, 12:15 AM
Good Luck for the 72nd Pennsylvania!

11-25-2015, 02:16 AM
Steam Name yogibear1237 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198216208156/
In Game Name: yogibear
Experience in Clans and Regiments yes [I-21] M&B:W
Do you have teamspeak/Have you used teamspeak before?: yes
Will you be a good citizen (not too much of a troll, will follow orders): yes

11-27-2015, 03:01 AM
Steam Name yogibear1237 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198216208156/
In Game Name: yogibear
Experience in Clans and Regiments yes [I-21] M&B:W
Do you have teamspeak/Have you used teamspeak before?: yes
Will you be a good citizen (not too much of a troll, will follow orders): yes

You were accepted a while ago, but as pointed out to me I've forgotten to reply to this thread and only PM'd you the details. You have been a good member thus far! Keep up the work.

06-09-2016, 03:52 AM
Updated the main thread so everything looks better, still working with the formatting on it.

06-11-2016, 08:53 PM
Looking Good