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Thread: Major FPS issues

  1. #1

    Question Major FPS issues

    Hello, just curious I currently run on a i7 8700k , 32 gb ram, the game runs a m.2 SSD and is fueled by a 2080ti. Now given this may be a issue related to my massive monitor and the resolution that comes with it.( I game on a odyssey G9 48 in gsync monitor) gsync helps a bit however running in native I have to push my settings to low just to scrape by with 35 fps. Anybody know some quick optimization tricks that may help. My monitor is also capable of pbp and pip , maybe downscaling the resolution may solve the issue but I'm kinda stumped, any tips?

  2. #2

    USA General of the Army

    A. P. Hill's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    In Maryland State Near to both Antietam and Gettysburg, Harper's Ferry et al.
    Have you tried playing in the Windowed version as opposed to full screen?

  3. #3
    Yes, experimented with both, as most have proved windowed mode seems to run the best compared to Fullscreen (which is a$$ backwards IMO lmao) Maybe its just CryEngine just blowing my rig's back out, no clue

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2022
    You can consider lowering your in-game resolution and adjusting specific graphics settings like Slope Game shadows and anti-aliasing. Use the NVIDIA Control Panel to set power management to Maximum Performance and disable unnecessary features like motion blur.

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