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Thread: What To Do As A Company/Battalion/etc. Leader To Deal With Trolls

  1. #1

    What To Do As A Company/Battalion/etc. Leader To Deal With Trolls

    Hello there,

    I wanted to post about the new rise of trolls as the game becomes more easy to obtain. Once beta was released you could tell that more toxic and abusive people started coming into the game. I was wondering what to do if someone goes around TKing your battalion. Like is there a way to report them or a way that will be made? Will there be a new system to deal with trolls? I know that once this game is able to be bought through steam for early access that more people will come and I'm assuming more toxic people.

    For example tonight someone by the name of Yorkshire_lad started killing my battalion members for no apparent reason. We killed him in return but is that really all we can do? Yes he was eventually auto kicked but what if he just comes back? That's what my point is, how should I deal with these toxic people so I can properly lead and run my battalion. Just to point out yes I am a captain but I'm currently taking over for the Major since he is getting his life situated.

    2nd Lt. Ogle
    1st Maine Cavalry Company G

  2. #2
    My advice would be to save their steam id in your own personal file in case you ever get a server. Unfortunately steam's 'player list' can be quite crap and not function correctly. If you can find someone's steamid profile then you can copy that link into a site like and generate their steamid. The game should really have commands for stuff like that. Any player should be able to capture another's steamid from console, not IP obviously. If there is a way to do it, I'm unaware.

    Then you should become knowledgeable at recording gameplay videos to record the abuse as proof, making sure to display their name and if possible proof tying that to a steamid. Then post that here I suppose. I've got tons of trolls recorded since I always record when playing. It's just a matter of motivation to take those big videos and crop to the troll part and then uploading it. I'm not even aware if anyone truly gets banned in this game yet so that isn't a very good reason. If I thought there was a chance of it getting anywhere then I'd be more aggressive.
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  3. #3
    You can't, you either teamkill them or they just get kicked and come back. There is basically no system or way to get rid of them now.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by McMuffin View Post
    You can't, you either teamkill them or they just get kicked and come back. There is basically no system or way to get rid of them now.
    There might need to be before it goes live through Steam.

    I’d suggest a simple vote/ban system like other games have. You need a system like that because it is quick and easy so it has minimal impact on all the other players.

    In PvP games you need tight mechanisms in place against griefing and trolls or else you run the risk of dedicated players giving up in frustration.
    Last edited by Quaker; 11-10-2018 at 05:52 AM.

  5. #5
    WoR-Dev TrustyJam's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    We’ll soon support auto temp bans for TK’ing.

    - Trusty

  6. #6

    CSA Captain

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Yorkshire_Lad is a pretty outspoken troll in the game right now.

    I like him.
    Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in!

  7. #7

    CSA Major

    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    The Proud South
    yea Yorkshire_Lad and Your Moms Boyfriend are probably the worst 2 at the moment they are constantly tking then getting kicked and then coming back and doing it again something needs to be done with them
    if they dont shot you they stab you this shit will just get worse if there is no recourse to them

    if you tk 3 time times you need to sit out 30m but what happens to them if them just constantly run around stabbing people there is no recourse for that is there

    just idiots

  8. #8
    The way Rainbow Six Siege handles toxic behavior, specifically teamkilling, is pretty good. I believe this is how it works:

    - First offense: Banned from Matchmaking for 30 minutes
    - Second offense: Banned from Matchmaking for 1 hour
    - Third offense: Banned from Matchmaking for 2 hours
    - Fourth offense: Banned from Matchmaking for 24 hours
    - Fifth offense: Banned from Matchmaking for 7 days

  9. #9

    CSA Major

    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    The Proud South
    that would work for the tks what to do about the constant stabbing one time then running away is the other problem

  10. #10
    Couldn't there also be a set of admins/mods for servers? Like people who administrate the servers making sure that trolls aren't ruining events. I mean they could do this for at least the large events. Or maybe even a simple vote kick system. There just has to be something more than having to TK trolls and auto kick that doesn't stop them from just coming back.

    2nd Lt. Ogle
    1st Maine Cavalry Company G

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