A dedicated team of admins, officers and community leaders from the major events of the European timezone:
United European Community
Historical Rules Event
Logo credit to Keane of 6th US Cavalry
Our goals and ideas
Most events are organized on the weekly basis, employing a constant rule set and providing a similar experience on each occasion. We intend the Reenactment Events to be a break in the routine, celebratory community gatherings, something regiments will look forward to throughout the year.
As such, our Events will be hosted on irregular basis, usually at the times of anniversaries of important battles of the Civil War, such as Gettysburg, Shiloh, Bull Run. Each of them will be a separate community project and although they will be built on the same skeleton-idea and principle guidelines, each will be distinctively different, depending on the specific rule set applied and battlefields that we will reconstruct with the assets provided in-game.
The "reenactment" should not be taken literary, as we are forced to use pre-existing maps at least until release of the Atlas map editor. The exact topographical circumstances of each battle will be respected as much as possible, however main focus will be the immersion and ambiance of the battles, in such a way that players reenacting the individual soldiers meet combat experience resembling as close as possible to what the combatants of given engagement would have gone through - this will be achieved thanks to pre-planned battle scripts, which will specify objectives, defensive lines and attack lanes of both teams, and generals, that is admins in charge of their teams and responsible for carrying out their orders. Moreover, emphasize shall be put on historical accuracy in terms of drill and tactics.
Full rule set of the events can be found here. Below excerpt from the rule set regarding the generic combat principles.
Formation and movement
- Infantry are obliged to remain in close formation at all times, unless playing as skirmishers (see points dedicated to skirmishing).
- Unless event-specific rules dictate otherwise, infantry is obliged to form double ranks at all times if numbering more than 10 men.
- When traversing greater distances infantry units may form a single or double file and march at double-quick; otherwise quick-time is encouraged.
- All units are highly encouraged to use period-correct drill and commands, and execute appropriate evolutions and maneuvers according to either Hardee’s or Casey’s Infantry manuals (alternatively Poinsett’s for cavalry). Units that play by so called “meta” with no respect towards the historical accuracy will be deemed unfit to the spirit of the event.
- If a unit takes casualties and falls below 6 men threshold it must fall back and regroup or attach itself to the closest friendly unit.
- Reinforcements coming from the main spawn may move out in groups of no less than 3 men.
- Unless event specific rules state otherwise, skirmishing is only allowed for the units specifically designated by the admins during the pre-event meeting.
- Units designated as skirmishers may develop the skirmish line on their own leisure, with intervals extended and the men crouching. If the unit is sizeable enough, it may detach only part of its line as skirmishers, with the rest remaining in close formation.
- The skirmishing party must number no less than 5 men and must fall back if charged or takes too many casualties.
- Skirmishers cannot engage in melee combat.
- Teamplay and coordination is expected from all participants.
- “Spawn camping” or otherwise shooting into the enemy spawning area, by infantry or artillery, is not allowed.
- “Ramboing” or any other one man operations are not allowed. If any man is found lost in the field he ought to run back to the closest friendly unit without engaging the enemy.
- Splitting the units in groups smaller than 10 is not allowed (skirmishing groups of minimum 5 are the only exception); units may send out scout parties of 2 men but they are not allowed to engage the enemy in any way and must fall back if fired upon.
- If a scout or a lost soldier runs into enemy formation by accident, he may be shot at, be allowed to run free and join his friendlies or taken prisoner for RP purposes.
- Units are allowed to use fences, rocks, fallen trees and stonewalls as cover and crouch behind them, but not to fire crouching unless specifically in skirmishing order.
- Unless event-specific guidelines say otherwise participants are not allowed:
7.1 to occupy buildings,
7.2 to climb up fences and rocks,
7.3 to pick around the buildings or rocks and take pot shots,
7.4 to take and fire with the enemy cannons.
Past projects:
- Gettysburg 159th - 1st-3rd July, 2022
- Fredericksburg 160th - 10th & 16th-17th December, 2022
- Isandlwana 144th - 22nd January, 2023
Current projects:
Organization & communication
Main communication channel for organizers and participants, as well as notice board for the on going development process of our current project is our official Discord server.
The Organization Team made up of chosen community leaders and admins will be in charge of preparations and execution of the events, however all participants who play a part in the organization will also have a voice in shaping the future projects.
Sign-ups for the events will be announced in advance and conducted via aforementioned Discord server.
See you on the battlefield!
Closing ceremony of the Gettysburg event, July 3rd 2022. Credit to Legatus of 24th Georgia