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  1. #19
    I don't get the kid gloves for people out of line. It happens, there's consequences-deal with it. Act like you don't want to freakin' die when you're alone and don't. Do stupid stuff, win stupid prizes. I'm all about players pushing the limits but you should have to earn success and have risks involved. It's not the end of the world if you have to spawn in the rear. Congrats, you're now representing a straggler. Return cautiously. We don't need people 35 yards away doing their own thing spawning on the colors and going right back off on their own. Imagine that skirmish line, guys 35 yards apart, where is that in the manual?

    Everyone wants to imagine consequences for their utterly shattered formations and think how awful it is, how about keeping a formation together in the first place? How about not going down to the last guy?

    Quote Originally Posted by Korvyr View Post

    My example field is 100% disconnected from the "formation" or "out of line" mechanic. It's a separate 35-50 yard (by radius) circle around each and every ally (or allied corpses that died less than a minute ago) that would negate the lone wolf penalty.

    The only time you're going to run into this penalty is if you're 35+ yards from any allies (or again, recently dead allies), and the only time that would be the case is if you are very much a lone wolf way on the sidelines completely doing your own thing without even a single other ally nearby.
    35 yards is a long distance in this game. That's from one side of Burnside Bridge to the other. Though I'm all about a radius rather than a proximity mechanic completely replacing the linear requirement. The linear formation would be the natural balance. TBH even the line feature was totally altered to a radius, I'm not entirely sure how the lines are determined other than what I saw on the forums a year ago. It does seem that a line is the natural requirement to get people spawning on the field in the wrong place, a gaggle of people would result in some people spawning in front.
    Last edited by Poorlaggedman; 10-23-2018 at 02:17 AM.
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